Started 2 yr 10 mo ago
Took 6 min 45 sec on

Success Build #626 (Jun 22, 2021 2:07:37 PM)

Started by GitLab push by bernini
Build Artifacts
Tests-SOL002-VeVnfm.docx62.71 KB view
Tests-SOL003-OrVnfm.docx100.02 KB view
Tests-SOL005-OsMaNfvo.docx101.48 KB view
Tests-SOL009-NFV-MANO-mgmt.docx60.08 KB view
Tests-SOL011-OrOr.docx28.53 KB view
Tests-SOL012-NFV-MANO-Policy-mgmt.docx31.20 KB view
  1. upd update NS wf (detail)
  2. updated SOL011 test ids (detail)
  3. fixed Test ID SOL009 (detail)
  4. upd notification tests SOL009/11/12 to align with v2.7.1 and v2.8.1 (detail)
  5. updated reference number to SOL009 (detail)
  6. updated reference number to SOL011 (detail)
  7. updated READMEs and added README for SOL011 and SOL012 (detail)
  8. Some fixes: - update robot2doc in docker image if updates available - (detail)
  9. Fix using environment variable (detail)
  10. Testing BRANCH_NAME environment variable (detail)
  11. Test env.BRANCH_NAME (detail)
  12. Test GIT_BRANCH (detail)
  13. Using GIT_BRANCH (detail)
  14. Checking git branch used in script (detail)
  15. Fix script (detail)
  16. Matching tag names (detail)
  17. Cleanup build folder before new files are generated (detail)

Started by GitLab push by bernini

Revision: 88c9c1c62b6e070f720792b431166dd67f6b619c
  • origin/testing-dev