Started 3 yr 3 mo ago
Took 4 min 17 sec on

Success Build #342 (Mar 10, 2021 10:37:08 AM)

Started by GitLab push by bernini
Build Artifacts
Tests-SOL002-VeVnfm.docx60.76 KB view
Tests-SOL003-OrVnfm.docx84.88 KB view
Tests-SOL005-OsMaNfvo.docx81.85 KB view
  1. Fix issue: #140 (detail)
  2. Fix issue: #136 (detail)
  3. fixed issue #135 for v2.7.1 (detail)
  4. Fix issue: #142 (detail)
  5. Fix issue #145 (detail)
  6. Fix issue: #140 (detail)
  7. Fix issue: #136 (detail)
  8. fixed issue #135 for v2.7.1 (detail)
  9. Fix issue: #142 (detail)
  10. Fix issue #145 (detail)
  11. fix issue #148 in v2.7.1 (detail)
  12. Fix issue #151 (detail)
  13. Fix issue #94 (detail)
  14. Fix issue #98 (detail)
  15. aligned filename in VNF Package Management (detail)
  16. fixed pnfd file usage (detail)
  17. updated NSD, VNFD, PNFD files and zip management (detail)
  18. fixed pnfd file usage (detail)
  19. fixed rest library use (detail)
  20. updated authorization header and token use in SOL005 v2.7.1 (detail)
  21. updated authorization header and token use in SOL002ù v2.7.1 (detail)
  22. updated authorization header and token use in SOL003 v2.7.1 (detail)
  23. fixed issue #154 on SOL005 subscriptions - v2.7.1 (detail)
  24. fixed issue #154 on SOL002 subscriptions - v2.7.1 (detail)
  25. fix (detail)
  26. fixed issue #154 on SOL003 subscriptions - v2.7.1 (detail)
  27. Tentative fix on issue #157 and fix on issue #158 (detail)
  28. Fix issue #155 (detail)
  29. fixed issue #156 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  30. Fix issue #158 (detail)
  31. Fix issue #159 (detail)
  32. fixed issue #161 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  33. missing update for #161 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  34. Fix issue #166 for 2.7.1 (detail)
  35. Fix issue #165 (detail)
  36. fixed issue#168 in v2.7.1 (detail)
  37. fixed issue #162 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  38. fixed issue #167 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  39. fixed mock server expectation in v2.7.1 (detail)
  40. fix issue #166 on v2.7.1 (detail)
  41. fixed exmples of VNFDs (detail)
  42. fix of issue #169 v2.7.1 (detail)
  43. upd (detail)
  44. tentative update of importing variables for descriptors (detail)
  45. update of importing variables for descriptors (detail)

Started by GitLab push by bernini

Revision: 374ddc131897649bebde883fe76e5897f3c0fafe
  • origin/2.7.1-dev