Started 1 yr 5 mo ago
Took 1 min 8 sec on

Success Build #624 (Jan 19, 2023 2:33:54 PM)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini
Build Artifacts
  1. update versions from 3.6.1 to 4.3.1 for SOL002 (detail)
  2. update SOL002VNFLifecycleManagement (detail)
  3. add and update common data types (detail)
  4. update api and sol versions for all APIs in SOL003 (detail)
  5. update VNFLCM API of SOL002 (detail)
  6. update data models in VNF LCM as per ed 4.3.1 (detail)
  7. update probableCause attribute in VNF Fault Mgmt API (detail)
  8. add new datatypes in VNFLCM API of SOL002 (detail)
  9. add and update attributes in VNF LC operating granting API in SOL003 (detail)
  10. add/update attributes in VNG Pkge Mgmt API in SOL003 (detail)
  11. fix Bugzilla issues (263, 264, 265 and 266) in SOL003 (detail)
  12. update SOL002 and SOL003 API version in README file (detail)
  13. add new datatypes in VNFLCM API (detail)
  14. update/add attributes in SOL003 VNF LCM (detail)
  15. update/add attributes for SOL002 VNF LCM API (detail)
  16. update/add attributes in SOL003 VNF LCM API (detail)
  17. update/add/remove attributes for SOL002 VNF LCM API (detail)
  18. update/add attributes in SOL003 VNF LCM API (detail)
  19. minor fixes in description tag (detail)
  20. add if-match and if-unmodified-since in SOL002 and SOL003 params (detail)
  21. add HTTP conditional requests for SOL002 (detail)
  22. add HTTP conditional requests in SOL003 APIs (detail)
  23. update ReourceHandle attribute referncing in SOL002 (detail)
  24. update descriptions of common datatype (detail)
  25. fix attribute naming in SOL002-VNF LCM API (detail)
  26. fix minItems attribute in SOL002SOL003 LCM def file (detail)
  27. fix description typo (detail)
  28. Remove and separate common SOL002 SOL003 LCM definitions (detail)
  29. Remove and separate common SOL002 SOL003 VNF Indicator API definitions (detail)
  30. Remove and separate common SOL002 SOL003 VNF Fault Mgmt API definitions (detail)
  31. Remove and separate common SOL002 SOL003 VNF Performance Mgmt API (detail)
  32. separate common definitions file for both SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  33. fix referencing in SOL003 APIs (detail)
  34. redefine few data models as per SOL specs (detail)
  35. removed mandatory Version HTTP header in ApiVersion operations to align (detail)
  36. resolve issues raised by Vlademir in SOL002 v4.3.1 (detail)
  37. resolve minor issues in SOL003 v4.3.1 (detail)
  38. resolve issues raised by Vlademir in SOL002 and SOL003 v4.3.1 (detail)
  39. add anyOf tag in InstantiateVnfRequest datatype in SOL002 (detail)
  40. resolve VnfExtCpConfig datatype issue in both SOL002 and SOL003 (detail)
  41. Update (detail)

Started by GitLab push by Giacomo Bernini

Revision: 340d43dcf1565f19e15de5401db64f52e9e056ca
  • origin/Release-4
  • origin/4.3.1-maintenance