{"openapi":"3.0.2","info":{"title":"SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Operation Granting interface","description":"SOL003 - VNF Lifecycle Operation Granting interface\n\nIMPORTANT: Please note that this file might be not aligned to the current\nversion of the ETSI Group Specification it refers to. In case of\ndiscrepancies the published ETSI Group Specification takes precedence.\n\nPlease report bugs to https://forge.etsi.org/rep/nfv/SOL002-SOL003/issues\n","contact":{"name":"NFV-SOL WG"},"license":{"name":"ETSI Forge copyright notice","url":"https://forge.etsi.org/etsi-forge-copyright-notice.txt"},"version":"1.7.0-impl:etsi.org:ETSI_NFV_OpenAPI:1"},"externalDocs":{"description":"ETSI GS NFV-SOL 003 V3.7.1","url":"https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-SOL/001_099/003/03.07.01_60/gs_NFV-SOL003v030701p.pdf"},"servers":[{"url":""},{"url":""}],"paths":{"/api_versions":{"parameters":[{"name":"Version","description":"Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.\n","in":"header","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"get":{"description":"The GET method reads API version information. This method shall follow the provisions specified in SOL013 table for request and response data structures, and response codes. URI query parameters are not supported.\n","responses":{"200":{"description":"API version information was read successfully. The response body shall contain API version information, as defined in clause 7.1.6.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"This type represents API version information.\n","type":"object","required":["uriPrefix","apiVersions"],"properties":{"uriPrefix":{"description":"Specifies the URI prefix for the API, in the following form {apiRoot}/{apiName}/{apiMajorVersion}/.\n","type":"string"},"apiVersions":{"description":"Version(s) supported for the API signaled by the uriPrefix attribute.\n","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","required":["version"],"properties":{"version":{"description":"Identifies a supported version. The value of the version attribute shall be a version identifier as specified in clause 9.1 (SOL013).\n","type":"string"},"isDeprecated":{"description":"If such information is available, this attribute indicates whether use of the version signaled by the version attribute is deprecated (true) or not (false).\nA deprecated version is still supported by the API producer but is recommended not to be used any longer. When a version is no longer supported, it does not appear in the response body.\n","type":"boolean"},"retirementDate":{"description":"Date-time stamp. Representation: String formatted according to IETF RFC 3339.\n","type":"string","format":"date-time"}}}}}}}}},"400":{"description":"400 BAD REQUEST\n400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the specific cause has to be proper specified in the \"ProblemDetails\" structure to be returned.\nIf the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the response to a GET request which queries a container resource would be so big that the performance of the API producer is adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf there is an application error related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\nThe use of this HTTP error response code described above is applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"401":{"description":"401 UNAUTHORIZED\nIf the request contains no access token even though one is required, or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"403":{"description":"403 FORBIDDEN\nIf the API consumer is not allowed to perform a particular request to a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided. It should include in the \"detail\" attribute information about the source of the problem, and may indicate how to solve it.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"404":{"description":"404 NOT FOUND\nIf the API producer did not find a current representation for the resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be provided, including in the \"detail\" attribute information about the source of the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.\nThis response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response code and a payload body with an empty array.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"406":{"description":"406 NOT ACCEPTABLE\nIf the \"Accept\" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"413":{"description":"413 PAYLOAD TOO LARGE\nIf the payload body of a request is larger than the amount of data the API producer is willing or able to process, it shall respond with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use of the \"Retry-After\" HTTP header and for closing the connection. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"414":{"description":"414 URI TOO LONG\nIf the request URI of a request is longer than the API producer is willing or able to process, it shall respond with this response code. This condition can e.g. be caused by passing long queries in the request URI of a GET request. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"416":{"description":"416 Range Not Satisfiable\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"422":{"description":"422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY\nIf the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g. because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nThis error response code is only applicable for methods that have a request body.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"429":{"description":"429 TOO MANY REQUESTS\nIf the API consumer has sent too many requests in a defined period of time and the API producer is able to detect that condition (\"rate limiting\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 6585 [17] for the use of the \"Retry-After\" HTTP header. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nThe period of time and allowed number of requests are configured within the API producer by means outside the scope of the present document.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"500":{"description":"500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR\nIf there is an application error not related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"503":{"description":"503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE\nIf the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use of the \"Retry-After\" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse the connection. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"504":{"description":"504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT\nIf the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should respond with this response code.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}},"post":{"description":"This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the API producer shall return a \"405 Method Not Allowed\" response as defined in SOL013 clause 6.4.\n","responses":{"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}},"put":{"description":"This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the API producer shall return a \"405 Method Not Allowed\" response as defined in SOL013 clause 6.4.\n","responses":{"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}},"patch":{"description":"This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the API producer shall return a \"405 Method Not Allowed\" response as defined in SOL013 clause 6.4.\n","responses":{"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}},"delete":{"description":"This method is not supported. When this method is requested on this resource, the API producer shall return a \"405 Method Not Allowed\" response as defined in SOL013 clause 6.4.\n","responses":{"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}}},"/grants":{"post":{"description":"The POST method requests a grant for a particular VNF lifecycle operation. See clause\n","parameters":[{"name":"Accept","description":"Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231.\n","in":"header","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}},{"name":"Authorization","description":"The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.\n","in":"header","required":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},{"name":"Version","description":"Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.\n","in":"header","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"requestBody":{"$ref":"#/components/requestBodies/GrantRequest"},"responses":{"201":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/Grants.Post.201"},"202":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/Grants.Post.202"},"400":{"description":"400 BAD REQUEST\n400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the specific cause has to be proper specified in the \"ProblemDetails\" structure to be returned.\nIf the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the response to a GET request which queries a container resource would be so big that the performance of the API producer is adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf there is an application error related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\nThe use of this HTTP error response code described above is applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"401":{"description":"401 UNAUTHORIZED\nIf the request contains no access token even though one is required, or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"403":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/Grants.Post.403"},"404":{"description":"404 NOT FOUND\nIf the API producer did not find a current representation for the resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be provided, including in the \"detail\" attribute information about the source of the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.\nThis response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response code and a payload body with an empty array.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"406":{"description":"406 NOT ACCEPTABLE\nIf the \"Accept\" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"422":{"description":"422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY\nIf the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g. because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nThis error response code is only applicable for methods that have a request body.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"500":{"description":"500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR\nIf there is an application error not related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"503":{"description":"503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE\nIf the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use of the \"Retry-After\" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse the connection. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"504":{"description":"504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT\nIf the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should respond with this response code.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}}},"/grants/{grantId}":{"parameters":[{"$ref":"#/components/parameters/GrantId"}],"get":{"description":"The GET method reads a grant. See clause\n","parameters":[{"name":"Accept","description":"Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231.\n","in":"header","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}},{"name":"Authorization","description":"The authorization token for the request. Reference: IETF RFC 7235.\n","in":"header","required":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},{"name":"Version","description":"Version of the API requested to use when responding to this request.\n","in":"header","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"responses":{"200":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/IndividualGrant.Get.200"},"202":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/IndividualGrant.Get.202"},"400":{"description":"400 BAD REQUEST\n400 code can be returned in the following specified cases, the specific cause has to be proper specified in the \"ProblemDetails\" structure to be returned.\nIf the request is malformed or syntactically incorrect (e.g. if the request URI contains incorrect query parameters or the payload body contains a syntactically incorrect data structure), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the response to a GET request which queries a container resource would be so big that the performance of the API producer is adversely affected, and the API producer does not support paging for the affected resource, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf there is an application error related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nIf the request contains a malformed access token, the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\nThe use of this HTTP error response code described above is applicable to the use of the OAuth 2.0 for the authorization of API requests and notifications, as defined in clauses and\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"401":{"description":"401 UNAUTHORIZED\nIf the request contains no access token even though one is required, or if the request contains an authorization token that is invalid (e.g. expired or revoked), the API producer should respond with this response. The details of the error shall be returned in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, as defined in IETF RFC 6750 and IETF RFC 7235. The ProblemDetails structure may be provided.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"403":{"$ref":"#/components/responses/IndividualGrant.Get.403"},"404":{"description":"404 NOT FOUND\nIf the API producer did not find a current representation for the resource addressed by the URI passed in the request or is not willing to disclose that one exists, it shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be provided, including in the \"detail\" attribute information about the source of the problem, e.g. a wrong resource URI variable.\nThis response code is not appropriate in case the resource addressed by the URI is a container resource which is designed to contain child resources, but does not contain any child resource at the time the request is received. For a GET request to an existing empty container resource, a typical response contains a 200 OK response code and a payload body with an empty array.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"405":{"description":"405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED\nIf a particular HTTP method is not supported for a particular resource, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"406":{"description":"406 NOT ACCEPTABLE\nIf the \"Accept\" HTTP header does not contain at least one name of a content type that is acceptable to the API producer, the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"422":{"description":"422 UNPROCESSABLE ENTITY\nIf the payload body of a request contains syntactically correct data (e.g. well-formed JSON) but the data cannot be processed (e.g. because it fails validation against a schema), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and should include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\nThis error response code is only applicable for methods that have a request body.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"500":{"description":"500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR\nIf there is an application error not related to the client's input that cannot be easily mapped to any other HTTP response code (\"catch all error\"), the API producer shall respond with this response code. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure shall be provided, and shall include in the \"detail\" attribute more information about the source of the problem.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"503":{"description":"503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE\nIf the API producer encounters an internal overload situation of itself or of a system it relies on, it should respond with this response code, following the provisions in IETF RFC 7231 for the use of the \"Retry-After\" HTTP header and for the alternative to refuse the connection. The \"ProblemDetails\" structure may be omitted.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"504":{"description":"504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT\nIf the API producer encounters a timeout while waiting for a response from an upstream server (i.e. a server that the API producer communicates with when fulfilling a request), it should respond with this response code.\n","headers":{"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response.","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the corresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":0}},"Version":{"description":"Version of the API used in the response.\n","schema":{"type":"string","maximum":1,"minimum":1}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}}}},"components":{"parameters":{"GrantId":{"name":"grantId","in":"path","description":"Identifier of the grant.\nThis identifier can be retrieved from the resource referenced by the\n\"Location\" HTTP header in the response to a POST request granting a\nnew VNF lifecycle operation. It can also be retrieved from the \"id\"\nattribute in the payload body of that response.\n","required":true,"style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}},"requestBodies":{"GrantRequest":{"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"This type represents a grant request. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tThe VNF LCM operations CreateVnfIdentifier, DeleteVnfIdentifier, QueryVnf and ModifyVnfInformation \n can be executed by the VNFM without requesting granting.\nNOTE 2:\tIf the granting request is for InstantiateVNF, either instantiationLevel or addResources shall be present. NOTE 3:\tThe NFVO will assume that the VNFM will be responsible to both allocate and release the temporary resource \n during the runtime of the LCM operation. This means, the resource can be allocated and consumed after the \n \"start\" notification for the LCM operation is sent by the VNFM, and the resource will be released before the \n \"result\" notification of the VNF LCM operation is sent by the VNFM.\nNOTE 4:\tFor the affinity/anti-affinity rules defined in the VNFD and the placement constraints in the GrantVnfLifecycleOperation \n as defined in this clause, the following applies: Assuming unlimited capacity, the combination of all the\n aforementioned rules shall be satisfiable by at least one possible placement of the new resources, with the\n exception that some of the rules with fallbackBestEffort may be unsatisfiable due to the actual placement of\n existing resources. In this case, rules with fallbackBestEffort are allowed to be violated only in relation\n to the placement of existing resources.\nNOTE 5:\tPassing constraints allows the VNFM or the lifecycle management scripts to influence resource placement decisions \n by the NFVO to ensure VNF properties such as performance or fault tolerance.\nNOTE 6:\tIf fallbackBestEffort is present and set to \"true\" in one or more placement constraints and, the NFVO\n cannot find a resource placement that satisfies all of these due to limited capacity, the NFVO shall process\n each such affinity/anti-affinity constraint in a best effort manner, in which case, if specified resources\n cannot be allocated based on the specified placement constraint, the NFVO shall look for an alternate best\n effort placement for the specified resources to be granted. In the best effort anti-affinity case, the\n resources are expected to be spread optimally over all available instances of scope (e.g. zones), and in\n the best effort affinity case, they are expected to be distributed optimally over as few instances of scope as\n possible. Being able to satisfy a \"best-effort\" constraint in a best effort manner only, as defined above,\n shall not lead to rejecting the grant.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfInstanceId","vnfLcmOpOccId","vnfdId","operation","isAutomaticInvocation","_links"],"properties":{"vnfInstanceId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfLcmOpOccId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"dstVnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"flavourId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"operation":{"description":"The enumeration GrantedLcmOperationType defines the permitted values to represent VNF lifecycle operation types in grant requests. Value | Description ------|------------ INSTANTIATE | Represents the \"Instantiate VNF\" LCM operation. SCALE | Represents the \"Scale VNF\" LCM operation. SCALE_TO_LEVEL | Represents the \"Scale VNF to Level\" LCM operation. CHANGE_FLAVOUR | Represents the \"Change VNF Flavour\" LCM operation. TERMINATE | Represents the \"Terminate VNF\" LCM operation. HEAL | Represents the \"Heal VNF\" LCM operation. OPERATE | Represents the \"Operate VNF\" LCM operation. CHANGE_EXT_CONN | Represents the \"Change external VNF connectivity\" LCM operation. CHANGE_VNFPKG | Represents the \"Change current VNF package\" LCM operation. CREATE_SNAPSHOT | Represents the \"Create VNF snapshot\" LCM operation. REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT | Represents the \"Revert to VNF snapshot\" LCM operation.\n","type":"string","enum":["INSTANTIATE","SCALE","SCALE_TO_LEVEL","CHANGE_FLAVOUR","TERMINATE","HEAL","OPERATE","CHANGE_EXT_CONN","CHANGE_VNFPKG","CREATE_SNAPSHOT","REVERT_TO_SNAPSHOT"]},"isAutomaticInvocation":{"description":"Set to true if this VNF LCM operation occurrence has been triggered by an automated procedure inside the VNFM (i.e. ScaleVnf / ScaleVnfToLevel triggered by auto-scale, or HealVnf triggered by auto-heal). Set to false otherwise.\n","type":"boolean"},"instantiationLevelId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"addResources":{"description":"List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be added by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource. See note 2.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource used by the VNF. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tThe use cases UC#4 and UC#5 in Annex A.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 provide examples\n for such a configuration.\nNOTE 2:\tIn the context of an operation that changes the current VNF package, the following applies: If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a resource to be created or modified, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall\n contain the identifier of the destination VNFD. If this ResourceDefinition is related to a resource\n to be deleted, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the identifier of the source VNFD. If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a temporary resource, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the\n identifier of either the source VNFD or the destination VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["id","type"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"Type of the resource definition referenced. Permitted values: * COMPUTE * VL * STORAGE * LINKPORT\n","type":"string","enum":["COMPUTE","VL","STORAGE","LINKPORT"]},"vduId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"secondaryResourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"resource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"snapshotResDef":{"description":"This type represents resource definition information related to a snapshot resource. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tIf present, the value of the \"vduId\" (for a related VDU) in the \"VnfcResourceInfo\" \n referred by the \"vnfcInfoId\" of the \"VnfcSnapshotInfo\" shall match the value of the \n \"vduId\" in the resource definition that is signalled in the granting request.\nNOTE 2:\tFor snapshot resource definitions extracted from a VNF snapshot package, only the \n \"vnfcSnapshotId\" and \"storageSnapshotId\" (in case of a storage type of resource) \n are applicable. If the snapshot resource definition is generated as part of a VNF \n snapshot created by the VNFM (that is, not extracted from a VNF snapshot package), \n the \"snapshotResource\" is applicable. This is a similar specification as the one \n defined with the \"vduId\", \"resourceTemplateId\" and \"resource\" attributes provided in \n the ResourceDefinition, but in this case applicable to resources that are defined from \n VNF snapshots instead of VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId"],"properties":{"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"snapshotResource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}},"tempResources":{"description":"List of resource definitions in the VNFD for resources to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource. See note 3.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource used by the VNF. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tThe use cases UC#4 and UC#5 in Annex A.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 provide examples\n for such a configuration.\nNOTE 2:\tIn the context of an operation that changes the current VNF package, the following applies: If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a resource to be created or modified, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall\n contain the identifier of the destination VNFD. If this ResourceDefinition is related to a resource\n to be deleted, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the identifier of the source VNFD. If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a temporary resource, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the\n identifier of either the source VNFD or the destination VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["id","type"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"Type of the resource definition referenced. Permitted values: * COMPUTE * VL * STORAGE * LINKPORT\n","type":"string","enum":["COMPUTE","VL","STORAGE","LINKPORT"]},"vduId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"secondaryResourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"resource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"snapshotResDef":{"description":"This type represents resource definition information related to a snapshot resource. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tIf present, the value of the \"vduId\" (for a related VDU) in the \"VnfcResourceInfo\" \n referred by the \"vnfcInfoId\" of the \"VnfcSnapshotInfo\" shall match the value of the \n \"vduId\" in the resource definition that is signalled in the granting request.\nNOTE 2:\tFor snapshot resource definitions extracted from a VNF snapshot package, only the \n \"vnfcSnapshotId\" and \"storageSnapshotId\" (in case of a storage type of resource) \n are applicable. If the snapshot resource definition is generated as part of a VNF \n snapshot created by the VNFM (that is, not extracted from a VNF snapshot package), \n the \"snapshotResource\" is applicable. This is a similar specification as the one \n defined with the \"vduId\", \"resourceTemplateId\" and \"resource\" attributes provided in \n the ResourceDefinition, but in this case applicable to resources that are defined from \n VNF snapshots instead of VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId"],"properties":{"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"snapshotResource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}},"removeResources":{"description":"Provides the definitions of resources to be removed by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource used by the VNF. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tThe use cases UC#4 and UC#5 in Annex A.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 provide examples\n for such a configuration.\nNOTE 2:\tIn the context of an operation that changes the current VNF package, the following applies: If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a resource to be created or modified, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall\n contain the identifier of the destination VNFD. If this ResourceDefinition is related to a resource\n to be deleted, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the identifier of the source VNFD. If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a temporary resource, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the\n identifier of either the source VNFD or the destination VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["id","type"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"Type of the resource definition referenced. Permitted values: * COMPUTE * VL * STORAGE * LINKPORT\n","type":"string","enum":["COMPUTE","VL","STORAGE","LINKPORT"]},"vduId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"secondaryResourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"resource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"snapshotResDef":{"description":"This type represents resource definition information related to a snapshot resource. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tIf present, the value of the \"vduId\" (for a related VDU) in the \"VnfcResourceInfo\" \n referred by the \"vnfcInfoId\" of the \"VnfcSnapshotInfo\" shall match the value of the \n \"vduId\" in the resource definition that is signalled in the granting request.\nNOTE 2:\tFor snapshot resource definitions extracted from a VNF snapshot package, only the \n \"vnfcSnapshotId\" and \"storageSnapshotId\" (in case of a storage type of resource) \n are applicable. If the snapshot resource definition is generated as part of a VNF \n snapshot created by the VNFM (that is, not extracted from a VNF snapshot package), \n the \"snapshotResource\" is applicable. This is a similar specification as the one \n defined with the \"vduId\", \"resourceTemplateId\" and \"resource\" attributes provided in \n the ResourceDefinition, but in this case applicable to resources that are defined from \n VNF snapshots instead of VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId"],"properties":{"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"snapshotResource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}},"updateResources":{"description":"Provides the definitions of resources to be modified by the LCM operation which is related to this grant request, with one entry per resource.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information of an existing or proposed resource used by the VNF. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tThe use cases UC#4 and UC#5 in Annex A.4 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 provide examples\n for such a configuration.\nNOTE 2:\tIn the context of an operation that changes the current VNF package, the following applies: If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a resource to be created or modified, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall\n contain the identifier of the destination VNFD. If this ResourceDefinition is related to a resource\n to be deleted, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the identifier of the source VNFD. If this\n ResourceDefinition is related to a temporary resource, the \"vnfdId\" attribute shall contain the\n identifier of either the source VNFD or the destination VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["id","type"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"Type of the resource definition referenced. Permitted values: * COMPUTE * VL * STORAGE * LINKPORT\n","type":"string","enum":["COMPUTE","VL","STORAGE","LINKPORT"]},"vduId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"secondaryResourceTemplateId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"resource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"snapshotResDef":{"description":"This type represents resource definition information related to a snapshot resource. It shall comply with the provisions defined in table\nNOTE 1:\tIf present, the value of the \"vduId\" (for a related VDU) in the \"VnfcResourceInfo\" \n referred by the \"vnfcInfoId\" of the \"VnfcSnapshotInfo\" shall match the value of the \n \"vduId\" in the resource definition that is signalled in the granting request.\nNOTE 2:\tFor snapshot resource definitions extracted from a VNF snapshot package, only the \n \"vnfcSnapshotId\" and \"storageSnapshotId\" (in case of a storage type of resource) \n are applicable. If the snapshot resource definition is generated as part of a VNF \n snapshot created by the VNFM (that is, not extracted from a VNF snapshot package), \n the \"snapshotResource\" is applicable. This is a similar specification as the one \n defined with the \"vduId\", \"resourceTemplateId\" and \"resource\" attributes provided in \n the ResourceDefinition, but in this case applicable to resources that are defined from \n VNF snapshots instead of VNFD.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId"],"properties":{"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"snapshotResource":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}},"placementConstraints":{"description":"Placement constraints that the VNFM may send to the NFVO in order to influence the resource placement decision. If sent, the NFVO shall take the constraints into consideration when making resource placement decisions and shall reject the grant if they cannot be honoured. See notes 4, 5 and 6.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a resource placement constraint. A set of such constraints may be sent by the VNFM to the NFVO to influence the resource placement decisions made by the NFVO as part of the granting process. A placement constraint defines a condition to the placement of new resources, considering other new resources as well as existing resources. EXAMPLE: The following rules influence the placement of a set of resources such that they are placed in the same Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure Point of Presence (NFVI-PoP) but in different resource zones: {type=\"AFFINITY\"; scope=\"NFVI_POP\"; {resource1,resource2}} {type=\"ANTI_AFFINITY\"; scope=\"ZONE\"; {resource1,resource2}}\n","type":"object","required":["affinityOrAntiAffinity","scope","resource"],"properties":{"affinityOrAntiAffinity":{"description":"The type of the constraint. Permitted values: * AFFINITY * ANTI_AFFINITY\n","type":"string","enum":["AFFINITY","ANTI_AFFINITY"]},"scope":{"description":"The scope of the placement constraint indicating the category of the \"place\" where the constraint applies. Permitted values: * NFVI_POP * ZONE * ZONE_GROUP * NFVI_NODE\n","type":"string","enum":["NFVI_POP","ZONE","ZONE_GROUP","NFVI_NODE"]},"resource":{"description":"References to resources in the constraint rule.\n","type":"array","minItems":2,"items":{"description":"This type references a resource either by its VIM-level identifier for existing resources, or by the identifier of a \"ResourceDefinition\" structure in the \"GrantRequest\" structure for new resources.\n","type":"object","required":["idType","resourceId"],"properties":{"idType":{"description":"The type of the identifier. Permitted values: * RES_MGMT: Resource-management-level identifier; this identifier is managed by the VIM in the direct mode of VNF-related resource\n management, and is managed by the NFVO in the indirect mode)\n* GRANT: Reference to the identifier of a \"ResourceDefinition\" structure in the \"GrantRequest\" structure.\n","type":"string","enum":["RES_MGMT","GRANT"]},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}},"fallbackBestEffort":{"description":"The Boolean is a data type having two values (true and false).\n","type":"boolean"}}}},"vimConstraints":{"description":"Used by the VNFM to require that multiple resources are managed through the same VIM connection. If sent, the NFVO shall take the constraints into consideration when making VIM selection decisions, and shall reject the grant if they cannot be honoured. This attribute shall be supported if VNF-related Resource Management in direct mode is applicable. The applicability and further details of this attribute for indirect mode are left for future specification.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a VIM selection constraint. A set of such constraints may be sent by the VNFM to the NFVO to influence the VIM selection decisions made by the NFVO as part of the granting process.\n","type":"object","required":["resource"],"properties":{"sameResourceGroup":{"description":"If present and set to true, this signals that the constraint applies not only to the same VIM connection, but also to the same infrastructure resource group.\n","type":"boolean"},"resource":{"description":"References to resources in the constraint rule. The NFVO shall ensure that all resources in this list are managed through the same VIM connection. If \"sameResourceGroup\" is set to true, the NFVO shall further ensure that all resources in this list are part of the same infrastructure resource group in that VIM connection.\n","type":"array","minItems":2,"items":{"description":"This type references a resource either by its VIM-level identifier for existing resources, or by the identifier of a \"ResourceDefinition\" structure in the \"GrantRequest\" structure for new resources.\n","type":"object","required":["idType","resourceId"],"properties":{"idType":{"description":"The type of the identifier. Permitted values: * RES_MGMT: Resource-management-level identifier; this identifier is managed by the VIM in the direct mode of VNF-related resource\n management, and is managed by the NFVO in the indirect mode)\n* GRANT: Reference to the identifier of a \"ResourceDefinition\" structure in the \"GrantRequest\" structure.\n","type":"string","enum":["RES_MGMT","GRANT"]},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}},"additionalParams":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"_links":{"description":"Links to resources related to this request.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfLcmOpOcc","vnfInstance"],"properties":{"vnfLcmOpOcc":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}},"vnfInstance":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}}},"required":true}},"responses":{"Grants.Post.201":{"description":"201 CREATED\n\nShall be returned when the grant has been created successfully (synchronous mode).\nA representation of the created \"Individual grant\" resource shall be returned in the response body.\nThe HTTP response shall include a \"Location\" HTTP header that indicates the URI of the \"Individual grant\"\nresource just created.\n","headers":{"Location":{"description":"The resource URI of the created subscription resource.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string","format":"url"}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"This type represents a grant.\nNOTE 1: This interface allows to signal the use of multiple VIMs per VNF. The specification\n for managing the VNF internal VL requirements across multiple VIMs is supported via\n \"externally-managed internal VLs\" and \"multi-site connectivity services\".\nNOTE 2: Void. NOTE 3: The Grant response allows the NFVO to pass to the VNFM VIM assets related to the VNF \n package that is identified in the corresponding Grant request. Because only the operations\n InstantiateVnf, ChangeCurrentVnfPkg and the update of the vnfdId by PATCH can imply changes\n in the set of VIM assets, the NFVO shall not change this set in any other case. To signal the\n set of VIM assets, the following applies:\n a)\tIf the current LCM operation is InstantiateVnf, the NFVO shall send in the Grant response\n the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related\n Grant request.\n b)\tIf the current LCM operation is ChangeCurrentVnfPkg, the NFVO shall send in the\n Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the destVnfdId\n in the related Grant request.\n c)\tFor any other operation: If the set of VIM assets has changed since the end of the previous\n granted operation because a PATCH operation has changed the vnfdId between the previous granted\n operation and the operation to which the current granting exchange relates, the NFVO shall send\n in the Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId\n in the related Grant request. Otherwise, the NFVO shall either send in the Grant response the full\n set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related Grant request, or\n shall not send any VIM assets at all.\n During each LCM operation occurrence other than a \"ChangeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation,\n the VIM assets that relate to the VNF package identified by the current value of\n the vnfdId attribute in the \"VnfInstance\" structure shall be used by the\n VNFM for newly created resources and updated resources.\nNOTE 4: The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been\n pre-configured for use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have\n certain properties such as security or acceleration features, or to address particular network\n topologies (e.g., multi-site connectivity). The present document assumes that externally-managed\n internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM and WIM.\nNOTE 5: For any VNF lifecycle management operation request that allows to pass \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or\n \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" parameters, such as InstantiateVnf, ChangeVnfFlavour, ChangeExtVnfConnectivity or\n ChangeCurrentVnfPackage, the NFVO may provide the \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attributes\n in the Grant to override the values passed in these parameters previously in the associated VNF lifecycle\n management request, if the lifecycle management request has originated from the NFVO itself. The NFVO shall\n not provide the \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attributes in the Grant in case the LCM\n request did not originate from the NFVO itself or the granted LCM operation request does not allow to pass\n these parameters.\nNOTE 6: The NFVO shall set the value of the attribute by copying the value from the associated \n GrantRequest.\nNOTE 7: In case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO and that \n did not contain the \"extVirtualLinks\" attribute, this attribute shall be set by the NFVO. \n Further in case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO \n and that did not contain the \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attribute, this attribute shall be \n set by the NFVO if there is the need to provide information about externally-managed virtual \n links.\nNOTE 8: The resulting \"extVirtualLinks\" or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" information is calculated as follows: \n In a first step, the information passed in the related LCM operation is applied to the baseline\n information known from earlier LCM operation executions. In a second step, the information passed\n in the Grant is applied to the information resulting from the first step.\n","type":"object","required":["id","vnfInstanceId","vnfLcmOpOccId","_links"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfInstanceId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfLcmOpOccId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionInfo":{"description":"Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources and provides parameters of these VIM connections.\nThe VNFM shall update the \"vimConnectionInfo\" attribute of the \"VnfInstance\" structure by adding unknown entries received in this attribute.\nThis attribute is not intended for the modification of VimConnectionInfo entries passed earlier; for that, the VnfInfoModificationRequest structure shall be used.\nThis attribute shall only be supported when VNF-related Resource Management in direct mode is applicable. In direct mode, this parameter shall be absent if the VIM information was configured to the VNFM in another way, present otherwise. See note 1.\n","type":"object","additionalProperties":{"description":"This type represents parameters to connect to a VIM for managing the resources of a VNF instance.\nThis structure is used to convey VIM-related parameters over the Or-Vnfm interface. Additional parameters for a VIM may be configured into the VNFM by means outside the scope of the present document and bound to the identifier of that VIM.\n* NOTE 1:\tIf applicable, this attribute also provides information about the resourceGroupIds\n that are accessible using a particular set of credentials. See definition of \"resourceGroupId\" \n in clause\n* NOTE 2:\tOnce the connectivity between VNFM and VIM is provided through a secure connection over HTTP \n Secure (HTTP over SSL/TLS), and the connection might also be established through a VPN \n (for example TLS-based VPN tunnelling) for site-to-site connection, the \"accessInfo\" JSON data \n structure, and the sensitive data related information (\"username\"/\"password\" as required properties \n for authentication purpose), will be transmitted as plain text through a TLS tunnel without additional \n encoding/encryption before transmitting it, making the sensitive data visible to the endpoint. The \n base64 encoded certificates are only used by the VNFM to verify the authenticity of the interface \n endpoint of the VIM.\n","type":"object","required":["vimType"],"properties":{"vimId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimType":{"description":"Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information. The value of this attribute determines the structure of the \"interfaceInfo\" and \"accessInfo\" attributes, based on the type of the VIM. The set of permitted values is expected to change over time as new types or versions of VIMs become available. The ETSI NFV registry of VIM-related information [i.3] provides access to information about VimConnectionInfo definitions for various VIM types. The structure of the registry is defined in annex C.\n","type":"string"},"interfaceInfo":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"accessInfo":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"extra":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"}}}},"zones":{"description":"Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the VNFM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a resource zone.\n","type":"object","required":["id","zoneId"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}},"zoneGroups":{"description":"Information about groups of resource zones that are related and that the NFVO has chosen to fulfil a zoneGroup constraint in the GrantVnfLifecycleOperation request. This information confirms that the NFVO has honoured the zoneGroup constraints that were passed as part of \"placementConstraints\" in the GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a resource zone group. A resource zone group is a group of one or more related resource zones which can be used in resource placement constraints. To fulfil such constraint, the NFVO may decide to place a resource into any zone that belongs to a particular group. NOTE: A resource zone group can be used to support overflow from one resource zone into another, in case a particular deployment supports only non-elastic resource zones.\n","type":"object","required":["zoneId"],"properties":{"zoneId":{"description":"References of identifiers of \"ZoneInfo\" structures, each of which provides information about a resource zone that belongs to this group.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"}}}}},"addResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be added, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be added and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be added in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"tempResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the lifecycle operation, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be temporarily instantiated and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be temporarily instantiated in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"removeResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be removed, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be removed and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be removed in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"updateResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be modified, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be updated and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be updated in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"vimAssets":{"description":"Information about assets for the VNF that are managed by the NFVO in the VIM, such as software images and virtualised compute resource flavours. See note 3.\n","type":"object","properties":{"computeResourceFlavours":{"description":"Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"If the VIM requires the use of virtual compute resource flavours during compute resource instantiation, it is assumed that such flavours are selected or created by the NFVO based on the information in the virtual compute descriptor defined in the VNFD. This type defines the mapping between a virtual compute descriptor in the VNFD and the corresponding compute resource flavour managed by the NFVO in the VIM.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfdVirtualComputeDescId","vimFlavourId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdVirtualComputeDescId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimFlavourId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"softwareImages":{"description":"Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and software images managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains a mapping between a software image definition the VNFD and the corresponding software image managed by the NFVO in the VIM which is needed during compute resource instantiation.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfdSoftwareImageId","vimSoftwareImageId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdSoftwareImageId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimSoftwareImageId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"snapshotResources":{"description":"Mappings between snapshot resources defined in the VNF snapshot package and resources managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains a mapping between a snapshot resource definition related to a VNF snapshot and the corresponding resource managed by the NFVO in the VIM which is needed during the revert to VNF snapshot operation.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId","vnfcSnapshotId","vimSnapshotResourceId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"Identifier of the virtual storage resource that has been snapshotted as referred in the VNFC snapshot information. Shall only be present if the snapshot resource in the VIM is a storage resource (as indicated by \"type=STORAGE\" in the parent resource definition). $ref: \"../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf\"\n"},"vimSnapshotResourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}},"extVirtualLinks":{"description":"Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to. See notes 5, 7 and 8. If this attribute is present according to note 5 or note 7, it need not contain those entries that are unchanged compared to the entries that were passed in the LCM operation which is related to this granting exchange.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an external VL.\n* NOTE 1:\tA link port is not needed for an external CP instance that exposes a VIP CP in the following cases:\n 1) For a VIP CP directly exposed as an extCP:\n 1.1) No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD.\n 1.2) A dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, but the NFVO indicates that no port is needed\n (createExtLinkPort in VnfExtCpConfig set to false).\n 2) For a VIP CP exposed as an extCP via a floating IP address:\n 2.1) No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD, and the VNFC CP\n associated to the VIP CP is also exposed via a floating IP address.\n","type":"object","required":["id","resourceId","extCps"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"extCps":{"description":"External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL. Entries in the list of external CP data that are unchanged need not be supplied if the ExtVirtualLinkData structure is part of a request or response that modifies the external connectivity.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents configuration information for external CPs created. * NOTE 1: \tIn case this identifier refers to a CPD with trunking enabled, the external CP instances created\n from this CPD will represent ports in a trunk.\n* NOTE 2: \tWithin one VNF instance, all VNFC instances created from a particular VDU have the same external\n connectivity. Thus, given a particular value of the \"cpdId\" attribute, there shall be one\n \"cpConfig\" entry for each VNFC instance that has been or can be created from a VDU which includes\n a CPD identified by the \"cpdId\" attribute. If the cpConfig represents a subport in a trunk,\n all \"cpConfig\" entries in this list shall have the same segmentationId, which means they are\n connected to the same set of external VLs via the trunk.\n* NOTE 3: \tThe map entry value shall be set to \"null\" in order to delete a \"VnfExtCpConfig\" entry identified\n by a particular key value from the map, i.e. for the disconnection of an existing external\n CP instance addressed by cpInstanceId in the deleted map entry from a particular external\n virtual link, and deletion of that instance in case it represents a subport. Deleting the\n last key from the map removes the affected instance of the \"VnfExtCpData\" structure from\n its parent data structure.\n* NOTE 4: If, as defined by the input parameters of a \"ChangeVnfFlavour\", \"ChangeExtVnfConnectivity\" or\n \"ChangeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation or as part of the Grant response for any of these operations, a cpConfig\n map entry identified by a particular map key value is moved into another \"ExtVirtualLinkData\" or\n \"VnfExtCpData\" structure, this particular cpConfig map entry may be used by an external CP instance\n different than the one that has used it before the operation, or by no external CP instance at all.\n Renaming a CPD identifier during the \"changeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation does not count as moving the related\n \"cpConfig\" map entries to a new \"extCpData\" structure.\n","type":"object","required":["cpdId"],"properties":{"cpdId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"cpConfig":{"description":"Map of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD. The key of the map which identifies the individual VnfExtCpConfig entries is of type \"IdentifierInVnf\" and is managed by the NFVO. The entries shall be applied by the VNFM according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). See notes 2, 3 and 4.\n","type":"object","additionalProperties":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port or network address information per instance of an external connection point. In case a link port is provided, the VNFM shall use that link port when connecting the external CP to the external VL. In case a link port is not provided, the VNFM shall create a link port on the external VL and use that link port to connect the external CP to the external VL.\n* NOTE: The following conditions apply to the attributes \"linkPortId\" and \"cpProtocolData\": 1) Void.\n 2) At least one of the \"linkPortId\" and \"cpProtocolData\" attributes shall be present for an external CP instance\n representing a subport that is to be created, or an external CP instance that is to be created by creating the\n corresponding VNFC or VNF instance during the current or a subsequent LCM operation, or for an existing\n external CP instance that is to be re-configured or added to a particular external virtual link.\n 3) If the \"linkPortId\" attribute is absent, the VNFM shall create a link port.\n 4) If the \"cpProtocolData\" attribute is absent, the \"linkPortId\" attribute shall be provided referencing a\n precreated link port, and the VNFM can use means outside the scope of the present document to obtain the\n pre-configured address information for the connection point from the resource representing the link port.\n 5) If both \"cpProtocolData\" and \"linkportId\" are provided, the NFVO shall ensure that the\n cpProtocolData can be used with the pre-created link port referenced by \"linkPortId\".\n","anyOf":[{"required":["linkPortId"]},{"required":["cpProtocolData"]},{"required":["netAttDefResourceId"]}],"type":"object","properties":{"parentCpConfigId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"linkPortId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"createExtLinkPort":{"description":"Indicates to the VNFM the need to create a dedicated link port for the external CP. If set to True, the VNFM shall create a link port. If set to False, the VNFM shall not create a link port. This attribute is only applicable for external CP instances without a floating IP address that expose a VIP CP instance for which a dedicated IP address is allocated. It shall be present in that case and shall be absent otherwise.\n","type":"boolean"},"cpProtocolData":{"description":"Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL. See note.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents network protocol data. * NOTE:\tThis attribute allows to signal the addition of further types of layer and protocol\n in future versions of the present document in a backwards-compatible way. In the current\n version of the present document, only IP over Ethernet is supported.\n","type":"object","required":["layerProtocol"],"properties":{"layerProtocol":{"description":"Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s). Permitted values: IP_OVER_ETHERNET. See note\n","type":"string","enum":["IP_OVER_ETHERNET","IP_FOR_VIRTUAL_CP"]},"ipOverEthernet":{"description":"This type represents network address data for IP over Ethernet. * NOTE 1:\tAt least one of \"macAddress\" or \"ipAddresses\" shall be present. * NOTE 2:\tExactly one of \"fixedAddresses\", \"numDynamicAddresses\" or \"ipAddressRange\" shall be present. * NOTE 3:\tIf the CP instance represents a subport in a trunk, segmentationId shall be present.\n Otherwise it shall not be present.\n* NOTE 4:\tDepending on the NFVI networking infrastructure, the segmentationId may indicate the actual\n network segment value (e.g. vlan Id, Vxlan segmentation id, etc.) used in the transport header\n of the packets or it may be an identifier used between the application and the NFVI networking\n infrastructure to identify the network sub-interface of the trunk port in question. In the latter\n case the NFVI infrastructure will map this local segmentationId to whatever segmentationId is\n actually used by the NFVI’s transport technology.\n","type":"object","anyOf":[{"required":["macAddress"]},{"required":["ipAddresses"]}],"oneOf":[{"required":["fixedAddresses"]},{"required":["numDynamicAddresses"]},{"required":["ipAddressRange"]}],"properties":{"macAddress":{"description":"A MAC address. Representation: string that consists of groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens or colons.\n","type":"string","format":"MAC"},"segmentationType":{"description":"Specifies the encapsulation type for the traffics coming in and out of the trunk subport. Permitted values: -\tVLAN: the subport uses VLAN as encapsulation type. -\tINHERIT: the subport gets its segmentation type from the network it’s connected to. This attribute may be present for CP instances that represent subports in a trunk and shall be absent otherwise. If this attribute is not present for a subport CP instance, default value VLAN shall be used.\n","type":"string","enum":["VLAN","INHERIT"]},"segmentationId":{"description":"Identification of the network segment to which the CP instance connects to. See note 3 and note 4.\n","type":"string"},"ipAddresses":{"description":"List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance. Each entry represents IP address data for fixed or dynamic IP address assignment per subnet. If this attribute is not present, no IP address shall be assigned. See note 1.\n","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","required":["type"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of the IP addresses. Permitted values: IPV4, IPV6.\n","type":"string","enum":["IPV4","IPV6"]},"fixedAddresses":{"description":"Fixed addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by \"subnetId\" if provided). See note 2.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"}},"numDynamicAddresses":{"description":"Number of dynamic addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by \"subnetId\" if provided). See note 2.\n","type":"integer"},"addressRange":{"description":"An IP address range to be used, e.g. in case of egress connections. In case this attribute is present, IP addresses from the range will be used. See note 2.\n","type":"object","required":["minAddress","maxAddress"],"properties":{"minAddress":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"},"maxAddress":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"}}},"subnetId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},"extLinkPorts":{"description":"Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL. If this attribute is not present, the VNFM shall create the link ports on the external VL unless the extCp exposes a VIP CP and a link port is not needed for it based on the conditions defined below. See note.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect an external connection point to an external VL. * NOTE:\tThe value of \"trunkResourceId\" is scoped by the value of \"vimConnectionId\" in the \"resourceHandle\" attribute.\n","type":"object","required":["id","resourceHandle"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceHandle":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"trunkResourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}},"extManagedVirtualLinks":{"description":"Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM. See notes 4, 5, 7 and 8.\n","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","required":["id","vnfVirtualLinkDescId","resourceId"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfVirtualLinkDescId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vnfLinkPort":{"description":"Externally provided link ports to be used to connect VNFC connection points to this externally-managed VL on this network resource. If this attribute is not present, the VNFM shall create the link ports on the externally-managed VL.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect a VNFC connection point to an exernally managed VL.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfLinkPortId","resourceHandle"],"properties":{"vnfLinkPortId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceHandle":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}},"extManagedMultisiteVirtualLinkId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}},"additionalParams":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"_links":{"description":"Links to resources related to this resource.\n","type":"object","required":["self","vnfLcmOpOcc","vnfInstance"],"properties":{"self":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}},"vnfLcmOpOcc":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}},"vnfInstance":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}}}},"Grants.Post.202":{"description":"202 ACCEPTED\n\nShall be returned when the request has been accepted for processing\nand it is expected to take some time to create the grant (asynchronous mode).\nThe response body shall be empty.\nThe HTTP response shall include a \"Location\" HTTP header that indicates the URI\nof the \"Individual grant\" resource that will be created once the granting decision has been made.\n","headers":{"Location":{"description":"The resource URI of the created subscription resource.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string","format":"url"}},"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}}},"Grants.Post.403":{"description":"403 FORBIDDEN\n\nShall be returned upon the following error: The grant\nhas been rejected.\nA ProblemDetails structure shall be included in the\nresponse to provide more details about the rejection\nin the \"details\" attribute.\n","headers":{"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}},"IndividualGrant.Get.200":{"description":"200 OK\n\nShall be returned when the grant has been read successfully.\nA representation of the \"Individual grant\" resource shall be returned in the response body.\n","headers":{"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"This type represents a grant.\nNOTE 1: This interface allows to signal the use of multiple VIMs per VNF. The specification\n for managing the VNF internal VL requirements across multiple VIMs is supported via\n \"externally-managed internal VLs\" and \"multi-site connectivity services\".\nNOTE 2: Void. NOTE 3: The Grant response allows the NFVO to pass to the VNFM VIM assets related to the VNF \n package that is identified in the corresponding Grant request. Because only the operations\n InstantiateVnf, ChangeCurrentVnfPkg and the update of the vnfdId by PATCH can imply changes\n in the set of VIM assets, the NFVO shall not change this set in any other case. To signal the\n set of VIM assets, the following applies:\n a)\tIf the current LCM operation is InstantiateVnf, the NFVO shall send in the Grant response\n the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related\n Grant request.\n b)\tIf the current LCM operation is ChangeCurrentVnfPkg, the NFVO shall send in the\n Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the destVnfdId\n in the related Grant request.\n c)\tFor any other operation: If the set of VIM assets has changed since the end of the previous\n granted operation because a PATCH operation has changed the vnfdId between the previous granted\n operation and the operation to which the current granting exchange relates, the NFVO shall send\n in the Grant response the full set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId\n in the related Grant request. Otherwise, the NFVO shall either send in the Grant response the full\n set of VIM assets related to the VNF package defined by the vnfdId in the related Grant request, or\n shall not send any VIM assets at all.\n During each LCM operation occurrence other than a \"ChangeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation,\n the VIM assets that relate to the VNF package identified by the current value of\n the vnfdId attribute in the \"VnfInstance\" structure shall be used by the\n VNFM for newly created resources and updated resources.\nNOTE 4: The indication of externally-managed internal VLs is needed in case networks have been\n pre-configured for use with certain VNFs, for instance to ensure that these networks have\n certain properties such as security or acceleration features, or to address particular network\n topologies (e.g., multi-site connectivity). The present document assumes that externally-managed\n internal VLs are managed by the NFVO and created towards the VIM and WIM.\nNOTE 5: For any VNF lifecycle management operation request that allows to pass \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or\n \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" parameters, such as InstantiateVnf, ChangeVnfFlavour, ChangeExtVnfConnectivity or\n ChangeCurrentVnfPackage, the NFVO may provide the \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attributes\n in the Grant to override the values passed in these parameters previously in the associated VNF lifecycle\n management request, if the lifecycle management request has originated from the NFVO itself. The NFVO shall\n not provide the \"extVirtualLinks\" and/or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attributes in the Grant in case the LCM\n request did not originate from the NFVO itself or the granted LCM operation request does not allow to pass\n these parameters.\nNOTE 6: The NFVO shall set the value of the attribute by copying the value from the associated \n GrantRequest.\nNOTE 7: In case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO and that \n did not contain the \"extVirtualLinks\" attribute, this attribute shall be set by the NFVO. \n Further in case of granting an InstantiateVnf request that has originated from the NFVO \n and that did not contain the \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" attribute, this attribute shall be \n set by the NFVO if there is the need to provide information about externally-managed virtual \n links.\nNOTE 8: The resulting \"extVirtualLinks\" or \"extManagedVirtualLinks\" information is calculated as follows: \n In a first step, the information passed in the related LCM operation is applied to the baseline\n information known from earlier LCM operation executions. In a second step, the information passed\n in the Grant is applied to the information resulting from the first step.\n","type":"object","required":["id","vnfInstanceId","vnfLcmOpOccId","_links"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfInstanceId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfLcmOpOccId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionInfo":{"description":"Provides information regarding VIM connections that are approved to be used by the VNFM to allocate resources and provides parameters of these VIM connections.\nThe VNFM shall update the \"vimConnectionInfo\" attribute of the \"VnfInstance\" structure by adding unknown entries received in this attribute.\nThis attribute is not intended for the modification of VimConnectionInfo entries passed earlier; for that, the VnfInfoModificationRequest structure shall be used.\nThis attribute shall only be supported when VNF-related Resource Management in direct mode is applicable. In direct mode, this parameter shall be absent if the VIM information was configured to the VNFM in another way, present otherwise. See note 1.\n","type":"object","additionalProperties":{"description":"This type represents parameters to connect to a VIM for managing the resources of a VNF instance.\nThis structure is used to convey VIM-related parameters over the Or-Vnfm interface. Additional parameters for a VIM may be configured into the VNFM by means outside the scope of the present document and bound to the identifier of that VIM.\n* NOTE 1:\tIf applicable, this attribute also provides information about the resourceGroupIds\n that are accessible using a particular set of credentials. See definition of \"resourceGroupId\" \n in clause\n* NOTE 2:\tOnce the connectivity between VNFM and VIM is provided through a secure connection over HTTP \n Secure (HTTP over SSL/TLS), and the connection might also be established through a VPN \n (for example TLS-based VPN tunnelling) for site-to-site connection, the \"accessInfo\" JSON data \n structure, and the sensitive data related information (\"username\"/\"password\" as required properties \n for authentication purpose), will be transmitted as plain text through a TLS tunnel without additional \n encoding/encryption before transmitting it, making the sensitive data visible to the endpoint. The \n base64 encoded certificates are only used by the VNFM to verify the authenticity of the interface \n endpoint of the VIM.\n","type":"object","required":["vimType"],"properties":{"vimId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimType":{"description":"Discriminator for the different types of the VIM information. The value of this attribute determines the structure of the \"interfaceInfo\" and \"accessInfo\" attributes, based on the type of the VIM. The set of permitted values is expected to change over time as new types or versions of VIMs become available. The ETSI NFV registry of VIM-related information [i.3] provides access to information about VimConnectionInfo definitions for various VIM types. The structure of the registry is defined in annex C.\n","type":"string"},"interfaceInfo":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"accessInfo":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"extra":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"}}}},"zones":{"description":"Identifies resource zones where the resources are approved to be allocated by the VNFM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a resource zone.\n","type":"object","required":["id","zoneId"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}},"zoneGroups":{"description":"Information about groups of resource zones that are related and that the NFVO has chosen to fulfil a zoneGroup constraint in the GrantVnfLifecycleOperation request. This information confirms that the NFVO has honoured the zoneGroup constraints that were passed as part of \"placementConstraints\" in the GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type provides information regarding a resource zone group. A resource zone group is a group of one or more related resource zones which can be used in resource placement constraints. To fulfil such constraint, the NFVO may decide to place a resource into any zone that belongs to a particular group. NOTE: A resource zone group can be used to support overflow from one resource zone into another, in case a particular deployment supports only non-elastic resource zones.\n","type":"object","required":["zoneId"],"properties":{"zoneId":{"description":"References of identifiers of \"ZoneInfo\" structures, each of which provides information about a resource zone that belongs to this group.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"}}}}},"addResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be added, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be added and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be added in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"tempResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be temporarily instantiated during the runtime of the lifecycle operation, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be temporarily instantiated and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be temporarily instantiated in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"removeResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be removed, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be removed and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be removed in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"updateResources":{"description":"List of resources that are approved to be modified, with one entry per resource. Shall be set when resources are approved to be updated and shall contain the same set of resources requested to be updated in the related GrantRequest.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains information about a Compute, storage or network resource whose addition/update/deletion was granted.\n","type":"object","required":["resourceDefinitionId"],"properties":{"resourceDefinitionId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"reservationId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"zoneId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"resourceGroupId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"vimAssets":{"description":"Information about assets for the VNF that are managed by the NFVO in the VIM, such as software images and virtualised compute resource flavours. See note 3.\n","type":"object","properties":{"computeResourceFlavours":{"description":"Mappings between virtual compute descriptors defined in the VNFD and compute resource flavours managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"If the VIM requires the use of virtual compute resource flavours during compute resource instantiation, it is assumed that such flavours are selected or created by the NFVO based on the information in the virtual compute descriptor defined in the VNFD. This type defines the mapping between a virtual compute descriptor in the VNFD and the corresponding compute resource flavour managed by the NFVO in the VIM.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfdVirtualComputeDescId","vimFlavourId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdVirtualComputeDescId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimFlavourId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"softwareImages":{"description":"Mappings between software images defined in the VNFD and software images managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains a mapping between a software image definition the VNFD and the corresponding software image managed by the NFVO in the VIM which is needed during compute resource instantiation.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfdSoftwareImageId","vimSoftwareImageId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfdSoftwareImageId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimSoftwareImageId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}},"snapshotResources":{"description":"Mappings between snapshot resources defined in the VNF snapshot package and resources managed in the VIM.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type contains a mapping between a snapshot resource definition related to a VNF snapshot and the corresponding resource managed by the NFVO in the VIM which is needed during the revert to VNF snapshot operation.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfSnapshotId","vnfcSnapshotId","vimSnapshotResourceId"],"properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfcSnapshotId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a limited local scope other than above listed identifiers, such as within a complex data structure or within a request-response pair. Representation: string of variable length.\n","type":"string"},"storageSnapshotId":{"description":"Identifier of the virtual storage resource that has been snapshotted as referred in the VNFC snapshot information. Shall only be present if the snapshot resource in the VIM is a storage resource (as indicated by \"type=STORAGE\" in the parent resource definition). $ref: \"../../General_Definitions/SOL003_def.yaml#/definitions/IdentifierInVnf\"\n"},"vimSnapshotResourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}},"extVirtualLinks":{"description":"Information about external VLs to connect the VNF to. See notes 5, 7 and 8. If this attribute is present according to note 5 or note 7, it need not contain those entries that are unchanged compared to the entries that were passed in the LCM operation which is related to this granting exchange.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an external VL.\n* NOTE 1:\tA link port is not needed for an external CP instance that exposes a VIP CP in the following cases:\n 1) For a VIP CP directly exposed as an extCP:\n 1.1) No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD.\n 1.2) A dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, but the NFVO indicates that no port is needed\n (createExtLinkPort in VnfExtCpConfig set to false).\n 2) For a VIP CP exposed as an extCP via a floating IP address:\n 2.1) No dedicated IP address is allocated as VIP address, as indicated in the VNFD, and the VNFC CP\n associated to the VIP CP is also exposed via a floating IP address.\n","type":"object","required":["id","resourceId","extCps"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"extCps":{"description":"External CPs of the VNF to be connected to this external VL. Entries in the list of external CP data that are unchanged need not be supplied if the ExtVirtualLinkData structure is part of a request or response that modifies the external connectivity.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents configuration information for external CPs created. * NOTE 1: \tIn case this identifier refers to a CPD with trunking enabled, the external CP instances created\n from this CPD will represent ports in a trunk.\n* NOTE 2: \tWithin one VNF instance, all VNFC instances created from a particular VDU have the same external\n connectivity. Thus, given a particular value of the \"cpdId\" attribute, there shall be one\n \"cpConfig\" entry for each VNFC instance that has been or can be created from a VDU which includes\n a CPD identified by the \"cpdId\" attribute. If the cpConfig represents a subport in a trunk,\n all \"cpConfig\" entries in this list shall have the same segmentationId, which means they are\n connected to the same set of external VLs via the trunk.\n* NOTE 3: \tThe map entry value shall be set to \"null\" in order to delete a \"VnfExtCpConfig\" entry identified\n by a particular key value from the map, i.e. for the disconnection of an existing external\n CP instance addressed by cpInstanceId in the deleted map entry from a particular external\n virtual link, and deletion of that instance in case it represents a subport. Deleting the\n last key from the map removes the affected instance of the \"VnfExtCpData\" structure from\n its parent data structure.\n* NOTE 4: If, as defined by the input parameters of a \"ChangeVnfFlavour\", \"ChangeExtVnfConnectivity\" or\n \"ChangeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation or as part of the Grant response for any of these operations, a cpConfig\n map entry identified by a particular map key value is moved into another \"ExtVirtualLinkData\" or\n \"VnfExtCpData\" structure, this particular cpConfig map entry may be used by an external CP instance\n different than the one that has used it before the operation, or by no external CP instance at all.\n Renaming a CPD identifier during the \"changeCurrentVnfPkg\" operation does not count as moving the related\n \"cpConfig\" map entries to a new \"extCpData\" structure.\n","type":"object","required":["cpdId"],"properties":{"cpdId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"cpConfig":{"description":"Map of instance data that need to be configured on the CP instances created from the respective CPD. The key of the map which identifies the individual VnfExtCpConfig entries is of type \"IdentifierInVnf\" and is managed by the NFVO. The entries shall be applied by the VNFM according to the rules of JSON Merge Patch (see IETF RFC 7396). See notes 2, 3 and 4.\n","type":"object","additionalProperties":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port or network address information per instance of an external connection point. In case a link port is provided, the VNFM shall use that link port when connecting the external CP to the external VL. In case a link port is not provided, the VNFM shall create a link port on the external VL and use that link port to connect the external CP to the external VL.\n* NOTE: The following conditions apply to the attributes \"linkPortId\" and \"cpProtocolData\": 1) Void.\n 2) At least one of the \"linkPortId\" and \"cpProtocolData\" attributes shall be present for an external CP instance\n representing a subport that is to be created, or an external CP instance that is to be created by creating the\n corresponding VNFC or VNF instance during the current or a subsequent LCM operation, or for an existing\n external CP instance that is to be re-configured or added to a particular external virtual link.\n 3) If the \"linkPortId\" attribute is absent, the VNFM shall create a link port.\n 4) If the \"cpProtocolData\" attribute is absent, the \"linkPortId\" attribute shall be provided referencing a\n precreated link port, and the VNFM can use means outside the scope of the present document to obtain the\n pre-configured address information for the connection point from the resource representing the link port.\n 5) If both \"cpProtocolData\" and \"linkportId\" are provided, the NFVO shall ensure that the\n cpProtocolData can be used with the pre-created link port referenced by \"linkPortId\".\n","anyOf":[{"required":["linkPortId"]},{"required":["cpProtocolData"]},{"required":["netAttDefResourceId"]}],"type":"object","properties":{"parentCpConfigId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique for the respective type within a VNF instance, but may not be globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"linkPortId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"createExtLinkPort":{"description":"Indicates to the VNFM the need to create a dedicated link port for the external CP. If set to True, the VNFM shall create a link port. If set to False, the VNFM shall not create a link port. This attribute is only applicable for external CP instances without a floating IP address that expose a VIP CP instance for which a dedicated IP address is allocated. It shall be present in that case and shall be absent otherwise.\n","type":"boolean"},"cpProtocolData":{"description":"Parameters for configuring the network protocols on the link port that connects the CP to a VL. See note.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents network protocol data. * NOTE:\tThis attribute allows to signal the addition of further types of layer and protocol\n in future versions of the present document in a backwards-compatible way. In the current\n version of the present document, only IP over Ethernet is supported.\n","type":"object","required":["layerProtocol"],"properties":{"layerProtocol":{"description":"Identifier of layer(s) and protocol(s). Permitted values: IP_OVER_ETHERNET. See note\n","type":"string","enum":["IP_OVER_ETHERNET","IP_FOR_VIRTUAL_CP"]},"ipOverEthernet":{"description":"This type represents network address data for IP over Ethernet. * NOTE 1:\tAt least one of \"macAddress\" or \"ipAddresses\" shall be present. * NOTE 2:\tExactly one of \"fixedAddresses\", \"numDynamicAddresses\" or \"ipAddressRange\" shall be present. * NOTE 3:\tIf the CP instance represents a subport in a trunk, segmentationId shall be present.\n Otherwise it shall not be present.\n* NOTE 4:\tDepending on the NFVI networking infrastructure, the segmentationId may indicate the actual\n network segment value (e.g. vlan Id, Vxlan segmentation id, etc.) used in the transport header\n of the packets or it may be an identifier used between the application and the NFVI networking\n infrastructure to identify the network sub-interface of the trunk port in question. In the latter\n case the NFVI infrastructure will map this local segmentationId to whatever segmentationId is\n actually used by the NFVI’s transport technology.\n","type":"object","anyOf":[{"required":["macAddress"]},{"required":["ipAddresses"]}],"oneOf":[{"required":["fixedAddresses"]},{"required":["numDynamicAddresses"]},{"required":["ipAddressRange"]}],"properties":{"macAddress":{"description":"A MAC address. Representation: string that consists of groups of two hexadecimal digits, separated by hyphens or colons.\n","type":"string","format":"MAC"},"segmentationType":{"description":"Specifies the encapsulation type for the traffics coming in and out of the trunk subport. Permitted values: -\tVLAN: the subport uses VLAN as encapsulation type. -\tINHERIT: the subport gets its segmentation type from the network it’s connected to. This attribute may be present for CP instances that represent subports in a trunk and shall be absent otherwise. If this attribute is not present for a subport CP instance, default value VLAN shall be used.\n","type":"string","enum":["VLAN","INHERIT"]},"segmentationId":{"description":"Identification of the network segment to which the CP instance connects to. See note 3 and note 4.\n","type":"string"},"ipAddresses":{"description":"List of IP addresses to assign to the CP instance. Each entry represents IP address data for fixed or dynamic IP address assignment per subnet. If this attribute is not present, no IP address shall be assigned. See note 1.\n","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","required":["type"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of the IP addresses. Permitted values: IPV4, IPV6.\n","type":"string","enum":["IPV4","IPV6"]},"fixedAddresses":{"description":"Fixed addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by \"subnetId\" if provided). See note 2.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"}},"numDynamicAddresses":{"description":"Number of dynamic addresses to assign (from the subnet defined by \"subnetId\" if provided). See note 2.\n","type":"integer"},"addressRange":{"description":"An IP address range to be used, e.g. in case of egress connections. In case this attribute is present, IP addresses from the range will be used. See note 2.\n","type":"object","required":["minAddress","maxAddress"],"properties":{"minAddress":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"},"maxAddress":{"description":"An IPV4 or IPV6 address. Representation: In case of an IPV4 address, string that consists of four decimal integers separated by dots, each integer ranging from 0 to 255. In case of an IPV6 address, string that consists of groups of zero to four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons.\n","type":"string","format":"IP"}}},"subnetId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}},"extLinkPorts":{"description":"Externally provided link ports to be used to connect external connection points to this external VL. If this attribute is not present, the VNFM shall create the link ports on the external VL unless the extCp exposes a VIP CP and a link port is not needed for it based on the conditions defined below. See note.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect an external connection point to an external VL. * NOTE:\tThe value of \"trunkResourceId\" is scoped by the value of \"vimConnectionId\" in the \"resourceHandle\" attribute.\n","type":"object","required":["id","resourceHandle"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceHandle":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}},"trunkResourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}},"extManagedVirtualLinks":{"description":"Information about internal VLs that are managed by other entities than the VNFM. See notes 4, 5, 7 and 8.\n","type":"array","items":{"type":"object","required":["id","vnfVirtualLinkDescId","resourceId"],"properties":{"id":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"vnfVirtualLinkDescId":{"description":"An identifier that is unique within a VNF descriptor.\n","type":"string"},"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vnfLinkPort":{"description":"Externally provided link ports to be used to connect VNFC connection points to this externally-managed VL on this network resource. If this attribute is not present, the VNFM shall create the link ports on the externally-managed VL.\n","type":"array","items":{"description":"This type represents an externally provided link port to be used to connect a VNFC connection point to an exernally managed VL.\n","type":"object","required":["vnfLinkPortId","resourceHandle"],"properties":{"vnfLinkPortId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceHandle":{"required":["resourceId"],"type":"object","description":"This type represents the information that allows addressing a virtualised resource that is used by a VNF instance. Information about the resource is available from the VIM.\n* NOTE: The value set of the \"vimLevelResourceType\" attribute is within the scope of the VIM or the resource provider and can be used as information that complements the ResourceHandle. This value set is different from \n the value set of the \"type\" attribute in the ResourceDefinition (refer to clause\n","properties":{"vimConnectionId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceProviderId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"},"resourceId":{"description":"An identifier maintained by the VIM or the CISM or other resource provider. It is expected to be unique within the VIM instance.\n","type":"string"},"vimLevelResourceType":{"description":"Type of the resource in the scope of the VIM or the resource provider. See note.\n","type":"string"}}}}}},"extManagedMultisiteVirtualLinkId":{"description":"An identifier with the intention of being globally unique.\n","type":"string"}}}},"additionalParams":{"description":"This type represents a list of key-value pairs. The order of the pairs in the list is not significant. In JSON, a set of keyvalue pairs is represented as an object. It shall comply with the provisions defined in clause 4 of IETF RFC 8259. In the following example, a list of key-value pairs with four keys (\"aString\", \"aNumber\", \"anArray\" and \"anObject\") is provided to illustrate that the values associated with different keys can be of different type.\n","type":"object"},"_links":{"description":"Links to resources related to this resource.\n","type":"object","required":["self","vnfLcmOpOcc","vnfInstance"],"properties":{"self":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}},"vnfLcmOpOcc":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}},"vnfInstance":{"description":"This type represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI.\n","type":"object","required":["href"],"properties":{"href":{"description":"String formatted according to IETF RFC 3986.\n","type":"string"}}}}}}}}}},"IndividualGrant.Get.202":{"description":"202 ACCEPTED\n\nShall be returned when the process of creating the grant is ongoing, no grant is available yet.\nThe response body shall be empty.\n","headers":{"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}}},"IndividualGrant.Get.403":{"description":"403 FORBIDDEN\n\nShall be returned upon the following error: The grant\nhas been rejected.\nA ProblemDetails structure shall be included in the\nresponse to provide more details about the rejection in\nthe \"details\" attribute.\n","headers":{"WWW-Authenticate":{"description":"Challenge if the corresponding HTTP request has not provided authorization, or error details if the\ncorresponding HTTP request has provided an invalid authorization token.\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Version":{"description":"The used API version.","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}},"Content-Type":{"description":"The MIME type of the body of the response. Reference: IETF RFC 7231\n","style":"simple","explode":false,"schema":{"type":"string"}}},"content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"description":"The definition of the general \"ProblemDetails\" data structure from IETF RFC 7807 is reproduced inthis structure. Compared to the general framework defined in IETF RFC 7807, the \"status\" and \"detail\" attributes are mandated to be included by the present document, to ensure that the response contains additional textual information about an error. IETF RFC 7807 foresees extensibility of the \"ProblemDetails\" type. It is possible that particular APIs in the present document, or particular implementations, define extensions to define additional attributes that provide more information about the error. The description column only provides some explanation of the meaning to Facilitate understanding of the design. For a full description, see IETF RFC 7807.\n","type":"object","required":["status","detail"],"properties":{"type":{"description":"A URI reference according to IETF RFC 3986 that identifies the problem type. It is encouraged that the URI provides human-readable documentation for the problem (e.g. using HTML) when dereferenced. When this member is not present, its value is assumed to be \"about:blank\".\n","type":"string","format":"URI"},"title":{"description":"A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. If type is given and other than \"about:blank\", this attribute shall also be provided. A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization (e.g., using proactive content negotiation; see [RFC7231], Section 3.4).\n","type":"string"},"status":{"description":"The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem. The HTTP status code ([RFC7231], Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"integer"},"detail":{"description":"A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.\n","type":"string"},"instance":{"description":"A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the problem. It may yield further information if dereferenced.\n","type":"string","format":"URI"}}}}}}}}}