Started by GitLab push by rameshnaraya Started by GitLab push by rameshnaraya Started by GitLab push by rameshnaraya Started by GitLab push by rameshnaraya Building remotely on (docker) in workspace /home/jenkins/workspace/NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation/sol005 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse remotes/origin/NFV-SOL005-Review^{commit} # timeout=10 > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev --contains 2770d6b7cf3ff93aacc365e59e2c750ecfcfc358 # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 2770d6b7cf3ff93aacc365e59e2c750ecfcfc358 (origin/NFV-SOL005-Review) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 2770d6b7cf3ff93aacc365e59e2c750ecfcfc358 Commit message: "Fixed SOL005 v2.4.1 Review issues." > git rev-list c2d197ef5c865fb6d5a3b271686d7f1545d03441 # timeout=10 [sol005] $ /bin/bash /tmp/ ./ line 7: proxy: command not found http_proxy is not set Proxy set to Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.31kB Step 1/24 : FROM alpine:3.6 ---> bb000f8b5177 Step 2/24 : RUN env ---> Using cache ---> 0b9506f5a430 Step 3/24 : RUN apk update ---> Using cache ---> 82c10e21832f Step 4/24 : RUN apk add bash ---> Using cache ---> feab63ba243b Step 5/24 : RUN apk add nodejs ---> Using cache ---> 3e65fb03f3d8 Step 6/24 : RUN apk add nodejs-npm ---> Using cache ---> 2ac39c199d99 Step 7/24 : RUN apk add asciidoctor ---> Using cache ---> 8923fa356e58 Step 8/24 : RUN apk add openjdk8 ---> Using cache ---> 3b0718f11cf3 Step 9/24 : RUN apk add ca-certificates wget && update-ca-certificates ---> Using cache ---> cf52555a2aee Step 10/24 : RUN apk add openssl ---> Using cache ---> 9d33c65bda60 Step 11/24 : RUN gem install rdoc --pre || gem install rdoc --pre ---> Using cache ---> 489ff54b97b2 Step 12/24 : RUN gem install asciidoctor-pdf-cjk ---> Using cache ---> 5a6cad8a4b87 Step 13/24 : RUN wget ---> Using cache ---> 9d511e7c5b5a Step 14/24 : RUN npm config set proxy $http_proxy ---> Using cache ---> 3a2359eb3685 Step 15/24 : RUN npm install -g swagger-tools@0.10.3 ---> Using cache ---> 9df177734a55 Step 16/24 : RUN npm install -g json-refs@3.0.2 ---> Using cache ---> 26c9b4d4eebe Step 17/24 : RUN npm install -g yamljs@0.3.0 ---> Using cache ---> 9278453e8376 Step 18/24 : ADD / ---> Using cache ---> c4e3fd9e1822 Step 19/24 : RUN chmod +x / ---> Using cache ---> 59e98086d5fa Step 20/24 : ADD swg2mrkup /bin/swg2mrkup ---> Using cache ---> 685fd92c15e7 Step 21/24 : RUN chmod +x /bin/swg2mrkup ---> Using cache ---> 7c14f867594b Step 22/24 : ADD oas2pdf /bin/oas2pdf ---> Using cache ---> e129ba6a4c71 Step 23/24 : RUN chmod +x /bin/oas2pdf ---> Using cache ---> 45c7e12d3682 Step 24/24 : ENTRYPOINT / ---> Using cache ---> e6c86b10d348 Successfully built e6c86b10d348 Successfully tagged openapivalidator:latest Mounting dir /home/jenkins/workspace/NFV - Network Functions Virtualisation/sol005 as /work mkdir: created directory '/var/www/html/api/nfv/sol005/39' Mounting dir /var/www/html/api/nfv/sol005/39 as /storage Using filter '' Entering dir /work/src -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSDManagement/NSDManagement.yaml (api: NSDManagement) (deliverable:SOL005) --- Merging file. --- Create PDF... --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml --- Validation done (0). '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.yaml' '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.json' '../build/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSDManagement-API.pdf' -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSFaultManagement/NSFaultManagement.yaml (api: NSFaultManagement) (deliverable:SOL005) --- Merging file. --- Create PDF... --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml --- Validation done (0). '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.yaml' '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.json' '../build/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSFaultManagement-API.pdf' -- Will validate: ./SOL005/VNFPackageManagement/VNFPackageManagement.yaml (api: VNFPackageManagement) (deliverable:SOL005) --- Merging file. --- Create PDF... --- Validating ../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml --- Validation done (0). '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.yaml' '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.json' '../build/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-VNFPackageManagement-API.pdf' -- Will validate: ./SOL005/NSLifecycleManagement/NSLifecycleManagement.yaml (api: NSLifecycleManagement) (deliverable:SOL005) --- Merging file. --- Create PDF... --- Validating ../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml --- Validation done (0). '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.yaml' '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.json' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.json' '../build/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.pdf' -> '/storage/SOL005-NSLifecycleManagement-API.pdf' -- Final validator returns 0. Archiving artifacts Finished: SUCCESS