#include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cJSON.h" #define CA_LIST "ca.pem" #define KEYFILE "server.pem" #define PASSWORD "password" #define DHFILE "dh1024.pem" #define BUFSIZZ 20000 #define DISABLE_NAGLE 0 #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) do{ fprintf( stdout, __VA_ARGS__ ); } while( false ) #else #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) do{ } while ( false ) #endif char* handler_command = NULL; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Load parameters from "dh1024.pem" // ------------------------------------------------------------- void load_dh_params(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *file) { DH *ret=0; BIO *bio; if ((bio=BIO_new_file(file,"r")) == NULL) { printf ("[SERVER ERROR] Couldn't open DH file %s\n", file); exit(0); } ret = PEM_read_bio_DHparams(bio, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(bio); if(SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx,ret) < 0) { printf ("[SERVER ERROR] Couldn't set DH parameters\n"); exit(0); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Listen TCP socket // ------------------------------------------------------------- int tcp_listen(){ int sock; struct sockaddr_in sin; int val = 1; // Create socket, allocate memory and set sock options if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) { printf("[SERVER] Couldn't make socket"); exit(-1); } memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &val,sizeof(val)); /* if (DISABLE_NAGLE == 1) set_nagle(sock, 1); */ // Bind to socket if(bind(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin))<0) { printf ("[SERVER] Could not bind to port %d", sin.sin_port); } // Listen to socket listen(sock,5); // Return socket descriptor return(sock); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Check for SSL_write error (just write at this point) // -- TO DO: check behavior per slice // ------------------------------------------------------------- void check_SSL_write_error(SSL *ssl, int r, int request_len) { int errorCode = SSL_get_error(ssl, r); switch(errorCode) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: if(request_len != r) { printf("[SERVER ERROR] Incomplete write!"); exit(1); } break; default: { printf("[SERVER ERROR] SSL error %d", errorCode); exit(1); } } } cJSON* createErrorResponse (cJSON* recvData) { cJSON* root = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON* sliceArray = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(root, "slices"); cJSON* inputSlices = cJSON_GetObjectItem(recvData, "slices"); cJSON* inputSlice = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(inputSlice, inputSlices) { cJSON* outputSlice = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(outputSlice, "slice", cJSON_GetObjectItem(inputSlice, "slice")->valueint); cJSON_AddStringToObject(outputSlice, "data", "Error"); cJSON_AddItemToArray(sliceArray, outputSlice); } return root; } cJSON* call_response_handler(char* inputJsonFile, cJSON* recvData) { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Calling response handler with file %s\n", inputJsonFile); char commandBuf[256]; sprintf(commandBuf, "%s %s", handler_command, inputJsonFile); int bufLen = 0; char* response = COMMON_CallExternalProcess(commandBuf, &bufLen); DEBUG_PRINT ("[SERVER DEBUG] Received %lu bytes from handler\n", strlen(response)); cJSON* returnJson = cJSON_Parse(response); if (returnJson) return returnJson; printf ("[SERVER ERROR] Could not parse json from command handler %s - received { %s }\n", handler_command, response); return createErrorResponse(recvData); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Serve requests in browser-like mode // ------------------------------------------------------------- int send_response(SSL *ssl, int s, char *proto) { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Send_response() called\n"); SPP_SLICE *slice; SPP_CTX *ctx; char buf[BUFSIZZ]; int errorCode = SSL_ERROR_NONE; int expectedSlices = 0; int slicesSeen = 0; cJSON* recvData = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON* sliceDataArray = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(recvData, "slices"); while ( (errorCode == SSL_ERROR_NONE) && ( expectedSlices == 0 || expectedSlices > slicesSeen)) { if (expectedSlices == 0) { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Entering read loop for first time\n"); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Entering read loop, seen %d / %d slices\n", slicesSeen, expectedSlices); } DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Reading SPP record\n"); int r = SPP_read_record(ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ, &slice, &ctx); errorCode = SSL_get_error(ssl, r); if (errorCode != SSL_ERROR_NONE) { printf("[SERVER ERROR] SSL read error code %d\n", errorCode); break; } if (expectedSlices == 0) { expectedSlices = ssl->slices_len; DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Expecting %lu slices\n", ssl->slices_len); } DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Read %d bytes from slice %d (%s)\n", r, slice->slice_id, slice->purpose); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] { %s }\n", buf); // Print proxies for (int i = 0; i < ssl->proxies_len; i++) { DEBUG_PRINT(" [SERVER DEBUG] Proxy: %s\n", ssl->proxies[i]->address); } for (int i = 0; i < ssl->slices_len; i++) { DEBUG_PRINT(" [SERVER DEBUG] Slice with ID %d and purpose %s\n", ssl->slices[i]->slice_id, ssl->slices[i]->purpose); } slicesSeen++; cJSON* sliceData = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(sliceData, "slice", slice->slice_id); cJSON_AddStringToObject(sliceData, "slicePurpose", slice->purpose); cJSON_AddStringToObject(sliceData, "data", COMMON_MakeNullTerminatedCopy(buf, r)); cJSON_AddItemToArray(sliceDataArray, sliceData); } char* sliceDataString = cJSON_Print(recvData); printf("[SERVER] Received\n%s\n", sliceDataString); free(sliceDataString); char* filename = COMMON_WriteJSONFile(recvData, "Server"); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Data written to %s\n", filename); cJSON* responseData = call_response_handler(filename, recvData); char* responseDataStr = cJSON_Print(responseData); printf("[SERVER] Returning following data\n"); printf("%s\n", responseDataStr); cJSON* responseSlices = cJSON_GetObjectItem(responseData, "slices"); cJSON* outputSlice = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(outputSlice, responseSlices) { int sliceIndex = cJSON_GetObjectItem(outputSlice, "slice")->valueint; char* sliceData = cJSON_GetObjectItem(outputSlice, "data")->valuestring; DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Writing %lu bytes as record to slice %d\n", strlen(sliceData), sliceIndex); int r = SPP_write_record(ssl, sliceData, strlen(sliceData), SPP_get_slice_by_id(ssl, sliceIndex)); check_SSL_write_error(ssl, r, strlen(sliceData)); } free(filename); cJSON_Delete(recvData); cJSON_Delete(responseData); DEBUG_PRINT ("[SERVER DEBUG] Shutting down SSL\n"); int r = SSL_shutdown(ssl); if( !r ) { shutdown(s, 1); r = SSL_shutdown(ssl); } // Verify that shutdown was good switch(r){ case 1: break; // Success case 0: case -1: default: // Error printf ("[SERVER ERROR] Shutdown failed with code %d\n", r); exit(1); } // free SSL SSL_free(ssl); return 0; } // Main function int main(int argc, char **argv) { BIO *sbio; SSL *ssl; SSL_CTX *ctx; char* proto = "spp"; int sock, newsock; int pid; int status; if (argc == 1) { // If no handler is specified, simply echo the data received from the client handler_command = "cat"; } else { char tempBuf[1024]; memset(tempBuf, 0, 1024); int written = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { written += snprintf(tempBuf + written, 1024 - written, "%s ", argv[i]); } handler_command = strdup(tempBuf); } // Print out configuration DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Server starting\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Configuration:\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] KeyFile: %s\n", KEYFILE); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] DHFile: %s\n", DHFILE); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Proto: %s\n", proto); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Handler command { %s }\n", handler_command); // Build SSL context DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Initialising ctx\n"); status = COMMON_InitializeSSLCtx(&ctx, KEYFILE, PASSWORD, CA_LIST, ID_SERVER); DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Loading DH parameters\n"); load_dh_params(ctx, DHFILE); // Listen on socket DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Listening on TCP port %d\n", DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT); sock = tcp_listen(); int nConn = 0; bool report = true; while (1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Waiting on TCP accept...\n"); newsock = accept(sock, 0, 0); if (newsock < 0) { printf("[SERVER ERROR] Socket accept failed with code %d\n", newsock); exit(1); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Accepted new connection %d\n", sock); } // Keep track of number of connections nConn++; DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] %d connections\n", nConn); // Fork a new process signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { // In child process if (pid == -1) { printf ("[SERVER ERROR] Forking process for new connection failed"); exit(1); } DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] child process close old socket and operate on new one\n"); close(sock); sbio = BIO_new_socket(newsock, BIO_NOCLOSE); ssl = SSL_new(ctx); SSL_set_bio(ssl, sbio, sbio); // Wait on SSL Accept int sslAcceptResult = SSL_accept(ssl); X509* server_cert = SSL_get_certificate(ssl); printf ("[SERVER] Server certificate:\n"); COMMON_PrintCertificateDetails(server_cert); X509_free(server_cert); X509* client_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); printf ("[Server] Client certificate:\n"); COMMON_PrintCertificateDetails(client_cert); X509_free(client_cert); if (sslAcceptResult <= 0) { printf("[SERVER ERROR] SSL accept error\n"); exit(0); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] SPP accept OK\n"); } // Send a response back DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Sending response back\n"); send_response(ssl, newsock, proto); // Correctly end child process DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Ending child process\n"); shutdown(newsock, SHUT_RDWR); close(newsock); exit(0); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[SERVER DEBUG] Parent process closing new socket\n"); close(newsock); } } // Wait for forked process to complete wait(&status); // Clean context COMMON_DestroyCtx(ctx); // Correctly end parent process exit(0); }