Started 3 yr 3 mo ago
Took 4 min 14 sec on

Success Build #271 (Feb 24, 2021 10:59:29 AM)

Started by GitLab push by bernini
Build Artifacts
Tests-SOL002-VeVnfm.docx59.97 KB view
Tests-SOL003-OrVnfm.docx82.74 KB view
Tests-SOL005-OsMaNfvo.docx76.75 KB view
  1. fixed issue #163 on v2.6.1 (detail)
  2. fixed issue #162 on v2.6.1 (detail)
  3. fixed issue #164 on v2.6.1 (detail)
  4. reverted bad fix of issue #164 on v2.6.1 (detail)
  5. update to fix for issue #156 for v2.6.1 (detail)
  6. update-bis to fix for issue #156 for v2.6.1 (detail)

Started by GitLab push by bernini

Revision: 0d96b3597825ef0279f69d8cd2275d01d7cbd0ef
  • origin/2.6.1-fix-plu