Started 2 yr 7 mo ago
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Success Build #901 (Oct 25, 2021 7:12:29 AM)

Started by GitLab push by M. Rehan Abbasi
  1. update schema files (detail)
  2. update doc version to 3.5.1 and modify POST on PMJob resource (detail)
  3. create separate keywords robot file for NFVMANO PM API (detail)
  4. move individual PM job keywords to common NFVMANO PM keyword file (detail)
  5. implement PATCH method for individual PM job for PM API (detail)
  6. remove subscriptions and individual subscription resources from PM API (detail)
  7. implement error 422 scenario in thresholds resource in PM API (detail)
  8. add PATCH method to individual threshod in PM API (detail)
  9. add ThresholdModifications schema file for PM API (detail)
  10. modify notifications endpoint for PM API (detail)
  11. refactor apiVersion and reports resources keywords for PM API (detail)
  12. update json data models (detail)
  13. consolidate all variables in variables.txt file (detail)
  14. implement attribute-based filter keyword for GET method of thresholds (detail)
  15. remove reference to old variable files (detail)
  16. changed phrasing of a keyword for better comprehensibility (detail)
  17. update Content-Type header in PATCH requests or Individual PMJob and (detail)
  18. delete unused variables from variables.txt file (detail)

Started by GitLab push by M. Rehan Abbasi

Revision: 827adc77296558972fad1f8ae959202ed4bec268
  • origin/3.5.1-dev-SOL009-NFVMANO-PM