Compare Revisions

The credentials to download the source code are:
 Username: svnusers
 Password: svnusers

Ignore whitespace Rev 551 → Rev 552

0,0 → 1,4417
* @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
* @version $Id$
* @desc This module provides the types used by the test component
* for SIP-IMS tests.
* This module is part of LibSipV2.
module LibSip_Steps //MRO
import from LibCommon_Sync all ;
import from LibCommon_VerdictControl all ;
import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
import from LibSip_Templates all;
import from LibSip_Interface all;
import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
group externalfunctions {
//Return random charstring
external function fx_rndStr() return charstring;
// Return the equivalent string in lower case
external function fx_putInLowercase(charstring par_string) return charstring;
external function fx_getIpAddr(charstring host_name) return charstring;
// External function to generate a digest response.
// References:
// * RFC 2617 HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access
// Authentication, and
// * RFC 1321 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
// See RFC 2617, chapter 5 Sample implementation, for example usage, as
// the signature of calculateDigestResponse is according to the example
// given in the RFC.
external function fx_calculateDigestResponse(
charstring nonce,
charstring cnonce,
charstring user,
charstring realm,
charstring passwd,
charstring alg,
charstring nonceCount,
charstring method,
charstring qop,
charstring URI,
charstring HEntity) return charstring;
group ParameterOperations {
* @desc function to generate a 32 bits random number as a charstring for tag field
* (used as e.g.: tag in from-header field, or branch parameter in via header)
* @return random value with at least 32 bits of randomness
function f_getRndTag() return charstring
var charstring tag_value;
//tag_value is initialized with a random value with at least 32 bits of randomness
// 4294967296 is a 32 bits integer
tag_value := fx_rndStr()&fx_rndStr();
* @desc Function to prepare credentials for request that has an empty
* entity body such as a REGISTER message.
* @param p_userprofile to get important parameters
* @return Credentials field
function f_calculatecCredentials_empty(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) return Credentials
var template Credentials v_result;
var charstring v_nonce := "";
// RFC 2617 3.2.2 username:
// The name of user in the specified realm.
var charstring v_username := p_userprofile.privUsername;
var charstring v_realm := p_userprofile.registrarDomain;
var charstring v_uri := c_sipScheme & ":" & p_userprofile.registrarDomain;
var charstring v_response := "";
// Construct credentials for an Authorization field of a request.
v_result :=
digestResponse :=
{ id := "username", paramValue := v_username },
{ id := "realm", paramValue := v_realm },
{ id := "uri", paramValue := v_uri },
{ id := "nonce=""""", paramValue := omit }, // already enclosed to " characters
{ id := "response=""""", paramValue := omit } // already enclosed to " characters
return valueof(v_result);
* @desc Function to calculate credentials for request that has an empty
* entity body such as a REGISTER message.
* @param p_userprofile to get important parameters
* @param p_method (can be "REGISTER", "INVITE",....)
* @param p_challenge parameter from 4xx response
* @return Credentials field
* @verdict
function f_calculatecCredentials(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, in charstring p_method,
in CommaParam_List p_challenge) return Credentials
var template Credentials v_result;
var charstring v_nonce := "";
// Use a fixed client nonce.
var charstring v_cnonce := "1317265";
// RFC 2617 3.2.2 username:
// The name of user in the specified realm.
var charstring v_username := p_userprofile.privUsername;
var charstring v_realm;
// RFC 2617 passwd:
// A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified
// username.
var charstring v_passwd := p_userprofile.passwd;
var charstring v_algorithm;
// Use a fixed nonce count.
const charstring c_nonceCount := "00000002";
var charstring v_qop := p_userprofile.qop;
var charstring v_uri := c_sipScheme & ":" & p_userprofile.registrarDomain;
// MD5 hash of empty entity body.
const charstring c_hEntity := "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
var charstring v_response;
var charstring v_opaque;
// extract nonce, realm, algorithm, and opaque from challenge
v_nonce := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "nonce");
v_realm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "realm");
v_algorithm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "algorithm");
v_opaque := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "opaque");
// calculate a digest response for the Authorize header
v_response := fx_calculateDigestResponse(
// Construct credentials for an Authorization field of a request.
v_result :=
digestResponse :=
{ id := "username", paramValue := v_username },
{ id := "realm", paramValue := v_realm },
{ id := "nonce", paramValue := v_nonce },
{ id := "uri", paramValue := v_uri },
{ id := "response", paramValue := v_response },
{ id := "algorithm=md5", paramValue := omit }, // algorithm is not enclosed to " characters
{ id := "cnonce", paramValue := v_cnonce },
{ id := "opaque", paramValue := v_opaque }, // already enclosed to " characters
{ id := "qop="&v_qop, paramValue := omit },//qop
{ id := "nc="&c_nonceCount, paramValue := omit }//nonceCount
return valueof(v_result);
* @desc Function to calculate credentials for request that has an empty
* entity body such as a REGISTER message. NO RESPONSE value to cause an error!
* @param p_userprofile to get important parameters
* @param p_method (can be "REGISTER", "INVITE",....)
* @param p_challenge parameter from 4xx response
* @return Credentials field
* @verdict
function f_calculatecCredentials_wo_response(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, in charstring p_method,
in CommaParam_List p_challenge) return Credentials
var Credentials v_result;
var charstring v_nonce := "";
// Use a fixed client nonce.
var charstring v_cnonce := "1317265";
// RFC 2617 3.2.2 username:
// The name of user in the specified realm.
var charstring v_username := p_userprofile.privUsername;
var charstring v_realm;
// RFC 2617 passwd:
// A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified
// username.
var charstring v_passwd := p_userprofile.passwd;
var charstring v_algorithm;
// Use a fixed nonce count.
const charstring c_nonceCount := "00000002";
var charstring v_qop := p_userprofile.qop;
var charstring v_uri := c_sipScheme & ":" & p_userprofile.registrarDomain;
// MD5 hash of empty entity body.
const charstring c_hEntity := "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
var charstring v_response;
var charstring v_opaque;
// extract nonce, realm, algorithm, and opaque from challenge
v_nonce := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "nonce");
v_realm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "realm");
v_algorithm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "algorithm");
v_opaque := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "opaque");
// calculate a digest response for the Authorize header
v_response := fx_calculateDigestResponse(
// Construct credentials for an Authorization field of a request.
v_result :=
digestResponse :=
{ id := "username", paramValue := v_username },
{ id := "realm", paramValue := v_realm },
{ id := "nonce", paramValue := v_nonce },
{ id := "uri", paramValue := v_uri },
// { id := "response", paramValue := v_response }, // not included to cause an error
{ id := "algorithm=md5", paramValue := omit }, // algorithm is not enclosed to " characters
{ id := "cnonce", paramValue := v_cnonce },
{ id := "opaque=""""", paramValue := omit }, // already enclosed to " characters
{ id := "qop="&v_qop, paramValue := omit },//qop
{ id := "nc="&c_nonceCount, paramValue := omit }//nonceCount
return v_result;
* @desc Function to calculate credentials for response 401 - WWW-Authorization
* @param p_qop of the peer UE (alternatively )
* @param p_authorization parameter from 1st REGISTER request
* @return Credentials field
* @verdict
function f_calculatecChallenge_forWWWAuthorizationBody(in charstring p_qop, in Authorization p_authorization) return Challenge
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
if (ischosen(p_authorization.body[0].digestResponse))
{v_challenge := p_authorization.body[0].digestResponse}
else {v_challenge := p_authorization.body[0].otherResponse.authParams};
return (f_calculatecChallenge_forWWWAuthorization(p_qop,v_challenge));
* @desc Function to calculate credentials for response 401 - WWW-Authorization
* @param p_qop of the peer UE (alternatively )
* @param p_challenge parameter from 1st REGISTER request
* @return Credentials field
* @verdict
function f_calculatecChallenge_forWWWAuthorization(in charstring p_qop, in CommaParam_List p_challenge) return Challenge
var Challenge v_result;
var charstring v_realm;
var charstring v_qop := p_qop;
v_realm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "realm");
// Construct credentials for an Authorization field of a request.
v_result :=
digestCln :=
{ id := "realm", paramValue := v_realm },
{ id := "nonce", paramValue := "0edff6c521cc3f407f2d9e01cf6ed82b"},
{ id := "algorithm", paramValue := c_algorithm }, // algorithm is not enclosed with " characters
{ id := "ck", paramValue := "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff" },
{ id := "ik", paramValue := "ffeeddccbbaa99887766554433221100" }, // already enclosed to " characters
{ id := "qop="""&v_qop&"""", paramValue := omit }//qop
return v_result;
* @desc Function to calculate credentials for request that has an empty
* entity body such as a REGISTER message and at the end put different private name
* @param p_userprofile to get important parameters
* @param p_method (can be "REGISTER", "INVITE",....)
* @param p_challenge parameter from 4xx response
* @return Credentials field
* @verdict
function f_calculatecCredentialsAndChangeUserName(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, in charstring p_method,
in CommaParam_List p_challenge) return Credentials
var Credentials v_result;
var charstring v_nonce := "";
// Use a fixed client nonce.
var charstring v_cnonce := "1317265";
// RFC 2617 3.2.2 username:
// The name of user in the specified realm.
var charstring v_username := p_userprofile.privUsername;
var charstring v_realm;
// RFC 2617 passwd:
// A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified
// username.
var charstring v_passwd := p_userprofile.passwd;
var charstring v_algorithm;
// Use a fixed nonce count.
const charstring c_nonceCount := "00000002";
var charstring v_qop := p_userprofile.qop;
var charstring v_uri := c_sipScheme & ":" & p_userprofile.registrarDomain;
// MD5 hash of empty entity body.
const charstring c_hEntity := "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e";
var charstring v_response;
var charstring v_opaque;
// extract nonce, realm, algorithm, and opaque from challenge
v_nonce := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "nonce");
v_realm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "realm");
v_algorithm := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "algorithm");
v_opaque := f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(p_challenge, "opaque");
// calculate a digest response for the Authorize header
v_response := fx_calculateDigestResponse(
// Construct credentials for an Authorization field of a request.
v_result :=
digestResponse :=
{ id := "username", paramValue := "DifferentToPrivateUser"},
{ id := "realm", paramValue := v_realm },
{ id := "nonce", paramValue := v_nonce },
{ id := "uri", paramValue := v_uri },
{ id := "response", paramValue := v_response },
{ id := "algorithm=md5", paramValue := omit }, // algorithm is not enclosed to " characters
{ id := "cnonce", paramValue := v_cnonce },
{ id := "opaque=""""", paramValue := omit }, // already enclosed to " characters
{ id := "qop="&v_qop, paramValue := omit },//qop
{ id := "nc="&c_nonceCount, paramValue := omit }//nonceCount
return v_result;
* @desc Function to check if param related to id from CommanParam_List exist
* containing challenge.
* @param p_challenge parameter from 4xx response
* @param p_id name of parameter("nonce", "realm", "ck", "ik"...)
* @return parameter p_id value
function f_checkParamValueFromChallengeIfPresent(in CommaParam_List p_challenge, in charstring p_id) return boolean
var boolean v_result := false;
var integer v_len := sizeof(p_challenge);
var charstring v_id := fx_putInLowercase(p_id);
for (var integer i := 0; i < v_len; i := i + 1)
if (fx_putInLowercase(p_challenge[i].id) == v_id)
v_result := true;
return v_result;
* @desc Function to check if tag is present in SemicolonParam_List
* @param p_param_l SemicolonParam_List
* @return boolean true if tag is present
function f_checkTagPresent(SemicolonParam_List p_param_l) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
var integer v_numberOfParams;
var integer i := 0;
v_numberOfParams := sizeof (p_param_l);
while (i < v_numberOfParams) {
if (fx_putInLowercase(p_param_l[i].id) == c_tagId) {
return (true);
i := i + 1;
return (false);
* @desc Function to extract paramValue related to id from CommanParam_List
* containing challenge.
* @param p_challenge parameter from 4xx response
* @param p_id name of parameter("nonce", "realm",...)
* @return parameter p_id value
function f_extractParamValueFromChallenge(in CommaParam_List p_challenge, in charstring p_id) return charstring
var charstring v_result := "";
var integer v_len := sizeof(p_challenge);
var charstring v_id := fx_putInLowercase(p_id);
for (var integer i := 0; i < v_len; i := i + 1)
if (fx_putInLowercase(p_challenge[i].id) == v_id)
v_result := p_challenge[i].paramValue;
if (v_result == "")
v_result := "MD5"
else if(match(p_id,"opaque"))
v_result := ""
var charstring v_tmpchar := "Cannot acquire value from credentials.";
log ("Cannot acquire value from credentials.");
return v_result;
}//end group ParameterOperations
group FieldOperations {
* @desc function adds "Tag"-parameter in "To"-headerfield
* @param p_to To header field that should get a Tag parameter
function f_addTagInTo(inout To p_to) runs on SipComponent
f_addParameterTagIfNotPresent(c_tagId, f_getRndTag(), p_to);
* @desc addition of a single parameter in the via header field
* @param p_parameter_name name of parameter to be added
* @param p_parameter_value value of parameter to be added
* @param p_viaBody the via parameter to be extended
* @verdict
function f_addParameterIfNotPresent(
in charstring p_parameter_name,
in charstring p_parameter_value,
inout ViaBody p_viaBody)
if (ispresent (p_viaBody.viaParams)) {
p_viaBody.viaParams := {
* @desc function to addd a parameter to the "To" header field (if there is not any parameter)
* @param p_parameter_name name of the parameter to be added
* @param p_parameter_value value of the paramter to be added
* @param p_to "To" header field to be extended
* @verdict
function f_addParameterTagIfNotPresent(
in charstring p_parameter_name,
in charstring p_parameter_value,
inout To p_to)
if (ispresent (p_to.toParams)) {
p_to.toParams := {
* @desc function compares the IP address of two hosts
* @param p_host1 hostname
* @param p_host2 hostname
* @return boolean value that is true if the IP addresses are identical
* @verdict
function f_equivalentHostAddr(in charstring p_host1, in charstring p_host2) return boolean
//A DNS server may be used
return(fx_getIpAddr(p_host1) == fx_getIpAddr(p_host2));
* @desc function checks if Require contains Precondition
* @param p_message (request or response) SIP message to be analysed
* @return true if p_id parameter exist
function f_checkRequirePrecondition(in Request p_message)
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.require))
var boolean v_precondition_found:=false;
for (var integer v_i:=0; v_i<sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.require.optionsTags); v_i:=v_i+1){
if (match(p_message.msgHeader.require.optionsTags[v_i],c_tagPrecond)) {
if (not(v_precondition_found)){
log("FAIL: precondition not found in Require options list!");
log("FAIL: Require options is not present!");
* @desc function checks if P-Charging-Vector contains a particular parameter
* @param p_message (request or response) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_id name of parameter
* @return true if p_id parameter exist
function f_checkPChargingVectorHeaderParamId(in Request p_message, charstring p_id) return boolean
var integer v_chargeParamsLen;
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector)) {
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector.chargeParams); i:=i+1)
{if(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector.chargeParams[i].id == p_id)
{return (true)}
return (false)
* @desc function checks if P-Charging-Vector contains a particular parameter
* @param p_message (request or response) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_id name of parameter
* @return true if p_id parameter exist
function f_checkPChargingVectorHeaderParamIdResponse(in Response p_message, charstring p_id) return boolean
var integer v_chargeParamsLen;
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector)) {
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector.chargeParams); i:=i+1)
{if(p_message.msgHeader.pChargingVector.chargeParams[i].id == p_id)
{return (true)}
return (false)
* @desc function returns the Host/Port of a given Contact header field
* @param p_contact contact header field to be analysed
* @return Host/Port record from the contact header field
function f_getContactUri(in ContactAddress p_contact) runs on SipComponent return SipUrl
var SipUrl v_SipUrl;
if (ischosen(p_contact.addressField.nameAddr))
v_SipUrl := p_contact.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec;
v_SipUrl := p_contact.addressField.addrSpecUnion;
} // end f_getContactUri
* @desc function returns the Host/Port of a given Contact header field
* @param p_contact contact header field to be analysed
* @return Host/Port record from the contact header field
function f_getContactAddr(in ContactAddress p_contact) runs on SipComponent return HostPort
var HostPort v_locAddr;
var SipUrl v_SipUrl;
if (ischosen(p_contact.addressField.nameAddr))
v_SipUrl := p_contact.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec;
v_SipUrl := p_contact.addressField.addrSpecUnion;
} :=;
if (ispresent(v_SipUrl.components.sip.hostPort.portField))
v_locAddr.portField := v_SipUrl.components.sip.hostPort.portField;
v_locAddr.portField := c_defaultSipPort;
} // end f_getContactAddr
* @desc function checks if History-Info-Header of the p_message contains a particular URI
* @param p_message (request or response) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_URI name of parameter
* @return true if p_URI parameter exist
function f_checkHeaderInfoURI(in Response p_message, SipUrl p_URI) return boolean
var integer v_chargeParamsLen;
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.historyInfo)) {
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.historyInfo.historyInfoList); i:=i+1)
{if(p_message.msgHeader.historyInfo.historyInfoList[i].nameAddr.addrSpec == p_URI)
{return (true)}
return (false)
* @desc function returns the Userinfo from a given To header field
* @param p_to To header field to be analysed
* @return Userinfo from the To header field as a charstring
function f_getUserfromTo(in To p_to) runs on SipComponent return charstring
var SipUrl v_SipUrl;
if (ischosen(p_to.addressField.nameAddr))
v_SipUrl := p_to.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec;
v_SipUrl := p_to.addressField.addrSpecUnion;
} // end f_getUserfromTo
* @desc function to generate a 32 bits random number as a charstring for tag field
* @param p_cSeq_s CSeq parameter used to modify the tag field value
* @return tag value
function f_getRndCallId(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) return charstring
var charstring v_tag_value;
v_tag_value := fx_rndStr()&fx_rndStr();
//v_tag_value is initialized with a random value with at least 32 bits of randomness
// 4294967296 is a 32 bits integer
//v_tag_value := int2str(float2int(4294967296.0*rnd()) + loc_CSeq_s.seqNumber );
* @desc function give access to the top element of the Path header field.
* @param p_Request SIP message to be analysed
* @return NameAddr (e.g. <>) or omit
function f_getPathHeaderTop(inout Request p_Request) return template NameAddr
if (ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.path)) {
if (sizeof(p_Request.msgHeader.path.pathValues)>0) {
* @desc function updates first element of a Via headerfield list
* @param p_viaBody_List address list of a Via header field
* @param p_source_address address to be inserted in the top element
function f_getViaReplyAddr(inout ViaBody_List p_viaBody_List, inout address4SIP p_source_address)
runs on SipComponent
var ViaBody v_viaBody;
var HostPort v_locAddr;
// The address to send message shall be updated after getting information
// in the Via header fied and according to 18.2.2
v_viaBody := p_viaBody_List[0];
// received parameter has to be addded to the via hader field
// Be careful it could be an Host name and not an IP Address
// TODO produce an error because of unkown host exception
//if (not f_equivalentHostAddr(valueof (,
// valueof ( {
valueof (,
if (ispresent(v_viaBody.sentBy.portField))
p_source_address.portField := valueof(v_viaBody.sentBy.portField);
p_source_address.portField := c_defaultSipPort;
* @desc functions give access to an element of the Route header field (record).
* @param p_message (request) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_index index of Route record element to be retrieved
* @return HostPort value of the Route element or omit
function f_getRouteHeaderElementAddressFromRequest(in Request p_message, in integer p_index) return HostPort
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.route)) {
if (sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.route.routeBody)>p_index) {
* @desc functions give access to an element of the Record-Route header field (record).
* @param p_message (request) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_index index of recordRoute record element to be retrieved
* @return HostPort value of the Record-Route element or omit
function f_getRecordRouteHeaderElementAddressFromRequest(in Request p_message, in integer p_index) return HostPort
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.recordRoute)) {
if (sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.recordRoute.routeBody)>p_index) {
* @desc functions give access to an element of the Record-Route header field (record).
* @param p_message (response) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_index index of recordRoute record element to be retrieved
* @return HostPort value of the Record-Route element or omit
function f_getRecordRouteHeaderElementAddressFromResponse(in Response p_message, in integer p_index) return HostPort
if (ispresent(p_message.msgHeader.recordRoute)) {
if (sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.recordRoute.routeBody)>p_index) {
* @desc functions give access to an element of the Via header field (record).
* @param p_message (request) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_index index of via record element to be retrieved
* @return HostPort value of the Via element or omit
function f_getViaHeaderElementHostPort(in Request p_message, in integer p_index) return HostPort
if (sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.via.viaBody)>p_index) {
* @desc functions give access to an element of the Via header field (record).
* @param p_message (response) SIP message to be analysed
* @param p_index index of via record element to be retrieved
* @return HostPort value of the Via element or omit
*/ function f_getViaHeaderElementHostPortResponse(in Response p_message, in integer p_index) return HostPort
if (sizeof(p_message.msgHeader.via.viaBody)>p_index) {
* @desc function checks indicators if topology hiding (TH) has been applied:
* - second element in via-header record has tokenized-by parameter
* @param p_Request SIP message to be analysed
* @return boolean value (true indicate TH, false otherwise)
function f_topologyHiding(inout Request p_request) runs on SipComponent return boolean
var GenericParam v_viaParameter := p_request.msgHeader.via.viaBody[1].viaParams[0]; // second element
if (not == "tokenized-by")
* @desc function checks indicators if topology hiding (TH) has been applied:
* - any element in via-header record has tokenized-by parameter
* @param Response SIP message to be analysed
* @return boolean value (true indicate TH, false otherwise)
function f_topologyHidingResponse(inout Response p_response) runs on SipComponent return boolean
var GenericParam v_viaParameter;
for (var integer v_i := 0; v_i < sizeof(p_response.msgHeader.via.viaBody); v_i := v_i + 1) {
v_viaParameter := p_response.msgHeader.via.viaBody[v_i].viaParams[0]; // first parameter
if (not == "tokenized-by")
group SetHeaders {
* @desc function for setting of component variables related to message header fields
* (message type independent: CSeq, contact, via), function uses information from userprofile
* @param p_cSeq_s CSeq parameter
* @param p_method method name for cSeq header field
function f_setHeadersGeneral(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, in charstring p_method) runs on SipComponent
p_cSeq_s.fieldName := CSEQ_E;
p_cSeq_s.seqNumber := p_cSeq_s.seqNumber + 1;
p_cSeq_s.method := p_method ;
vc_cSeq := p_cSeq_s;
vc_contact := valueof(m_Contact(m_SipUrl_contactIpaddr(vc_userprofile)));
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
}// end function f_setHeadersGeneral
* @desc function for setting of component variables related to message header fields
* (message type independent: CSeq, contact, via), function uses information from userprofile
* @param p_cSeq_s CSeq parameter
* @param p_method method name for cSeq header field
function f_setHeadersACK() runs on SipComponent
// vc_requestUri.hostPort := vc_reqHostPort;
if(vc_response.statusLine.statusCode >= 200 and vc_response.statusLine.statusCode <= 299 ) //ref. RFC3261 Via
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
}// end function f_setHeadersGeneral
* @desc setting of general and basic Bye header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersBYE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "BYE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
//vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersBYE
* @desc setting of general and basic CANCEL header fields
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersCANCEL(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
p_cSeq_s.method := "CANCEL";
//vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag(); // STF 406: CANCEL and ACK should have the same branch as the INVITE
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
}// end function f_setHeadersCANCEL
* @desc function sets header field for the next outgoing REGISTER message
* @param p_cSeq_s CSeq parameter to be applied
function f_setHeaders_REGISTER(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
var SemicolonParam_List v_params;
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "REGISTER"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
scheme := c_sipScheme,
components := {sip:={
userInfo := omit,
hostPort := {host:=vc_userprofile.registrarDomain, portField:=omit}}},
urlParameters := omit,
headers := omit
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_callIdReg := vc_callId; //remember callId for de-registration
vc_to := valueof(m_To(m_SipUrl_currDomain(vc_userprofile)));
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
v_params := {{id:=c_tagId, paramValue:=f_getRndTag()}}
vc_from := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField :=vc_to.addressField,
fromParams := v_params
if(not vc_firstREGISTER_sent)
v_params := {{id:=c_expiresId, paramValue:=c_shortRegistration}};
vc_contact.contactBody.contactAddresses[0].contactParams := v_params;
vc_firstREGISTER_sent := true;//f_setHeaders_Register is called in deREGISTER function
vc_authorization :=
body := {f_calculatecCredentials_empty(vc_userprofile)}
vc_via_REG := vc_via;
}// end function setHeaders_REGISTER
* @desc function sets via, cseq and authorization header for the next outgoing (protected) REGISTER
* @verdict
function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
//Increment CSeq sequence number
p_cSeq_s.seqNumber := p_cSeq_s.seqNumber + 1;
vc_cSeq := p_cSeq_s;
scheme := c_sipScheme,
components := {sip:={
userInfo := omit,
hostPort := {host:=vc_userprofile.registrarDomain, portField:=omit}}},
urlParameters := omit,
headers := omit
//new branch tag due to different branch tag in new REGISTER method
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
vc_via_REG :={
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
// Extract challenge and calculate credentials for a response.
v_challenge := vc_response.msgHeader.wwwAuthenticate.challenge.digestCln;
// Prepair right answer
vc_authorization :=
body := {f_calculatecCredentials(vc_userprofile, "REGISTER", v_challenge)}
}// end function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER
* @desc function sets via, cseq and authorization header for the next outgoing (protected) REGISTER
* NO response in Authorization header to cause an error
* @verdict
function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER_wo_response() runs on SipComponent
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
vc_via_REG :={
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
// Extract challenge and calculate credentials for a response.
v_challenge := vc_response.msgHeader.wwwAuthenticate.challenge.otherChallenge.authParams;
v_challenge := vc_response.msgHeader.wwwAuthenticate.challenge.digestCln;
// Increment CSeq sequence number
vc_cSeq.seqNumber := vc_cSeq.seqNumber + 1;
// Prepair right answer
vc_authorization :=
body := {f_calculatecCredentials_wo_response(vc_userprofile, "REGISTER", v_challenge)}
}// end function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER_wo_response
* @desc function sets via, cseq and authorization header with different private name for the next outgoing (protected) REGISTER
* @verdict
function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER_authorizationWithDifferentUserName() runs on SipComponent
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
scheme := c_sipScheme,
components := {sip:={
userInfo := omit,
hostPort := {host:=vc_userprofile.registrarDomain, portField:=omit}}},
urlParameters := omit,
headers := omit
vc_via_REG :={
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {valueof(m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
// Extract challenge and calculate credentials for a response.
v_challenge := vc_response.msgHeader.wwwAuthenticate.challenge.otherChallenge.authParams;
// Increment CSeq sequence number
vc_cSeq.seqNumber := vc_cSeq.seqNumber + 1;
// Prepair right answer
vc_authorization :=
body := {f_calculatecCredentialsAndChangeUserName(vc_userprofile, "REGISTER", v_challenge)}
}// end function f_setHeaders_2ndREGISTER_authorizationWithDifferentUserName
* @desc function sets header fields for the next outgoing REGISTER (de-registration)
* @param p_cSeq_s cSeq to be used
* @verdict
function f_setHeaders_deREGISTER(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
var SemicolonParam_List v_params;
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "REGISTER"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
scheme := c_sipScheme,
components := {sip:={
userInfo := omit,
hostPort := {host:=vc_userprofile.registrarDomain, portField:=omit}}},
urlParameters := omit,
headers := omit
vc_to := valueof(m_To(m_SipUrl_currDomain(vc_userprofile)));
v_params := {{id:=c_tagId, paramValue:=f_getRndTag()}}
vc_from := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField :=vc_to.addressField,
fromParams := v_params
vc_contact :=
fieldName := CONTACT_E,
contactBody := {wildcard := "*" }
} // end function f_setHeaders_deREGISTER
* @desc setting of general and basic Invite header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersINVITE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "INVITE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersINVITE
* @desc setting of general and basic Update header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersUPDATE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "UPDATE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersUPDATE
* @desc setting of general and basic Message header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersMESSAGE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "MESSAGE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersMESSAGE
* @desc setting of general and basic Notify header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersNOTIFY(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "NOTIFY"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersNOTIFY
* @desc setting of general and basic Publish header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersPUBLISH(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "PUBLISH"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
//after SUBSCRIBE message callid shall be same
//vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersPUBLISH
* @desc function sets header field for the next outgoing SUBSCRIBE message
* @param p_cSeq_s CSeq parameter to be applied
function f_setHeaders_SUBSCRIBE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
var SemicolonParam_List v_params;
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "SUBSCRIBE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
vc_callId := {
fieldName := CALL_ID_E,
callid := f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr
vc_to := valueof(m_To(m_SipUrl_currDomain(vc_userprofile)));
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
v_params := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := f_getRndTag()}};
vc_from := {
fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_to.addressField,
fromParams := v_params
}// end function setHeaders_SUBSCRIBE
* @desc setting of general and basic Subscribe header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersSUBSCRIBE(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "SUBSCRIBE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersMESSAGE
* @desc setting of general and basic REFER header fields
* in additon to the addresses (To, From, ReqUri)
* @param p_cSeq_s
function f_setHeadersREFER(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(p_cSeq_s, "REFER"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
//vc_callId := { fieldName:=CALL_ID_E, callid:=f_getRndCallId(p_cSeq_s) & c_AT & vc_userprofile.currIpaddr };
vc_cancel_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort;
}// end function f_setHeadersREFER
* @desc This function reads all necessary headers from the received REGISTER message and generate the tag for the answer
* @param p_Request REGISTER that has been received
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfREGISTER(Request p_Request)
runs on SipComponent {
vc_callId := p_Request.msgHeader.callId;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_requestUri := p_Request.requestLine.requestUri;
vc_cancel_To := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
if (ispresent( and (not ischosen( {
vc_reqHostPort := f_getContactAddr([0]);
// update callee information and pick up tag if the call need to be canceled
vc_callee_To := {fieldName := TO_E,
addressField := vc_caller_From.addressField,
toParams := vc_caller_From.fromParams};
vc_callee_From := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_caller_To.addressField,
fromParams := vc_caller_To.toParams};
if (ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.authorization)) {
vc_authorization := p_Request.msgHeader.authorization;
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfREGISTER
* @desc This function reads all necessary headers from the received SUBSCRIBE message and generate the tag for the answer
* @param p_Request SUBSCRIBE that has been received
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfSUBSCRIBE(Request p_Request)
runs on SipComponent {
vc_callId := p_Request.msgHeader.callId;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_requestUri := p_Request.requestLine.requestUri;
vc_cancel_To := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
if (ispresent( {
vc_reqHostPort := f_getContactAddr([0]);
// update callee information and pick up tag if the call need to be canceled
vc_callee_To := {fieldName := TO_E,
addressField := vc_caller_From.addressField,
toParams := vc_caller_From.fromParams};
vc_callee_From := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_caller_To.addressField,
fromParams := vc_caller_To.toParams};
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfSUBSCRIBE
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfREFER(Request p_Request)
runs on SipComponent {
vc_requestUri := p_Request.requestLine.requestUri;
vc_cancel_To := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
if (ispresent( {
vc_reqHostPort := f_getContactAddr([0]);
vc_requestUri := f_getContactUri([0]);
// update callee information and pick up tag if the call need to be canceled
vc_callee_To := {fieldName := TO_E,
addressField := vc_caller_From.addressField,
toParams := vc_caller_From.fromParams};
vc_callee_From := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_caller_To.addressField,
fromParams := vc_caller_To.toParams};
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfSUBSCRIBE
* @desc function reads all necessary headers from
* the received INVITE message and generate the tag for the answer
* @param p_Request received INVITE message
* @verdict
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfINVITE(Request p_Request) runs on SipComponent {
vc_callId := p_Request.msgHeader.callId;
vc_requestUri2 := p_Request.requestLine.requestUri;
vc_cancel_To := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
if (ispresent( {
vc_reqHostPort :=
vc_requestUri := f_getContactUri([0]);
// update callee information and pick up tag if the call need to be canceled
vc_callee_To := {fieldName := TO_E,
addressField := vc_caller_From.addressField,
toParams := vc_caller_From.fromParams};
vc_callee_From := {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_caller_To.addressField,
fromParams := vc_caller_To.toParams};
if (ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.privacy)) {
vc_privacy := p_Request.msgHeader.privacy;
if (ispresent(p_Request.messageBody)) {
//cleaning of attributes before assignment
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.media_list))
var integer v_length := sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list);
for (var integer i:=0; i<v_length; i:=i+1)
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes))
vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes := omit ;
// save SDP if present
if ( ischosen(p_Request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody))
vc_sdp_remote := p_Request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody;
vc_sdp_remote_is_valid := true;
// save XML if present
if ( ischosen(p_Request.messageBody.xmlBody))
vc_xml_remote := p_Request.messageBody.xmlBody;
if ( ischosen(p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody))
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList); j:=j+1){
if (match(p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].content_type,c_sdpAplication))
vc_sdp_remote := p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].mime_encapsulated_part.sdpMessageBody;
vc_sdp_remote_is_valid := true;
if (match(p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].content_type,c_xmlAplication))
vc_xml_remote := p_Request.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlBody;
if (ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.supported.optionsTags)) {
for (var integer i := sizeof(p_Request.msgHeader.supported.optionsTags); i>0; i:=i-1)
if (p_Request.msgHeader.supported.optionsTags[i-1]=="100rel")
{ vc_supported_100rel := true };
if (p_Request.msgHeader.supported.optionsTags[i-1]=="precondition")
{ vc_supported_precondition := true }
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfINVITE
* @desc function reads header field of a received BYE message
* @param p_Request received BYE
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfBYE(Request p_BYE_Request)
runs on SipComponent
vc_callId := p_BYE_Request.msgHeader.callId;
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfBYE
* @desc function reads header field from an incoming Request message
* @param p_Request received Request message
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfRequest(Request p_Request) runs on SipComponent {
vc_request := p_Request;
vc_callId := p_Request.msgHeader.callId;
vc_cSeq := p_Request.msgHeader.cSeq;
vc_iut_CSeq := p_Request.msgHeader.cSeq;
vc_from := p_Request.msgHeader.fromField;
vc_caller_From := p_Request.msgHeader.fromField;
vc_to := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
vc_caller_To := p_Request.msgHeader.toField;
vc_via := p_Request.msgHeader.via;
// update sent_label according to received via header field
f_getViaReplyAddr(vc_via.viaBody, vc_sent_label);
// Catch route
//add tag field into To header if tag is not present
if (not(ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.toField.toParams)))
vc_to.toParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := f_getRndTag()}};
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
if (ispresent(p_Request.msgHeader.recordRoute))
vc_recordRoute := p_Request.msgHeader.recordRoute;
} // end f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfRequest
* @desc functions reads header fields from an incoming Response message
* @param p_cSeq
* @param p_response received response message
* @verdict
function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(inout CSeq p_cSeq, Response p_response) runs on SipComponent
var integer v_i, v_j, v_nbroute;
var Contact v_contact; //only for local purpose
vc_response := p_response;
//vc_cSeq := p_cSeq; //must not save global c_seq because it can overwrite temporary cSeq
vc_to :=p_response.msgHeader.toField;
vc_from :=p_response.msgHeader.fromField;
vc_caller_To := vc_to;
vc_caller_From := vc_from;
if (ispresent(
v_contact :=;
if (ischosen(v_contact.contactBody.contactAddresses))
vc_reqHostPort := f_getContactAddr(v_contact.contactBody.contactAddresses[0]);
vc_requestUri := f_getContactUri(v_contact.contactBody.contactAddresses[0]);
if (ischosen(vc_to.addressField.nameAddr))
vc_reqHostPort := vc_to.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec.components.sip.hostPort;
vc_requestUri := vc_to.addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec;
vc_reqHostPort := vc_to.addressField.addrSpecUnion.components.sip.hostPort;
vc_requestUri := vc_to.addressField.addrSpecUnion;
vc_callee_To:={fieldName := TO_E,
addressField := vc_caller_From.addressField,
toParams := vc_caller_From.fromParams};
vc_callee_From:= {fieldName := FROM_E,
addressField := vc_caller_To.addressField,
fromParams := vc_caller_To.toParams};
vc_via:= p_response.msgHeader.via;
// Route Management
if (ispresent(p_response.msgHeader.recordRoute))
vc_recordRoute := p_response.msgHeader.recordRoute;
v_nbroute := sizeof(vc_recordRoute.routeBody);
// copy and reverse the order of the routes in route header
for (v_i:=0; v_i<=(v_nbroute - 1); v_i:=v_i+1)
v_j:= v_nbroute - 1 - v_i;
vc_route.fieldName := ROUTE_E;
vc_boo_recordRoute := true;
vc_boo_route := true;
vc_boo_recordRoute := false;
vc_boo_route := false;
// extentions due to new fields in PRACK and UPDATE messages
if (ispresent(p_response.msgHeader.rSeq)) {
vc_rAck :=
{ fieldName := RACK_E,
responseNum := valueof(p_response.msgHeader.rSeq.responseNum),
seqNumber := valueof(p_response.msgHeader.cSeq.seqNumber),
method := valueof(p_response.msgHeader.cSeq.method)
// extentions due to new HistoryInfo fields 180 or 200OK messages
if (ispresent(p_response.msgHeader.historyInfo)) {
vc_historyInfoList := valueof(p_response.msgHeader.historyInfo.historyInfoList);
vc_history_is_valid := true
else {vc_history_is_valid := false};
//sdpMessageBody answer
if (ispresent(p_response.messageBody)) {
if ( ischosen(p_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody))
vc_sdp_remote := p_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody;
vc_sdp_remote_is_valid := true;
if ( ischosen(p_response.messageBody.xmlBody))
vc_xml_remote := p_response.messageBody.xmlBody;
if ( ischosen(p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody))
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList); j:=j+1){
if (match(p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].content_type,c_sdpAplication))
vc_sdp_remote := p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].mime_encapsulated_part.sdpMessageBody;
if (match(p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].content_type,c_xmlAplication))
vc_xml_remote := p_response.messageBody.mimeMessageBody.mimeEncapsulatedList[j].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlBody;
}// end function f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse
* @desc functions reads ServiceRoute header field from an incoming 200 Response message in registration
* @param p_cSeq
* @param p_response received response message
function f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(inout CSeq p_cSeq, Response p_response) runs on SipComponent
var integer v_i, v_j, v_nbroute;
var ServiceRoute v_serviceRoute;
// Route Management
if (ispresent(p_response.msgHeader.serviceRoute))
v_serviceRoute := p_response.msgHeader.serviceRoute;
v_nbroute := sizeof(v_serviceRoute.routeBody);
// copy and reverse the order of the routes in route header
for (v_i:=0; v_i<=(v_nbroute - 1); v_i:=v_i+1)
v_j:= v_nbroute - 1 - v_i;
vc_route.fieldName := ROUTE_E;
vc_route_REG := vc_route;
vc_boo_route := true;
}// end function f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration
* @desc functions reads Route header field from an incoming Request message and generate RecordRoute
* @param p_cSeq
* @param p_request received request message
function f_getRouteMapIntoRecordRoute(inout CSeq p_cSeq, Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
var integer v_i, v_j, v_nbroute;
var Route v_route;
// Route Management
if (ispresent(p_request.msgHeader.route))
v_route := p_request.msgHeader.route;
v_nbroute := sizeof(v_route.routeBody);
// copy and reverse the order of the routes in route header
for (v_i:=0; v_i<=(v_nbroute - 1); v_i:=v_i+1)
v_j:= v_nbroute - 1 - v_i;
vc_recordRoute.fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E;
vc_boo_recordRoute := true;
}// end function f_getRouteMapIntoRecordRoute
} // end group SetHeaders
} // end group FieldOperations
group SDPOperations{
* @desc check if message body include SDP attribute (2nd parameter)
* for any media
function f_check_attribute(in SDP_Message p_sdp, in template SDP_attribute p_attribute) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (ispresent(p_sdp.media_list)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_sdp.media_list); j:=j+1){
if (ispresent(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes)) {
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes); i:=i+1){
if (match(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes[i],p_attribute))
if (ispresent(p_sdp.attributes)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_sdp.attributes); j:=j+1){
if (match(p_sdp.attributes[j],p_attribute)) {return(true);};
* @desc check if message body include SDP (session level) attribute (2nd parameter)
* for any media
function f_check_session_attribute(in SDP_Message p_sdp, in template SDP_attribute p_attribute) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (ispresent(p_sdp.attributes)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_sdp.attributes); j:=j+1){
if (match(p_sdp.attributes[j],p_attribute)) {return(true);};
* @desc identify an SDP direction attribute (session or first media attribute) in a SDP message and return its answer value
* @param p_sdp the SDP message that has been received
* @param p_attribute incoming SDP attribute that need to be used for the SDP direction (answer)
* @return the new attribute (to be send out) derived from the incoming SDP value
* @verdict
function f_get_attribute_answer(in SDP_Message p_sdp, in template SDP_attribute p_attribute) runs on SipComponent return SDP_attribute {
var template SDP_attribute v_attribute := p_attribute;
// check if the selected attribute is included in the SDP offer (session attributes)
if (ispresent(p_sdp.attributes)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_sdp.attributes); j:=j+1){
if (match(p_sdp.attributes[j],p_attribute)) {v_attribute := p_sdp.attributes[j];};
// check if the selected attribute is included in the SDP offer (any of the media attributes)
else {if (ispresent(p_sdp.media_list)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_sdp.media_list); j:=j+1){
if (ispresent(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes)) {
for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes); i:=i+1){
if (match(p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes[i],p_attribute))
{v_attribute := p_sdp.media_list[j].attributes[i];};
select (valueof(v_attribute))
case (mw_attribute_sendonly) {return(valueof(m_attribute_recvonly));}
case (mw_attribute_sendrecv) {return(valueof(m_attribute_sendrecv));}//MRO
case (mw_attribute_inactive) {return(valueof(m_attribute_inactive));}//MRO
case (mw_attribute_recvonly) {return(valueof(m_attribute_sendonly));}//MRO
return(valueof(m_attribute_sendrecv));//the default return value in case of missing attribute offer
* @desc check if message body include SDP bandwidth (2nd parameter)
* either for the session or a media description
function f_check_bandwidth(in SDP_Message loc_sdp, in template SDP_bandwidth loc_bandw) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (ispresent(loc_sdp.bandwidth)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(loc_sdp.bandwidth); j:=j+1){
if (match(loc_sdp.bandwidth[j],loc_bandw)) {return(true);};
if (ispresent(loc_sdp.media_list)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(loc_sdp.media_list); j:=j+1){
if (ispresent(loc_sdp.media_list[j].bandwidth)) {
for(var integer i:=0; i< sizeof(loc_sdp.media_list[j].bandwidth); i:=i+1) {
if (match(loc_sdp.media_list[j].bandwidth[i],loc_bandw)) {
* @desc check if message body include SDP media (2nd parameter)
function f_check_media(in SDP_Message loc_sdp, in template SDP_media_desc loc_media) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (ispresent(loc_sdp.media_list)) {
for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(loc_sdp.media_list); j:=j+1){
if (match(loc_sdp.media_list[j].media_field.transport,loc_media.media_field.transport) and
* @desc
* check if message body include precondition mechanism (a=des and
* a=curr) retrun true, else false
* @param loc_sdp SDP message
function f_check_precondition(in SDP_Message loc_sdp) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_des) or
f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_curr))
* @desc check if message body include SDP media direction return true, else false
function f_check_media_direction(in SDP_Message loc_sdp) runs on SipComponent return boolean {
if (f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_sendonly) or
f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_recvonly) or
f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_sendrecv) or
f_check_attribute(loc_sdp, mw_attribute_inactive))
* @desc copy media/attribute lines from remote to local SDP variable
function f_check_SDP(integer loc_sdp, integer loc_codec) runs on SipComponent
return boolean
var SDP_media_desc v_media := f_prepare_media(loc_sdp,loc_codec);
if (vc_sdp_remote.media_list[0] !=
{ log("log1"); return false };
if (vc_sdp_remote.media_list[0].media_field.transport != v_media.media_field.transport)
{ log("log2"); return false };
if (vc_sdp_remote.media_list[0].media_field.fmts != v_media.media_field.fmts)
{ log("remote:",vc_sdp_remote.media_list[0].media_field.fmts,"expect:",v_media.media_field.fmts); return false };
return true
* @desc replace the first curr media attribute with the given value.
* @param p_sdp SDP message to modify
* @param p_curr new curr attribute
function f_replace_curr_attribute(inout SDP_Message p_sdp, in SDP_attribute_curr p_curr) {
if(ispresent(p_sdp.media_list)) {
var integer mn := sizeof(p_sdp.media_list[0].attributes);
for(var integer i := 0; i<=mn; i := i+1) {
p_sdp.media_list[0].attributes[i].curr := p_curr;
* @desc append new media attribute to the first media description.
* @param p_sdp SDP message to modify
* @param p_att SDP attribute to appand
function f_append_media_attribute(inout SDP_Message p_sdp, in SDP_attribute p_att) {
if(ispresent(p_sdp.media_list)) {
var integer mn := sizeof(p_sdp.media_list[0].attributes);
p_sdp.media_list[0].attributes[mn] := p_att;
* @desc append new media to the existing media list in SDP
function f_append_media(inout SDP_Message loc_SDP, in template SDP_media_desc loc_media)
var integer mn := sizeof(loc_SDP.media_list);
loc_SDP.media_list[mn] := valueof(loc_media);
* @desc repare media/attribute lines
function f_prepare_media(integer loc_sdp, integer loc_codec) runs on SipComponent
return SDP_media_desc
var charstring v_codecs[32] := {
"PCMU/8000", "GSM/8000", "G723/8000", "DVI4/8000",
"DVI4/16000", "LPC/8000", "PCMA/8000", "G722/8000",
"L16/44100/2", "L16/44100", "QCELP/8000", "CN/8000",
"MPA/90000", "G728/8000", "DVI4/11025", "DVI4/22050",
"G729/8000", "G726-40/8000", "G726-32/8000", "G726-24/8000",
"G726-16/8000", "G726D/8000", "G726E/8000", "GSM-EFR/8000",
"CelB/90000", "JPEG/90000", "Nv/90000", "H261/90000",
"MPV/90000", "MP2T/90000", "H263/90000", "H263-1998/90000"
var SDP_media_desc v_media :=
media_field := {
media := "audio",
ports := {
port_number := 10000,
num_of_ports:=omit },
transport := "RTP/AVP",
fmts := { "0" }
}, //m=audio 8500 RTP/AVP 0
information := omit,
connections := omit,
bandwidth := omit,
key := omit,
attributes := omit
if (32<loc_codec or loc_codec<1) {
log("Unexpected SDP variant");
return (v_media)}
if (loc_sdp == 1) {}
else if (loc_sdp == 2) {
v_media.media_field.fmts := {PX_SIP_SDP_dyn}; //{ "98", "0" };
v_media.attributes := {{
rtpmap := { attr_value := PX_SIP_SDP_dyn & " " & v_codecs[loc_codec-1] } // PX_SIP_SDP_dyn := 98
} else if (loc_sdp == 3) {
v_media.media_field.fmts := { "8" }
} else if (loc_sdp == 4) {
v_media.media_field.fmts := { "99", "8" };
v_media.attributes := {{
rtpmap := { attr_value := "99 " & v_codecs[loc_codec-1] }
} else if (loc_sdp == 5) { := "image";
v_media.media_field.transport := "udptl";
v_media.media_field.fmts := { "t38" }
} else if (loc_sdp == 6) { := "image";
v_media.media_field.transport := "tcptl";
v_media.media_field.fmts := { "t38" }
} else {
log("Unexpected SDP variant"); setverdict(inconc)
return (v_media);
* @desc repare media/attribute lines
function f_prepare_SDP(integer loc_sdp, integer loc_codec) runs on SipComponent
vc_sdp_local.media_list := {f_prepare_media(loc_sdp,loc_codec)};
* @desc function that copy media/attribute lines from remote to local SDP variable
function f_prepare_SDP_answer() runs on SipComponent
var integer mn, cn := 0, i, j, k :=0;
var charstring v_PT, v_rtpmap := "";
var SDP_attribute_list v_mediaAttributes := {};
//increase session version
vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version := int2str(str2int(vc_sdp_remote.origin.session_version)+1);
// if more than one codec, select the firs one
mn:= sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list);
for (i :=0; i < mn; i := i+1)
//for every single media
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes))
cn := sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes);
if (sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].media_field.fmts)>0)
// select the first one
v_PT := vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].media_field.fmts[0];
vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].media_field.fmts := {v_PT};
for (j :=0; j<cn; j:=j+1)
if (ischosen(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].rtpmap))
if (v_PT == regexp(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].rtpmap.attr_value, "[ \t]#(0,)([\d]+)*", 0))
v_rtpmap := vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].
v_mediaAttributes[k] := {rtpmap := {attr_value := v_rtpmap}};
k := k+1;
} // else line is not copied
// simple copy of attribute
v_mediaAttributes[k] := vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j];
k := k+1;
vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes := v_mediaAttributes;
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes))
cn := sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes);
for (j :=0; j<cn; j:=j+1)
// simplified handling of status attributes (copy/keep status from peer):
// a) copy/keep SDP_attribute_curr (invert tags if applicable)
if (ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr))
// invert local/remote status tags
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.statusType == "local")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.statusType := "remote"};
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.statusType == "remote")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.statusType := "local"};
// invert send/recv direction tags
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.direction == "send")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.direction := "recv"};
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.direction == "recv")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].curr.direction := "send"};
// b) copy/keep SDP_attribute_des (keep strength, invert tags if applicable)
else if (ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des))
// invert local/remote status tags
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.statusType == "local")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.statusType := "remote"};
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.statusType == "remote")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.statusType := "local"};
// invert send/recv direction tags
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.direction == "send")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.direction := "recv"};
if (vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.direction == "recv")
{vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].des.direction := "send"};
// c) simplification: assume no SDP_attribute_conf
else if (ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].conf))
// todo: handle SDP_attribute_conf
// add handling of prenegotiation, change ports if required etc.
//if prenegotiation...
* @desc reject SDP offer by setting media ports to 0
function f_reject_SDP_offer() runs on SipComponent
var integer mn, i;
f_copy_SDP(); // TO BE DONE with more details!
//increase session version
vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version := int2str(str2int(vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version)+1);
// if more than one codec, select the firs one
mn:= sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list);
for (i :=0; i < mn; i := i+1)
vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].media_field.ports := {0, omit};
vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes := omit; //{};
* @desc copies SDP message elements from remote to local component variable:
* - bandwidth
* - session version (will be incremented)
* - media list
* modify the direction attribute of an SDP media list entry within an SDP message (vc_sdp_local)
* @param p_medianum list position number of the media (if value 0 identifies first media list element)
* @param p_direction the new direction attribute to be included in the media entry
* @verdict
function f_SIP_modMediaDirection(integer p_medianum, template SDP_attribute p_direction) runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_set_direction; // flag indicates if direction attribute has been modified
var integer v_mn := 0; // length of media list (number of entries)
var integer v_cn := 0; // number of attributes of a media entry
var integer i, j, k := 0;
var SDP_attribute_list v_mediaAttributes := {}; // collect the media attributes (to be assigned at end of function)
f_copy_SDP(); // copy SDP session bandwidth and media list from remote to local component variable
// increment session version
vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version := int2str(str2int(vc_sdp_local.origin.session_version)+1);
// if more than one codec, select the first one
v_mn:= sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list);
if (p_medianum == 0) //specific media requested
p_medianum := 1; // start checking from first media
if (p_medianum > 0) //specific media requested
if (not(p_medianum > v_mn))
{v_mn := p_medianum}
// handling of media list elements
for (i :=0; i < v_mn; i := i+1)
v_cn := 0; // initialize the number of attributes of the media list entry
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_local.media_list)) //media_list is optional
// log("vc_sdp_local.media_list[i] ",vc_sdp_local.media_list[i]);
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes))
v_cn := sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes);
v_set_direction := false;
//if (sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].media_field.fmts)>1)
// select the first one
for (j :=0; j<v_cn; j:=j+1)
if (ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].recvonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].sendonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].inactive)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j].sendrecv))
v_mediaAttributes[k] := valueof(p_direction);
v_set_direction := true;
else // non-direction attributes will be copied
v_mediaAttributes[k] := vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes[j];
k := k+1;
if (not v_set_direction)
{ v_mediaAttributes[k] := valueof(p_direction)};
vc_sdp_local.media_list[i].attributes := v_mediaAttributes;
// }
// add handling of prenegotiation, change ports if required etc.
//if prenegotiation...
* @desc modify session and media attributes direction
function f_SIP_modSessionDirection(template SDP_attribute p_direction) runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_set_direction := false;
var integer v_mn:= 0, i:=0;
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_local.attributes))
{ v_mn:= sizeof(vc_sdp_local.attributes);
for (i :=0; i < v_mn; i := i+1)
{//for every single attribute (that is not omit)
if (ischosen(vc_sdp_local.attributes[i].recvonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.attributes[i].sendonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.attributes[i].inactive)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_local.attributes[i].sendrecv))
vc_sdp_local.attributes[i] := valueof(p_direction);
v_set_direction := true;
if (not v_set_direction) // if not sent before
vc_sdp_local.attributes[v_mn] := valueof(p_direction);
{vc_sdp_local.attributes[0] := valueof(p_direction)};
* @desc c
* @desc check (from remote) and set (local) the session/media attribute lines on directions
* @param p_direction_in incoming SDP attribute that need to be checked
* @param p_direction_out SDP attribute that should be included in the SDP answer (to be returned to peer)
* @return
* @verdict
function f_SIP_checksetSDPreqDirection(template SDP_attribute p_direction_in, template SDP_attribute p_direction_out) runs on SipComponent
{ var template SDP_attribute v_direction_out := p_direction_out;
// check incoming SDP attribute
if (not (ispresent(vc_request.messageBody) and (f_check_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,p_direction_in)
{log("than branch of if");
if (
match(valueof(p_direction_in),valueof(mw_attribute_sendrecv)) and
not(f_check_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendrecv) or
f_check_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendonly) or
f_check_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_recvonly) or
log("no direction attributes with expectation: ", p_direction_in)
else {setverdict(fail);};}
else {setverdict(pass);log("attribute found in message body");};
if (match(omit,p_direction_out))//not isvalue(v_direction_out))//MRO
{v_direction_out := f_get_attribute_answer(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody, p_direction_in);}
f_SIP_modMediaDirection(1, v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in media description
f_SIP_modSessionDirection(v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in session
* @desc check (from remote) and set (local) the session/media attribute lines on directions
* @param p_direction_in incoming SDP attribute that need to be checked
* @param p_direction_out SDP attribute that should be included in the SDP answer (to be returned to peer)
* @return
* @verdict
function f_SIP_checkResponsesetSDPreqDirection(template SDP_attribute p_direction_in, template SDP_attribute p_direction_out) runs on SipComponent
{ var template SDP_attribute v_direction_out := p_direction_out;
// check incoming SDP attribute
if (not (ispresent(vc_response.messageBody) and (f_check_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,p_direction_in)
{log("than branch of if");
if (
match(valueof(p_direction_in),valueof(mw_attribute_sendrecv)) and
not(f_check_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendrecv) or
f_check_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendonly) or
f_check_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_recvonly) or
log("no direction attributes with expectation: ", p_direction_in)
else {setverdict(fail);};}
else {setverdict(pass);log("attribute found in message body");};
if (match(omit,p_direction_out))//not isvalue(v_direction_out))//MRO
{v_direction_out := f_get_attribute_answer(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody, p_direction_in);}
f_SIP_modMediaDirection(1, v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in media description
f_SIP_modSessionDirection(v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in session
* @desc check (from remote) and set (local) the session attribute lines on directions
* @param p_direction_in incoming SDP attribute that need to be checked
* @param p_direction_out SDP attribute that should be included in the SDP answer (to be returned to peer)
* @return
* @verdict
function f_SIP_checksetSDPreqDirectionSession(template SDP_attribute p_direction_in, template SDP_attribute p_direction_out) runs on SipComponent
{ var template SDP_attribute v_direction_out := p_direction_out;
// check incoming SDP attribute
if (not (ispresent(vc_request.messageBody) and (f_check_session_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,p_direction_in)
{if (
match(valueof(mw_attribute_sendrecv),valueof(p_direction_in)) and
not(f_check_session_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendrecv) or
f_check_session_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendonly) or
f_check_session_attribute(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_recvonly) or
log("no direction attributes with expectation: ", p_direction_in)
else {setverdict(fail);};};
if (match(omit,p_direction_out))//not isvalue(v_direction_out))//MRO
{v_direction_out := f_get_attribute_answer(vc_request.messageBody.sdpMessageBody, p_direction_in);}
f_SIP_modSessionDirection(v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in session
* @desc check (from remote) and set (local) the session attribute lines on directions
* @param p_direction_in incoming SDP attribute that need to be checked
* @param p_direction_out SDP attribute that should be included in the SDP answer (to be returned to peer)
* @return
* @verdict
function f_SIP_checkResponsesetSDPreqDirectionSession(template SDP_attribute p_direction_in, template SDP_attribute p_direction_out) runs on SipComponent
{ var template SDP_attribute v_direction_out := p_direction_out;
// check incoming SDP attribute
if (not (ispresent(vc_response.messageBody) and (f_check_session_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,p_direction_in)
{if (
match(valueof(mw_attribute_sendrecv),valueof(p_direction_in)) and
not(f_check_session_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendrecv) or
f_check_session_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_sendonly) or
f_check_session_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,mw_attribute_recvonly) or
log("no direction attributes with expectation: ", p_direction_in)
else {setverdict(fail);};};
if (match(omit,p_direction_out))//not isvalue(v_direction_out))//MRO
{v_direction_out := f_get_attribute_answer(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody, p_direction_in);}
f_SIP_modSessionDirection(v_direction_out); // handling of attribute in session
* @desc check (from remote) and set (local)the session/media attribute lines on directions
* @param p_direction_in attribute to be check
* @param p_direction_out attrubyte to be
* @return
* @verdict
function f_SIP_checkSDPrespDirection(template SDP_attribute p_direction_in) runs on SipComponent
// check incoming SDP attribute
if (not (ispresent(vc_response.messageBody) and f_check_attribute(vc_response.messageBody.sdpMessageBody,p_direction_in)))
* @desc check media/attribute lines from remote
function f_SIP_checkMediaDirection(integer p_medianum, template SDP_attribute p_direction) runs on SipComponent
return boolean
var integer v_mn, v_cn := 0, i, j;
var boolean v_result := false;
//increase session version
vc_sdp_remote.origin.session_version := int2str(str2int(vc_sdp_remote.origin.session_version)+1);
// if more than one codec, select the firs one
v_mn:= sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list);
if (p_medianum == 0) //specific media requested
p_medianum := 1; // start checking from first media
if (p_medianum > 0) //specific media requested
if (p_medianum > v_mn) {return false}
else {v_mn := p_medianum}
for (i :=p_medianum-1; i < v_mn; i := i+1)
//for every single media
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes))
v_cn := sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes);
log (v_cn);
if (sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes)>0)
// select the first one
for (j :=0; j<sizeof(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes); j:=j+1)
if (ischosen(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].recvonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].sendonly)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].inactive)
or ischosen(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j].sendrecv))
if (match(vc_sdp_remote.media_list[i].attributes[j],p_direction))
{ v_result := true; }
else { return false; }
//v_result := true; // TODO This is a shortcut since direction attributes are not decoded
return v_result
* @desc copy media/attribute lines from remote to local SDP variable
function f_copy_SDP() runs on SipComponent
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.connection))
{vc_sdp_local.connection := vc_sdp_remote.connection}
else {vc_sdp_local.connection := omit};
vc_sdp_local.origin := vc_sdp_remote.origin;
vc_sdp_local.session_name := vc_sdp_remote.session_name;
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.bandwidth))
{vc_sdp_local.bandwidth := vc_sdp_remote.bandwidth}
else {vc_sdp_local.bandwidth := {}};
if (ispresent(vc_sdp_remote.media_list))
// // cleaning of media before assignment
// if (ispresent(vc_sdp_local.media_list))
// {
// for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(vc_sdp_local.media_list); i:=i+1)
// {
// vc_sdp_local.media_list[i] := omit ;
// }
// };
vc_sdp_local.media_list := vc_sdp_remote.media_list;
}//end group SDPOperations
group AwaitingMessage {
* @desc Function for time delay
function f_awaitingDelayTimer(float p_delay) runs on SipComponent
[] tc_tDelay.timeout
setverdict (pass);
} //end f_awaitingDelayTimer
* @desc Function waiting for any MSG -request/response
function f_awaitingAnyPassOnTimeout() runs on SipComponent
[] SIPP.receive //TAU error if expect (*)
[] tc_wait.timeout
//setverdict (pass)
} //end f_awaitingResponsePassOnTimeout
* @desc Function waiting for no MSG -request/response
function f_awaitingNonePassOnTimeout() runs on SipComponent
[] tc_wait.timeout
setverdict (pass);
} //end f_awaitingResponsePassOnTimeout
* @desc function awaits REGISTER
* @param p_register expected REGISTER request
function f_awaitingREGISTER(in template REGISTER_Request p_register) runs on SipComponent
var Request v_request;
[] SIPP.receive(p_register)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
[] tc_wait.timeout
setverdict (fail);
* @desc function awaits SUBSCRIBE
* @param p_register expected SUBSCRIBE request
function f_awaitingSUBSCRIBE(in template SUBSCRIBE_Request p_subscribe) runs on SipComponent
var Request v_request;
[] SIPP.receive(p_subscribe)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
[] SIPP.receive(mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
* @desc function awaits REGISTER and sends a 200 OK response
* @param p_reply flag used to avoid the 200OK response sending
function f_awaitingREGISTER_sendReply(in template REGISTER_Request p_register, in boolean p_reply) runs on SipComponent
var Request v_request;
[] SIPP.receive(p_register)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
vc_request := v_request;
//Answer to the Request
if (p_reply) {f_send200OK();};
[] tc_wait.timeout
setverdict (fail);
* @desc Function waiting for a 200 OK response
* @param p_cSeq_s current cSeq expectation
function f_awaitingOkResponse(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s)) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
} //end awaitingOkResponse
* @desc Function waiting for a response
* @param p_Response expected response message
function f_awaitingResponse(in template Response p_Response) runs on SipComponent
[] SIPP.receive (p_Response) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
} //end f_awaitingResponse
* @desc Function waiting for a response and send ACK on FailureResponses 4xx,5xx,6xx
* @param p_Response expected response message
function f_awaitingResponseSendACK(in template Response p_Response) runs on SipComponent
alt {
[] SIPP.receive (p_Response) -> value vc_response {
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via));
} //end f_awaitingResponse
* @desc Function waiting for a response
* @param p_Response expected response message
function f_awaitingResponsePassOnTimeout(in template Response p_Response) runs on SipComponent
[] SIPP.receive (p_Response) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
[] tc_resp.timeout
//setverdict (pass)
} //end f_awaitingResponsePassOnTimeout
* @desc await INFO request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingINFO_sendReply(in template INFO_Request p_info) runs on SipComponent
var INFO_Request v_request;
[] SIPP.receive(p_info)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the INFO
} // end of f_awaitingINFO_sendReply
* @desc function awaiting for an incoming INVITE
* @param p_request expected message
function f_awaitingINVITE(template INVITE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
var INVITE_Request v_INVITE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_request) -> value v_INVITE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_invite := true;
vc_first_recv:= true; // communication has started
SIPP.send(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine100, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via)) to vc_sent_label;
[vc_interface_isc]SIPP.receive (mw_INVITE_Request_Base) -> value v_INVITE_Request sender vc_sent_label
SIPP.send(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine100, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via)) to vc_sent_label;
//clear session - send 486 and await ACK
//await 486 which go towards and send ACK
} //end f_awaitingINVITE
* @desc function awaiting for an incoming INVITE
* @param p_request expected message
function f_awaitingINVITE_No100Response(template INVITE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
var INVITE_Request v_INVITE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_request) -> value v_INVITE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_invite := true;
vc_first_recv:= true; // communication has started
//SIPP.send(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine100, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via)) to vc_sent_label;
} //end f_awaitingInviteRequest
* @desc function awaiting for an incoming INVITE
* @param p_request expected message
function f_awaitingINVITE_PassOnTimeout(template INVITE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
var INVITE_Request v_INVITE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_request) -> value v_INVITE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_invite := true;
vc_first_recv:= true; // communication has started
vc_boo_request := true;
SIPP.send(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine100, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via)) to vc_sent_label;
vc_boo_request := false;
} //end f_awaitingInviteRequest
* @desc function awaiting ACK request
function f_awaitingACK(in template ACK_Request p_ACK) runs on SipComponent
var Request v_ACK_Request;
[] SIPP.receive(p_ACK) -> value v_ACK_Request
} //end f_awaitingAckRequest
* @desc function awaiting BYE and sending 200OK response
* @param p_BYE expected BYE
function f_awaitingBYE(in template BYE_Request p_BYE) runs on SipComponent
var BYE_Request v_BYE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_BYE) -> value v_BYE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_bye:= true;
} // end f_awaitingBYE
* @desc function awaiting BYE and sending 200OK response
* @param p_BYE expected BYE
function f_awaitingBYE_sendReply
(in template BYE_Request p_BYE) runs on SipComponent
var BYE_Request v_BYE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_BYE) -> value v_BYE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_bye:= true;
} // end f_awaitingBYE_sendReply
* @desc function awaiting BYE and sending 200OK response
* @param p_BYE expected BYE
function f_awaitingBYE_sendReply_PassOnTimeout(in template BYE_Request p_BYE) runs on SipComponent
var BYE_Request v_BYE_Request;
[]SIPP.receive (p_BYE) -> value v_BYE_Request sender vc_sent_label
vc_ignore_bye:= true;
vc_boo_request := true;
[] tc_wait.timeout
vc_boo_request := false;
} // end f_awaitingBYE_sendReply_PassOnTimeout
* @desc function awaiting CANCEL
* @param p_CANCEL expected CANCEL
function f_awaitingCANCEL(in template CANCEL_Request p_CANCEL) runs on SipComponent
var CANCEL_Request v_MSG;
[]SIPP.receive (p_CANCEL) -> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
} // end f_awaitingCANCEL
* @desc await MESSAGE request
function f_awaitingMESSAGE(in template MESSAGE_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var MESSAGE_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
[] SIPP.receive(mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
log("Received MESSAGE not as expected!");
setverdict (fail);
} // end of f_awaitingMESSAGE
* @desc await MESSAGE request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingMESSAGE_sendReply() runs on SipComponent
var MESSAGE_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the MESSAGE
} // end of f_awaitingMESSAGE_sendReply
* @desc await MESSAGE request
function f_awaitingMESSAGE_sendReply_PassOnTimeout(in template MESSAGE_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var MESSAGE_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the MESSAGE
vc_boo_request := true;
//setverdict (pass);
[] tc_wait.timeout
vc_boo_request := false;
//setverdict (pass);
} // end of f_awaitingMESSAGE_PassOnTimeout
* @desc await NOTIFY request
function f_awaitingNOTIFY(in template NOTIFY_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var NOTIFY_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
f_getRouteMapIntoRecordRoute(vc_cSeq, v_MSG);
} // end of f_awaitingNOTIFY
* @desc await NOTIFY request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingNOTIFY_sendReply(in template NOTIFY_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var NOTIFY_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
f_getRouteMapIntoRecordRoute(vc_cSeq, v_MSG);
//Answer to the NOTIFY
} // end of f_awaitingNOTIFY_sendReply
* @desc await PRACK request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingPRACK_sendReply(in template PRACK_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var PRACK_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the PRACK
} // end of f_awaitingPRACK_sendReply
* @desc await PUBLISH request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingPUBLISH_sendReply(in template PUBLISH_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var PUBLISH_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the PUBLISH
} // end of f_awaitingPUBLISH_sendReply
* @desc await UPDATE request
function f_awaitingUPDATE(in template UPDATE_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var UPDATE_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
} // end of f_awaitingUPDATE
* @desc await UPDATE request
* reply with 200 OK
function f_awaitingUPDATE_sendReply(in template UPDATE_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var UPDATE_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the UPDATE
} // end of f_awaitingUPDATE_sendReply
* @desc await REFER request
function f_awaitingREFER(in template REFER_Request p_MSG) runs on SipComponent
var REFER_Request v_MSG;
[] SIPP.receive(p_MSG)-> value v_MSG sender vc_sent_label
} // end of f_awaitingUPDATE
} // end AwaitingMessage
group SendMessage {
* @desc send ACK message, update the route and recordRoute header fields depending on boolean flags
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendACK(template ACK_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
//p_request.msgHeader.route := f_route(); // update the route header field depending on vc_boo_route
// n/a p_request.msgHeader.recordRoute := f_recordroute(); // update the route header field depending on vc_boo_route
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send BYE message, update the route and recordRoute header fields depending on boolean flags
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendBYE(template BYE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send CANCEL message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendCANCEL(template CANCEL_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send INFO message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendINFO(template INFO_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(vc_cSeq, "INFO"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send INVITE message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendINVITE(template INVITE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
vc_requestFor407 := valueof(p_request);
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
vc_request := valueof(p_request);
if(PX_SIP_INVITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED) {a_altstep_401or407();};
* @desc send PRACK message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendPRACK() runs on SipComponent
vc_rAck := valueof(m_RAck(vc_response.msgHeader.rSeq.responseNum, vc_cSeq.seqNumber, vc_cSeq.method));
f_setHeadersGeneral(vc_cSeq, "PRACK"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
)) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send PUBLISH message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendPUBLISH(template PUBLISH_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send REGISTER message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendREGISTER(template REGISTER_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send SUBSCRIBE message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendSUBSCRIBE(template SUBSCRIBE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send UPDATE message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendUPDATE(template UPDATE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeadersGeneral(vc_cSeq, "UPDATE"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
p_request.msgHeader.cSeq := vc_cSeq; := vc_contact;
p_request.msgHeader.via := vc_via;
vc_requestFor407 := valueof(p_request);
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
if(PX_SIP_INVITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED) {a_altstep_401or407();};
* @desc function send MESSAGE message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendMESSAGE(template MESSAGE_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc function send NOTIFY message
* @param p_request template of the notify to be sent
function f_SendNOTIFY(template NOTIFY_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send REFER message
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_SendREFER(template REFER_Request p_request) runs on SipComponent
SIPP.send(p_request) to vc_sent_label;
* @desc send 200 OK
function f_send200OK() runs on SipComponent
f_sendResponse(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_caller_From, vc_caller_To, vc_via));
* @desc send response
* @param p_request template of the message to be sent
function f_sendResponse(template Response p_response) runs on SipComponent
//p_response.msgHeader.route := f_route(); // update the route header field depending on vc_boo_route//TODO check if route header is needed in responses
p_response.msgHeader.recordRoute := f_recordroute(); // update the route header field depending on vc_boo_route
SIPP.send(p_response) to vc_sent_label;
} // end SendMessage
group GlobalSteps {
* @desc component initialization
* @param p_cSeq_s cSeq value to be assigned to the component variable
function f_init_component(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
vc_cSeq := p_cSeq_s;
vc_def_catchSyncStop := activate(a_Sip_catchSyncStop());
vc_default := activate (a_clearRegistration());
* @desc component termination
function f_terminate_component() runs on SipComponent
log("component terminated - forced!");
* @desc component termination
function f_componentStop() runs on SipComponent
* @desc setting of user parameters with PIXIT values
* @param p_user identifies the selected user configuration and location
function f_init_userprofile(in integer p_user) runs on SipComponent
{ := p_user;
case (c_userProfile_SIP1_home) { //variant c_userProfile_SIP1_home
vc_userprofile.currPort := PX_SIP_TS1_PORT;
vc_userprofile.currIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS1_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.contactPort := PX_SIP_TS1_PORT;
vc_userprofile.contactIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS1_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS1_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_SIP_SUT_REGISTRAR_DOMAIN;
case (c_userProfile_SIP2_home) { //variant c_userProfile_SIP2_home
vc_userprofile.currPort := PX_SIP_TS2_PORT;
vc_userprofile.currIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS2_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.contactPort := PX_SIP_TS2_PORT;
vc_userprofile.contactIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS2_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.bearerIpaddr := PX_SIP_TS2_BEARER_IPADDR;
vc_userprofile.homeDomain := PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_DOMAIN;
vc_userprofile.publUsername := PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_USER;
vc_userprofile.qop := PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_QOP;
vc_userprofile.privUsername := PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_USERNAME;
vc_userprofile.passwd := PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_PASSWD;
vc_userprofile.registrarDomain := PX_SIP_SUT_REGISTRAR_DOMAIN;
* @desc function waits for particular time that allows the SUT to return to idle state
function f_awaitSUTidle() runs on SipComponent
vc_ignore4xx := true; // allow 4xx in default
alt {
[] tc_noAct.timeout{}
* @desc function waits for particular time before next expected message
function f_wait(float p_time) runs on SipComponent
alt {
[] tc_noAct.timeout{}
* @desc function cause termination of a PTC
* @param p_syncPoint dummy parameter (copied from the common lib)
function f_check2Null(in charstring p_syncPoint) runs on SipComponent
//!= pass does not work, because in case of "none" execution shall continue
if (getverdict == inconc or getverdict == fail){
log("**** f_check2Null: Verdict evaluated to fail or inconc. Stopping test execution now ");
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict (p_syncPoint, e_error) ;
}//end if
* @desc original copied from older LibCommon_VerdictControl
function f_getVerdict()
return FncRetCode {
var FncRetCode v_ret := e_error;
if (getverdict == pass or getverdict == none) {
v_ret := e_success;
return v_ret;
}// end group GlobalSteps
group Registration {
* @desc registration and authentication with MD5
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_register register template
* @param p_auth flag indicating if authentication is needed
function f_Registration(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, out template REGISTER_Request p_register, in boolean p_auth) runs on SipComponent
f_setHeaders_REGISTER(p_cSeq_s); //TODO need if p_register not set
p_register := m_REGISTER_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via_REG, vc_contact, vc_authorization);
f_SendREGISTER(p_register); //LibSip
//awaiting of 401 and sending 2nd REGISTER and awaiting 200 OK REGISTER
if (p_auth)
// receiving 401 Unauthorized response.
// and Re-send REGISTER request with Authorization header
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine401, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s)) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
// set headers via, cseq and authorization
p_register := m_REGISTER_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via_REG, vc_contact, vc_authorization);
// Re-send protected REGISTER
// awaiting 200 OK REGISTER
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s)) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
log ("Authorization was not requested as expected");
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
}//end function f_Registration
* @desc registration and authentication with MD5
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_register register template
* @param p_auth flag indicating if authentication is needed
function f_Registration_withTemplate(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, inout template REGISTER_Request p_register, in boolean p_auth) runs on SipComponent
//f_setHeaders_REGISTER(p_cSeq_s); TODO need if p_register not set
//p_register := m_REGISTER_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via_REG, vc_contact, vc_authorization);
f_SendREGISTER(p_register); //LibSip
//awaiting of 401 and sending 2nd REGISTER and awaiting 200 OK REGISTER
if (p_auth)
// receiving 401 Unauthorized response.
// and Re-send REGISTER request with Authorization header
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine401, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s)) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
// set headers via, cseq and authorization
//p_register := m_REGISTER_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via_REG, vc_contact, vc_authorization);
// Re-send protected REGISTER
p_register.requestLine.requestUri := vc_requestUri;
p_register.msgHeader.cSeq := vc_cSeq;
p_register.msgHeader.via := vc_via_REG;
p_register.msgHeader.authorization := vc_authorization;
// awaiting 200 OK REGISTER
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, p_cSeq_s)) -> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
log ("Authorization was not requested as expected");
f_getServiceRouteMapIntoRouteInRegistration(p_cSeq_s, vc_response);
}//end function f_Registration_withTemplate
* @desc remove registration
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
function f_RemoveRegistration(inout CSeq p_cSeq) runs on SipComponent
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
var Credentials v_credentials;
var template REGISTER_Request v_request;
else {vc_DeregDone := true;}
v_request := m_REGISTER_Request_expires(vc_requestUri, vc_callIdReg,
p_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_contact, vc_authorization, "0");
//v_request.msgHeader.route := f_route();
// receiving 401 Unauthorized response.
// and Re-send REGISTER request with Authorization header
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine401, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq)) -> value vc_response
// set headers via, cseq and authorization
v_request := m_REGISTER_Request_expires(vc_requestUri, vc_callIdReg,
p_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_contact, vc_authorization, "0");
//v_request.msgHeader.route := f_route();
// Re-send protected REGISTER
// awaiting 200 OK REGISTER
f_awaitingResponse(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq));
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq))-> value vc_response
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(vc_cSeq, vc_response);
//log ("Authorization was not requested as expected");
f_awaitingResponse(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq));
} // end f_RemoveRegistration
* @desc remove registration without authorization
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
function f_RemoveRegistration_wo_authorization(inout CSeq p_cSeq) runs on SipComponent
var SemicolonParam_List tmp_params;
f_SendREGISTER(m_REGISTER_Request_expires(vc_requestUri, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq,
vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_contact, vc_authorization, "0" ));
f_awaitingResponse(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callIdReg, p_cSeq));
} // end f_RemoveRegistration_wo_authorization
}//end group Registration
group Subscription {
* @desc UE send subscrbe, await on 200 OK, await notify and send 200 OK
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_subscribe subscribe template
function f_Subscription(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s,template SUBSCRIBE_Request p_subscribe) runs on SipComponent
// awaiting 200 OK SUBSCRIBE
//await NOTIFY and send reply 200 OK
}//end function f_Subscription
* @desc UE send subscrbe, await on 200 OK, await notify and send 200 OK
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_subscribe subscribe template
* @param p_notify notify template
function f_SubscriptionWithNotification(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, template SUBSCRIBE_Request p_subscribe, template NOTIFY_Request p_notify) runs on SipComponent
// awaiting 200 OK SUBSCRIBE
//await NOTIFY and send reply 200 OK
}//end function f_Subscription
* @desc UE await subscrbe, send on 200 OK; possibility to handle also other SUBSCRIBE methods where event is different than reg
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_subscribe subscribe template
function f_awaitingSubscription(inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, template SUBSCRIBE_Request p_subscribe) runs on SipComponent
var Request v_request;
tc_wait.start(2.0);//awaiting of all SUBSCRIBES
[] SIPP.receive(p_subscribe)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
[] SIPP.receive(mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
[] tc_wait.timeout
// TODO check how to solve sending of NOTIFY on SUBSCRIBE
}//end function f_awaitingSubscription
}//end group Subscription
group Preambles {
* @desc Set variables and default initialization for user profile
* @param p_userprofile user profile of call
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
function f_SIP_preamble_woREG(in integer p_userprofile, inout CSeq p_cSeq_s) runs on SipComponent
//varables and altsteps
f_init_userprofile(p_userprofile); // assignment of PIXIT values to component variable
vc_sdp_local := valueof(m_SDP_bandwidth(valueof(m_media_dynPT(PX_SIP_SDP_dyn, PX_SIP_SDP_encoding)), vc_userprofile));
* @desc Set variables and default initialization for user profile and handle registration and authentication with MD5
* @param p_userprofile user profile of call
* @param p_cSeq_s cseq parameter
* @param p_register register template
function f_SIP_preamble_withREG(in integer p_userprofile, inout CSeq p_cSeq_s, template REGISTER_Request p_register) runs on SipComponent
f_SIP_preamble_woREG(p_userprofile, p_cSeq_s);
//Registration, Awaiting
f_Registration(p_cSeq_s, p_register, PX_SIP_REGISTER_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED);
}// end group Preambles
group Postambles {
* @desc function send BYE and awaits reponse
* @param p_CallId parameter for outgoing BYE
* @param p_cSeq parameter for outgoing BYE
* @param p_from parameter for outgoing BYE
* @param p_to parameter for outgoing BYE
* @param p_reqHostPort parameter for outgoing BYE
function f_terminateCall(SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_CallId, inout CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from,
template To p_to) runs on SipComponent
// Sending of a BYE request to release the call and expect a final response
f_SendBYE(m_BYE_Request_cause(p_requestUri, p_CallId, p_cSeq, p_from, valueof(p_to), vc_via, PX_SIP_BYE_CAUSE));
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(mw_statusLine1xx, p_CallId, p_cSeq))
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(mw_statusLineFinal, p_CallId, p_cSeq))
} // end function f_terminateCall
function f_cancelCall(template CANCEL_Request p_request)
runs on SipComponent
// This function is called to bring back the IUT in idle condition
// in case of errors or unexpected behaviour.
// Sending of a CANCEL request with the same Cseq
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, vc_cSeq))
function f_cancelCall_await487(template CANCEL_Request p_request)
runs on SipComponent
// This function is called to bring back the IUT in idle condition
// in case of errors or unexpected behaviour.
// Sending of a CANCEL request with the same Cseq
// set method on INVITE
vc_cSeq.method := "INVITE";
//await on 487 response and send ACK
f_awaitingResponse(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine487, vc_callId, vc_cSeq));
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via));
function f_awaitCancelCall_send487(template CANCEL_Request p_request)
runs on SipComponent
f_sendResponse(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, vc_cSeq,vc_caller_From, vc_caller_To, vc_via));
// set method on INVITE
vc_cSeq.method := "INVITE";
//send 487 response and await ACK
f_sendResponse(m_Response_Base(c_statusLine487, vc_callId, vc_cSeq,vc_caller_From, vc_caller_To, vc_via));
// await ACK
} // end group Postambles
group SipChecks
* @desc check the presence of conversation at SIP side
function f_check_Conversation() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if conversation at SIP port";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_conversation:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_conversation:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_uPlane, f_getVerdict()); // Note: implemented in test bodies
} // end of f_check_Conversation
* @desc check the presence of conversation at SIP side
function f_check_Ringing() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if ringing at SIP port";
if (PX_SIP_CheckRinging) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_ringing:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_ringing:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_Ringing, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_Ringing
* @desc check the announcement at SIP side (UE A)
function f_check_AnnouncementUE_A() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if announcement at UE A";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcementA:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcementA:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_annoucA, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_AnnouncementUE_A
* @desc check the announcement at SIP side (UE B)
function f_check_AnnouncementUE_B() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if announcement at UE B";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcementB:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcementB:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_annoucB, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_AnnouncementUE_B
* @desc check the announcement at SIP side
function f_check_Announcement() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if announcement at SIP side";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcement:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_announcement:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_annouc, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_Announcement
* @desc check the Voice message at SIP side
function f_check_VoiceMessage() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if voice message at SIP side";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_voiceMessage:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_voiceMessage:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_voicem, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_Announcement
* @desc check the stop of media stream
function f_check_MediaStopped() runs on SipComponent
var boolean v_result;
var charstring v_question := "confirm if media stream stopped";
if (PX_SIP_CheckConversation) {{v_question, -})
{[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_mediastopped:{-, true}) {}
[] opPort.getreply(s_SIP_mediastopped:{-, false})
{all timer.stop;
f_selfOrClientSyncAndVerdict(c_uPlaneStop, f_getVerdict());
} // end of f_check_MediaStopped
group DefaultsTestStep
* @desc This default handles receiving of the sync server
* STOP message and calls the RT HUT postamble. (copy from common lib)
altstep a_Sip_catchSyncStop() runs on SipComponent
[] syncPort.receive(m_syncServerStop)
tc_sync.stop ;
log("**** a_Sip_catchSyncStop: Test component received STOP signal from MTC - going to IDLE state **** ");
//TODO complete postamble
//in case if deregistration was not done
log("**** a_Sip_catchSyncStop: TEST COMPONENT NOW STOPPING ITSELF! **** ") ;
stop ;
* @desc main default altstep to handle unexpected messages and timeout
* @verdict fail for all unexpected branches
altstep a_clearRegistration() runs on SipComponent
var Response v_response;
var Request v_request;
[] any timer.timeout
all timer.stop;
//TODO check how to solve release of call
//f_SendCANCEL(m_CANCEL_Request(vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_cancel_To, vc_reqHostPort, vc_via )); // difference between registration state or transaction state
vc_callId := vc_callIdReg;
// allow repeated INVITEs
[vc_ignore_invite] SIPP.receive(mw_INVITE_Request_Base)
// allow repeated BYEs after ack of the first BYE
[vc_ignore_bye] SIPP.receive (mw_BYE_Request_Base(?))
[] SIPP.receive (mw_ACK_Request_Base(?))
// allow 100 replies
[] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine100,?, ?))
// ignore 181 if flag is set (following TS 183004 §
[vc_ignore181] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine181,vc_callId, vc_cSeq))-> value v_response sender vc_sent_label
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, v_response);
// according to SIP chap.
[] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine183,vc_callId, vc_cSeq))
// ignore 484 if flag is set
[vc_ignore484] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine484,vc_callId, vc_cSeq))
[vc_ignore4xx] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(mw_statusLine4xx,vc_callId, ?))-> value v_response sender vc_sent_label
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, v_response);
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_route(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, valueof(vc_route)));
[vc_ignore200OKinv] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(c_statusLine200, vc_callId, ?))
[] SIPP.receive(mw_INFO_Request_Base(vc_callId))->value v_request sender vc_sent_label
// awaiting of Notify
[] SIPP.receive(mw_NOTIFY_Request_Base(vc_callId))->value v_request sender vc_sent_label
// awaiting of subscribe from UE
[vc_ignore_subscribe] SIPP.receive(mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
//awaiting of subscribe on proxy
[] SIPP.receive(mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base)->value v_request sender vc_sent_label
f_sendResponse(m_Response_Contact(c_statusLine200,vc_callId, vc_cSeq,vc_callee_From, vc_callee_To, vc_via,vc_contact));
//f_setHeadersGeneral(vc_cSeq, "NOTIFY"); // cseq, contact, branch, via
//f_SendNOTIFY(m_NOTIFY_Request_contact(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_contact));
f_SendNOTIFY(m_NOTIFY_Request_contact([0].addressField.nameAddr.addrSpec, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_callee_From, vc_callee_To, vc_via, vc_contact));
// unexpected BYE is acknowledged to avoid retransmissions
[] SIPP.receive(mw_BYE_Request_Base(?))-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
// unexpected CANCEL is acknowledged to avoid retransmissions
[] SIPP.receive(mw_CANCEL_Request_Base(?))-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
//Answer to the CANCEL
// catch 4xx response
[] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(mw_statusLine4xx, vc_callId, ?))-> value v_response sender vc_sent_label
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, v_response);
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_route(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_route));
// catch 5xx response
[] SIPP.receive(mw_Response_Base(mw_statusLine5xx, vc_callId, ?))-> value v_response sender vc_sent_label
f_setHeadersOnReceiptOfResponse(v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, v_response);
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_route(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, v_response.msgHeader.cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via, vc_route));
// catch invalid REGISTER
[] SIPP.receive(mw_REGISTER_Request_Base)-> value v_request sender vc_sent_label
// any
[] SIPP.receive
all timer.stop;
// f_setHeadersCANCEL(vc_cSeq);
// f_SendCANCEL(m_CANCEL_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_cancel_To, vc_via )); // difference between registration state or transaction state
* @desc altstep handle authentication for INVITE message
altstep a_altstep_401or407() runs on SipComponent {
[] any port.check (receive) {
var CommaParam_List v_challenge;
var Credentials v_Credentials;
var Response v_Response;
var Request v_Request := valueof (vc_requestFor407);
tc_resp.start (PX_SIP_TRESP);
alt {
[] SIPP.receive (mw_Response_Base((c_statusLine401,c_statusLine407),
vc_cSeq)) -> value v_Response {
// get tag from To header if available
vc_to := v_Response.msgHeader.toField;
if (vc_cSeq.method == "INVITE"){
// send ACK
f_SendACK(m_ACK_Request_Base(vc_requestUri, vc_callId, vc_cSeq, vc_from, vc_to, vc_via));
// resent the INVITE message with Proxyauthorization header include
// Extract challenge and calculate credentials for a response.
if (ischosen (v_Response
.otherChallenge // instead of digestCln (changed by axr to comply to alcatel)
)) {
v_challenge :=
v_Credentials :=
} else {
log ("No scheme in Proxy Authenticate header!!");
setverdict (inconc);
vc_branch := c_branchCookie & f_getRndTag();
vc_via := {
fieldName := VIA_E,
viaBody := {
valueof (m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(vc_branch, vc_userprofile))}
v_Request.msgHeader.via := vc_via;
// Increment CSeq sequence number of and add the credentials
// to the original saved INVITE message.
vc_cSeq.method := vc_requestFor407.msgHeader.cSeq.method;
vc_cSeq.seqNumber := vc_cSeq.seqNumber + 1;
v_Request.msgHeader.cSeq.seqNumber :=
v_Request.msgHeader.proxyAuthorization.fieldName :=
v_Request.msgHeader.proxyAuthorization.credentials :=
// Re-send the saved INVITE with Authorization header
// included.
SIPP.send (v_Request) to vc_sent_label;
} // end of group DefaultsTestStep
} // end module LibSip_Steps
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Templates.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Templates.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Templates.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,3738 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module defines SIP Templates for message, header, and
+ * structured types. <br>
+ * Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module
+ * may be overwritten by future releases of this library
+ * End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this
+ * module regarding their modifications or additions.
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ * @remark Any additions to the templates shall follow the design rules
+ * and always modify base templates only;
+ * Existing templates shall not be changed or removed -
+ * change requests shall be made to
+ */
+module LibSip_Templates
+ //LibSip
+ import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
+ import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_Interface all;
+ import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
+ import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_MessageBodyTypes all;
+ import from NoTargetNamespace language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/CONF.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/PSTN.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/MCID.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/ResourceList.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/CDIVN.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0 language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/cw.xsd"
+ }
+ group ModuleParameters {
+ modulepar boolean MB_LENGTH_FROM_ENCVAL:=false; //* to get length of message body from ecoded value
+ modulepar boolean USE_FX_FOR_XML_LENGTH:=false; //* To use external functions for calculation of XML message/body length
+ }//* group ModuleParameters
+ group SubFields
+ {
+ template Addr_Union m_AddrUnion_NameAddr(template NameAddr p_nameAddr) :=
+ {
+ nameAddr := p_nameAddr
+ }
+ template Addr_Union m_AddrUnion_DisplayAndSipUrl(template charstring p_displayName, template SipUrl p_addrSpec) :=
+ {
+ nameAddr := m_CallingAddr(p_displayName, p_addrSpec)
+ }
+ template NameAddr m_CallingAddr(template charstring p_displayName, template SipUrl p_addrSpec) :=
+ {
+ displayName := p_displayName,
+ addrSpec := p_addrSpec
+ }
+ template CommaParam_List mw_digestResponse(template GenericParam p_genericParam) :=
+ superset(p_genericParam); //* c_Integrity_protected_yes
+ template SemicolonParam_List m_cpc :=
+ {{"cpc",PX_SIP_ISUP_CPC_VALUE}};
+ template SemicolonParam_List m_ReasonParams
+ (template charstring p_cause, template charstring p_text) :=
+ {m_Cause(p_cause),m_Text(p_text)};
+ template ReasonValue m_ReasonValue
+ (template charstring p_cause, template charstring p_text) :=
+ {
+ token := "Q.850",
+ reasonParams := m_ReasonParams(p_cause,p_text)
+ };
+ template ReasonValue m_ReasonValueSIP
+ (template charstring p_cause, template charstring p_text) :=
+ {
+ token := "SIP",
+ reasonParams := m_ReasonParams(p_cause,p_text)
+ };
+ template RouteBody mw_routeBody (template SipUrl p_sipurl):=
+ {
+ nameAddr :=
+ {
+ displayName := *,
+ addrSpec := p_sipurl
+ },
+ rrParam := *
+ }
+ template SentProtocol m_SentProtocol (charstring p_protocol) :=
+ {protocolName := c_sipName,
+ protocolVersion:= c_sipVersion,
+ transport:= p_protocol};
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_currDomain(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := //* SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := p_userprofile.publUsername,//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_userprofile.homeDomain, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := omit //* p_userprofile.currPort //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_contactIpaddr(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := //* SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := p_userprofile.publUsername,//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_userprofile.contactIpaddr, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := p_userprofile.contactPort //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_contactIpaddrAndCpc(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := //* SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := p_userprofile.publUsername & "; cpc=" & PX_SIP_ISUP_CPC_VALUE,//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_userprofile.contactIpaddr, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := p_userprofile.contactPort //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_currIpaddr(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := //* SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := p_userprofile.publUsername,//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_userprofile.currIpaddr, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := p_userprofile.currPort //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_Anonymous := //* SIP-URL with a calles party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := "Anonymous",//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := "Anonymous.invalid", //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := omit //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl m_TelUrl_publUser(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := //* SIP-URL of the test system on SIP side
+ {
+ scheme := c_telScheme, //* contains "tel"
+ components := {tel:={
+ subscriber := p_userprofile.publUsername//* charstring
+ }},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ template SipUrl mw_TelUrl :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_telScheme,
+ components := {tel:={
+ subscriber := ?}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := *,
+ hostPort := ?}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableInvalidUri := (mw_TelSip_unavailableInvalidUri1,mw_TelSip_unavailableInvalidUri2);
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableInvalidUri1 :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:="unavailable", password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:="anonymous.invalid", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}
+ }},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableInvalidUri2 :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_telScheme,
+ components := {tel:={
+ subscriber := "unavailable"
+ }},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableUri (charstring p_host):= (mw_TelSip_unavailableUri1 (p_host),mw_TelSip_unavailableUri2 (p_host));
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableUri1 (charstring p_host):=
+ {
+ scheme := (c_telScheme),
+ components := {tel:={
+ subscriber := "unavailable"}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSip_unavailableUri2 (charstring p_host):=
+ {
+ scheme := (c_sipScheme),
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:="unavailable", password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=c_defaultSipPort}}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_Number(charstring p_number) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=*},
+ hostPort := ?}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSipUrl_Number(template charstring p_number) := (mw_TelSipUrl_Number1(p_number),mw_TelSipUrl_Number2(p_number));
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSipUrl_Number1(template charstring p_number) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := (c_sipScheme), //* contains "sip" or "tel"
+ components := {
+ sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=*}, //* nat or int format
+ hostPort := ?}
+ },
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_TelSipUrl_Number2(template charstring p_number) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := (c_telScheme), //* contains "sip" or "tel"
+ components := {
+ tel:={
+ subscriber:= p_number}
+ },
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_Host(template charstring p_host) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= *,
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=*}}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_NumberHost(charstring p_number, charstring p_host) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=*},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=*}}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_NumberHostParam(charstring p_number, charstring p_host, template SemicolonParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=*},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=*}}},
+ urlParameters := p_urlParameters,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_NumberHostHeader(charstring p_number, charstring p_host, template AmpersandParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=omit}}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := p_urlParameters
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_NumberHostHeader(charstring p_number, charstring p_host, template AmpersandParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=*},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=*}}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := p_urlParameters
+ };
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_NumberHostParam(charstring p_number, charstring p_host, template SemicolonParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=c_defaultSipPort}}},
+ urlParameters := p_urlParameters,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl m_SipUrl_NumberHostParam_woPort(charstring p_number, charstring p_host, template SemicolonParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:=p_number, password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:=p_host, portField:=omit}}},
+ urlParameters := p_urlParameters,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_Anonymous := //* SIP-URL with a calles party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := //* optional
+ {
+ userOrTelephoneSubscriber := pattern "[a,A][n,N][o,O][n,N][y,Y][m,M][o,O][u,U][s,s]",//* charstring
+ password := omit //* optional charstring
+ },
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := pattern "[a,A]nonymous.invalid", //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := * //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := *,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_urlParam(template SemicolonParam_List p_urlParameters) := //* SIP-URL with a calling party number
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo:= *,
+ hostPort := ?}},
+ urlParameters := p_urlParameters,
+ headers := *
+ };
+ template ContactAddress mw_ContactAddress :=
+ {
+ addressField := ?,
+ contactParams := *
+ };
+ template HostPort mw_hostPort(template charstring p_host, template integer p_portField) :=
+ {
+ host := p_host,
+ portField := p_portField
+ };
+ template StatusLine mw_statusLine1xx := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := (100..199), reasonPhrase := ?};
+ template StatusLine mw_statusLine4xx := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := (400..499), reasonPhrase := ?};
+ template StatusLine mw_statusLine5xx := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := (500..599), reasonPhrase := ?};
+ template StatusLine mw_statusLineFinal := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := (200..699), reasonPhrase := ?};
+ template NameAddr mw_NameAddr_DispName_User_Host(template charstring p_dn, template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host) :=
+ {
+ displayName := p_dn,
+ addrSpec :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := { sip := {
+ userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber :=p_user, password := *},
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_host, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := * //* optional integer
+ }}
+ },
+ urlParameters := {m_UserPhone},
+ headers := *
+ }
+ }
+ template Addr_Union mw_AddrUnion_Nameaddr(template charstring p_dn, template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host):=
+ {
+ nameAddr:=mw_NameAddr_DispName_User_Host(p_dn,p_user,p_host)
+ }
+ template SipUrl mw_SipUrl_User_Host(template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host) :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {sip:={
+ userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber :=p_user, password := *},
+ hostPort :=
+ {
+ host := p_host, //* hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 as a charstring
+ portField := * //* optional integer
+ }}},
+ urlParameters := {m_UserPhone},
+ headers := *
+ }
+ template Addr_Union mw_AddrUnion_SipUrl(template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host):=
+ {
+ addrSpecUnion:=mw_SipUrl_User_Host(p_user,p_host)
+ }
+ } //* end group Subfields
+ group HeaderFieldTemplates {
+ template LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.Allow m_Allow (template Method_List p_methods) := {
+ fieldName := ALLOW_E,
+ methods := p_methods
+ }
+ template LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.Allow mw_Allow (charstring p_method) := {
+ fieldName := ALLOW_E,
+ methods := superset(p_method)
+ }
+ template GenericParam m_Cause (template charstring p_cause):=
+ {id:="cause", paramValue:=p_cause}
+ template GenericParam mw_Cause (template charstring p_cause):=
+ // {id:=?, paramValue:= p_cause}
+ {id:=?, paramValue:= pattern "*{p_cause}*"} // TODO - Expression does not work for all TTCN tools
+ template Authorization m_Authorization (template Credentials p_Credentials):=
+ {
+ fieldName := AUTHORIZATION_E,
+ body := {p_Credentials}
+ }
+ template Authorization m_Authorization_digest (template CommaParam_List p_CommaParam_List):=
+ {
+ fieldName := AUTHORIZATION_E,
+ body := {{digestResponse := p_CommaParam_List}}
+ }
+ template Authorization m_add_Authorization_digest (in Authorization p_auth, template CommaParam_List p_CommaParam_List):=
+ {
+ fieldName := AUTHORIZATION_E,
+ body := {{digestResponse := f_merge_CommaParam_List(p_auth.body[0].digestResponse,valueof(p_CommaParam_List))}}
+ }
+ template Authorization m_Authorization_other :=
+ {
+ fieldName := AUTHORIZATION_E,
+ body := {{otherResponse := ?}}
+ }
+ template Contact m_Contact(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CONTACT_E,
+ contactBody :=
+ {
+ contactAddresses :=
+ {
+ {
+ addressField := { addrSpecUnion := p_sipUrl},
+ contactParams := omit
+ }
+ }
+ } //* end contactBody
+ }//* end m_Contact
+ template Contact m_Contact_profile(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CONTACT_E,
+ contactBody :=
+ {
+ contactAddresses :=
+ {
+ {
+ addressField := { addrSpecUnion := m_SipUrl_contactIpaddr(p_userprofile)},
+ contactParams := omit
+ }
+ }
+ } //* end contactBody
+ }//* end m_Contact
+ template Contact m_Contact_profile_expires(in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, in charstring p_expires) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CONTACT_E,
+ contactBody :=
+ {
+ contactAddresses :=
+ {
+ {
+ addressField := { addrSpecUnion := m_SipUrl_contactIpaddr(p_userprofile)},
+ contactParams := {{"expires",p_expires}}
+ }
+ }
+ } //* end contactBody
+ }//* end m_Contact
+ template From m_From(template NameAddr p_nameAddr, charstring p_tag_str) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField :=
+ {nameAddr := p_nameAddr},//* end addressField
+ fromParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := p_tag_str}}
+ };
+ template From m_From_Anonymous(charstring p_tag_str) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField :=
+ {nameAddr := {
+ displayName := "Anonymous", //* optional charstring
+ addrSpec := m_SipUrl_Anonymous //* SipUrl
+ }},//* end addressField
+ fromParams := {{id := c_tagId, paramValue := p_tag_str}}
+ };
+ template From m_From_SipUrl(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField :=
+ {nameAddr := {
+ displayName := omit, //* optional charstring
+ addrSpec := p_sipUrl //* SipUrl
+ }},//* end addressField
+ fromParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_refer :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "refer",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_conference :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "conference",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_presence :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "presence",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_reg :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "reg",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_cdiv :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "comm-div-info",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Event m_Event_mcid :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EVENT_E,
+ eventType := "comm-div-info",
+ eventParams := omit
+ };
+ template Expires m_Expires_600000 :=
+ {
+ fieldName := EXPIRES_E,
+ deltaSec := "600000"
+ };
+ template Expires m_Expires (charstring p_deltaSec):=
+ {
+ fieldName := EXPIRES_E,
+ deltaSec := p_deltaSec
+ };
+ template PAssertedID m_PAssertedID(template Addr_Union p_pAssertedIDValue) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := P_ASSERTED_ID_E,
+ pAssertedIDValueList := {p_pAssertedIDValue}
+ };
+ template HistoryInfo mw_HistoryInfo(template HistoryInfo_List p_HistoryInfo_List) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := HISTORY_INFO_E,
+ historyInfoList := p_HistoryInfo_List
+ };
+ template HistoryInfoEntry mw_HistoryInfoEntry(template SipUrl p_Url, template StringList p_index, template SemicolonParam_List p_paramlist) :=
+ {
+ nameAddr := {displayName:=*, addrSpec:= p_Url},
+ hiIndex := p_index,
+ hiExtention := p_paramlist
+ }
+ template HistoryInfo m_HistoryInfo(template HistoryInfo_List p_HistoryInfo_List) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := HISTORY_INFO_E,
+ historyInfoList := p_HistoryInfo_List
+ };
+ template HistoryInfoEntry m_HistoryInfoEntry(template SipUrl p_Url, template StringList p_index, template SemicolonParam_List p_paramlist) :=
+ {
+ nameAddr := {displayName:=omit, addrSpec:= p_Url},
+ hiIndex := p_index,
+ hiExtention := p_paramlist
+ }
+ template PAssertedID m_PAssertedID_2x(template Addr_Union p_pAssertedIDValue1, template Addr_Union p_pAssertedIDValue2) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := P_ASSERTED_ID_E,
+ pAssertedIDValueList := {p_pAssertedIDValue1, p_pAssertedIDValue2}
+ };
+ template PAssertedID mw_PAssertedID(template PAssertedIDValue p_pAssertedIDValue) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := P_ASSERTED_ID_E,
+ pAssertedIDValueList := {p_pAssertedIDValue}
+ };
+ template PAssertedIDValue mw_PAssertedIDValue(template SipUrl p_SipUrl) :=
+ {
+ nameAddr :={displayName := *, addrSpec:=p_SipUrl}
+ };
+ template PPreferredID m_PPreferredID(template Addr_Union p_pPreferredIDValue) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := P_PREFERRED_ID_E,
+ pPreferredIDValueList := {p_pPreferredIDValue}
+ };
+ template Privacy m_Privacy(PrivacyValue p_privacy) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := PRIVACY_E,
+ privValueList := {p_privacy}
+ };
+ template RAck m_RAck(integer p_responseNum, integer p_seqNumber, charstring p_method) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := RACK_E,
+ responseNum := p_responseNum,
+ seqNumber := p_seqNumber,
+ method := p_method
+ };
+ template Reason m_Reason(integer p_cause) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REASON_E,
+ reasonValues := {m_ReasonValue(int2str(p_cause),"dummy")}
+ };
+ template Reason m_Reason21 :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REASON_E,
+ reasonValues := {m_ReasonValue(int2str(21),"call reject")}
+ };
+ template RecordRoute m_recordRoute_currIpAddr (in SipUserProfile p_userprofile):=
+ {
+ fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E,
+ routeBody := {{nameAddr := {displayName := omit,
+ addrSpec := {scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := { sip := {
+ userInfo := omit,
+ hostPort := {host:=p_userprofile.currIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.currPort}}},
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit}
+ },
+ rrParam := omit}
+ }};
+ template RouteBody m_routeBody_currIpAddr (in SipUserProfile p_userprofile):=
+ {
+ nameAddr := {
+ displayName := omit,
+ addrSpec := {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme, //* contains "sip"
+ components := {
+ sip := {
+ userInfo := omit,
+ hostPort := {host:=p_userprofile.homeDomain, portField:= p_userprofile.currPort}
+ }
+ },
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ },
+ rrParam := omit
+ };
+ template ReferredBy m_ReferredBy_SipUrl(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REFERRED_BY_E,
+ nameAddr :={displayName := omit, addrSpec:=p_sipUrl},
+ referredbyIdParams := omit
+ }
+ template ReferTo m_ReferTo_SipUrl(template SipUrl p_sipUrl, charstring p_method) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REFER_TO_E,
+ nameAddr :={displayName := omit, addrSpec:=p_sipUrl},
+ referToParams := {{id:="method",paramValue :=p_method}}
+ }
+ template ReferSub m_ReferSub(in boolean p_value) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REFER_SUB_E,
+ referSubValue :=p_value,
+ referSubParams := omit
+ }
+ template Replaces m_Replaces(
+ charstring p_callId,
+ charstring p_toTag,
+ charstring p_fromTag
+ ) := {
+ fieldName := REPLACES_E,
+ replacesParams := {
+ {id := p_callId, paramValue := omit},
+ {id := "to-tag", paramValue := p_toTag},
+ {id := "from-tag", paramValue := p_fromTag}
+ }
+ }
+ template Require m_Require_replaces :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := {c_replaces}
+ };
+ template Require m_Require_empty :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := {""}
+ };
+ template Require m_Require_100rel :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := {c_tag100rel}
+ };
+ template Require m_Require_prec :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := {c_tagPrecond}
+ }
+ template SubscriptionState m_SubscriptionState_active :=
+ {
+ subState := "active",
+ substateParams := {{id:="expires",paramValue:="60000"}}
+ }
+ template Supported m_Supported_fromChange :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:={c_tagFromChange}
+ }
+ template Supported m_Supported_prec :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:={c_tagPrecond}
+ }
+ template Supported m_Supported_100rel :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:={c_tag100rel}
+ }
+ template Supported m_Supported_100rel_prec :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:={c_tag100rel, c_tagPrecond}
+ }
+ template GenericParam m_Text (template charstring p_text):=
+ {id:="text", paramValue:=p_text}
+ template GenericParam m_UserPhone :=
+ {
+ id := "user",
+ paramValue := "phone"
+ }
+ template GenericParam m_UserToUserEncodingHex :=
+ {
+ id := "encoding",
+ paramValue := "hex"
+ }
+ template UserToUser m_UserToUserData(template charstring p_U2UData):=
+ {
+ fieldName := USER_TO_USER_E,
+ uuiData := p_U2UData,
+ uuiParam := m_UserToUserEncodingHex
+ }
+ template To m_To(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := TO_E,
+ addressField :=
+ {nameAddr := {
+ displayName := "ETSI Tester", //* optional charstring
+ addrSpec := p_sipUrl //* SipUrl
+ }},//* end addressField
+ toParams := omit
+ };
+ template To m_To_SipUrl(SipUrl p_sipUrl) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := TO_E,
+ addressField :=
+ {nameAddr := {
+ displayName := omit, //* optional charstring
+ addrSpec := p_sipUrl //* SipUrl
+ }},//* end addressField
+ toParams := omit
+ };
+ template To mw_To_NameAddr_SipUrl(template charstring p_dn, template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := TO_E,
+ addressField := (mw_AddrUnion_Nameaddr(p_dn,p_user,p_host),mw_AddrUnion_SipUrl(p_user,p_host)),
+ toParams := *
+ }
+ template To mw_To(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) := {
+ fieldName := TO_E,
+ addressField := { nameAddr := {displayName := *, addrSpec := p_sipUrl}},
+ toParams:= *
+ }
+ template From mw_From(template SipUrl p_sipUrl) := {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField := { nameAddr := {displayName := *, addrSpec := p_sipUrl}},
+ fromParams:= *
+ }
+ template From mw_From_NameAddr_SipUrl(template charstring p_dn, template charstring p_user, template charstring p_host) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField := (mw_AddrUnion_Nameaddr(p_dn,p_user,p_host),mw_AddrUnion_SipUrl(p_user,p_host)),
+ fromParams := *
+ }
+ template ViaBody m_ViaBody_currIpaddr(charstring branch_val,in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) :=
+ {
+ sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
+ sentBy:={host:=p_userprofile.currIpaddr, portField:= p_userprofile.currPort},
+ viaParams:={{id :=c_branchId,paramValue :=branch_val}}
+ }
+ template ViaBody mw_ViaBody_interface(template HostPort p_hostport) :=
+ {
+ sentProtocol := m_SentProtocol(PX_SIP_TRANSPORT),
+ sentBy:={, portField:= p_hostport.portField},
+ viaParams:=*
+ }
+ template Via mw_Via(template ViaBody p_viabody) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := VIA_E,
+ viaBody:= superset(p_viabody)
+ }
+ template CallId mw_CallId_any :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CALL_ID_E,
+ callid := ?
+ }
+ template Privacy mw_Privacy_id :=
+ {
+ fieldName := PRIVACY_E,
+ privValueList := {*,"id",*}
+ };
+ template Privacy mw_Privacy(template charstring p_value) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := PRIVACY_E,
+ privValueList := {*,p_value,*}
+ };
+ template Privacy mw_Privacy_user :=
+ {
+ fieldName := PRIVACY_E,
+ privValueList := {*,"user",*}
+ };
+ template Reason mw_Reason(template charstring p_cause) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REASON_E,
+ reasonValues := {m_ReasonValue(p_cause,?)}
+ };
+ template Reason mw_ReasonSIP(template charstring p_cause) :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REASON_E,
+ reasonValues := {m_ReasonValueSIP(p_cause,?)}
+ };
+ template Require mw_Require_not_100rel :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := superset(complement(c_tag100rel))
+ };
+ template Require mw_require_100rel :=
+ {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := superset(c_tag100rel)
+ };
+ template RecordRoute mw_recordroute (template RouteBody p_routeBody):=
+ {
+ fieldName := RECORD_ROUTE_E,
+ routeBody := superset(p_routeBody)
+ };
+ template Route mw_route (template RouteBody_List p_routeBody):=
+ {
+ fieldName := ROUTE_E,
+ routeBody := p_routeBody
+ };
+ template StatusLine mw_statusLine(template integer p_statusCode) :=
+ {
+ sipVersion:=c_sipNameVersion,
+ statusCode:=p_statusCode,
+ reasonPhrase:=?
+ };
+ template Supported mw_Supported_100rel_prec :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:= superset(c_tag100rel, c_tagPrecond)
+ }
+ template Supported mw_Supported_100rel :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:= superset(c_tag100rel)
+ }
+ template Supported mw_Supported_fromChange :=
+ {
+ fieldName:=SUPPORTED_E,
+ optionsTags:= superset(c_tagFromChange)
+ }
+ template UserToUser mw_UserToUserData(template charstring p_U2UData):=
+ {
+ fieldName := USER_TO_USER_E,
+ uuiData := p_U2UData,
+ uuiParam := ?
+ }
+ template Contact mw_Contact_conference :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CONTACT_E,
+ contactBody :=
+ {
+ contactAddresses :=
+ {
+ {
+ addressField := {
+ nameAddr := {
+ displayName := *,
+ addrSpec := {
+ scheme := ?,
+ components := ?,
+ urlParameters := {{"isfocus",*},*},
+ headers := *
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ contactParams := *
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template AlertInfo m_AlertInfo(charstring p_urn) := {
+ fieldName := ALERT_INFO_E,
+ alertInfoBody := {{p_urn, omit}}
+ }
+ template AlertInfo mw_AlertInfo(template charstring p_urn) := {
+ fieldName := ALERT_INFO_E,
+ alertInfoBody := superset({p_urn, omit})
+ }
+ } //* end of group HeaderFieldTemplates
+group MessageTemplates {
+group dummy_templates {
+ group dummy_parameter_send {
+ template RequestLine m_requestLine_dummy(Method p_method) :=
+ {
+ method := p_method,
+ requestUri := c_unavailableUri,
+ sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion
+ }
+ template MessageHeader m_msgHeader_dummy :=
+ {
+ accept := omit,
+ acceptContact := omit,
+ acceptEncoding := omit,
+ acceptLanguage := omit,
+ alertInfo := omit,
+ allow := omit,
+ allowEvents := omit, //* RFC3265
+ authenticationInfo := omit,
+ authorization := omit,
+ callId := c_empty_CallId,
+ callInfo := omit,
+ contact := omit,
+ contentDisposition := omit,
+ contentEncoding := omit,
+ contentLanguage := omit,
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= 0},
+ contentType := omit, //* if message body present m, else not present
+ cSeq := c_empty_cSeq,
+ date := omit,
+ errorInfo := omit,
+ event := omit, //* RFC3265
+ expires := omit,
+ fromField := c_empty_From,
+ geolocation := omit,
+ geolocationRouting := omit,
+ historyInfo := omit, //* RFC4244
+ inReplyTo := omit,
+ maxForwards := c_maxForwards70,
+ mimeVersion := omit,
+ minExpires := omit,
+ minSE := omit, //* RFC4028
+ organization := omit,
+ pAccessNetworkInfo := omit, //* RFC3455
+ pAssertedID := omit,
+ pAssertedService := omit,
+ pAssociatedURI := omit,
+ path := omit, //* RFC3327
+ pCalledPartyID := omit, //* RFC3455
+ pChargingFunctionAddresses := omit, //* RFC3455
+ pChargingVector := omit, //* RFC3455
+ pEarlyMedia := omit, //* RFC5009
+ pMediaAuthorization := omit, //* RFC3313
+ pPreferredID := omit,
+ pPreferredService := omit,
+ priority := omit,
+ privacy := omit,
+ proxyAuthenticate := omit,
+ proxyAuthorization := omit,
+ proxyRequire := omit,
+ pVisitedNetworkID := omit, //* RFC3455
+ rAck := omit,
+ rSeq := omit,
+ reason := omit,
+ recordRoute := omit,
+ requestDisposition := omit,
+ referredBy := omit, //* RFC3892 - REFER method
+ referTo := omit, //* RFC3515 - REFER method
+ referSub := omit, //* RFC4488 - REFER method
+ replaces := omit, //* RFC3891
+ replyTo := omit,
+ require := omit,
+ retryAfter := omit,
+ route := omit,
+ securityClient := omit, //* RFC3329
+ securityServer := omit, //* RFC3329
+ securityVerify := omit, //* RFC3329
+ server := omit,
+ serviceRoute := omit, //* RFC3608
+ sessionExpires := omit, //* RFC4028
+ sessionId := omit,
+ sipETag := omit,
+ sipIfMatch := omit,
+ subject := omit,
+ subscriptionState := omit, //* RFC3265
+ supported := omit,
+ timestamp := omit,
+ toField := c_empty_To,
+ unsupported := omit,
+ userToUser := omit,
+ userAgent := omit,
+ via := c_empty_Via,
+ warning := omit,
+ wwwAuthenticate := omit,
+ undefinedHeader_List := omit
+ }
+ } //* group dummy_parameter_send
+ group dummy_parameter_receive {
+ template RequestLine mw_requestLine_dummy(Method p_method) :=
+ {
+ method := p_method,
+ requestUri := ?,
+ sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion
+ }
+ template MessageHeader mw_msgHeader_dummy :=
+ {
+ accept := *,
+ acceptContact := *,
+ acceptEncoding := *,
+ acceptLanguage := *,
+ alertInfo := *,
+ allow := *,
+ allowEvents := *, //* RFC3265
+ authenticationInfo := *,
+ authorization := *,
+ callId := ?,
+ callInfo := *,
+ contact := *,
+ contentDisposition := *,
+ contentEncoding := *,
+ contentLanguage := *,
+ contentLength := ?,
+ contentType := *,
+ cSeq := ?,
+ date := *,
+ errorInfo := *,
+ event := *, //* RFC3265
+ expires := *,
+ fromField := ?,
+ geolocation := *,
+ geolocationRouting := *,
+ historyInfo := *, //* RFC4244
+ inReplyTo := *,
+ maxForwards := *,
+ mimeVersion := *,
+ minExpires := *,
+ minSE := *, //* RFC4028
+ organization := *,
+ pAccessNetworkInfo := *, //* RFC3455
+ pAssertedID := *,
+ pAssertedService := *,
+ pAssociatedURI := *,
+ path := *, //* RFC3327
+ pCalledPartyID := *, //* RFC3455
+ pChargingFunctionAddresses := *, //* RFC3455
+ pChargingVector := *, //* RFC3455
+ pEarlyMedia := *, //* RFC5009
+ pMediaAuthorization := *, //* RFC3313
+ pPreferredID := *,
+ pPreferredService := *,
+ priority := *,
+ privacy := *,
+ proxyAuthenticate := *,
+ proxyAuthorization := *,
+ proxyRequire := *,
+ pVisitedNetworkID := *, //* RFC3455
+ rAck := *,
+ rSeq := *,
+ reason := *,
+ recordRoute := *,
+ requestDisposition := *,
+ referredBy := *, //* RFC3892 - REFER method
+ referTo := *, //* RFC3515 - REFER method
+ referSub := *, //* RFC4488 - REFER method
+ replaces := *, //* RFC 3891
+ replyTo := *,
+ require := *,
+ retryAfter := *,
+ route := *,
+ securityClient := *, //* RFC3329
+ securityServer := *, //* RFC3329
+ securityVerify := *, //* RFC3329
+ server := *,
+ serviceRoute := *, //* RFC3608
+ sessionExpires := *, //* RFC4028
+ sessionId := *,
+ sipETag := *,
+ sipIfMatch := *,
+ subject := *,
+ subscriptionState := *, //* RFC3265
+ supported := *,
+ timestamp := *,
+ toField := ?,
+ unsupported := *,
+ userToUser := *,
+ userAgent := *,
+ via := ?,
+ warning := *,
+ wwwAuthenticate := *,
+ undefinedHeader_List := *
+ }
+ }//* end group dummy_parameter_receive
+ group dummy_request_templates_send {
+ template ACK_Request m_ACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(ACK_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template BYE_Request m_BYE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(BYE_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(CANCEL_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template INFO_Request m_INFO_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(INFO_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(INVITE_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(MESSAGE_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(NOTIFY_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template OPTIONS_Request m_OPTIONS_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(OPTIONS_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template PRACK_Request m_PRACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(PRACK_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template PUBLISH_Request m_PUBLISH_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(PUBLISH_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(REGISTER_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template REFER_Request m_REFER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(REFER_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(SUBSCRIBE_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ template UPDATE_Request m_UPDATE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := m_requestLine_dummy(UPDATE_E),
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ }//* end group dummy_request_templates_send
+ group dummy_request_templates_receive{
+ template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(ACK_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(BYE_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template CANCEL_Request mw_CANCEL_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(CANCEL_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template INFO_Request mw_INFO_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(INFO_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(INVITE_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(MESSAGE_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template OPTIONS_Request mw_OPTIONS_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(OPTIONS_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request mw_NOTIFY_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(NOTIFY_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template PRACK_Request mw_PRACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(PRACK_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template PUBLISH_Request mw_PUBLISH_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(PUBLISH_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template REFER_Request mw_REFER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(REFER_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(REGISTER_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template SUBSCRIBE_Request mw_SUBSCRIBE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(SUBSCRIBE_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ template UPDATE_Request mw_UPDATE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine := mw_requestLine_dummy(UPDATE_E),
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ }//* end group dummy_request_templates_receive
+ group dummy_response_templates_send{
+ template Response m_Response_Dummy :=
+ {
+ statusLine := c_statusLine100,
+ msgHeader := m_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ } //* group dummy_response_templates_send
+ group dummy_response_templates_receive{
+ template Response mw_Response_Dummy :=
+ {
+ statusLine := ?,
+ msgHeader := mw_msgHeader_dummy,
+ messageBody := *,
+ payload := *
+ }
+ } //* group dummy_response_templates_receive
+group base_templates{
+ group request_send {
+ template ACK_Request m_ACK_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_ACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "ACK"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
+ Via p_via) modifies m_BYE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template CANCEL_Request m_CANCEL_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
+ Via p_via) modifies m_CANCEL_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template INFO_Request m_INFO_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
+ Via p_via) modifies m_INFO_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact) modifies m_INVITE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contact := p_contact,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template MESSAGE_Request m_MESSAGE_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_MESSAGE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_NOTIFY_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "NOTIFY"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template OPTIONS_Request m_OPTIONS_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_OPTIONS_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "OPTIONS"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template PRACK_Request m_PRACK_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, RAck p_RAck)
+ modifies m_PRACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "PRACK"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ rAck := p_RAck,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ },
+ messageBody := omit
+ }
+ template PUBLISH_Request m_PUBLISH_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Event p_event, template RAck p_RAck, template MessageBody p_mb)
+ modifies m_PUBLISH_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_plainText/*c_sdpAplication*/},
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "PUBLISH"},
+ event := p_event,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template REFER_Request m_REFER_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, Contact p_contact,
+ From p_from, template To p_to, Via p_via, template ReferTo p_referTo, template ReferredBy p_referredBy)
+ modifies m_REFER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contact := p_contact,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "REFER"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ referTo := p_referTo,
+ referredBy := p_referredBy,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template REFER_Request m_REFER_Request_replaces (
+ SipUrl p_requestUri,
+ CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq,
+ Contact p_contact,
+ From p_from,
+ template To p_to,
+ Via p_via,
+ template ReferTo p_referTo,
+ template ReferredBy p_referredBy,
+ template Replaces p_replaces,
+ template Require p_require
+ ) modifies m_REFER_Request_Base := {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ replaces := p_replaces,
+ require := p_require
+ }
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template Authorization p_authorization) modifies m_REGISTER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ authorization := p_authorization,
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contact := p_contact,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ supported := {
+ fieldName := SUPPORTED_E, optionsTags := {"path"}
+ },
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template SUBSCRIBE_Request m_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_SUBSCRIBE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "SUBSCRIBE"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template UPDATE_Request m_UPDATE_Request_Base (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_UPDATE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contact := p_contact,
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_sdpAplication},
+ cSeq := {fieldName:=CSEQ_E, seqNumber:= p_cSeq.seqNumber, method:= "UPDATE"},
+ fromField := p_from,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ } //* end of group message_send
+ group request_receive {
+ template ACK_Request mw_ACK_Request_Base (template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_ACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_Base(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_BYE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template CANCEL_Request mw_CANCEL_Request_Base (template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_CANCEL_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template INFO_Request mw_INFO_Request_Base(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_INFO_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_Base modifies mw_INVITE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ method := INVITE_E
+ }
+ }
+ template MESSAGE_Request mw_MESSAGE_Request_Base modifies mw_MESSAGE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contact := *
+ }
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request mw_NOTIFY_Request_Base (template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_NOTIFY_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template OPTIONS_Request mw_OPTIONS_Request_Base (template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_OPTIONS_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template PRACK_Request mw_PRACK_Request_Base(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_PRACK_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template PUBLISH_Request mw_PUBLISH_Request_Base(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_PUBLISH_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template REFER_Request mw_REFER_Request_Base (template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_REFER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ template REFER_Request
+ mw_REFER_Request(template CallId p_callId, SipUrl p_requestUri,
+ SipUrl p_referredBy)
+ modifies mw_REFER_Request_Base := {
+ requestLine := {requestUri := p_requestUri},
+ msgHeader := {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ referredBy := {
+ fieldName := REFERRED_BY_E,
+ nameAddr := {displayName := *, addrSpec := p_referredBy},
+ referredbyIdParams := *
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request(template Require p_require,
+ SipUrl p_referredBy) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
+ msgHeader := {
+ require := p_require,
+ referredBy := {
+ fieldName := REFERRED_BY_E,
+ nameAddr := {displayName := *, addrSpec := p_referredBy},
+ referredbyIdParams := *
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_Request_Base modifies mw_REGISTER_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ method := REGISTER_E
+ }
+ }
+ template SUBSCRIBE_Request mw_SUBSCRIBE_Request_Base modifies mw_SUBSCRIBE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ method := SUBSCRIBE_E
+ }
+ }
+ template UPDATE_Request mw_UPDATE_Request_Base(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_UPDATE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId
+ }
+ }
+ } //* end group request_receive
+ group response_send {
+ template Response m_Response_Base (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via) modifies m_Response_Dummy:=
+ {
+ statusLine := p_statusLine,
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ maxForwards := omit,
+ toField := p_to,
+ via := p_via
+ },
+ messageBody := omit,
+ payload := omit
+ }
+ } //* end group response_send
+ group response_receive {
+ template Response mw_Response_Base (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Dummy:=
+ {
+ statusLine := p_statusLine,
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ contentLength := *,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ fromField := ?,
+ maxForwards := *,
+ toField := ?,
+ via := ?
+ }
+ }
+ } //* end group message_receive
+} //* end group full_templates
+group modified_templates {
+group request_send {
+ template ACK_Request m_ACK_Request_route (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route)
+ modifies m_ACK_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ route := p_route
+ }
+ }
+ template ACK_Request m_ACK_Request_sdp (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via,template MessageBody p_mb)
+ modifies m_ACK_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_sdpAplication}
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template BYE_Request m_BYE_Request_cause
+ (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, integer p_cause)
+ modifies m_BYE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ reason := m_Reason(p_cause) //* PIXIT value
+ }
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_sdp
+ (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
+ Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb)
+ modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_sdpAplication}
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request m_INVITE_Request_ResourceList
+ (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq, From p_from, To p_to,
+ Via p_via, Contact p_contact, template MessageBody p_mb)
+ modifies m_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := "application/resource-lists+xml"},
+ contentDisposition := {
+ dispositionType := "recipient-list",
+ dispositionParams := omit
+ },
+ require := {
+ fieldName := REQUIRE_E,
+ optionsTags := {"recipient-list-invite"}
+ }
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request m_REGISTER_Request_expires
+ (SipUrl p_requestUri, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, Contact p_contact,
+ template Authorization p_authorization, charstring p_expires)
+ modifies m_REGISTER_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ authorization := p_authorization,
+ expires := {
+ fieldName := EXPIRES_E,
+ deltaSec := p_expires }
+ }
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Request_contact (
+ SipUrl p_requestUri,
+ CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from,
+ To p_to,
+ Via p_via,
+ Contact p_contact
+ ) modifies m_NOTIFY_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contact := p_contact,
+ event := m_Event_reg,
+ subscriptionState := m_SubscriptionState_active
+ }
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request m_NOTIFY_Request_sipfrag (
+ SipUrl p_requestUri,
+ CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from,
+ To p_to,
+ Via p_via,
+ charstring p_state,
+ charstring p_sipfrag
+ ) modifies m_NOTIFY_Request_Base := {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ method := NOTIFY_E,
+ requestUri :=
+ { scheme := ?,
+ components := {sip:={userInfo := *,
+ hostPort:= p_requestUri.components.sip.hostPort}}
+ }
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= lengthof(p_sipfrag)},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := "message/sipfrag"},
+ subscriptionState := {
+ subState := p_state,
+ substateParams := omit
+ },
+ event := m_Event_refer
+ },
+ messageBody := {
+ sipfrag := p_sipfrag
+ }
+ }
+} //* end group request_send
+group request_receive {
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_Reason(template CallId p_callId, template charstring p_cause) modifies mw_BYE_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ reason := mw_Reason(p_cause)
+ }
+ }
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_ReasonSIP(template CallId p_callId, template charstring p_cause) modifies mw_BYE_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ reason := mw_ReasonSIP(p_cause)
+ }
+ }
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_headerfieldlist
+ (
+ template CallId p_callId,
+ template SipUrl p_requestUri,
+ template To p_to,
+ template From p_from,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq,
+ template Route p_route,
+ template RecordRoute p_recordRoute,
+ template Reason p_reason
+ ) modifies mw_BYE_Request_Base :=
+ { requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_requestUri
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ callId := p_callId,
+ toField := p_to,
+ fromField := p_from,
+ cSeq := p_cSeq,
+ route := p_route,
+ recordRoute := p_recordRoute,
+ reason := p_reason
+ }
+ }
+ template BYE_Request mw_BYE_Request_UserToUser(template CallId p_callId) modifies mw_BYE_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ userToUser := ?
+ }
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_RequestURI (template SipUrl p_sipUrl) modifies mw_INVITE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ requestLine :=
+ {
+ requestUri := p_sipUrl,
+ sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion
+ }
+ }
+ template INFO_Request mw_INFO_Request_MB (template CallId p_callId, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies mw_INFO_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_expires modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := {expires := ?}
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_callid(CallId p_callid) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := {callId := p_callid}
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_MB (template CallId p_callId, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := {callId := p_callId},
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_noPaccessNetworkInfo (template CallId p_callId)
+ modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := { pAccessNetworkInfo := omit}
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_Request_PaccessNetworkInfo (template CallId p_callId)
+ modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base
+ :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := { pAccessNetworkInfo := ?}
+ }
+ template INVITE_Request mw_INVITE_MSRP_Session(
+ in template SDP_media_field p_media_MSRP
+ ) modifies mw_INVITE_Request_Base := {
+ messageBody := {
+ sdpMessageBody := {
+ protocol_version := ?,
+ origin := ?,
+ session_name := ?,
+ information := *,
+ uri := *,
+ emails := *,
+ phone_numbers := *,
+ connection := *,
+ bandwidth := *,
+ times := ?,
+ timezone_adjustments := *,
+ key := *,
+ attributes := *,
+ media_list := {
+ {
+ media_field := p_media_MSRP,
+ information := *,
+ connections := *,
+ bandwidth := *,
+ key := *,
+ attributes := {
+ {
+ msrp := {
+ attr_value := pattern "path:msrp://*" // FIXME Shall parse msrp and msrps for secured msrp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template REGISTER_Request mw_REGISTER_Request_ISC (template PAccessNetworkInfo p_access , template PVisitedNetworkID p_visited )modifies mw_REGISTER_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ msgHeader := {
+ pAccessNetworkInfo := p_access,
+ pVisitedNetworkID := p_visited
+ }
+ }
+ template UPDATE_Request mw_UPDATE_Request_SDP(template CallId p_callId, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies mw_UPDATE_Dummy :=
+ {
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template NOTIFY_Request mw_NOTIFY_Request_MB (template CallId p_callId, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies mw_NOTIFY_Request_Base :=
+ {
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+} //* end group request_receive
+group response_send {
+ template Response m_Response_AlertInfo (
+ StatusLine p_statusLine,
+ CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from,
+ To p_to,
+ Via p_via,
+ Contact p_contact,
+ template AlertInfo p_alertInfo
+ ) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
+ msgHeader := {
+ alertInfo := p_alertInfo,
+ contact := p_contact
+ }
+ }
+ template Response m_Response_Contact (
+ StatusLine p_statusLine,
+ CallId p_callId,
+ CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from,
+ To p_to,
+ Via p_via,
+ Contact p_contact
+ ) modifies m_Response_Base:= {
+ msgHeader := {
+ contact := p_contact
+ }
+ }
+ template Response m_Response_ext (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordroute) modifies m_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ msgHeader :={
+ route := p_route, //f_route(),
+ recordRoute := p_recordroute //f_recordroute()
+ }
+ }
+ template Response m_Response_mbody (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordroute, template MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_ext:=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_sdpAplication}
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template Response m_Response_PAsserted_Privacy (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordroute, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies m_Response_ext:=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
+ privacy := p_privacy
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_PAsserted_Privacy_Supported (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, template Supported p_supported) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
+ privacy := p_privacy,
+ supported := p_supported
+ }
+ }
+ template Response m_Response_PAsserted_Privacy_mbody (StatusLine p_statusLine, CallId p_callId, CSeq p_cSeq,
+ From p_from, To p_to, Via p_via, template Route p_route, template RecordRoute p_recordroute, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy, MessageBody p_mb) modifies m_Response_ext:=
+ {
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contentLength := {fieldName := CONTENT_LENGTH_E, len:= f_MessageBodyLength(valueof(p_mb))},
+ contentType := {fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E, mediaType := c_sdpAplication},
+ pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
+ privacy := p_privacy
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+} //* end group response_send
+group response_receive {
+ template Response mw_Response_Expires (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template DeltaSec p_deltaSec) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ expires := {fieldName := EXPIRES_E, deltaSec := p_deltaSec}
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_PAsserted_Privacy (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template PAssertedID p_pAssertedID, template Privacy p_privacy) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ pAssertedID := p_pAssertedID,
+ privacy := p_privacy
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Reason (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template charstring p_cause) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ reason := mw_Reason(p_cause)
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_RecordRoute (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template RecordRoute p_recordRoute) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ recordRoute := p_recordRoute
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Via (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template Via p_via) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ via := p_via
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Contact (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template Contact p_contact) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ contact := p_contact
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_AlertInfo (
+ template StatusLine p_statusLine,
+ template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq,
+ template AlertInfo p_alertInfo
+ ) modifies mw_Response_Base:= {
+ statusLine := {
+ sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion,
+ statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode,
+ reasonPhrase := ?
+ },
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ alertInfo := p_alertInfo
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_HistoryInfo (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template HistoryInfo p_historyInfo) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ historyInfo:=p_historyInfo
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_messageBody (
+ template StatusLine p_statusLine,
+ template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq,
+ template Require p_require,
+ template MessageBody p_mb
+ ) modifies mw_Response_Base:= {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ require := p_require
+ },
+ messageBody := p_mb
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Require (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template Require p_require) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ require := p_require
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Require_ifpresent (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template Require p_require) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ require := p_require ifpresent
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_Supported (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq, template Supported p_supported) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ supported := p_supported
+ }
+ }
+ template Response mw_Response_UserToUser (template StatusLine p_statusLine, template CallId p_callId,
+ template CSeq p_cSeq) modifies mw_Response_Base:=
+ {
+ statusLine := {sipVersion := c_sipNameVersion, statusCode := p_statusLine.statusCode, reasonPhrase := ?},
+ msgHeader :=
+ {
+ userToUser := ?
+ }
+ }
+} //* end group response_receive
+} //* end group modified_templates
+} //* end group MessageTemplates
+group SDP_Templates {
+ group SDP_Messages {
+ group base_templates {
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile) := {
+ protocol_version := 0, //* v=0
+ origin := {
+ user_name := "voicesession",
+ session_id := "30000",
+ session_version := "0",
+ net_type := c_in,
+ addr_type := c_ip4,
+ addr := p_userprofile.contactIpaddr },
+ //* o=voicesession 12345 12345 IN IP4
+ session_name := "Voice Session", //* s=Voice Session
+ information := omit,
+ uri := omit,
+ emails := omit,
+ phone_numbers := omit,
+ connection := {
+ net_type := c_in,
+ addr_type := c_ip4,
+ conn_addr := { addr:= p_userprofile.bearerIpaddr, ttl:=omit, num_of_addr:=omit }
+ }, //* c=IN IP4
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ times := { { time_field := { "0", "0" }, time_repeat:=omit
+ }
+ }, //* t=0 0
+ timezone_adjustments := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := omit,
+ media_list := {p_media}
+ };
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_mediaList(SDP_media_desc_list p_media_list, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile)
+ := {
+ protocol_version := 0, //* v=0
+ origin := {
+ user_name := "voicesession",
+ session_id := "30000",
+ session_version := "0",
+ net_type := c_in,
+ addr_type := c_ip4,
+ addr := p_userprofile.contactIpaddr },
+ //* o=voicesession 12345 12345 IN IP4
+ session_name := "Voice Session", //* s=Voice Session
+ information := omit,
+ uri := omit,
+ emails := omit,
+ phone_numbers := omit,
+ connection := {
+ net_type := c_in,
+ addr_type := c_ip4,
+ conn_addr := { addr:= p_userprofile.bearerIpaddr, ttl:=omit, num_of_addr:=omit }
+ }, //* c=IN IP4
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ times := { { time_field := { "0", "0" }, time_repeat:=omit
+ }
+ }, //* t=0 0
+ timezone_adjustments := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := omit,
+ media_list := p_media_list
+ };
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_media_attr_preconditions(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, SDP_attribute_list p_attribute_list)
+ modifies m_SDP
+ := {
+ media_list := {
+ {
+ media_field := {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := 8500, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,
+ fmts := { "0" }
+ }, //* m=audio 8500 RTP/AVP 0
+ information := omit,
+ connections := omit,
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := p_attribute_list
+ }}
+ }
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_attribute(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile, SDP_attribute loc_attribute)
+ modifies m_SDP
+ := {
+ attributes := {loc_attribute}
+ };
+ template SDP_Message mw_SDP := {
+ protocol_version := 0, //* v=0
+ origin := ?,
+ session_name := ?,
+ information := omit,
+ uri := omit,
+ emails := omit,
+ phone_numbers := omit,
+ connection := ?,
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ times := { { time_field := { "0", "0" }, time_repeat:=omit
+ }
+ }, //* t=0 0
+ timezone_adjustments := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := omit,
+ media_list := ?
+ };
+ }//* end group base_templates
+ group modified_templates{
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_bandwidth(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile)
+ modifies m_SDP
+ := {
+ bandwidth := {{PX_SIP_SDP_b_modifier, PX_SIP_SDP_b_bandwidth}}
+ };
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_unacceptable(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile)
+ modifies m_SDP
+ := {
+ protocol_version := 1, //* v=1 unacceptable version of SDP
+ bandwidth := {{PX_SIP_SDP_b_modifier, PX_SIP_SDP_b_bandwidth}}
+ };
+ template SDP_Message m_SDP_encrypted(SDP_media_desc p_media, in SipUserProfile p_userprofile)
+ modifies m_SDP
+ := {
+ protocol_version := 0,
+ bandwidth := {{PX_SIP_SDP_b_modifier, PX_SIP_SDP_b_bandwidth}}
+ };
+ }//* end group modified_templates
+ } //* end group SDP_Messages
+ group SDP_Fields {
+ template SDP_media_desc m_media(template SDP_media_field p_mf) := {
+ media_field := p_mf,
+ information := omit,
+ connections := omit,
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := omit
+ };
+//TODO - delete old
+// template SDP_media_desc m_mediaFieldBandwdthAttributes(template SDP_media_field p_mf, template SDP_bandwidth p_bw, template SDP_attribute_list p_attributes) := {
+// media_field := p_mf,
+// information := omit,
+// connections := omit,
+// bandwidth := {p_bw},
+// key := omit,
+// attributes := p_attributes
+// };
+ template SDP_media_desc m_mediaFieldBandwdthAttributes(template SDP_media_field p_mf, template SDP_bandwidth_list p_bw_l, template SDP_attribute_list p_attributes) := {
+ media_field := p_mf,
+ information := omit,
+ connections := omit,
+ bandwidth := p_bw_l,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := p_attributes
+ };
+ template SDP_media_desc m_media_dynPT(charstring p_PT, charstring p_encod) := {
+ media_field := {
+ media := c_audio,//* "audio",
+ ports := { port_number := 8500, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,//* "RTP/AVP",
+ fmts := { p_PT }
+ }, //* m=audio 8500 RTP/AVP 8
+ information := omit,
+ connections := omit,
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := { { rtpmap := { attr_value := p_PT & " " & p_encod }
+ }
+ } //* a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
+ };
+ template SDP_media_desc m_media_unsupported := {
+ media_field := {
+ media := "video",
+ ports := { port_number := 11500, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := "RTP/AVP",
+ fmts := { "99" }
+ }, //* m=audio 8500 RTP/AVP 0
+ information := omit,
+ connections := omit,
+ bandwidth := omit,
+ key := omit,
+ attributes := { {
+ rtpmap := { attr_value := "99 X-Experimental/180000"}
+ }}
+ };
+ template SDP_bandwidth m_bandwidth(template charstring loc_m, template integer loc_b) := {
+ modifier:=loc_m,
+ bandwidth:=loc_b
+ };
+ template SDP_bandwidth m_bandwidth_as_64:=
+ {
+ modifier:="AS",
+ bandwidth:=64
+ }
+ template SDP_bandwidth mw_bandwidth_rs:=
+ {
+ modifier:="RS",
+ bandwidth:=?
+ }
+ template SDP_bandwidth mw_bandwidth_rr:=
+ {
+ modifier:="RR",
+ bandwidth:=?
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field m_media_field(charstring p_media, integer p_portNum, charstring p_transport, charstring p_fmts) :=
+ {
+ media := p_media,
+ ports := { port_number := p_portNum, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := p_transport,
+ fmts := { p_fmts }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_PCMU :=
+ {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=* },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,
+ fmts := { "0" }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_PCMA :=
+ {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := 8500, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,
+ fmts := { "8" }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_PCMA_U_DPT :=
+ {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=* },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,
+ fmts := { * }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_T38 :=
+ {
+ media := c_image,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=* },
+ transport := pattern "*ptl", //* udptl,tcptl
+ fmts := { "t38" }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_G722 :=
+ {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=* },
+ transport := "RTP/AVP",
+ fmts := { "9" }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_AMR_DPT :=
+ {
+ media := c_audio,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=* },
+ transport := c_rtpAvp,
+ fmts := { * }
+ }
+ template SDP_media_field mw_media_MSRP :=
+ {
+ media := c_msrp,
+ ports := { port_number := ?, num_of_ports:=omit },
+ transport := c_msrpTcp,
+ fmts := { * }
+ }
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_sendonly := {sendonly:={}};
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_sendonly := {sendonly:={}};//MRO
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_recvonly := {recvonly:={}};
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_recvonly := {recvonly:={}};//MRO
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_sendrecv := {sendrecv:={}};
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_sendrecv := {sendrecv:={}};//MRO
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_inactive := {inactive:={}};
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_inactive := {inactive:={}};//MRO
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_sendonly_inactive := (mw_attribute_sendonly,mw_attribute_inactive);
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_sendrecv_recvonly_omit := (mw_attribute_sendrecv,mw_attribute_recvonly,omit);
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_AMR_DPT := { rtpmap := { attr_value := /*pattern "**/PX_SIP_SDP_dyn & " AMR" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_CLEARMODE_DPT := {rtpmap := { attr_value := /*pattern "**/PX_SIP_SDP_dyn & " CLEARMODE/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_G722 := { rtpmap := { attr_value := "9 G722/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_PCMU := { rtpmap := { attr_value := "0 PCMU/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_PCMU_DPT := { rtpmap := { attr_value := /*pattern "**/PX_SIP_SDP_dyn & " PCMU/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_PCMA := { rtpmap := { attr_value := "8 PCMA/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_PCMA_DPT := { rtpmap := { attr_value := /*pattern "**/PX_SIP_SDP_dyn & " PCMA/8000" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_T38 := { unknown := { name:=?, attr_value := pattern "*t38*" }};
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_curr (charstring p_preconditionType, charstring p_statusType, charstring p_direction):=
+ {
+ curr:={preconditionType := p_preconditionType,
+ statusType := p_statusType,
+ direction := p_direction}
+ };
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_curr :=
+ {
+ curr := ?
+ };
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_des (charstring p_preconditionType, charstring p_strength, charstring p_statusType, charstring p_direction):=
+ {
+ des:={preconditionType := p_preconditionType,
+ strength := p_strength,
+ statusType := p_statusType,
+ direction := p_direction}
+ };
+ template SDP_attribute mw_attribute_des :=
+ {
+ des := ?
+ };
+ template SDP_attribute m_attribute_conf (charstring p_preconditionType, charstring p_statusType, charstring p_direction):=
+ {
+ conf:={preconditionType := p_preconditionType,
+ statusType := p_statusType,
+ direction := p_direction}
+ };
+ } //* end group SDP_Fields
+} //* end group SDP_Templates
+group SimpleMsgSummary_Templates {
+ template SimpleMsgSummary m_SMS(template Msg_summary_line_list p_summaryLineList, template charstring p_uri) :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := m_msgStatusLine_yes,
+ msg_account := m_msgAccount(p_uri),
+ msg_summary_line_list :=p_summaryLineList,
+ opt_msg_headers := omit
+ }
+ template SimpleMsgSummary mw_SMS :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := ?,
+ msg_account := *,
+ msg_summary_line_list := *,
+ opt_msg_headers := *
+ }
+ template SimpleMsgSummary mw_SMS_yes :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := mw_msgStatusLine_yes,
+ msg_account := *,
+ msg_summary_line_list := *,
+ opt_msg_headers := *
+ }
+ template SimpleMsgSummary mw_SMS_yesUri :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := mw_msgStatusLine_yes,
+ msg_account := mw_msgAccount,
+ msg_summary_line_list := *,
+ opt_msg_headers := *
+ }
+ template SimpleMsgSummary mw_SMS_yesVoice :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := mw_msgStatusLine_yes,
+ msg_account := *,
+ msg_summary_line_list := {mw_msgSummaryLine(c_voiceMessage)},
+ opt_msg_headers := *
+ }
+ template SimpleMsgSummary mw_SMS_yesUriVoice :=
+ {
+ msg_status_line := mw_msgStatusLine_yes,
+ msg_account := mw_msgAccount,
+ msg_summary_line_list := {mw_msgSummaryLine(c_voiceMessage)},
+ opt_msg_headers := *
+ }
+ template Msg_status_line m_msgStatusLine_yes:=
+ {
+ msg_type := c_messageWaiting,
+ msg_status := "yes"
+ }
+ template Msg_status_line mw_msgStatusLine_yes:=
+ {
+ msg_type := c_messageWaiting,
+ msg_status := "yes"
+ }
+ template Msg_account m_msgAccount(template charstring p_uri) :=
+ {
+ msg_type_account := c_messageAccount,
+ account_URI := p_uri//m_SipUrl_NumberHostParam(PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_PUBLIC_USER,PX_IMS_SUT_UE2_HOME_DOMAIN,omit)
+ }
+ template Msg_account mw_msgAccount :=
+ {
+ msg_type_account := c_messageAccount,
+ account_URI := ?
+ }
+ template Msg_summary_line m_msgSummaryLine(template charstring p_msgContexClass,template charstring p_msgs,template charstring p_urgent_msgs) :=
+ {
+ msg_context_class := p_msgContexClass,
+ msgs := p_msgs,
+ urgent_msgs := p_urgent_msgs
+ }
+ template Msg_summary_line mw_msgSummaryLine(template charstring p_msgContexClass) :=
+ {
+ msg_context_class := p_msgContexClass,
+ msgs := ?,
+ urgent_msgs :=*
+ }
+} //end group Templates_SMS
+group MessageBodies {
+ template MessageBody m_MBody_SDP(template SDP_Message p_SDP):=
+ {
+ sdpMessageBody := p_SDP
+ };
+ template MessageBody m_MBody_XML(template XmlBody p_xmlBody):=
+ {
+ xmlBody := p_xmlBody
+ };
+ template MessageBody m_mBody_SMS(template SimpleMsgSummary p_SMS):=
+ {
+ simpleMsgSummary := p_SMS
+ };
+ template MessageBody m_MBody_longPlainText:=
+ {
+ textplain := c_longMessageContent_1300Bytes
+ };
+ template MessageBody m_mBody_plainText(charstring p_plaitext):=
+ {
+ textplain := p_plaitext
+ };
+ template MessageBody m_MBody_sipfrag(charstring p_sipfrag) := {
+ sipfrag := p_sipfrag
+ }
+ template MessageBody m_MBody_MIMESdpXml(template SDP_Message p_sdp, template XmlBody p_xmlBody):=
+ {
+ mimeMessageBody := {boundary:="--boundary1", //"PX_SIP_MIME_Boundary",
+ mimeEncapsulatedList:= {
+ {content_type:="application/sdp",//"PX_SIP_SDP_ContentType",
+ content_disposition:=omit,
+ mime_encapsulated_part:={sdpMessageBody := p_sdp}},
+ {content_type:="application/",//"PX_SIP_ISUP_ContentType",
+ content_disposition:=omit,
+ mime_encapsulated_part:={xmlBody := p_xmlBody}}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template MessageBody mw_MBody_SDP(template SDP_Message p_SDP):=
+ {
+ sdpMessageBody := p_SDP
+ };
+ template MessageBody mw_MBody_XML(template XmlBody p_xmlBody):=
+ {
+ xmlBody := p_xmlBody
+ };
+ template MessageBody mw_mBody_SMS(template SimpleMsgSummary p_SMS):=
+ {
+ simpleMsgSummary := p_SMS
+ };
+ template MessageBody mw_MBody_MIMESdpXml(template SDP_Message p_sdp, template XmlBody p_xmlBody):=
+ {
+ mimeMessageBody := {boundary:=?,
+ mimeEncapsulatedList:= {
+ {content_type:=?,
+ content_disposition:=*,
+ mime_encapsulated_part:={sdpMessageBody := p_sdp}},
+ {content_type:=?,
+ content_disposition:=*,
+ mime_encapsulated_part:={xmlBody := p_xmlBody}}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template MessageBody mw_MBody_MIME_Ims3gpp(
+ template charstring p_disposition,
+ template Ims_3gpp p_ims3gpp
+ ):= {
+ mimeMessageBody := {boundary:=?,
+ mimeEncapsulatedList:= {
+ *,
+ {
+ content_type:= c_ims3gppAplication,
+ content_disposition:= p_disposition,
+ mime_encapsulated_part :={
+ xmlBody := {
+ ims3gpp := p_ims3gpp
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ *
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template MessageBody mw_MBody_MIME_Ims3gppCW(
+ template charstring p_disposition,
+ template Ims_3gpp p_ims3gpp
+ ):= {
+ mimeMessageBody := {boundary:=?,
+ mimeEncapsulatedList:= {
+ *,
+ {
+ content_type:= c_ims3gppCwApplication,
+ content_disposition:= p_disposition,
+ mime_encapsulated_part :={
+ xmlBody := {
+ ims3gpp := p_ims3gpp
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ *
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *
+ * @desc group TemplatePreparationFunctions contain functions which are used for templates
+ */
+group TemplatePreparationFunctions {
+ group MessageBody_Calculation{
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of Message Body length
+ * @param p_mb_par contain message body part
+ * @return message body length
+ */
+ function f_MessageBodyLength(MessageBody p_mb_par) return integer {
+ var integer v_result:=0;
+ if (MB_LENGTH_FROM_ENCVAL){ //by default it is set to true
+ v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb_par))/8; // length in bypes, let get length of encoded value
+ }
+ else{
+ // assume SDP_Message ONLY in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.sdpMessageBody))
+ {
+ v_result := f_SDPlength(p_mb_par.sdpMessageBody);
+ };
+ // assume XML_Body ONLY in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.xmlBody))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Length(p_mb_par.xmlBody, USE_FX_FOR_XML_LENGTH );
+ };
+ // assume simpleMsgSummary_Body ONLY in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.simpleMsgSummary))
+ {
+ v_result := f_simpleMsgSummaryBody_Length(p_mb_par.simpleMsgSummary );
+ };
+ // assume MIME_Message in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.mimeMessageBody))
+ {
+ v_result := f_MIMElength(p_mb_par.mimeMessageBody);
+ };
+ //assume sipfrag in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.sipfrag))
+ {
+ v_result := f_TextPlainLength(p_mb_par); //same function due to same type with textplain
+ };
+ //assume textplain in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb_par.textplain))
+ {
+ v_result := f_TextPlainLength(p_mb_par);
+ };
+ }
+ return v_result
+ }
+ group SDP_Len_calculation {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of SDP length
+ * @param p_mb contain sdp message
+ * @return sdp_lenght
+ */
+ function f_SDPlength(SDP_Message p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=2; //* due to empty line beginning of message body
+ var charstring v_auxstring;
+ v_result := 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.protocol_version)); //* "v="
+ v_auxstring := p_mb.origin.user_name & " " & p_mb.origin.session_id & " " & p_mb.origin.session_version & " " & p_mb.origin.net_type & " " & p_mb.origin.addr_type & " " & p_mb.origin.addr;
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring); //* "o="
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.session_name); //* "s="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.information))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.information; v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring);}; //* "i= "
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.uri))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.uri; v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring);}; //* "u="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.emails)) {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.emails); i:=i+1)
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.emails[i].addr_or_phone); //* "e="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.emails[i].disp_name))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.emails[i].disp_name; v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);};
+ };
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.phone_numbers)) {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.phone_numbers); i:=i+1)
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.phone_numbers[i].addr_or_phone); //* "p= "
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.phone_numbers[i].disp_name))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.phone_numbers[i].disp_name; v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);};
+ };
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.connection))
+ {
+ var integer v_len_con0 := f_SDPlength_connection(p_mb.connection);
+ v_result := v_result + v_len_con0;
+ }; //* "c="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.bandwidth))
+ {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.bandwidth); i:=i+1) { //* "b= "
+ v_auxstring:= p_mb.bandwidth[i].modifier & " ";
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring) +
+ lengthof(int2str(p_mb.bandwidth[i].bandwidth));
+ };
+ };
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.times); i:=i+1) {
+ v_auxstring:= p_mb.times[i].time_field.start_time & " " & p_mb.times[i].time_field.stop_time;
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring);//* "t="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat))
+ {
+ for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat); j:=j+1)
+ {
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].repeat_interval.time)); //* "r="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].repeat_interval.unit))
+ {
+ v_auxstring:=p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].repeat_interval.unit;
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);
+ };
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].active.time));
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].active.unit))
+ {
+ v_auxstring:=p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].active.unit;
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);
+ };
+ for (var integer k:=0; k<sizeof(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].offsets); k:=k+1)
+ {
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].offsets[k].time));
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].offsets[k].unit))
+ {
+ v_auxstring:=p_mb.times[i].time_repeat[j].offsets[k].unit;
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.timezone_adjustments))
+ {log("timezone adjustments have not been considered in SDP length calculation yet");
+ }; //* "z="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.key)) {
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.key.method); //* "k= "
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.key.key))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.key.key; v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);};
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.attributes)) {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.attributes); i:=i+1){ //* "a= "
+ var integer v_len_con1 := f_SDPlength_attribute(p_mb.attributes[i]);
+ v_result := v_result + v_len_con1;
+ };
+ }; //* "a="
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list))
+ {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.media_list); i:=i+1){ //* "m= "
+ //* for each media_field
+ //* log("p_mb.media_list[i] ",p_mb.media_list[i]);
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.media_list[i]
+ + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.ports.port_number));
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.ports.num_of_ports))
+ {v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.ports.num_of_ports));};
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.transport);
+ for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.fmts); j:=j+1){
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(valueof(p_mb.media_list[i].media_field.fmts[j]));
+ }
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].information)) {
+ v_auxstring:=p_mb.media_list[i].information;
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(v_auxstring); //* "i= "
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].connections)) {
+ for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_mb.media_list[i].connections); j:=j+1){
+ var integer v_len_con2 := f_SDPlength_connection(p_mb.media_list[i].connections[j]);
+ v_result := v_result + v_len_con2;
+ }; //* end for
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].bandwidth)) { //* "b= "
+ for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_mb.media_list[i].bandwidth); j:=j+1){
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.media_list[i].bandwidth[j].modifier)
+ + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_mb.media_list[i].bandwidth[j].bandwidth));
+ }; //* end for
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].key)) { //* "k= "
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(p_mb.media_list[i].key.method);
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].key.key)) {
+ v_auxstring := p_mb.media_list[i].key.key;
+ v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);
+ };
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.media_list[i].attributes)) {
+ for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(p_mb.media_list[i].attributes); j:=j+1){ //* "a= "
+ var integer v_len_attr := f_SDPlength_attribute(p_mb.media_list[i].attributes[j]);
+ v_result := v_result + v_len_attr;
+ } //* end for j
+ };
+ }; //* end for i
+ }; //* end if media_list
+ return v_result;
+ };//* end function f_SDPlength
+ function f_SDPlength_connection(SDP_connection p_element) return integer //* "c="
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=0;
+ var charstring v_auxstring;
+ v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_element.net_type & " " &
+ p_element.addr_type & " " &
+ p_element.conn_addr.addr);
+ if (ispresent(p_element.conn_addr.ttl) and p_element.conn_addr.ttl>0)
+ {v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_element.conn_addr.ttl));};
+ if (ispresent(p_element.conn_addr.num_of_addr) and p_element.conn_addr.num_of_addr>0)
+ {v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(int2str(p_element.conn_addr.num_of_addr));};
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_SDPlength_connection
+ function f_SDPlength_attribute(SDP_attribute p_element) return integer //* "a="
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=0;
+ var charstring v_auxstring;
+ if (ischosen( {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("cat:" &};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.keywds)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("keywds:" & p_element.keywds.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.tool)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("tool:" & p_element.tool.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.ptime)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("ptime:" & p_element.ptime.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.recvonly)) {v_result := v_result +c_CRlen + lengthof("recvonly")};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.sendrecv)) {v_result := v_result +c_CRlen + lengthof("sendrecv")};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.sendonly)) {v_result := v_result +c_CRlen + lengthof("sendonly")};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.inactive)) {v_result := v_result +c_CRlen + lengthof("inactive")};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.orient)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("orient:" & p_element.orient.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.sdp_type)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("type:" & p_element.sdp_type.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.charset)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("charset" & p_element.charset.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.sdplang)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("sdplang:" & p_element.sdplang.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.lang)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("lang:" & p_element.lang.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.framerate)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("framerate:" & p_element.framerate.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.quality)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("quality:" & p_element.quality.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.fmtp)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("fmtp:" & p_element.fmtp.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.curr)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("curr:" & p_element.curr.preconditionType & " "
+ & p_element.curr.statusType & " " & p_element.curr.direction)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.des)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("des:" & p_element.des.preconditionType & " "
+ & p_element.des.strength & " " & p_element.des.statusType & " " & p_element.des.direction)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.conf)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("conf:" & p_element.conf.preconditionType & " "
+ & p_element.des.statusType & " " & p_element.des.direction)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.rtpmap)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("rtpmap:" & p_element.rtpmap.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.rtcp)) {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof("rtcp:" & p_element.rtcp.attr_value)};
+ if (ischosen(p_element.unknown))
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(;
+ if (ispresent(p_element.unknown.attr_value))
+ {var charstring aux := p_element.unknown.attr_value;
+ v_result := v_result + lengthof(":" & p_element.unknown.attr_value);
+ };
+ };
+ //* log("axr: length attribute=", v_result);
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_SDPlength_attribute
+ } //* group SDPlen_calculation
+ group XML_Len_calculation{
+ /**
+ * @desc Declaration of external functions to calculate length of message bodies
+ * switching of internal or external functions are made by boolean module parameter/PIXIT
+ * USE_FX_FOR_XML_LENGTH declared at top of this module
+ */
+ external function fx_calculateXMLBodyLen(XmlBody p_mb) return integer;
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML body length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Length(XmlBody p_mb, boolean p_ext_func) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=0;
+ if ( p_ext_func){
+ v_result := fx_calculateXMLBodyLen(p_mb);
+ }else{
+ // assume ConferenceInfo ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.conference))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_ConferenceInfo_Length(p_mb.conference);
+ };
+ // assume CUG ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.cug))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Cug_Length(p_mb.cug);
+ };
+ // assume MCID ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.mcid))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Mcid_Length(p_mb.mcid);
+ };
+ // assume CW ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Cw_Length(;
+ };
+ // assume CDIV ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.cdivn))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Cdivn_Length(p_mb.cdivn);
+ };
+ // assume PSTNTransit ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.pstnTransit))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_PSTNTransit_Length(p_mb.pstnTransit);
+ };
+ // assume Simservs ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.simservs))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Simservs_Length(p_mb.simservs);
+ };
+ // assume ResourceLists ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.resourceLists))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_ResourceList_Length(p_mb.resourceLists);
+ };
+ // assume Ims3GPP ONLY in the XML message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.ims3gpp))
+ {
+ v_result := f_XMLBody_Ims3GPP_Length(p_mb.ims3gpp);
+ };
+ /** Add aditional checks regarding to new variants,
+ * also implement appropriate function for calculation
+ */
+ }
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBodyLength
+ group XMLBodies_calculation{
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML ConferenceInfo element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML ConfInfo body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_ConferenceInfo_Length(Conference_type p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_ConferenceInfo_Length
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML CUG element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML CUG body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Cug_Length(Cug p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Cug_Length
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML MCID element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML MCID body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Mcid_Length(Mcid p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Mcid_Length
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML CW element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML CW body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Cw_Length(Ims_cw p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Cw_Length
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML CDIVN element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML CDIVN body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Cdivn_Length(Comm_div_info_type p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Cdivn_Length
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of XML PSTNTransit element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML PSTNTransit body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_PSTNTransit_Length(PSTN_transit p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_PSTNTransit_Length
+ /** @desc Calculation of XML Simservs element length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML Simservs body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Simservs_Length(Simservs p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Simservs_Length
+ /** @desc Calculation of XML ResourceList length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML ResourceList body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_ResourceList_Length(Resource_lists p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_ResourceList_Length
+ /** @desc Calculation of XML Ims3GPP length
+ * @param p_mb contain XML Ims3GPP body
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_XMLBody_Ims3GPP_Length(TIMS3GPP p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:= lengthof(encvalue(p_mb))/8;
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_XMLBody_Ims3GPP_Length
+ } //* XMLBodies_calculation
+ }//* group XMLlen_calculation
+ group simpleMsgSummaryBody_Length{
+ function f_simpleMsgSummaryBody_Length(SimpleMsgSummary p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=2; //* due to empty line beginning of message body
+ var charstring v_auxstring;
+ v_result := 2+lengthof(p_mb.msg_status_line.msg_type) + 2 + lengthof(p_mb.msg_status_line.msg_status)+c_CRlen; //* "Message-Waiting: yes"
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.msg_account)) //* "Message-Account"
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + lengthof(p_mb.msg_account.msg_type_account)+2+lengthof(p_mb.msg_account.account_URI)+c_CRlen;};
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.msg_summary_line_list)) {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.msg_summary_line_list); i:=i+1)
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.msg_summary_line_list[i].msg_context_class)+2+lengthof(p_mb.msg_summary_line_list[i].msgs);
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.msg_summary_line_list[i].urgent_msgs))
+ {v_auxstring:=p_mb.msg_summary_line_list[i].urgent_msgs; v_result := v_result + 1 + lengthof(v_auxstring);};
+ };
+ };
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.opt_msg_headers)) {
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.opt_msg_headers); i:=i+1)
+ {v_result := v_result + 2 + c_CRlen + lengthof(p_mb.opt_msg_headers[i]);
+ };
+ };
+ return v_result
+ }
+ }
+ group MIME_Len_calculation{
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of MIME length
+ * @param p_mb contain MIME message
+ * @return xml_length
+ */
+ function f_MIMElength(MIME_Message p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=2; //0d0a
+ v_result := v_result + lengthof(p_mb.boundary) + 2/*0d0a*/;
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList); i:=i+1){
+ v_result := v_result + lengthof("Content-Type: ")+ lengthof(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].content_type) + 2/*0d0a*/ ;
+ if (ispresent(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].content_disposition)){
+ v_result := v_result + lengthof("Content-Disposition: ")+ lengthof(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].content_disposition) + 2/*0d0a*/ ;
+ }
+ //v_result := v_result +2/*0d0a*/; ??? to check
+ // assume SDP_Message ONLY in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.sdpMessageBody))
+ {
+ v_result := v_result + f_SDPlength(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.sdpMessageBody);
+ };
+ // assume XML_Body ONLY in the message body
+ if (ischosen(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlBody))
+ {
+ v_result := v_result + f_XMLBody_Length(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlBody, USE_FX_FOR_XML_LENGTH );
+ };
+// //assume XML_Message ONLY in the message body
+// if (ischosen(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlMessage))
+// {
+// v_result := v_result + f_XMLlength(p_mb.mimeEncapsulatedList[i].mime_encapsulated_part.xmlMessage, USE_FX_FOR_XML_LENGTH );
+// };
+ //v_result := v_result +2/*0d0a*/; ??? to check
+ }
+ //v_result := v_result +2/*0d0a*/; ??? to check
+ return v_result
+ } //* f_MIMElength
+ }//* group MIMElen_calculation
+ group TextPlain_Len_calculation{
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Calculation of messagebody-textplain type length
+ * @param p_mb contain textplain message
+ * @return lenght
+ */
+ function f_TextPlainLength(MessageBody p_mb) return integer
+ {
+ var integer v_result:=0;
+ v_result:=v_result+lengthof(p_mb.textplain);
+ return v_result;
+ }//* end function f_TextPlainLength
+ }//*end group TextPlainLen_calculation
+ }//*group MessageBody_Calculation
+ group GiveHeaders {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Return component variable of recordRoute header if vc_boo_recordRoute is true
+ * @return component variable of recordRoute header
+ */
+ function f_recordroute() runs on SipComponent return template RecordRoute
+ {
+ template RecordRoute v_recordRoute := omit;
+ if (vc_boo_recordRoute)
+ {return vc_recordRoute}
+ else {return(v_recordRoute)} //* TODO: RecordRoute is not OPTIONAL!!! Check IT!
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc Return component variable of Route header if vc_boo_route is true
+ * @return component variable of recordRoute header
+ */
+ function f_route() runs on SipComponent return template Route
+ {
+ template Route v_route := omit;
+ if (vc_boo_route)
+ {return vc_route} //* TODO: Route header need to be in reverse order than RecordRoute, question of return value - RecordRoute
+ else {return(v_route)} //* TODO: Route is not OPTIONAL!!! Check IT!
+ }
+ } //* end group GiveHeaders
+group others {
+ *
+ * @desc function combines two comma parameter lists
+ * @param p_list1 first list
+ * @param p_list2 second list
+ * @return comma parameter list that contains parameters from both input lists
+ * @verdict
+ */
+ function f_merge_CommaParam_List(CommaParam_List p_list1, CommaParam_List p_list2) return template CommaParam_List
+ { var template CommaParam_List p_result;
+ var integer limit1 := sizeof(p_list1);
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<limit1; i:=i+1) {
+ p_result[i] := p_list1[i]
+ };
+ for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_list2); i:=i+1) {
+ p_result[i+limit1] := p_list2[i]
+ };
+ return p_result
+ }
+} //* end group others
+} //* group TemplatePreparationFunctions
+} //* end module LibSip_Templates
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Interface.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Interface.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_Interface.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module provides the types used by the test component
+ * for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_Interface
+ //LibCommon
+ import from LibCommon_Sync all;
+ import from LibCommon_AbstractData all;
+ import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
+ import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
+ //LibSip
+ import from LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues all;
+ import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_PIXITS all;
+ group AdressTypes
+ {
+ type record address4SIP
+ {
+ //HostPort
+ charstring host optional, // hostname, IPv4 or IPv6
+ integer portField optional // represented as an integer
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ type address4SIP address;
+ }// end group AdressTypes
+ type port SipPort message {
+ inout Request,
+ REGISTER_Request,
+ INVITE_Request,
+ OPTIONS_Request,
+ BYE_Request,
+ CANCEL_Request,
+ ACK_Request,
+ PRACK_Request,
+ NOTIFY_Request,
+ SUBSCRIBE_Request,
+ PUBLISH_Request,
+ UPDATE_Request,
+ REFER_Request,
+ MESSAGE_Request,
+ INFO_Request,
+ Response,
+ Raw } with { extension "address" };
+ signature s_SIP_conversation (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_ringing (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_announcementA (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_announcementB (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_announcement (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_voiceMessage (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ signature s_SIP_mediastopped (in charstring text, out boolean answer);
+ type port operatorPort procedure {inout s_SIP_conversation; inout s_SIP_ringing; inout s_SIP_announcementA; inout s_SIP_announcementB; inout s_SIP_announcement; inout s_SIP_voiceMessage; inout s_SIP_mediastopped};
+ // Solution for building error problem. (Important for validation)
+ //type component ImsComponent extends SipComponent need to be located in LibIms_Interface and not in LibSip_Interface module
+ //With this solution TAU compiler error.
+// type component ImsComponent extends SipComponent
+// {
+// // general variables
+// var ImsInterfaceProfile vc_interfaceprofile
+// } // end ImsComponent
+ type component SipComponent
+ {
+ //port
+ port SipPort SIPP;
+ // used for communication with the operator
+ port operatorPort opPort;
+ // current address to send TCP/UDP messages
+ var SipUserProfile vc_userprofile; // PIXIT userinformation
+ var address vc_sent_label;//removed because this value is predefined and used to open socket := {host := PX_SIP_SUT_IPADDR, portField := PX_SIP_SUT_PORT};
+ // last incoming message
+ var Response vc_response; // last incoming response message
+ var boolean vc_boo_response := false; // to check if response received or not
+ var Request vc_request; // last incoming request message
+ var boolean vc_boo_request := false; // to check if request received or not
+ var Request vc_requestFor407; // last INVITE request to be authorized if 407/401 received from Proxy
+ var SipUrl vc_requestUri := c_empty_RequestUri;
+ var SipUrl vc_requestUri2 := c_empty_RequestUri;//MRO
+ var charstring vc_branch := "";
+ var charstring vc_branch_ICSCF := "";
+ var charstring vc_branch_SCSCF := "";
+ // SIP message header fields (for building next message)
+ var CallId vc_callId := c_empty_CallId;
+ var CallId vc_callIdReg := c_empty_CallId;
+ var From vc_from := c_empty_From;
+ var To vc_to := c_empty_To;
+ var To vc_cancel_To := c_empty_To; // used for next CANCEL
+ var Via vc_via := c_empty_Via;
+ var Via vc_via_REG := c_empty_Via; // via used in last REGISTER
+ var ContentType vc_contentType:= c_empty_ContentType;//MRO
+ var template RecordRoute vc_recordRoute; // value of RecordRoute header
+ var boolean vc_boo_recordRoute := false; // boolean indicates valid recordRoute
+ var template Route vc_route; // value of Route header
+ var template Route vc_route_REG; // value of Route header from registration ServiceRoute header for initial Requests
+ var boolean vc_boo_route := false; // boolean indicates valid Route
+ var Contact vc_contact; // value of Contact header
+ var CSeq vc_cSeq := c_empty_cSeq; // value of CSeq header
+ var RAck vc_rAck := { fieldName := RACK_E, responseNum := 1, seqNumber := 1, method := "INVITE"}; // value of RAck header
+ var HostPort vc_reqHostPort := {host:=PX_SIP_SUT_IPADDR, portField:=PX_SIP_SUT_PORT}; // address to send request
+ var Privacy vc_privacy;
+ var HistoryInfo_List vc_historyInfoList := {}; // value of history list according to RFC4244
+ var SipUrl vc_confURI; // conference URI according to TS124147 ch.
+ var SDP_Message vc_sdp_remote; // incoming SDP offers
+ var SDP_Message vc_sdp_local; // SDP values to be sent
+ var XmlBody vc_xml_remote; // incoming XML value
+ var template XmlBody vc_xml_local; //SDP values to be sent
+ var CSeq vc_iut_CSeq := c_empty_cSeq; // value of last CSeq header used by the IUT in request
+ // To/From header-fields to be used if the callee will release the session
+ var To vc_callee_To := c_empty_To;
+ var From vc_callee_From := c_empty_From;
+ // To/From header-fields to be used if the caller will release the session
+ var To vc_caller_To := c_empty_To;
+ var From vc_caller_From := c_empty_From;
+ var Authorization vc_authorization;
+ // variables for storing default references
+ var default vc_default;
+ var default vc_def_catchSyncStop;
+ // general timers
+ timer tc_T1 := PX_SIP_T1;
+ timer tc_Tf := PX_SIP_TF;
+ timer tc_wait := PX_SIP_TWAIT;
+ timer tc_ack := PX_SIP_TACK;
+ timer tc_resp := PX_SIP_TRESP;
+ timer tc_noAct := PX_SIP_TNOACT; // time for SUT to get idle state
+// timer TRept;
+// timer TSync := PX_SIP_TSYNC;
+ timer tc_guard := PX_SIP_TGUARD;//MRO
+ timer tc_tDelay := 32.0;
+ var float vc_tcRESP := PX_SIP_TRESP; // standard value for TRESP (may be modified in particular tests)
+ // indicators set/used parameter status or state handling in default
+ var boolean vc_sdp_remote_is_valid := false; // true if there is a value in v_SDP_remote
+ var boolean vc_history_is_valid := false; // true if there is a HistoryList in response message
+ var boolean vc_send_SDP := false; // send SDP in the next outgoing message
+ var boolean vc_ignore_bye := false; // enable ignore of repeated bye in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore_invite := false; // enable ignore invite in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore_subscribe := false; // enable ignore subscribe in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore181 := false; // enable ignore of 181 in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore484 := false; // enable ignore of 484 in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore4xx := false; // enable ignore of 4xx in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore200OKinv := false; // enable ignore of 200OKinv in default
+ var boolean vc_ignore_notify := false; // enable ignore of notify in default
+ var boolean vc_supported_100rel := false; // true if the received invite contains 100rel
+ var boolean vc_supported_precondition:= false; // true if the received invite contains precondition
+ var boolean vc_MESSAGEreceived := false; // true if MESSAGE received during altstep
+ var boolean vc_first_recv := false; // true after receipt of first incomming SIP message
+ var boolean vc_firstREGISTER_sent := false; // true after sent of first REGISTER message
+ var boolean vc_DeregDone := false; // true after first DeREGISTRATION trail (avoid loop)
+ var boolean vc_interface_isc := false; // true if isc interface is in use
+ var boolean v_white_space := false;//MRO
+ // ETS address
+ var address v_ets_label := { host := PX_SIP_TS1_IPADDR, portField := PX_SIP_TS1_PORT};
+ // parts needed for Client/SelfSyncComp type compatibility
+ var StringStack v_stateStack := c_initStringStack;
+ port SyncPort syncSendPort;
+ port SyncPort syncPort;
+ timer tc_sync := PX_TSYNC_TIME_LIMIT;
+// // used for communication with the operator
+// port operatorPort_SIP opPort;
+ } // end SipComponent
+} // end module LibSip_Interface
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_PIXITS.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_PIXITS.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_PIXITS.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module provides the types used by the test component
+ * for SIP-IMS tests. Module become from STF306 and STF334-336
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ * NOTE: PIXITS in folowing groups can be ignored if this information
+ * is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ * - Ports_and_addresses_of_the_SUT
+ * - PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS1
+ * - PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS2
+ * - PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS3
+ * - ParametersForHTTP_Authentication
+ */
+module LibSip_PIXITS //MRO
+ //LibCommon
+ import from LibCommon_BasicTypesAndValues all;
+ import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
+// _____________________________ PIXIT-S_______________________________
+ group SIP_PIXITparameters{
+ group SDPParameter {
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP dynamic port
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_dyn := "0";
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP bandwidth modifier
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_b_modifier := "AS";
+ /** @desc integer for SDP bandwidth value
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_SDP_b_bandwidth := 64;
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP media attribute encoding supported by the IUT
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_encoding := "PCMU/8000";
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP media attribute encoding unavailable by the IUT
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_encoding_unavail := "GSM/8000"; // f_Sip_TC2105_IS___xx__U18
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP media attribute encoding unsupported by the IUT
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_encoding_unsup := "GSM/8000"; // f_Sip_TC2105_IS___xx__U18
+ /** @desc charstring for SDP media T.38 transport (used in TC2101_IS___AU__09)
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SDP_transport := "udptl";
+ } //group SDP Parameter
+ group ISUPinterworkingParameters{
+ /** @desc charstring for Used CPC language
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_ISUP_LANGUAGE := "English";
+ /** @desc charstring for Used CPC language
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_ISUP_CPC_VALUE := "prison";
+ } // goup PSTNParameters
+ group SupportedOptions{
+ /** @desc boolean for True if 100rel mechanism is supported in SIP
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_100rel := false;
+ /** @desc boolean for True if precondition mechanism is supported in SIP
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_precondition := false;
+ /** @desc boolean for True if UDP Transport is used by the IUT to run campaign
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_UDP := true;
+ /** @desc charstring for Used Transport in upper case "UDP"/"TCP"
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TRANSPORT := "UDP";
+ }// group SupportedOptions{
+ // PIXITS in group Ports_and_addresses_of_the_SUT can be ignored if this information is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ group Ports_and_addresses_of_the_SUT{
+ /** @desc integer for SUT port number to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_SUT_PORT := 5060;
+ /** @desc charstring for SUT IP address to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_IPADDR := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for SUT domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_HOME_DOMAIN := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for unknown SUT domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_HOME_DOMAIN_UNKNOWN := "";
+ }
+ // PIXITS in group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS1 can be ignored if this information is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS1 {
+// Ports and addresses of the TS1 (tester), first access
+ /** @desc integer for port number used by the TS1 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS1_PORT := 5060;
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS1 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_IPADDR := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_DOMAIN := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_USER := "2910";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the user with active call diversion service
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_USER_DIV := "2907";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user (format "+"cc+ndc+sn)
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_LOCAL_USER_FULL := "+ 33492941111";
+ /** @desc integer for port number used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS1_BEARER_PORT := 52000;
+ /** @desc charstring for port number used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS1_BEARER_PORT2 := 62000;
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS1_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
+ }// group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS
+ // PIXITS in group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS2 can be ignored if this information is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS2 {
+// Ports and addresses of the TS2 (tester), second access
+ /** @desc integer for port number used by the TS2 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS2_PORT := 5060;
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS2 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_IPADDR := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_DOMAIN := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_USER := "2911";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the user with active call diversion service
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_USER_DIV := "2011";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user (format "+"cc+ndc+sn)
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_LOCAL_USER_FULL := "+ 33 4 92941111";
+ /** @desc integer for port number used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS2_BEARER_PORT := 53000;
+ /** @desc integer for port number used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS2_BEARER_PORT2 := 63000;
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS2_BEARER_IPADDR := "";
+ }//group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS2
+ // PIXITS in group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS3 can be ignored if this information is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS3 {
+// Ports and addresses of the TS3 (tester), second access
+ /** @desc integer for Port number used by the TS3 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_TS3_PORT := 5060;
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS3 to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS3_IPADDR := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS3_LOCAL_DOMAIN := "";
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_TS3_LOCAL_USER := "2012";
+ } //group PortsAndAddressesOfTheTS3
+ group RegistrationParameters {
+ /** @desc boolean for the SIP user if it have to register itself before executing a test case
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_REGISTRATION := false;
+ /** @desc integer for the minimun SIP user registration expires-value
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_REGISTRATION_exp_min := 3600;
+ /** @desc charstring for REGISTRAR domain
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_REGISTRAR_DOMAIN := "";
+ }// group Registration parameters
+ group ReleaseCause{
+ /** @desc integer for Release cause to be used in BYE and in Failure messages
+ */
+ modulepar integer PX_SIP_BYE_CAUSE := 16;
+ }//group ReleaseCause
+ group RTPStreamControlAndCheck{
+ /** @desc boolean for True, if conversation check is implemented.
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_CheckConversation := false;
+ /** @desc boolean for True, if DTMF check is implemented.
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_CheckDTMF := false;
+ /** @desc boolean for True, if Announcement sending is implemented.
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_SendAnnouncement := false;
+ /** @desc boolean for True, if ringing check is implemented.
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_CheckRinging := false;
+ }//group RTPStreamControlAndCheck
+ group SwitchToEnableAuthentication {
+ /** @desc boolean for option controlling if authentication is enabled/disabled for REGISTER messages
+ */
+ /** @desc boolean for option controlling if authentication is enabled/disabled for INVITE messages
+ */
+ modulepar boolean PX_SIP_INVITE_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED := false;
+ }//group SwitchToEnableAuthentication
+ group NofifyAndSubscribe {
+ modulepar{
+ /** @desc boolean for option controlling if notification is enabled/disabled
+ */
+ boolean PX_SIP_NOTIFICATION := true;
+ /** @desc boolean for option controlling if subscription is enabled/disabled
+ */
+ boolean PX_SIP_SUBSCRIPTION := true;
+ }
+ }
+ // PIXITS in group ParametersForHTTP_Authentication can be ignored if this information is provided in other modules of the ATS that uses this SIP library
+ group ParametersForHTTP_Authentication {
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-1 qop options:
+ * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The
+ * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_QOP := "auth";
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username:
+ * The name of user in the specified realm
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_USERNAME := "abcd";
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE1_PASSWD := "1234";
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 3-2-1 qop options:
+ * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The
+ * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_QOP := "auth";
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2 username:
+ * The name of user in the specified realm
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_USERNAME := "abcd";
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 clause 3-2-2-2 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
+ */
+ modulepar charstring PX_SIP_SUT_UE2_PASSWD := "1234";
+ }//group ParametersForHTTP_Authentication
+ group SIP_Timers {
+ /** @desc float for T1 RTT estimate (500 ms)
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_T1 := 0.5;
+ /** @desc float for T2 Maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE response (4000 ms)
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_T2 := 4.0;
+ /** @desc float for T4 Maximum duration a message will remain in the network
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_T4 := 1.0;
+ /** @desc float for TDELAY default value for timeout on outgoing SIP request (ie 64*T1)
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TF := 32.0;
+ /** @desc float for TWait default value for waiting an operator action
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TWAIT := 30.0;
+ /** @desc float for TAck default value for waiting an acknowledgement
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TACK := 8.0;
+ /** @desc float for TResp default value for waiting for a response from the IUT
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TRESP := 15.0;
+ /** @desc float for TNoAct default value for waiting no message from the IUT
+ * Value given for PX_TNOACT should be less than value of
+ * SHORT_REGISTRATION constant (which is currently "3" (seconds))
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TNOACT := 1.0;
+ /** @desc float for TSYNC default value to synchronise ptc
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TSYNC := 10.0;
+ /** @desc float for TGUARD default value for an extra long timer to limit test execution
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_SIP_TGUARD := 120.0;
+ /** @desc float for TRespRetention minimum time that a Proxy will wait before sending a final response
+ */
+ modulepar float PX_TRespRetention := 1.0;
+ }//group SIP_Timers
+ } //group SIP_PIXITparameters
+} // end module LibSip_PIXITS
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,1924 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module defines message, header, structured and simple SIP
+ * types as well constants used by LipSip constructs. <br>
+ * Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module
+ * may be overwritten by future releases of this library
+ * End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this
+ * module regarding their modifications or additions
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ * @remark Adding of new message and header types is ok;
+ * Adding of new optional header fields in @see MessageHeader type
+ * is ok but should be done at same time as dummy template updates;
+ * Existing message or header types shall not be changed or removed -
+ * change requests shall be made to
+ */
+module LibSip_SIPTypesAndValues
+ import from LibSip_MessageBodyTypes all;
+group Constants
+group SimpleConstants
+ {
+ // SIP name protocol plus version
+ const charstring c_sipNameVersion := "SIP/2.0";
+ // SIP name protocol
+ const charstring c_sipName := "SIP";
+ // SIP version
+ const charstring c_sipVersion := "2.0";
+ // SIP scheme
+ const charstring c_sipScheme := "sip";
+ // TEL scheme
+ const charstring c_telScheme := "tel";
+ // URN schema
+ const charstring c_urnScheme := "urn";
+ // TAG_ID
+ const charstring c_tagId := "tag";
+ const charstring c_branchId := "branch";
+ const charstring c_branchCookie := "z9hG4bK";
+ const charstring c_expiresId := "expires";
+ const charstring c_maddrId := "maddr";
+ const charstring c_methodId := "method";
+ const charstring c_receivedId := "received";
+ // TTL_ID
+ const charstring c_ttlId := "ttl";
+ // USER_ID
+ const charstring c_userId := "user";
+ // SDP name application
+ const charstring c_sdpAplication := "application/sdp";
+ // XML name application
+ const charstring c_xmlAplication := "application/xml";
+ // XML name application
+ const charstring c_xmlreginfoAplication := "application/reginfo+xml";
+ // MIME name application
+ const charstring c_mimeMultipart := "multipart/mixed";
+ // IMS 3GPP name application
+ const charstring c_ims3gppAplication := "application/3gpp-ims+xml";
+ // IMS 3GPP name CW application
+ const charstring c_ims3gppCwApplication := "application/";
+ // IMS ETSI name MCID application
+ const charstring c_imsEtsiMcidApplication := "application/vnd.etsi.mcid+xml";
+ // IMS ETSI name CUG application
+ const charstring c_imsEtsiCugApplication := "application/vnd.etsi.cug+xml";
+ // IMS ETSI name Simservs application(TIP/TIR, ACR, CDIV, OIP/OIR, CUG)
+ const charstring c_imsEtsiSimservsApplication := "application/vnd.etsi.simservs+xml";
+ // OCTET-STREAM name application
+ const charstring c_octetAplication := "application/octet-stream";
+ // PLAIN-TEXT name application
+ const charstring c_plainText := "text/plain";
+ //text content of 1300 bytes for messages with message body
+ const charstring c_longMessageContent_1300Bytes :=//"Hello!";
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"&
+ oct2char('0D'O) & oct2char('0A'O); // CRLF
+ // Default SIP port number : 5060
+ const integer c_defaultSipPort := 5060;
+ // Default SIP protocol : UDP
+ const charstring c_defaultSipProt := "UDP";
+ // Fixed IP multicast address
+ const charstring c_mcastSipIpaddr := "";
+ // Short delta-second used in expires parameter to acknowledge a registration
+ const charstring c_shortRegistration := "3600";
+ // ([RFC3891]Sec 6.1)
+ const charstring c_earlyFlag := "early-only";
+ // option tag replaces ([RFC3261])
+ const charstring c_replaces := "replaces";
+ // option tag 100rel (reliable provisional response [RFC3262])
+ const charstring c_tag100rel := "100rel";
+ // option tag from-change ([RFC4916])
+ const charstring c_tagFromChange := "from-change";
+ // option tag precondition (ch.11 [RFC3312])
+ const charstring c_tagPrecond := "precondition";
+ // due to problem with TAU compiler because hardcoded return statement constant is created
+ const HostPort c_hostport_dummy := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort};
+ // CLIP/CLIR information
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_none := "none";
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_id := "id";
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_header := "header";
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_user := "user";
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_critical := "critical";
+ const PrivacyValue c_privacy_session := "session";
+ // @ (at) sign
+ const charstring c_AT := "@";
+ //MRO
+ const charstring c_SP := oct2char('20'O);
+ const charstring c_SLASH := oct2char('2F'O);
+ const charstring c_LT := oct2char('3C'O);
+ const charstring c_GT := oct2char('3E'O);
+ // * (wildchard) sign
+ const charstring c_WILDCARD := "*";
+ const integer c_CRlen := 2; // length of new line (0d0a)
+ const GenericParam c_Integrity_protected_yes := {"integrity-protected","yes"}
+ const GenericParam c_Integrity_protected_no := {"integrity-protected","no"}
+ const GenericParam c_Integrity_protected_ip_assoc_pending := {"integrity-protected","ip-assoc-pending"}
+} //end group SimpleConstants
+group AuthorizationConstants {
+ const charstring c_ik := "";
+ const charstring c_ck := "";
+ const charstring c_algorithm := "MD5";
+ const charstring c_nonce := "";
+ const charstring c_nonce_value := "0edff6c521cc3f407f2d9e01cf6ed82b";
+} //end group AuthorizationConstants
+group PChargingVectorConstants {
+ const charstring c_icid := "icid-value";
+ const charstring c_icid_value := "123abc";
+ const charstring c_icid_generated_at := "icid-generated-at";
+ const charstring c_orig_ioi := "orig-ioi";
+ const charstring c_term_ioi := "term-ioi";
+ const charstring c_access_network_charging_info := "access-network-charging-info";
+} //end group PChargingVectorConstants
+group HeaderFieldConstants {
+ const CallId c_empty_CallId :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CALL_ID_E,
+ callid := ""
+ };
+ const ContentType c_empty_ContentType :=
+ {
+ fieldName := CONTENT_TYPE_E,
+ mediaType := ""
+ };
+ const CSeq c_empty_cSeq := {
+ fieldName := CSEQ_E,
+ seqNumber:=0,
+ method:="EMPTY" };
+ const From c_empty_From := {
+ fieldName := FROM_E,
+ addressField := {
+ nameAddr := {
+ displayName := omit,
+ addrSpec := {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {
+ sip := {
+ userInfo := omit ,
+ hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}
+ }
+ },
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ fromParams := omit
+ };
+ const MaxForwards c_maxForwards70 := {fieldName:=MAX_FORWARDS_E, forwards:=70}
+ const SipUrl c_empty_RequestUri :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {
+ sip := {
+ userInfo := omit ,
+ hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}
+ }
+ },
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ const SipUrl c_unavailableUri :=
+ {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {
+ sip := {
+ userInfo := {userOrTelephoneSubscriber:="unavailable", password:=omit},
+ hostPort := {host:="anonymous.invalid", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}
+ }
+ },
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ };
+ const To c_empty_To :=
+ { // value of To header
+ fieldName := TO_E,
+ addressField := {
+ nameAddr := {
+ displayName := omit,
+ addrSpec := {
+ scheme := c_sipScheme,
+ components := {
+ sip := {
+ userInfo := omit ,
+ hostPort := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort}
+ }
+ },
+ urlParameters := omit,
+ headers := omit
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ toParams := omit
+ };
+ const Via c_empty_Via := {
+ fieldName := VIA_E,
+ viaBody :={
+ {sentProtocol := {
+ protocolName := c_sipName,
+ protocolVersion := c_sipVersion,
+ transport := c_defaultSipProt
+ },
+ sentBy := {host:="", portField:=c_defaultSipPort},
+ viaParams:= omit
+ }
+ }};
+group UserProfileConstants
+ // number of user profile from 1-10 for SIP profile
+ const integer c_userProfile_SIP1_home := 1;
+ const integer c_userProfile_SIP2_home := 2;
+} //end group UserProfileConstants
+group StatusLines
+ {
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine100 := {c_sipNameVersion, 100, "Trying"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine180 := {c_sipNameVersion, 180, "Ringing"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine181 := {c_sipNameVersion, 181, "Call Is Being Forwarded"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine182 := {c_sipNameVersion, 182, "Queued"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine183 := {c_sipNameVersion, 183, "Session Progress"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine200 := {c_sipNameVersion, 200, "OK"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine202 := {c_sipNameVersion, 202, "Accepted"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine300 := {c_sipNameVersion, 300, "Multiple Choices"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine301 := {c_sipNameVersion, 301, "Moved Permanently"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine302 := {c_sipNameVersion, 302, "Moved Temporarily"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine305 := {c_sipNameVersion, 305, "Use Proxy"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine380 := {c_sipNameVersion, 380, "Alternative Service"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine400 := {c_sipNameVersion, 400, "Bad Request"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine401 := {c_sipNameVersion, 401, "Unauthorized"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine402 := {c_sipNameVersion, 402, "Payment Required"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine403 := {c_sipNameVersion, 403, "Forbidden"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine404 := {c_sipNameVersion, 404, "Not Found"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine405 := {c_sipNameVersion, 405, "Method Not Allowed"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine406 := {c_sipNameVersion, 406, "Not Acceptable"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine407 := {c_sipNameVersion, 407, "Proxy Authentication Required"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine408 := {c_sipNameVersion, 408, "Request Timeout"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine410 := {c_sipNameVersion, 410, "Gone"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine413 := {c_sipNameVersion, 413, "Request Entity Too Large"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine414 := {c_sipNameVersion, 414, "Request-URI Too Long"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine415 := {c_sipNameVersion, 415, "Unsupported Media Type"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine416 := {c_sipNameVersion, 416, "Unsupported URI Scheme"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine420 := {c_sipNameVersion, 420, "Bad Extension"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine421 := {c_sipNameVersion, 421, "Extension Required"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine422 := {c_sipNameVersion, 422, "Session Interval Too Small"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine423 := {c_sipNameVersion, 423, "Interval Too Brief"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine433 := {c_sipNameVersion, 433, "Anonymity Disallowed"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine480 := {c_sipNameVersion, 480, "Temporarily Unavailable"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine481 := {c_sipNameVersion, 481, "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine482 := {c_sipNameVersion, 482, "Loop Detected"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine483 := {c_sipNameVersion, 483, "Too Many Hops"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine484 := {c_sipNameVersion, 484, "Address Incomplete"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine485 := {c_sipNameVersion, 485, "Ambiguous"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine486 := {c_sipNameVersion, 486, "Busy Here"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine487 := {c_sipNameVersion, 487, "Request Terminated"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine488 := {c_sipNameVersion, 488, "Not Acceptable Here"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine493 := {c_sipNameVersion, 493, "Undecipherable"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine500 := {c_sipNameVersion, 500, "Server Internal Error"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine501 := {c_sipNameVersion, 501, "Not implemented"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine502 := {c_sipNameVersion, 502, "Bad Gateway"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine503 := {c_sipNameVersion, 503, "Service Unavailable"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine504 := {c_sipNameVersion, 504, "Server Time-out"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine505 := {c_sipNameVersion, 505, "Version Not Supported"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine513 := {c_sipNameVersion, 513, "Message Too Large"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine580 := {c_sipNameVersion, 580, "Precondition Failure"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine600 := {c_sipNameVersion, 600, "Busy Everywhere"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine603 := {c_sipNameVersion, 603, "Decline"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine604 := {c_sipNameVersion, 604, "Does Not Exist Anywhere"};
+ const StatusLine c_statusLine606 := {c_sipNameVersion, 606, "Not Acceptable"};
+} //end StatusLines
+group SIPSyncPointNames {
+ const charstring c_Ringing := "Ringing";
+ const charstring c_uPlane := "uPlane";
+ const charstring c_sync1 := "sync1";
+ const charstring c_sync2 := "sync2";
+ const charstring c_sync3 := "sync3";
+ const charstring c_sync4 := "sync4";
+ const charstring c_uPlaneStop := "uPlaneStop";
+ const charstring c_annoucA := "announcementA";
+ const charstring c_annoucB := "announcementB";
+ const charstring c_annouc := "announcement";
+ const charstring c_voicem := "voiceMessage";
+ }
+} //end group Constants
+group Types {
+group SubTypes{// Subtypes
+ group TokenTypes // TokensTypes
+ {
+ // [20]
+ type enumerated FieldName
+ {
+ TO_E,
+ VIA_E,
+ // [3262/7.1]
+ // [3265/7.2]
+ // [3313]
+ // [3323]
+ // [3325]
+ // [3326]
+ // [3515] - REFER method
+ // [4488] - REFER method
+ // [3891]
+ // [3892] - REFER method
+ // [4244]
+ // [3313]
+ // [3327]
+ // [3329]
+ // [3455]
+ // [3608]
+ // [3841]
+ // [4028]
+ //[5009]
+ //
+ //Transporting User to User Call Control Information in SIP for ISDN Interworking
+ //[6442] /* @sic R5-133151 update of header fields sic@ */
+ }
+ // [7.1]
+ type enumerated Method {
+ ACK_E,
+ BYE_E,
+ PRACK_E, // Note: this element is not defined in [5]
+ SUBSCRIBE_E, NOTIFY_E, // [3265]
+ PUBLISH_E, // [3903/12]
+ REFER_E, // [3515]
+ UPDATE_E, // [3311]
+ MESSAGE_E, // [3428]
+ INFO_E, // [2976]
+ }
+ // [20.1, 20.3, 20.4, 20.7, 20.9, 20.10, 20.11, 20.18, 20.20, 20.27, 20.28, 20.30, 20.31,
+ // 20.33, 20.34, 20.39, 20.42, 20.44]
+ type record GenericParam
+ {
+ charstring id,
+ charstring paramValue optional
+ }
+ // [?]
+ type set of GenericParam SemicolonParam_List;
+ // [?]
+ type set of GenericParam AmpersandParam_List;
+ // [?]
+ type set of GenericParam CommaParam_List;
+ // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39, 20.42, 20.43]
+ type record HostPort
+ {
+ charstring host optional, // hostname, IPv4 or IPv6
+ integer portField optional // represented as an integer
+ }
+ // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39]
+ *
+ * @desc identifier for user or telephone subscriber
+ * @member userOrTelephoneSubscriber provides the username or a phone name identifying the subscriber
+ * @member password related password information
+ *
+ */
+ type record UserInfo
+ {
+ charstring userOrTelephoneSubscriber,
+ charstring password optional
+ }
+ // [19.1.1 ;used in: 20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39]
+ *
+ * @desc Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
+ * @member scheme distinguishes call types, e.g. voice, fax etc. or related address scheme, e.g. tel, sip
+ * @member userInfo Contains user information (also in non-SIP URLs) with optional parameter as passwords
+ * @member hostPort Hostname or IP address information and port identifier of the target
+ * @member urlParameters Contains either SIP or TEL URL parameters, separated by semicolons, e.g. transport=tcp or user=phone
+ * @member headers Additional information added after the parameters, e.g. priority=urgent
+ */
+ type record SipUriComponents { // sip-uri acc. to RFC 3261 cl. 19.1
+ UserInfo userInfo optional,
+ HostPort hostPort
+ }
+ type record TelUriComponents { // tel-uri acc. to RFC 3966
+ charstring subscriber
+ }
+ type record UrnUriComponents { // urn-uri acc. to RFC 2141
+ charstring namespaceId, // e.g. "service" as acc. to RFC 5031
+ charstring namespaceSpecificString // e.g. "sos"
+ }
+ type union UriComponents {
+ SipUriComponents sip, // scheme: "sip" or sips"
+ TelUriComponents tel, // scheme: "tel"
+ UrnUriComponents urn, // scheme: "urn"
+ charstring other // scheme: none of the above schemes
+ }
+ type record SipUrl
+ {
+ charstring scheme, // e.g "sip" or "tel"
+ UriComponents components, // corresponding to the scheme
+ SemicolonParam_List urlParameters optional,
+ AmpersandParam_List headers optional
+ }
+ // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1]
+ type record AcceptBody
+ {
+ charstring mediaRange,
+ SemicolonParam_List acceptParam optional
+ }
+ // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1]
+ type set of AcceptBody AcceptBody_List;
+ // [20.4]
+ type record AlertInfoBody
+ {
+ charstring url, // any URI
+ SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.4]
+ type set of AlertInfoBody AlertInfoBody_List;
+ // [20.8]
+ type charstring CallidString; // token ["@" token]
+ // [20.8]
+ type set of CallidString CallidString_List;
+ // [20.9]
+ type record CallInfoBody
+ {
+ charstring url, // any URI
+ SemicolonParam_List infoParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.9]
+ type set of CallInfoBody CallInfoBody_List;
+ // [20.27, 20.44, .......10.32, 10.48; RFC2616 14.33, 14.47; RFC2617 1.2]
+ type union Challenge
+ {
+ CommaParam_List digestCln,
+ OtherAuth otherChallenge
+ }
+ // [20.10, 20.20, 20.30, 20.31, 20.34, 20.39]
+ type record NameAddr
+ {
+ charstring displayName optional,
+ SipUrl addrSpec
+ }
+ // [20.10, 20.20, 20.31, 20.39]
+ type union Addr_Union
+ {
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SipUrl addrSpecUnion // STS: "Union" added to filed name to avoid dangerous name equivalence with 2nd NameAddr field
+ }
+ // [20.10]
+ type record ContactAddress
+ {
+ Addr_Union addressField,
+ SemicolonParam_List contactParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.10]
+ type set of ContactAddress ContactAddress_List; // 1 or more elements
+ // [20.10]
+ type union ContactBody
+ {
+ charstring wildcard,
+ ContactAddress_List contactAddresses
+ }
+ // [20.2, 20.12; RFC2616 14.3, 14.11]
+ type charstring ContentCoding;
+ // [20.2, 20.12; RFC2616 14.3, 14.11]
+ type set of ContentCoding ContentCoding_List;
+ // [20.7, 20.28; RFC2616 14.35 RFC2617 1.2]
+ type union Credentials
+ {
+ CommaParam_List digestResponse,
+ OtherAuth otherResponse
+ }
+ // allow multiple Authorization headers due to RFC3261 ch. 20.7 and 20.28
+ type record of Credentials CredentialsList;
+ // [20.19, 20.23, 20.33]
+ type charstring DeltaSec; // an external operation can handle this field
+ // [20.18]
+ type record ErrorInfoBody
+ {
+ charstring uri, // any URI
+ SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.18]
+ type set of ErrorInfoBody ErrorInfoBody_List;
+ // [20.3 RFC2616 14.4]
+ type record LanguageBody
+ {
+ charstring languageRange,
+ SemicolonParam_List acceptParam optional
+ }
+ // [20.3 RFC2616 14.4]
+ type set of LanguageBody LanguageBody_List;
+ // [20.13; RFC2616 14.12]
+ type charstring LanguageTag;
+ // [20.13; RFC2616 14.12]
+ type set of LanguageTag LanguageTag_List;
+ // [20.5]
+ type set of charstring Method_List;
+ // [20.29, 20.32, 20.37, 20.40]
+ type charstring OptionTag;
+ // [20.29, 20.32, 20.37, 20.40]
+ type set of OptionTag OptionTag_List;
+ // [20.7, 20.27, 20.28, 20.44 ; RFC2616 14.33, 14.47; RFC2617 1.2]
+ type record OtherAuth
+ {
+ charstring authScheme,
+ CommaParam_List authParams
+ }
+ type record Payload
+ {
+ integer payloadlength,
+ charstring payloadvalue
+ }
+ // [20.30,20.34]
+ type record RouteBody
+ {
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SemicolonParam_List rrParam optional
+ }
+ // [20.30,20.34]
+ type record of RouteBody RouteBody_List;
+ // [20.42]
+ type record SentProtocol
+ {
+ charstring protocolName,
+ charstring protocolVersion,
+ charstring transport
+ }
+ // [20.35, 20.41; RFC2616 14.43]
+ type charstring ServerVal;
+ // [20.35, 20.41; RFC2616 14.43]
+ type set of ServerVal ServerVal_List;
+ // [20.38]
+ type record TimeValue
+ {
+ integer majorDigit, // represented as an integer
+ integer minorDigit optional // represented as an integer
+ }
+ // [20.42]
+ type record ViaBody
+ {
+ SentProtocol sentProtocol,
+ HostPort sentBy,
+ SemicolonParam_List viaParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.42]
+ type record of ViaBody ViaBody_List;
+ // [20.43]
+ type union WarnAgent
+ {
+ HostPort hostPort,
+ charstring pseudonym
+ }
+ // [20.43]
+ type record WarningValue
+ {
+ integer warnCode, // represented as an integer
+ WarnAgent warnAgent,
+ charstring warnText
+ }
+ // [20.43]
+ type set of WarningValue WarningValue_List;
+ type Addr_Union PAssertedIDValue;
+ type record of PAssertedIDValue PAssertedIDValue_List;
+ type charstring PAssertedServiceValue;
+ type Addr_Union PPreferredIDValue;
+ type record of PPreferredIDValue PPreferredIDValue_List;
+ type charstring PrivacyValue;
+ type record of PrivacyValue PrivacyValue_List;
+ } // end group TokensType
+ group HeaderFieldTypes // Header Fields
+ {
+ group CommonHeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [20.1, RFC2616 14.1]
+ type record Accept
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_E),
+ AcceptBody_List acceptArgs optional
+ }
+ // [20.2, RFC2616 14.3]
+ type record AcceptEncoding
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_ENCODING_E),
+ ContentCoding_List contentCoding optional
+ }
+ // [20.3, RFC2616 14.4]
+ type record AcceptLanguage
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_E),
+ LanguageBody_List languageBody optional
+ }
+ // [20.4]
+ type record AlertInfo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ALERT_INFO_E),
+ AlertInfoBody_List alertInfoBody optional
+ }
+ // [20.5]
+ type record Allow
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ALLOW_E),
+ Method_List methods optional
+ }
+ // [20.6]
+ type record AuthenticationInfo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (AUTHENTICATION_INFO_E),
+ CommaParam_List ainfo
+ }
+ // [20.7 RFC2617 3.2.2]
+ type record Authorization
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (AUTHORIZATION_E),
+ CredentialsList body // changed from Credentials to allow multiple Authorization headers
+ }
+ // [20.8]
+ type record CallId
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CALL_ID_E),
+ CallidString callid
+ }
+ // [20.9]
+ type record CallInfo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CALL_INFO_E),
+ CallInfoBody_List callInfoBody optional
+ }
+ // [20.10]
+ type record Contact
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTACT_E),
+ ContactBody contactBody
+ }
+ // [20.11]
+ type record ContentDisposition
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_DISPOSITION_E),
+ charstring dispositionType,
+ SemicolonParam_List dispositionParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.12 RFC2616 14.11]
+ type record ContentEncoding
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_ENCODING_E),
+ ContentCoding_List contentCoding
+ }
+ // [20.13 RFC2616 14.12]
+ type record ContentLanguage
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_LANGUAGE_E),
+ LanguageTag_List languageTag
+ }
+ // [20.14]
+ type record ContentLength
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_LENGTH_E),
+ integer len // this field is represented as an integer
+ }
+ // [20.15]
+ type record ContentType
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CONTENT_TYPE_E),
+ charstring mediaType
+ }
+ // [20.16]
+ type record CSeq
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (CSEQ_E),
+ integer seqNumber, // this field is represented as an integer
+ charstring method
+ }
+ // [20.17]
+ type record Date
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (DATE_E),
+ charstring sipDate
+ }
+ // [20.18]
+ type record ErrorInfo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ERROR_INFO_E),
+ ErrorInfoBody_List errorInfo optional
+ }
+ // [20.19]
+ type record Expires
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (EXPIRES_E),
+ DeltaSec deltaSec
+ }
+ // [20.20]
+ type record From
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (FROM_E),
+ Addr_Union addressField,
+ SemicolonParam_List fromParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.21]
+ type record InReplyTo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (IN_REPLY_TO_E),
+ CallidString_List callids
+ }
+ // [20.22]
+ type record MaxForwards
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (MAX_FORWARDS_E),
+ integer forwards // this field is represented as an integer
+ }
+ // [20.23]
+ type record MinExpires
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (MIN_EXPIRES_E),
+ DeltaSec deltaSec
+ }
+ // [20.24 RFC2616 19.4.1]
+ type record MimeVersion
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (MIME_VERSION_E),
+ integer majorNumber, // this field is represented as an integer
+ integer minorNumber // this field is represented as an integer
+ }
+ // [20.25]
+ type record Organization
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ORGANIZATION_E),
+ charstring organization
+ }
+ // [20.26]
+ type record Priority
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (PRIORITY_E),
+ charstring priorityValue
+ }
+ // [20.27 RFC2616 14.33 RFC2617 1.2]
+ type record ProxyAuthenticate
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (PROXY_AUTHENTICATE_E),
+ Challenge challenge
+ }
+ // [20.28 RFC2616 14.35 RFC2617 1.2]
+ type record ProxyAuthorization
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (PROXY_AUTHORIZATION_E),
+ CredentialsList credentials // changed from Credentials to allow multiple Authorization headers
+ }
+ // [20.29]
+ type record ProxyRequire
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (PROXY_REQUIRE_E),
+ OptionTag_List optionsTags
+ }
+ // [20.30]
+ type record RecordRoute
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (RECORD_ROUTE_E),
+ RouteBody_List routeBody
+ }
+ // [20.31]
+ type record ReplyTo
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (REPLY_TO_E),
+ Addr_Union addressField,
+ SemicolonParam_List replyToParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.32]
+ type record Require
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (REQUIRE_E),
+ OptionTag_List optionsTags
+ }
+ // [20.33]
+ type record RetryAfter
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (RETRY_AFTER_E),
+ DeltaSec deltaSec,
+ charstring comment optional,
+ SemicolonParam_List retryParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.34]
+ type record Route
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (ROUTE_E),
+ RouteBody_List routeBody
+ }
+ // [20.35 RFC2616 14.38]
+ type record Server
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (SERVER_E),
+ ServerVal_List serverBody
+ }
+ // [20.36]
+ type record Subject
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (SUBJECT_E),
+ charstring summary
+ }
+ // [20.37]
+ type record Supported
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (SUPPORTED_E),
+ OptionTag_List optionsTags optional
+ }
+ // [20.38]
+ type record Timestamp
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (TIMESTAMP_E),
+ TimeValue timeValue optional,
+ TimeValue delay optional
+ }
+ // [20.39]
+ type record To
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (TO_E),
+ Addr_Union addressField,
+ SemicolonParam_List toParams optional
+ }
+ // [20.40]
+ type record Unsupported
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (UNSUPPORTED_E),
+ OptionTag_List optionsTags
+ }
+ // Undefined header field
+ type record UndefinedHeader
+ {
+ charstring headerName,
+ charstring headerValue
+ }
+ type set of UndefinedHeader UndefinedHeader_List;
+ // [20.41 RFC2616 14.43]
+ type record UserAgent
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (USER_AGENT_E),
+ ServerVal_List userAgentBody
+ }
+ // [20.42]
+ type record Via
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (VIA_E),
+ ViaBody_List viaBody
+ }
+ // [20.43]
+ type record Warning
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (WARNING_E),
+ WarningValue_List warningValue
+ }
+ // [20.44 RFC2616 14.47 RFC2617 1.2]
+ type record WwwAuthenticate
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (WWW_AUTHENTICATE_E),
+ Challenge challenge
+ }
+ }//end group CommonHeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3262/7.1]
+ type record RSeq {
+ FieldName fieldName(RSEQ_E),
+ integer responseNum
+ }
+ // [3262/7.2]
+ type record RAck {
+ FieldName fieldName(RACK_E),
+ integer responseNum,
+ integer seqNumber,
+ charstring method
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3262HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3265/7.2]
+ type record AllowEvents {
+ FieldName fieldName(ALLOW_EVENTS_E),
+ EventType_List eventTypes
+ }
+ type set of EventType EventType_List;
+ type charstring EventType;
+ // [3265/7.2]
+ type record Event {
+ FieldName fieldName(EVENT_E),
+ EventType eventType,
+ SemicolonParam_List eventParams optional
+ }
+ // [3265/7.2]
+ type record SubscriptionState {
+ FieldName fieldName(SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_E),
+ SubState subState,
+ SemicolonParam_List substateParams optional
+ }
+ type charstring SubState;
+ }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3313HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3313/5]
+ type record PMediaAuthorization {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_MEDIA_AUTHORIZATION_E),
+ PMediaAuthorization_List pMediaAuthorizations
+ }
+ type charstring PMediaAuthValue; //HEXDIG "0"-"9", "A"-"F"
+ type record of PMediaAuthValue PMediaAuthorization_List;
+ }//end group RFC3265HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3323]
+ type record Privacy {
+ FieldName fieldName(PRIVACY_E),
+ PrivacyValue_List privValueList
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3323HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3325]
+ type record PAssertedID {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_ID_E),
+ PAssertedIDValue_List pAssertedIDValueList
+ }
+ // [3325]
+ type record PPreferredID {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_PREFERRED_ID_E),
+ PPreferredIDValue_List pPreferredIDValueList
+ }
+ // draft-drage-sipping-service-identification-01 (July 2007)
+ type record PPreferredService {
+ FieldName fieldName (P_PREFERRED_SERVICE_E),
+ charstring serviceId
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3325HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ //[3326]
+ type record of ReasonValue ReasonValues;
+ type record ReasonValue {
+ charstring token,
+ SemicolonParam_List reasonParams optional
+ }
+ type record Reason {
+ FieldName fieldName(REASON_E),
+ ReasonValues reasonValues
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3326HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3327HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3327]
+ type record Path {
+ FieldName fieldName(PATH_E),
+ PathValues pathValues
+ }
+ type record of PathValue PathValues;
+ type record PathValue {
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SemicolonParam_List rrParam optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC4488HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [4488]
+ type record ReferSub {
+ FieldName fieldName(REFER_SUB_E),
+ boolean referSubValue,
+ SemicolonParam_List referSubParams optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC4488HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [RFC3329/2.2]
+ type record SecurityMechanism {
+ charstring mechName,
+ SemicolonParam_List mechParams optional
+ }
+ type set of SecurityMechanism SecurityMechanism_List;
+ type record SecurityClient {
+ FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_CLIENT_E),
+ SecurityMechanism_List securityMech
+ }
+ type record SecurityServer {
+ FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_SERVER_E),
+ SecurityMechanism_List securityMech
+ }
+ type record SecurityVerify {
+ FieldName fieldName(SECURITY_VERIFY_E),
+ SecurityMechanism_List securityMech
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3329HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3455HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ type record of NameAddrParam NameAddrParam_List;
+ type record NameAddrParam {
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
+ }
+ //[3455/5.1]
+ type record PAssociatedURI {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_ASSOCIATED_URI_E),
+ NameAddrParam_List nameAddrList
+ }
+ //[3455/5.2]
+ type record PCalledPartyID {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_CALLED_PARTY_E),
+ NameAddrParam nameAddParams
+ }
+ type record of VnetworkSpec VnetworkSpec_List;
+ type record VnetworkSpec {
+ charstring vNetworkSpecToken,
+ SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
+ }
+ //[3455/5.3]
+ type record PVisitedNetworkID {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_VISITED_NETWORK_E),
+ VnetworkSpec_List vNetWorkSpec
+ }
+ //[3455/5.4]
+ type record PAccessNetworkInfo {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_E),
+ charstring accessType,
+ SemicolonParam_List genericParams optional
+ }
+ //[3455/5.5]
+ type record PChargingFunctionAddresses {
+ SemicolonParam_List chargeAddrParams optional
+ }
+ //[3455/5.6]
+ type record PChargingVector {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_CHARGING_VECTOR_E),
+ SemicolonParam_List chargeParams optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC33455HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3515]
+ type record ReferTo {
+ FieldName fieldName(REFER_TO_E),
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SemicolonParam_List referToParams optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3515HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3608HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3608]
+ type record ServiceRoute {
+ FieldName fieldName(SERVICE_ROUTE_E),
+ RouteBody_List routeBody
+ }
+ }//end group RFC33608HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3841]
+ type record AcceptContact {
+ FieldName fieldName(ACCEPT_CONTACT_E),
+ AcRcValue_List acValues
+ }
+ type set of AcRcValue AcRcValue_List;
+ type record AcRcValue {
+ charstring wildcard(c_WILDCARD),
+ SemicolonParam_List acRcParams optional
+ }
+ // [RFC 3841]
+ type charstring Directive;
+ type set of Directive Directive_List;
+ type record RequestDisposition {
+ FieldName fieldName (REQUEST_DISPOSITION_E),
+ Directive_List directives
+ }
+ }// end group RFC3841HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3891]
+ type record Replaces
+ {
+ FieldName fieldName (REPLACES_E),
+ SemicolonParam_List replacesParams
+ }
+ }// end group RFC3891HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [3892]
+ type record ReferredBy {
+ FieldName fieldName(REFERRED_BY_E),
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ SemicolonParam_List referredbyIdParams optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC3892HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [4028]
+ type record MinSE {
+ FieldName fieldName(MIN_SE_E),
+ DeltaSec deltaSec,
+ SemicolonParam_List minSeParam optional
+ }
+ // [4028]
+ type record SessionExpires {
+ FieldName fieldName(SESSION_EXPIRES_E),
+ DeltaSec deltaSec,
+ SemicolonParam_List seParam optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC4028HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes
+ {
+ // [4244]
+ type record HistoryInfo {
+ FieldName fieldName(HISTORY_INFO_E),
+ HistoryInfo_List historyInfoList
+ }
+ type record of HistoryInfoEntry HistoryInfo_List;
+ type record of charstring StringList;
+ type record HistoryInfoEntry {
+ NameAddr nameAddr,
+ StringList hiIndex optional,
+ SemicolonParam_List hiExtention optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC4244HeaderFieldTypes
+ group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader
+ {
+ // [5009]
+ type record PEarlyMedia {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_EARLY_MEDIA_E),
+ EM_List em_param
+ }
+ type record of charstring EM_List;
+ }//end group RFC5009PEarlyMediaHeader
+ //, expires 16.Aug.2009
+ //Transporting User to User Call Control Information in SIP for ISDN Interworking
+ //type definition of SIP header mechanism
+ group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft
+ {
+ type record UserToUser{
+ FieldName fieldName (USER_TO_USER_E),
+ charstring uuiData length(256), /*length limitation due to ISDN, max of allowed 128 hex digits are represented by 256 characters*/
+ GenericParam uuiParam
+ }
+ }//end group UserToUser_PreliminaryRFCDraft
+ type record PAssertedService {
+ FieldName fieldName(P_ASSERTED_SERVICE_E),
+ PAssertedServiceValue pAssertedServiceValue
+ }
+ group RFC6442GeolocationConveyance
+ { /* @sic R5-133151 update of header fields sic@ */
+ // [6442]
+ type record Geolocation { // RFC6442 clause 4.1
+ FieldName fieldName(GEOLOCATION_E),
+ SipUrl addrSpec,
+ SemicolonParam_List geolocParam optional
+ }
+ type enumerated GeolocationRoutingState
+ };
+ type record GeolocationRouting { // RFC6442 clause 4.2
+ FieldName fieldName(GEOLOCATION_ROUTING_E),
+ GeolocationRoutingState state,
+ GenericParam genericValue optional
+ }
+ }//end group RFC6442GeolocationConveyance
+ type charstring SessIdString length(32);
+ type record SessionId {
+ FieldName fieldName (SESSION_ID_E),
+ SessIdString sessid,
+ GenericParam sessidParam optional
+ }
+ type charstring EntityTag;
+ type record SIP_ETag {
+ FieldName fieldName (SIP_ETAG_E),
+ EntityTag entityTag
+ }
+ type record SIP_If_Match {
+ FieldName fieldName (SIP_IF_MATCH_E),
+ EntityTag entityTag
+ }
+ } // end group HeaderFieldTypes
+ group MessageHeaderTypes
+ {
+ // Message-Header for all SIP requests and responses [20]
+ type set MessageHeader
+ {
+ Accept accept optional,
+ AcceptContact acceptContact optional,
+ AcceptEncoding acceptEncoding optional,
+ AcceptLanguage acceptLanguage optional,
+ AlertInfo alertInfo optional,
+ Allow allow optional,
+ AllowEvents allowEvents optional, // 3265/7.2
+ AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo optional, // only in responses
+ Authorization authorization optional, // only in requests
+ CallId callId optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise
+ CallInfo callInfo optional,
+ Contact contact optional, // optional in response and all requests except INVITE where mandatory
+ ContentDisposition contentDisposition optional,
+ ContentEncoding contentEncoding optional,
+ ContentLanguage contentLanguage optional,
+ ContentLength contentLength optional, // optional in responses and all requests except ACK where mandatory
+ ContentType contentType optional,
+ CSeq cSeq optional, // optional only in Invalid test cases mandatory otherwise
+ Date date optional,
+ ErrorInfo errorInfo optional, // only in responses
+ Event event optional, // 3265/7.2
+ Expires expires optional,
+ From fromField,
+ Geolocation geolocation optional, // 6442
+ GeolocationRouting geolocationRouting optional, // 6442 @sic R5-133151 update of header fields sic@
+ HistoryInfo historyInfo optional, // 4244
+ InReplyTo inReplyTo optional, // only in requests
+ MaxForwards maxForwards optional, // mandatory in requests not required in responses!
+ MimeVersion mimeVersion optional,
+ MinExpires minExpires optional, // only in responses
+ MinSE minSE optional, // 4028
+ Organization organization optional,
+ PAccessNetworkInfo pAccessNetworkInfo optional, // 3455
+ PAssertedID pAssertedID optional, // 3325
+ PAssertedService pAssertedService optional,
+ PAssociatedURI pAssociatedURI optional, // 3455
+ Path path optional, // 3327
+ PCalledPartyID pCalledPartyID optional, // 3455
+ PChargingFunctionAddresses pChargingFunctionAddresses optional, // 3455
+ PChargingVector pChargingVector optional, // 3455
+ PEarlyMedia pEarlyMedia optional, // 5009
+ PMediaAuthorization pMediaAuthorization optional, // 3313
+ PPreferredID pPreferredID optional, // 3325
+ PPreferredService pPreferredService optional, // draft-drage-sipping-service-identification-01 (July 2007)
+ Priority priority optional, // only in requests
+ Privacy privacy optional, // 3323
+ ProxyAuthenticate proxyAuthenticate optional, // only in responses
+ ProxyAuthorization proxyAuthorization optional, // only in requests
+ ProxyRequire proxyRequire optional, // only in requests
+ PVisitedNetworkID pVisitedNetworkID optional, // 3455
+ RAck rAck optional, // 3262/7.1
+ RSeq rSeq optional, // 3262/7.1
+ Reason reason optional, // 3326
+ RecordRoute recordRoute optional,
+ RequestDisposition requestDisposition optional, // 3841
+ ReferredBy referredBy optional, // 3892 - REFER method
+ ReferTo referTo optional, // 3515 - REFER method
+ ReferSub referSub optional, // 4488 - REFER method
+ Replaces replaces optional, // 3891
+ ReplyTo replyTo optional, // optional in responses and INVITE requests
+ Require require optional,
+ RetryAfter retryAfter optional, // only in responses
+ Route route optional, // only in requests
+ SecurityClient securityClient optional, // 3329
+ SecurityServer securityServer optional, // 3329
+ SecurityVerify securityVerify optional, // 3329
+ Server server optional, // only in responses
+ ServiceRoute serviceRoute optional, // 3608
+ SessionExpires sessionExpires optional, // 4028
+ SessionId sessionId optional,
+ SIP_ETag sipETag optional,
+ SIP_If_Match sipIfMatch optional,
+ Subject subject optional, // only in requests
+ SubscriptionState subscriptionState optional, // 3265/7.2
+ Supported supported optional,
+ Timestamp timestamp optional,
+ To toField,
+ Unsupported unsupported optional, // only in responses
+ UserToUser userToUser optional,
+ UserAgent userAgent optional,
+ Via via,
+ Warning warning optional, // only in responses
+ WwwAuthenticate wwwAuthenticate optional, // only in responses
+ UndefinedHeader_List undefinedHeader_List optional
+ }
+ } // end group MessageHeaderTypes
+ group StartLineTypes
+ {
+ // Request-Line [7.1]
+ type record RequestLine
+ {
+ Method method,
+ SipUrl requestUri,
+ charstring sipVersion
+ }
+ // Status-Line [7.2]
+ type record StatusLine
+ {
+ charstring sipVersion,
+ integer statusCode,
+ charstring reasonPhrase
+ }
+ } // end group StartLineTypes
+ group otherTypes{
+ type record SipUserProfile
+ {
+ /** @desc integer for the userprofile identifier
+ */
+ integer id,
+ /** @desc integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ integer currPort,
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ charstring currIpaddr,
+ /** @desc integer for Port number to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ integer contactPort,
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address to exchange SIP messages
+ */
+ charstring contactIpaddr,
+ /** @desc charstring for IP address used by the TS to exchange media streams
+ */
+ charstring bearerIpaddr,
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local domain
+ */
+ charstring homeDomain,
+ /** @desc charstring for identity of the tester local user
+ */
+ charstring publUsername,
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.1 qop options:
+ * Quoted string of one or more tokens indicating the "quality of protection" values supported by the server. The
+ * value "auth" indicates authentication; the value "auth-int" indicates authentication with integrity protection.
+ */
+ charstring qop,
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 3.2.2 username for authentication
+ * The name of user in the specified realm
+ */
+ charstring privUsername,
+ /** @desc charstring for RFC 2617 passwd: A known shared secret, the password of user of the specified username
+ */
+ charstring passwd,
+ /** @desc charstring for registrar domain for authentication and request line
+ */
+ charstring registrarDomain
+ }
+ } // end group otherTypes
+ }// end group Subtypes
+ group MSGtypes{
+ group RequestTypes
+ {
+ // [7.1]
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc generic type of a SIP request message
+ * @member statusLine contains a method name, a Request-URI, and the protocol version
+ * @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards
+ * @member messageBody depends on the request method, includes e.g. SDP message.
+ * @member payload contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format
+ */
+ type record Request
+ {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ // Note: the introduction of the following specific types is to enable better means for logging
+ // on the other side the generic type is useful for functions dealing with multiple SIP message types
+ type record REGISTER_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type record INVITE_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type record OPTIONS_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type record BYE_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type record CANCEL_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type record ACK_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ // [3262/7.1]
+ type record PRACK_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ // [3265/7.1]
+ type record NOTIFY_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ // [3265/7.1]
+ type record SUBSCRIBE_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ // [3903/11.1]
+ type record PUBLISH_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ // [3311/7]
+ type record UPDATE_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ //
+ type record REFER_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ //
+ type record MESSAGE_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec" }
+ //
+ type record INFO_Request {
+ RequestLine requestLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ type union RequestUnion {
+ REGISTER_Request Register,
+ INVITE_Request Invite,
+ OPTIONS_Request Options,
+ BYE_Request Bye,
+ CANCEL_Request Cancel,
+ ACK_Request Ack,
+ PRACK_Request Prack,
+ NOTIFY_Request Notify,
+ SUBSCRIBE_Request Subscribe,
+ PUBLISH_Request Publish,
+ UPDATE_Request Update,
+ REFER_Request Refer,
+ MESSAGE_Request Message
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ } //with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group RequestTypes
+ group ResponseTypes
+ {
+ // [7.2]
+ /**
+ *
+ * @desc generic type of a SIP response message
+ * @member statusLine consists of the protocol version followed by a numeric Status-Code and its associated textual phrase
+ * @member msgHeader include all possible header fields that are allowed to be present according to RFCs and other standards
+ * @member messageBody depends on the response method, includes e.g. SDP message.
+ * @member payload contains the whole message as it has been received in its text format
+ */
+ type record Response
+ {
+ StatusLine statusLine,
+ MessageHeader msgHeader,
+ MessageBody messageBody optional,
+ Payload payload optional
+ } with { encode "SIPCodec"}
+ } //with { encode "SIPCodec" }// end group ResponseTypes
+ // This MSG type is defined for sending synctactic variations, ans syntactically
+ // erroneous messages, and receving messages failed parsing.
+ group SyntacticTypes
+ {
+ type charstring Raw;
+ } // end group SyntacticTypes
+ // This type is defined for particular SIP message body types like SDP
+ }// end group MSGTypes
+}// end group Types
+} with {encode "LibSip V2"} // end module LibSip_TypesAndValues
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_MessageBodyTypes.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_MessageBodyTypes.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_MessageBodyTypes.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// $Date: 2013-04-08 08:18:17 +0000 (Mo, 08 Apr 2013) $
+// $Author: seka $
+// $Rev: 8470 $
+* This module is part of LibSipV2.
+module LibSip_MessageBodyTypes
+ import from LibSip_SDPTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes all;
+ import from LibSip_XMLTypes all;
+// type charstring XmlBody;
+ group MIMETypes {
+ type union MIME_Encapsulated_Parts {
+ SDP_Message sdpMessageBody,
+ XmlBody xmlBody // if there is XML body
+ // XMLMessage xmlMessage // if there is XML message (with header and body)
+ };
+ type record MIME_Encapsulated_Part {
+ charstring content_type,
+ charstring content_disposition optional,
+ MIME_Encapsulated_Parts mime_encapsulated_part
+ };
+ type record MIME_Message {
+ charstring boundary, // len:
+ MimeEncapsulatedList mimeEncapsulatedList
+ };
+ type record of MIME_Encapsulated_Part MimeEncapsulatedList;
+ } // group MIMETypes
+ type union MessageBody {
+ SDP_Message sdpMessageBody, // if there is only SDP part
+// XMLMessage xmlMessage, // if there is XML message (with header and body)
+ XmlBody xmlBody, // if there is XML body
+ MIME_Message mimeMessageBody, // if there is SDP and encapsulated ISUP part
+ charstring sipfrag, // if content-Type is message/sipfrag (cp. NOTIFY, cp TS124147 A.
+ charstring textplain, // if content type is text/plain (for testing long messages)
+ SimpleMsgSummary simpleMsgSummary, // RFC 3842
+ octetstring smsMessage // encoded SMS message 3GPP 23.040, 24.011
+ };
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SDPTypes.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SDPTypes.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SDPTypes.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369, STF450
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module defines message, attribute, structured and simple
+ * SDP types as well constants used by LipSip constructs. <br>
+ * Note that any changes made to the definitions in this module
+ * may be overwritten by future releases of this library
+ * End users are encouraged to contact the distributers of this
+ * module regarding their modifications or additions
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ * @remark Adding of new attributes types is ok;
+ * Adding of new optional attributes in @see SDP_attribute type
+ * is ok;
+ * Existing attribute types shall not be changed or removed -
+ * change requests shall be made to
+ */
+module LibSip_SDPTypes
+ group Constants
+ {
+ group SimpleConstants
+ {
+ // SDP net_type
+ const charstring c_in := "IN";
+ // SDP addr_type
+ const charstring c_ip4 := "IP4";
+ const charstring c_ip6 := "IP6";
+ // SDP_media_desc: media
+ const charstring c_audio := "audio";
+ const charstring c_image := "image";
+ const charstring c_video := "video";
+ const charstring c_text := "text";
+ const charstring c_msrp := "msrp";
+ // SDP_media_desc: transport
+ const charstring c_rtpAvp := "RTP/AVP";
+ const charstring c_rtpAvpf := "RTP/AVPF";
+ const charstring c_msrpTcp := "TCP/MSRP";
+ const charstring c_udptl := "Udptl";
+ // SDP_attribute_list constants:
+ const charstring c_local := "local";
+ const charstring c_mandatory := "mandatory";
+ const charstring c_optional := "optional";
+ const charstring c_none := "none";
+ const charstring c_qos := "qos";
+ const charstring c_remote := "remote";
+ const charstring c_sendrecv := "sendrecv";
+ const charstring c_sendonly := "sendonly";
+ const charstring c_inactive := "inactive";
+ const charstring c_send := "send";
+ const charstring c_recv := "recv";
+ const charstring c_e2e := "e2e";
+ }
+ }
+ group Types
+ {
+ group SubTypes
+ {
+ group AttributeTypes
+ {
+ type record SDP_attribute_cat {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_keywds {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_tool {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_ptime {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_recvonly {
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_sendrecv {
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_sendonly {
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_inactive {
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_orient {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_type {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_charset {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_sdplang {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_lang {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_framerate {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_quality {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_fmtp {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_curr {
+ charstring preconditionType,
+ charstring statusType,
+ charstring direction
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_des {
+ charstring preconditionType,
+ charstring strength,
+ charstring statusType,
+ charstring direction
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_conf {
+ charstring preconditionType,
+ charstring statusType,
+ charstring direction
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_rtpmap {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_rtcp {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_msrp {
+ charstring attr_value
+ }
+ type record SDP_attribute_unknown {
+ charstring name,
+ charstring attr_value optional
+ }
+ type union SDP_attribute {
+ SDP_attribute_cat cat,
+ SDP_attribute_keywds keywds,
+ SDP_attribute_tool tool,
+ SDP_attribute_ptime ptime,
+ SDP_attribute_recvonly recvonly,
+ SDP_attribute_sendrecv sendrecv,
+ SDP_attribute_sendonly sendonly,
+ SDP_attribute_inactive inactive,
+ SDP_attribute_orient orient,
+ SDP_attribute_type sdp_type,
+ SDP_attribute_charset charset,
+ SDP_attribute_sdplang sdplang,
+ SDP_attribute_lang lang,
+ SDP_attribute_framerate framerate,
+ SDP_attribute_quality quality,
+ SDP_attribute_fmtp fmtp,
+ SDP_attribute_curr curr,
+ SDP_attribute_des des,
+ SDP_attribute_conf conf,
+ SDP_attribute_rtpmap rtpmap,
+ SDP_attribute_rtcp rtcp,
+ SDP_attribute_msrp msrp,
+ //* unknown has to be the last else encoding/decoding won't work!
+ SDP_attribute_unknown unknown
+ }
+ } //* group AttributeTypes
+ type set of SDP_attribute SDP_attribute_list;
+ type record SDP_bandwidth {
+ charstring modifier,
+ integer bandwidth
+ }
+ type set of SDP_bandwidth SDP_bandwidth_list;
+ type record SDP_connection {
+ charstring net_type,
+ charstring addr_type,
+ SDP_conn_addr conn_addr
+ }
+ type record SDP_conn_addr {
+ charstring addr,
+ integer ttl optional,
+ integer num_of_addr optional
+ }
+ type set of SDP_connection SDP_connection_list;
+ type record SDP_contact {
+ charstring addr_or_phone,
+ charstring disp_name optional
+ }
+ type SDP_contact SDP_contact_tel;
+ type SDP_contact SDP_contact_email;
+ type set of SDP_contact_email SDP_email_list;
+ type record of charstring SDP_fmt_list ;
+ type record SDP_key {
+ charstring method,
+ charstring key optional
+ }
+ type record SDP_media_desc {
+ SDP_media_field media_field,
+ charstring information optional,
+ SDP_connection_list connections optional,
+ SDP_bandwidth_list bandwidth optional,
+ SDP_key key optional,
+ SDP_attribute_list attributes optional
+ }
+ type set of SDP_media_desc SDP_media_desc_list;
+ type record SDP_media_port {
+ integer port_number,
+ integer num_of_ports optional
+ }
+ type record SDP_media_field {
+ charstring media,
+ SDP_media_port ports,
+ charstring transport,
+ SDP_fmt_list fmts
+ }
+ type record SDP_time{
+ SDP_time_field time_field,
+ SDP_repeat_list time_repeat optional
+ }
+ type record SDP_time_field{
+ charstring start_time, //* field is numeric strings that may not fit into 32-bit signed int
+ charstring stop_time //* field is numeric strings that may not fit into 32-bit signed int
+ }
+ type record SDP_repeat{
+ SDP_typed_time repeat_interval,
+ SDP_typed_time active,
+ SDP_typed_time_list offsets
+ }
+ type set of SDP_repeat SDP_repeat_list;
+ type record SDP_typed_time{
+ integer time,
+ charstring unit optional
+ }
+ type set of SDP_typed_time SDP_typed_time_list;
+ type set of SDP_time SDP_time_list;
+ type record SDP_timezone{
+ charstring adjustment_time,
+ SDP_typed_time offset
+ }
+ type set of SDP_timezone SDP_timezone_list;
+ type record SDP_Origin{
+ charstring user_name,
+ charstring session_id,//* field is numeric strings that may not fit into 32-bit signed int
+ charstring session_version, //* field is numeric strings that may not fit into 32-bit signed int
+ charstring net_type,
+ charstring addr_type,
+ charstring addr
+ }
+ type set of SDP_contact_tel SDP_phone_list;
+ } //* group SubTypes
+ group MessageTypes
+ {
+ type record SDP_Message{
+ integer protocol_version,
+ SDP_Origin origin,
+ charstring session_name,
+ charstring information optional,
+ charstring uri optional,
+ SDP_email_list emails optional,
+ SDP_phone_list phone_numbers optional,
+ SDP_connection connection optional,
+ SDP_bandwidth_list bandwidth optional,
+ SDP_time_list times,
+ SDP_timezone_list timezone_adjustments optional,
+ SDP_key key optional,
+ SDP_attribute_list attributes optional,
+ SDP_media_desc_list media_list optional
+ } with { encode "SDPCodec" }
+ } // group MessageTypes
+ } // group Types
+} // end module LibSip_SDPTypes
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSFunctions.ttcn3
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSFunctions.ttcn3 (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSFunctions.ttcn3 (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * @author STF 435
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module provides the functions used by the test component
+ * for SIP-SMS over IMS as specified in 3GPP 24.341 tests.
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_SMSFunctions {
+ import from LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues all;
+ function f_IA5_2oct(charstring p_ASCII_String)
+ return octetstring
+ {
+ var integer i;
+ var integer k;
+ var integer v_Length := lengthof(p_ASCII_String);
+ var integer v_Temp;
+ var octetstring v_Noctets :=''O;
+ var bitstring v_TempBitSrc := ''B;
+ var bitstring v_TempBitDes := ''B;
+ if ((v_Length<=0) or (v_Length>160) or (((v_Length *7) mod 8) != 0))
+ {
+ log("Invalid value of input string length.");
+ }
+ for(i:=0; i<v_Length; i:=i+1)
+ {
+ v_Temp := char2int(p_ASCII_String[i]);
+ v_TempBitSrc := int2bit(v_Temp, 8);
+ for(k:=1; k<=7; k:=k+1)
+ {
+ v_TempBitDes := v_TempBitSrc[8-k] & v_TempBitDes;
+ if(((7*i+k) mod 8) == 0)
+ {
+ v_Noctets := v_Noctets & bit2oct(v_TempBitDes);
+ v_TempBitDes := ''B;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return v_Noctets;
+ } // f_IA5_2oct
+ external function fx_GetSC_TimeStamp(integer p_TimeZone) return TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type;
+} // End of module LibSip_SMSFunctions
\ No newline at end of file
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTemplates.ttcn3
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTemplates.ttcn3 (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTemplates.ttcn3 (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * @author STF 435
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module provides the types used by the test component
+ * for SIP-SMS over IMS as specified in 3GPP 24.341 tests.
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_SMSTemplates {
+ import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
+ import from LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues all;
+ import from LibSip_SMSFunctions all;
+ group SMS_Templates_Group {
+ /* Non-SMS Type Constraints */
+ template (present) TypeOfNumberingPlan cr_TypeOfNumberingPlanAny :=
+ {
+ extBit := ?,
+ typeOfNumber := ?,
+ numberingPlanId := ?
+ };
+ template (value) TypeOfNumberingPlan cs_TypeOfNumberingPlan :=
+ {
+ extBit := '1'B,
+ typeOfNumber := '001'B, // international number
+ numberingPlanId := '0001'B // ISDN/telephony numbering plan (Rec. E.164/E.163)
+ };
+ template (present) TypeOfNumberingPlan cr_TypeOfNumberingPlan :=
+ {
+ extBit := ?,
+ typeOfNumber := ?,
+ numberingPlanId := ?
+ };
+ /* End Non-SMS Type Constraints */
+ template (omit) RP_OriginatorAddress_dl cs_RP_OriginatorAddress_dl :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := '06'O, // 6 semi-octets
+ typeOfNumberingPlan := cs_TypeOfNumberingPlan,
+ digits := '001122'O
+ };
+ template (omit) RP_OriginatorAddress_ul cr_RP_OriginatorAddress_ul :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := '00'O
+ };
+ template RP_DestinationAddress_ul cr_RP_DestinationAddress_ul :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := ?,
+ typeOfNumberingPlan := cr_TypeOfNumberingPlan,
+ digits := ?
+ };
+ template (omit) RP_DestinationAddress_dl cs_RP_DestinationAddress_dl :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := '00'O
+ };
+ template (omit) RP_UserData cs_RP_UserData_DELIVER (octetstring p_Digits) :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := int2oct ((153 + lengthof (p_Digits)), 1),
+ tP_PDU := {SMS_DELIVER := cs_SMS_DELIVER (p_Digits)}
+ };
+ template (omit) RP_UserData cs_RP_UserData_SUBMIT_REPORT :=
+ {
+ spare := '0'B,
+ iei := tsc_IEI_RP_UserData,
+ iel := '0A'O, // the TPDU data length is 10 octets
+ };
+ template (omit) RP_UserData cs_RP_UserData_STATUS_REPORT
+ (TP_MessageReference_Type p_MessageRef,
+ TP_Address_Type p_RecipientAddress,
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type p_SCTP
+ ) :=
+ {
+ spare := '0'B,
+ iei := tsc_IEI_RP_UserData,
+ iel := '0A'O, // the TPDU data length is 10 octets
+ tP_PDU := {SMS_STATUS_REPORT := cs_SMS_STATUS_REPORT(p_MessageRef, p_RecipientAddress, p_SCTP)}
+ };
+ /*
+ template RP_UserData cr_RP_UserData (TP_PDU_Type p_TP_PDU) :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := ?,
+ tP_PDU := p_TP_PDU
+ };
+ */
+ template RP_UserData cr_RP_UserData_SUBMIT :=
+ {
+ spare := omit,
+ iei := omit,
+ iel := ?,
+ };
+ template RP_UserData cr_RP_UserData_DELIVER_REPORT :=
+ {
+ spare := '0'B,
+ iei := tsc_IEI_RP_UserData,
+ iel := ?,
+ };
+ /* End SM-RP Type Constraints */
+ /* SM-RP PDU Constraints */
+ template (value) RP_DATA_dl_Type cs_RP_DATA_dl_DELIVER (octetstring p_Digits) :=
+ {
+ spare5 := '00000'B,
+ rP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_RP_DATA_dl,
+ rP_MessageReference := '00'O,
+ rP_OriginatorAddress := cs_RP_OriginatorAddress_dl,
+ rP_DestinationAddress := cs_RP_DestinationAddress_dl,
+ rP_UserData := cs_RP_UserData_DELIVER(p_Digits)
+ };
+ template (value) RP_DATA_dl_Type cs_RP_DATA_dl_STATUS_REPORT (
+ TP_MessageReference_Type p_MessageRef,
+ TP_Address_Type p_RecipientAddress,
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type p_SCTP
+ ) :=
+ {
+ spare5 := '00000'B,
+ rP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_RP_DATA_dl,
+ rP_MessageReference := '00'O,
+ rP_OriginatorAddress := cs_RP_OriginatorAddress_dl,
+ rP_DestinationAddress := cs_RP_DestinationAddress_dl,
+ rP_UserData := cs_RP_UserData_STATUS_REPORT (p_MessageRef, p_RecipientAddress, p_SCTP)
+ };
+ template (present) RP_DATA_ul_Type cr_RP_DATA_ul_SUBMIT :=
+ {
+ spare5 := '00000'B,
+ rP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_RP_DATA_ul,
+ rP_MessageReference := ?,
+ rP_OriginatorAddress := cr_RP_OriginatorAddress_ul,
+ rP_DestinationAddress := cr_RP_DestinationAddress_ul,
+ rP_UserData := cr_RP_UserData_SUBMIT
+ };
+ template (value) RP_ACK_Type cs_RP_ACK_SUBMIT_REPORT (Oct1 p_msgReference := '00'O):=
+ {
+ spare5 := '00000'B,
+ rP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_RP_ACK_dl,
+ rP_MessageReference := p_msgReference,
+ rP_UserData := cs_RP_UserData_SUBMIT_REPORT
+ };
+ template (present) RP_ACK_Type cr_RP_ACK_DELIVER_REPORT :=
+ {
+ spare5 := '00000'B,
+ rP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_RP_ACK_ul,
+ rP_MessageReference := ?,
+ rP_UserData := cr_RP_UserData_DELIVER_REPORT
+ };
+ /* End SM-RP PDU Constraints */
+ /* SM-TP Type Constraints */
+ template (value) TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier :=
+ {
+ pidType := '01'B,
+ interworking := '0'B,
+ pidValue := '00000'B
+ };
+ template (value) TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type cs_TP_ProtocolIdentifier :=
+ {
+ pidType := '01'B,
+ interworking := '0'B,
+ pidValue := '00000'B
+ };
+ template (value) TP_DataCodingScheme_Type cs_TP_DataCodingScheme :=
+ {
+ codingGroup := '0000'B,
+ codeValue := '0000'B
+ };
+ template TP_Address_Type cr_TP_AddressAny :=
+ {
+ iel := ?,
+ typeOfNumberingPlan := cr_TypeOfNumberingPlanAny,
+ digits := *
+ };
+ template (value) TP_Address_Type cs_TP_Address (octetstring p_Digits) :=
+ {
+ iel := int2oct(2 * lengthof(p_Digits), 1),
+ // length is number of useful semi-octets
+ // as p_digits is declared as octetstring the number must be even
+ typeOfNumberingPlan := cs_TypeOfNumberingPlan,
+ digits := p_Digits
+ };
+ template (value) TP_ParameterIndicator_Type cs_TP_ParameterIndicator :=
+ {
+ extBit1 := '0'B,
+ spare4 := '0000'B,
+ tP_UDL := '0'B,
+ tP_DCS := '0'B,
+ tP_PID := '1'B
+ };
+ /* End SM-TP Type Constraints */
+ /* SM-TP PDU Constraints */
+ template (value) SMS_DELIVER_Type cs_SMS_DELIVER (octetstring p_Digits) :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportIndication := '1'B,
+ spare2 := '00'B,
+ tP_MoreMessagesToSend := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_DELIVER,
+ tP_OriginatingAddress := cs_TP_Address (p_Digits),
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cs_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := cs_TP_DataCodingScheme,
+ tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp := fx_GetSC_TimeStamp(0), // Time Zone 0 assumed
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := f_IA5_2oct(tsc_Fox)
+ };
+ {
+ spare1 := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ spare4 := '0000'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_DELIVER_REPORT,
+ tP_FailureCause := omit,
+ tP_ParameterIndicator := ?,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := *,
+ tP_UserDataLength := *,
+ tP_UserData := *
+ };
+ template SMS_SUBMIT_Type cr_SMS_SUBMIT :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportRequest := '1'B,
+ tP_ValidityPeriodFormat := '??'B,
+ tP_RejectDuplicates := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT,
+ tP_MessageReference := ?,
+ tP_DestinationAddress := cr_TP_AddressAny,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := ?,
+ tP_ValidityPeriod := *,
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := ? // any data will do: 140 octets
+ };
+ template SMS_SUBMIT_Type cr_SMS_SUBMIT_VPF_NP :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportRequest := '1'B,
+ tP_ValidityPeriodFormat := '00'B,
+ tP_RejectDuplicates := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT,
+ tP_MessageReference := ?,
+ tP_DestinationAddress := cr_TP_AddressAny,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := ?,
+ tP_ValidityPeriod := omit,
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := ? // any data will do: 140 octets
+ };
+ template SMS_SUBMIT_Type cr_SMS_SUBMIT_VPF_REF :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportRequest := '1'B,
+ tP_ValidityPeriodFormat := '10'B,
+ tP_RejectDuplicates := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT,
+ tP_MessageReference := ?,
+ tP_DestinationAddress := cr_TP_AddressAny,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := ?,
+ tP_ValidityPeriod := ?,
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := ? // any data will do: 140 octets
+ };
+ template SMS_SUBMIT_Type cr_SMS_SUBMIT_VPF_ENH :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportRequest := '1'B,
+ tP_ValidityPeriodFormat := '01'B,
+ tP_RejectDuplicates := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT,
+ tP_MessageReference := ?,
+ tP_DestinationAddress := cr_TP_AddressAny,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := ?,
+ tP_ValidityPeriod := ?,
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := ? // any data will do: 140 octets
+ };
+ template SMS_SUBMIT_Type cr_SMS_SUBMIT_VPF_ABS :=
+ {
+ tP_ReplyPath := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportRequest := '1'B,
+ tP_ValidityPeriodFormat := '11'B,
+ tP_RejectDuplicates := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT,
+ tP_MessageReference := ?,
+ tP_DestinationAddress := cr_TP_AddressAny,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cr_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := ?,
+ tP_ValidityPeriod := ?,
+ tP_UserDataLength := int2oct(160,1),
+ tP_UserData := ? // any data will do: 140 octets
+ };
+ template (value) SMS_SUBMIT_REPORT_Type cs_SMS_SUBMIT_REPORT :=
+ {
+ spare1 := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ spare4 := '0000'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT_REPORT,
+ tP_FailureCause := omit,
+ tP_ParameterIndicator := cs_TP_ParameterIndicator,
+ tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp := fx_GetSC_TimeStamp(0), // Time Zone 0 assumed
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cs_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := omit,
+ tP_UserDataLength := omit,
+ tP_UserData := omit
+ };
+ template (value) SMS_STATUS_REPORT_Type cs_SMS_STATUS_REPORT (
+ TP_MessageReference_Type p_MessageRef,
+ TP_Address_Type p_RA,
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type p_SCTP
+ ):=
+ {
+ // TS 34.229-1 clause A.7.5
+ spare1 := '0'B,
+ tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator := '0'B,
+ tP_StatusReportQualifier := '0'B,
+ spare2 := '00'B,
+ tP_MoreMessagesToSend := '0'B,
+ tP_MessageTypeIndicator := tsc_MT_SMS_STATUS_REPORT,
+ tP_MessageReference := p_MessageRef,
+ tP_RecipientAddress := p_RA,
+ tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp := p_SCTP,
+ tP_DischargeTime := '00000000000000'H,
+ tP_Status := {
+ reserved := '0'B,
+ status := '0000000'B
+ },
+ tP_ParameterIndicator := cs_TP_ParameterIndicator,
+ tP_ProtocolIdentifier := cs_TP_ProtocolIdentifier,
+ tP_DataCodingScheme_Type := omit,
+ tP_UserDataLength := omit,
+ tP_UserData := omit
+ };
+ /* End SM-TP PDU Constraints */
+ } // group SMS_Templates_Group
+} // End of module LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues
\ No newline at end of file
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+// $Date: 2009-11-25 18:40:50 +0100 (Mi, 25 Nov 2009) $
+// $Author: STF160 $
+// $Rev: 2184 $
+ * This module contains the type definitions for SMS messages as specified in
+ * 3GPP 24.011 and 3GPP 23.040 Rel 8 and 9.
+ * SMS over IMS is specified in 3GPP 24.341.
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues {
+ import from LibCommon_DataStrings all;
+ group SMS_Declarations {
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_DATA_ul := '000'B; /* RP_DATA_ul */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_DATA_dl := '001'B; /* RP_DATA_dl */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_ACK_ul := '010'B; /* RP_ACK_ul */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_ACK_dl := '011'B; /* RP_ACK_dl */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_ERROR_ul := '100'B; /* RP_ERROR_ul */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_ERROR_dl := '101'B; /* RP_ERROR_dl */
+ const RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_RP_SMMA := '110'B; /* RP_SMMA */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_DELIVER := '00'B; /* SMS DELIVER */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_DELIVER_REPORT := '00'B; /* SMS DELIVER REPORT */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_STATUS_REPORT := '10'B; /* SMS STATUS REPORT */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_COMMAND := '10'B; /* SMS COMMAND */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT := '01'B; /* SMS SUBMIT, SMS SUBMIT REPORT */
+ const TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tsc_MT_SMS_SUBMIT_REPORT := '01'B; /* SMS SUBMIT, SMS SUBMIT REPORT */
+ const Bit7 tsc_IEI_RP_UserData := '1000001'B; /* 24.011 cl. */
+ const charstring tsc_Fox := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's back. Kaufen Sie Ihrer Frau vier bequeme Pelze. - 0123456789 - THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG'S BACK.";
+ type record TypeOfNumberingPlan { /* 24.008 cl.,, */
+ Bit1 extBit, /* Extension Bit */
+ Bit3 typeOfNumber, /* Type Of Number */
+ Bit4 numberingPlanId /* Numbering Plan Identification */
+ };
+ /* SM-RP Type Declarations */
+ type Bit3 RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type; /* 24.011 cl. 8.2.2 */
+ type Oct1 RP_MessageReference_Type; /* 24.011 cl. 8.2.3 */
+ type record RP_OriginatorAddress_dl { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* 0101 1110 */
+ Oct1 iel, /* min value 2 and max value is 11 */
+ TypeOfNumberingPlan typeOfNumberingPlan, /* */
+ octetstring digits length(1..10)
+ };
+ type record RP_OriginatorAddress_ul { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* 0101 1110 */
+ Oct1 iel /* 0 */
+ };
+ type record RP_DestinationAddress_ul { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* 0101 1110 */
+ Oct1 iel, /* min value 2 and max value is 11 */
+ TypeOfNumberingPlan typeOfNumberingPlan, /* */
+ octetstring digits length(1..10)
+ };
+ type record RP_DestinationAddress_dl { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* 0101 1110 */
+ Oct1 iel /* 0 */
+ };
+ type record RP_UserData { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* 0, present in case of TLV; omit in case of LV */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* 1000001, present in case of TLV; omit in case of LV */
+ Oct1 iel, /* */
+ TP_PDU_Type tP_PDU /* <= 232 octets */
+ };
+ type record RP_Cause { /* 24.011 cl. */
+ Bit1 spare optional, /* present in case of TLV; omit in case of LV */
+ Bit7 iei optional, /* present in case of TLV; omit in case of LV */
+ Oct1 iel, /* 2 or 3 */
+ Bit1 extBit1, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 causeValue1, /* Table 8.4/3GPP TS 24.011 */
+ Bit1 extBit2, /* 0 */
+ Bit7 causeValue2, /* Table 8.4/3GPP TS 24.011 */
+ Oct1 diagnostic optional /* Parameters included in the return error from MAP */
+ };
+ /* End SM-RP Type Declarations */
+ /* SM-RP PDU Declarations */
+ type record RP_DATA_dl_Type { /* 24.011 cl.
+ Direction: n -> ue */
+ Bit5 spare5, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 5 bits */
+ RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type rP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 3 bits */
+ RP_MessageReference_Type rP_MessageReference, /* cl. 8.2.3 M LV 1 */
+ RP_OriginatorAddress_dl rP_OriginatorAddress, /* cl. M LV 1-12 octets */
+ RP_DestinationAddress_dl rP_DestinationAddress, /* cl. M LV 1 */
+ RP_UserData rP_UserData /* cl. M LV <= 233 octets */
+ };
+ type record RP_DATA_ul_Type { /* 24.011 cl.
+ Direction: ue -> n */
+ Bit5 spare5, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 5 bits */
+ RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type rP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 3 bits */
+ RP_MessageReference_Type rP_MessageReference, /* cl. 8.2.3 M LV 1 */
+ RP_OriginatorAddress_ul rP_OriginatorAddress, /* cl. M LV 1 */
+ RP_DestinationAddress_ul rP_DestinationAddress, /* cl. M LV 1 */
+ RP_UserData rP_UserData /* cl. M LV <= 233 octets */
+ };
+ type record RP_SMMA_Type { /* 24.011 cl. 7.3.2
+ Direction: ue -> n */
+ Bit5 spare5, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 5 bits */
+ RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type rP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 3 bits */
+ RP_MessageReference_Type rP_MessageReference /* cl. 8.2.3 M LV 1 */
+ };
+ type record RP_ACK_Type { /* 24.011 cl. 7.3.3
+ Direction: ue <-> n */
+ Bit5 spare5, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 5 bits */
+ RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type rP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 3 bits */
+ RP_MessageReference_Type rP_MessageReference, /* cl. 8.2.3 M LV 1 */
+ RP_UserData rP_UserData optional /* cl. O TLV <= 234 octets */
+ };
+ type record RP_ERROR_Type { /* 24.011 cl. 7.3.4
+ Direction: ue <-> n */
+ Bit5 spare5, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 5 bits */
+ RP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type rP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* cl. 8.2.2 M V 3 bits */
+ RP_MessageReference_Type rP_MessageReference, /* cl. 8.2.3 M LV 1 */
+ RP_Cause rP_Cause, /* cl. M LV 2-3 */
+ RP_UserData rP_UserData optional /* cl. O TLV <= 234 octets */
+ };
+ type union RP_PDU_Type {
+ RP_DATA_dl_Type RP_DATA_dl,
+ RP_DATA_ul_Type RP_DATA_ul,
+ };
+ /* End SM-RP PDU Declarations */
+ /* SM-TP Type Declarations */
+ type record TP_Address_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Oct1 iel, /* min value 2 and max value is 11 */
+ TypeOfNumberingPlan typeOfNumberingPlan,
+ octetstring digits length(0..10) optional
+ };
+ type Bit2 TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type; /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type Oct1 TP_MessageReference_Type; /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type Oct1 TP_UserDataLength_Type; /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type record TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit2 pidType, /* */
+ Bit1 interworking, /* */
+ Bit5 pidValue /* */
+ };
+ type record TP_DataCodingScheme_Type { /* 23.040 cl. + 23.040 cl. 4 */
+ Bit4 codingGroup, /* */
+ Bit4 codeValue /* */
+ };
+ type hexstring TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type length (14); /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type Oct1 TP_ValidityPeriodRelative_Type; /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type hexstring TP_ValidityPeriodAbsolute_Type length (14); /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type record TP_ValidityPeriodEnhanced_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 extBit, /* */
+ Bit1 singleShot, /* */
+ Bit3 spare3, /* */
+ Bit3 validityPeriodFormat, /* */
+ Oct6 validityPeriod /* */
+ };
+ type union TP_ValidityPeriod_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ValidityPeriodRelative_Type TP_ValidityPeriodRelative, /* Relative format */
+ TP_ValidityPeriodAbsolute_Type TP_ValidityPeriodAbsolute, /* Absolute format */
+ TP_ValidityPeriodEnhanced_Type TP_ValidityPeriodEnhanced /* Enhanced format */
+ };
+ type record TP_Status_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 reserved, /* */
+ Bit7 status /* */
+ };
+ type Bit8 TP_Command_Type; /* 23.040 cl. */
+ type record TP_ParameterIndicator_Type { /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 extBit1, /* */
+ Bit4 spare4, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_UDL, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_DCS, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_PID /* */
+ };
+ /* End SM-TP Type Declarations */
+ /* SM-TP PDU Declarations */
+ type record SMS_DELIVER_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: n -> ue */
+ Bit1 tP_ReplyPath, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_StatusReportIndication, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit2 spare2, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_MoreMessagesToSend, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Address_Type tP_OriginatingAddress, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_DataCodingScheme_Type tP_DataCodingScheme_Type, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_UserDataLength, /* 23.040 cl., derived from SUBMIT */
+ octetstring tP_UserData length (0..140) optional /* 23.040 cl., derived from SUBMIT */
+ };
+ type record SMS_DELIVER_REPORT_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: ue -> n */
+ Bit1 spare1, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit4 spare4, /* */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Oct1 tP_FailureCause optional, /* 23.040 cl., provided if RP_ERROR, not if RP_ACK */
+ TP_ParameterIndicator_Type tP_ParameterIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_DataCodingScheme_Type tP_DataCodingScheme_Type optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_UserDataLength optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ octetstring tP_UserData length (0..159) optional /* 23.040 cl. */
+ };
+ type record SMS_SUBMIT_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: ue -> n */
+ Bit1 tP_ReplyPath, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_StatusReportRequest, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit2 tP_ValidityPeriodFormat, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_RejectDuplicates, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageReference_Type tP_MessageReference, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Address_Type tP_DestinationAddress, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_DataCodingScheme_Type tP_DataCodingScheme_Type, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ // one of the subsequent ValidityPeriod solutions has be removed
+ TP_ValidityPeriod_Type tP_ValidityPeriod optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ // TP_ValidityPeriodRelative_Type tP_ValidityPeriodRelative optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ // TP_ValidityPeriodAbsolute_Type tP_ValidityPeriodAbsolute optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ // TP_ValidityPeriodEnhanced_Type tP_ValidityPeriodEnhanced optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_UserDataLength, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ octetstring tP_UserData length (0..140) optional /* 23.040 cl. */
+ };
+ type record SMS_SUBMIT_REPORT_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: n -> ue */
+ Bit1 spare1, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit4 spare4, /* */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Oct1 tP_FailureCause optional, /* 23.040 cl., provided if RP_ERROR, not if RP_ACK */
+ TP_ParameterIndicator_Type tP_ParameterIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_DataCodingScheme_Type tP_DataCodingScheme_Type optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_UserDataLength optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ octetstring tP_UserData length (0..152) optional /* 23.040 cl. */
+ };
+ type record SMS_STATUS_REPORT_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: n -> ue */
+ Bit1 spare1, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_StatusReportQualifier, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit2 spare2, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_MoreMessagesToSend, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageReference_Type tP_MessageReference, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Address_Type tP_RecipientAddress, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type tP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ServiceCentreTimeStamp_Type tP_DischargeTime, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Status_Type tP_Status, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ParameterIndicator_Type tP_ParameterIndicator optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_DataCodingScheme_Type tP_DataCodingScheme_Type optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_UserDataLength optional, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ octetstring tP_UserData length (0..143) optional /* 23.040 cl. */
+ };
+ type record SMS_COMMAND_Type { /* 23.040 cl.
+ Direction: ue -> n */
+ Bit1 spare1, /* */
+ Bit1 tP_UserDataHeaderIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ Bit1 tP_StatRptReq, /* Table 8.4/3GPP TS 24.011 */
+ Bit3 spare3, /* */
+ TP_MessageTypeIndicator_Type tP_MessageTypeIndicator, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageReference_Type tP_MessageReference, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_ProtocolIdentifier_Type tP_ProtocolIdentifier, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Command_Type tP_CommandType, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_MessageReference_Type tP_MessageNumber, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_Address_Type tP_DestinationAddress, /* 23.040 cl. */
+ TP_UserDataLength_Type tP_CommandDataLength, /* 23.040 cl. (number of octets) */
+ octetstring tP_CommandData length (0..156) optional /* 23.040 cl. */
+ };
+ type union TP_PDU_Type {
+ };
+ /* End SM-TP PDU Declarations */
+ } with { encode "SMS Types"} // group SMS_Declarations
+} // End of module LibSip_SMSTypesAndValues
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * @author STF 406
+ * @version $Id: LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes.ttcn 488 2010-11-08 10:17:19Z pintar $
+ * @desc This module provides the SMS type system for SIP tests.
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_SimpleMsgSummaryTypes { // RFC 3842
+ group SMSConstants{
+ // IMS ETSI name MWI application
+ const charstring c_imsEtsiMwiApplication := "application/simple-message-summary";
+ // msg_status line := "Message-Waiting"
+ const charstring c_messageWaiting := "Message-Waiting";
+ // msg_status line := "Message-Account"
+ const charstring c_messageAccount := "Message-Account";
+ // msg_summary line := "Voice-Message"
+ const charstring c_voiceMessage := "Voice-Message";
+ }
+ group SMSTypes{
+ //TODO add (SMS sms) into type union MessageBody{ in module LibSIPTypesAndValues
+ type record SimpleMsgSummary { //Simple_message_summary
+ Msg_status_line msg_status_line,
+ Msg_account msg_account optional,
+ Msg_summary_line_list msg_summary_line_list optional,
+ Opt_msg_headers opt_msg_headers optional
+ }
+ type record Msg_status_line {
+ charstring msg_type,
+ charstring msg_status
+ }
+ type record Msg_account {
+ charstring msg_type_account,
+ charstring account_URI
+ }
+ type set of Msg_summary_line Msg_summary_line_list;
+ type record Msg_summary_line {
+ charstring msg_context_class,
+ charstring msgs,
+ charstring urgent_msgs optional
+ }
+ type set of charstring Opt_msg_headers;
+ //type integer msgcount length(1); //msgs and urgent_msgs can be dividet into subtypes
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_XMLTypes.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_XMLTypes.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/ttcn/LibSip_XMLTypes.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * @author STF 346, STF366, STF368, STF369
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @desc This module provides the XML type system for SIP tests.
+ * The types have been generated automatically, followed by manual modifications:
+ * - bitType substituted by OneBitType
+ * - twobitType substituted by TwoBitType
+ * - addition of pattern for: OneBitType, TwoBitType, ThreeBitType, FourBitType, FourBitType, SixBitType
+ * - application of enumerated for: State_type, Endpoint_status_type, Joining_type, Disconnection_type, Media_status_type,
+ * Originating_identity_presentation_restriction, Terminating_identity_presentation_restriction
+ * - addition of length value: NetworkIdentityType, SixteenbitType
+ * - addition of value restriction: CugIndexType
+ * - substitution of "content" by "choice": Call_type, Mcid
+ * - additional type renaming (upper first letter): AbsService, Anonymous, Busy,
+ * Communication_diverted, Conference_description_type, Conference_info,
+ * Conference_media_type, Conference_medium_type, Conference_state_type,
+ * Conference_type, Cug, CugRequestType, Empty_element_type, Endpoint_type,
+ * Execution_type, Host_type, Keywords_type, Media, Media_type, No_answer,
+ * Not_reachable, Not_registered, Originating_identity_presentation, Presence_status,
+ * Presence_status_activity_type, RequestType, ResponseType, Roaming,
+ * Rule_deactivated, Sidebars_by_val_type, Simservs, SimservType,
+ * Terminating_identity_presentation, Uri_type, Uris_type, User_roles_type,
+ * User_languages_type, User_type, Users_type
+ *
+ * - new group CDIV added by STF369
+ * - new group ACR_CD added by STF38
+ * - new types RegInfo and Pidf_Lo added by STF160
+ *
+ * This module is part of LibSipV2.
+ */
+module LibSip_XMLTypes {
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/xml.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/common-policy.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/ResourceList.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/MCID.xsd"
+ }
+ import from NoTargetNamespace language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0 language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/cw.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/CONF.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/PSTN.xsd"
+ }
+ import from http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/CDIVN.xsd"
+ }
+ import from urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd"
+ }
+ // RFC 3680 Registration Info
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/regInfo.xsd"
+ }
+ // RFC 3863 Presence Information Data Format
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/pidf.xsd"
+ }
+ // RFC 4119 Presence Information Data Format, Location Object extension
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/geopriv10basic.xsd"
+ }
+ // RFC 4119 Presence Information Data Format, Location Object extension
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10 language "XSD" all
+ with {
+ extension "File:../xsd/pidf_lo.xsd"
+ }
+ group XmlTypes {
+ type union XmlBody {
+ Mcid mcid, // if there is XML Mcid
+ Comm_div_info_type cdivn, // if there is XML cdivn
+ Simservs simservs, // if there is XML simservs (Oip/r, Tip/r, Call Diversion, ICB, OCB ...)
+ Conference_type conference, // if there is XML conf
+ Ims_cw cw, // if there is XML cw (defined in X_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0.ttcn3view)
+ Cug cug, // if there is XML cug (defined in org_etsi_uri__ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap.ttcn3view)
+ TIMS3GPP ims3gpp, // if there is XML IMS 3GPP
+ PSTN_transit pstnTransit, // if there is XML PSTN_transit
+ Resource_lists resourceLists, // if there is XML Resource List data
+ Reginfo regInfo, // if it is a registration event
+ Geopriv geopriv // if it is a Presence Information Data Format Location Object
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/XSDAUX.ttcn
--- v2.0.0/XSDAUX.ttcn (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/XSDAUX.ttcn (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+module XSDAUX {//MRO
+ /* 0.anySimpleType */
+ type anytype anySimpleType;
+ /* 1.string */
+ type charstring string;
+ /* 2.boolean */
+ type integer bitXSD (1, 0) ;
+ type union booleanXSD {
+ bitXSD bit, boolean bool
+ }
+ /* 3.decimal */
+ type float decimal;
+ /* 4.float */
+ type float floatXSD;
+ /* 5.double */
+ type float double;
+ /* 6.duration */
+ type charstring duration;
+ /* 7.dateTime */
+ type charstring dateTime;
+ /* 8.time */
+ type charstring time;
+ /* */
+ type charstring date;
+ /* 10.gYearMonth */
+ type charstring gYearMonth;
+ /* 11.gYear */
+ type charstring gYear;
+ /* 12.gMonthDay */
+ type charstring gMonthDay;
+ /* 13.gDay */
+ type charstring gDay;
+ /* 14.gMonth */
+ type charstring gMonth;
+ /* 15.hexBinary */
+ type hexstring hexBinary;
+ /* 16.base64Binary */
+ type charstring base64Binary;
+ /* 17.anyURI */
+ type charstring anyURI;
+ /* 18.QName */
+ type charstring QName;
+ /* 19.NOTATION */
+ type charstring NOTATION;
+ /* 20.normalizedString */
+ type charstring normalizedString;
+ /* 21.token */
+ type charstring token;
+ /* 22.language */
+ type charstring languageXSD;
+ /* 23.NMTOKEN */
+ type charstring NMTOKEN;
+ /* 24.NMTOKENS */
+ type set of charstring NMTOKENS;
+ /* 25.Name */
+ type charstring Name;
+ /* 27.NCName */
+ type charstring NCName;
+ /* 28.ID */
+ type charstring ID;
+ /* 29.IDREFS */
+ type set of charstring IDREFS;
+ /* 30.ENTITY */
+ type charstring ENTITY;
+ /* 31.ENTITIES */
+ type set of charstring ENTITIES;
+ /* 32.nonPositiveInteger */
+ type integer nonPositiveInteger (- infinity .. 0) ;
+ /* 33.negativeInteger */
+ type integer negativeInteger (- infinity .. - 1) ;
+ /* 34.long */
+// type integer long (- 9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807) ;//MRO
+ /* */
+ type integer int (- 2147483648 .. 2147483647) ;
+ /* 36.short */
+ type integer short (- 32768 .. 32767) ;
+ /* 37.byte */
+ type integer byte (- 128 .. 127) ;
+ /* 38.nonNegativeInteger */
+ type integer nonNegativeInteger (0 .. infinity) ;
+ /* 39.unsignedLong */
+ type integer unsignedLong (0 .. 18446744073709551615) ;//MRO
+ /* 40.unsignedInt */
+ type integer unsignedInt (0 .. 4294967295) ;
+ /* 41.unsignedShort */
+ type integer unsignedShort (0 .. 65535) ;
+ /* 42.unsignedByte */
+ type integer unsignedByte (0 .. 255) ;
+ /* 43.positiveInteger */
+ type integer positiveInteger (1 .. infinity) ;
+ /* 44.integer */
+ type integer integerXSD;
+ /* 45.anyAttributes */
+ type record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ charstring val
+ } anyAttributes;
+ /* 46. anyType */
+ /**
+ * This is to represent elements without a given type
+ */
+ type record anyType {
+ }
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/CDIVN.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/CDIVN.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/CDIVN.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:tns=""
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ xmlns=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified"
+ attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <!--
+ This import brings in the XML language definition
+ -->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <!--
+ Communication Diversion Information. This is the top-level XML element
+ -->
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-info"
+ type="comm-div-info-type" />
+ <!--
+ Communication Diversion Information Type. This is the top-level XML element
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-subs-info"
+ type="comm-div-subs-info-type" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-ntfy-info"
+ type="comm-div-ntfy-info-type" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="entity" type="xs:anyURI"
+ use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!---
+ Communication Diversion Subscription Type.
+ Used at Subscription time to
+ select Communication Diversions for notification,
+ when to notify them and
+ what to notify.
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-subs-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-selection-criteria"
+ type="comm-div-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-ntfy-trigger-criteria"
+ type="comm-div-ntfy-trigger-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="comm-div-info-selection-criteria"
+ type="comm-div-info-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!---
+ Communication Diversion Notification Information Type
+ Used while notifying the User about the Communication Diversion
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-ntfy-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="originating-user-info"
+ type="user-info-type" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diverting-user-info"
+ type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diverted-to-user-info"
+ type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diversion-time-info"
+ type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diversion-reason-info"
+ type="diversion-reason-info-type" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diversion-rule-info"
+ type="diversion-rule-info-type" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="originating-user-selection-criteria"
+ type="user-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diverting-user-selection-criteria"
+ type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diverted-to-user-selection-criteria"
+ type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diversion-time-selection-criteria"
+ type="time-range-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="diversion-reason-selection-criteria"
+ type="diversion-reason-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-ntfy-trigger-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="notification-time-selection-criteria"
+ type="time-range-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="presence-status-selection-criteria"
+ type="presence-status-selection-criteria-type"
+ minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="notification-buffer-interval" minOccurs="0" default="86400">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
+ <xs:maxInclusive value="86400"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="comm-div-info-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="disable-originating-user-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="disable-diverting-user-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="disable-diverted-to-user-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="disable-diversion-time-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="disable-diversion-reason-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:element name="disable-diversion-rule-info"
+ type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0" />
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- User Info Type -->
+ <xs:complexType name="user-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="user-name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="user-URI" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="diversion-reason-info-types">
+ <xs:list itemType="diversion-reason-info-type"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="diversion-reason-info-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
+ <xs:enumeration value="404"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="486"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="408"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="302"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="487"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="480"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="503"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="diversion-rule-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="diversion-rule" type="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="user-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="user-info"
+ type="user-info-type" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="diversion-reason-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="diversion-reason-info"
+ type="diversion-reason-info-types"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="time-range-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="time-range"
+ type="time-range-type" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="time-range-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="start-time" type="xs:dateTime" />
+ <xs:element name="end-time" type="xs:dateTime" />
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="presence-status-selection-criteria-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="presence-status-info"
+ type="presence-status-info-type" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="presence-status-info-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="presence-status" type="xs:string" />
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/CONF.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/CONF.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/CONF.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <xs:schema
+ targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:conference-info"
+ xmlns:tns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:conference-info"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:conference-info"
+ elementFormDefault="qualified"
+ attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <!--
+ This imports the xml:language definition
+ -->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:element name="conference-info" type="conference-type"/>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conference-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="conference-description"
+ type="conference-description-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="host-info"
+ type="host-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="conference-state"
+ type="conference-state-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="users"
+ type="users-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="sidebars-by-ref"
+ type="uris-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="sidebars-by-val"
+ type="sidebars-by-val-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="entity"
+ type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="state"
+ type="state-type" use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="version"
+ type="xs:unsignedInt" use="optional"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="state-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="full"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="partial"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="deleted"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conference-description-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text"
+ type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="subject"
+ type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="free-text"
+ type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="keywords"
+ type="keywords-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="conf-uris"
+ type="uris-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="service-uris"
+ type="uris-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="maximum-user-count"
+ type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="available-media"
+ type="conference-media-type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="host-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="web-page" type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="uris" type="uris-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conference-state-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="user-count" type="xs:unsignedInt"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="active" type="xs:boolean"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="locked" type="xs:boolean"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conference-media-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="conference-medium-type"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conference-medium-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="type" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="status" type="media-status-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="label" type="xs:string"
+ use="required"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="uris-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="uri-type"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" type="state-type"
+ use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="uri-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="uri" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="purpose" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="modified" type="execution-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="keywords-type">
+ <xs:list itemType="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="users-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="user" type="user-type"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" type="state-type"
+ use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="user-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="associated-aors" type="uris-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="roles" type="user-roles-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="languages" type="user-languages-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="cascaded-focus" type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="endpoint" type="endpoint-type"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="entity" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" type="state-type"
+ use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="user-roles-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="xs:string"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="user-languages-type">
+ <xs:list itemType="xs:language"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="endpoint-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="referred" type="execution-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="status" type="endpoint-status-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="joining-method" type="joining-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="joining-info"
+ type="execution-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="disconnection-method"
+ type="disconnection-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="disconnection-info"
+ type="execution-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="media" type="media-type"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:element name="call-info" type="call-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="entity" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" type="state-type"
+ use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="endpoint-status-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="pending"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="dialing-out"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="dialing-in"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="alerting"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="on-hold"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="connected"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="muted-via-focus"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="disconnecting"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="disconnected"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="joining-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="dialed-in"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="dialed-out"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="focus-owner"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="disconnection-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="departed"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="booted"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="failed"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="busy"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="execution-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="when" type="xs:dateTime"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="reason" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="by" type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="call-type">
+ <xs:choice>
+ <xs:element name="sip" type="sip-dialog-id-type"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="sip-dialog-id-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="call-id" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="from-tag" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="to-tag" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="media-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="display-text" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="type" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="label" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="src-id" type="xs:string"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="status" type="media-status-type"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string"
+ use="required"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="media-status-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="recvonly"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="sendonly"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="sendrecv"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="inactive"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <xs:complexType name="sidebars-by-val-type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="conference-type"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" type="state-type"
+ use="optional" default="full"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:schema>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/ResourceList.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/ResourceList.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/ResourceList.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<xs:schema xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:resource-lists" xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:resource-lists">
+ <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="listType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="display-name" type="display-nameType"/>
+ <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
+ <xs:choice>
+ <xs:element name="list">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:extension base="listType"/>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="external" type="externalType"/>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="entryType"/>
+ <xs:element name="entry-ref" type="entry-refType"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="entryType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="display-name">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="display-nameType"/>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="uri" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="entry-refType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="display-name" type="display-nameType"/>
+ <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="externalType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="display-name" type="display-nameType"/>
+ <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="anchor" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:element name="resource-lists">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
+ <xs:element name="list" type="listType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:complexType name="display-nameType">
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:schema>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/geopriv10basic.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/geopriv10basic.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/geopriv10basic.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:basicPolicy"
+ xmlns:tns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:basicPolicy"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <!-- This import brings in the XML language attribute xml:lang-->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="locPolicyType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="retransmission-allowed" type="xs:boolean"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="retention-expiry" type="xs:dateTime"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="external-ruleset" type="xs:anyURI"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="note-well" type="tns:notewell"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="notewell">
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" />
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/pidf.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/pidf.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/pidf.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ <xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"
+ xmlns:tns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified"
+ attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ RFC 3863
+ <!-- This import brings in the XML language attribute xml:lang-->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <xs:element name="presence" type="tns:presence"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="presence">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="tuple" type="tns:tuple" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:element name="note" type="tns:note" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="entity" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="tuple">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="status" type="tns:status"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:element name="contact" type="tns:contact" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="note" type="tns:note" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:element name="timestamp" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="status">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="basic" type="tns:basic" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="basic">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="open"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="closed"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="contact">
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI">
+ <xs:attribute name="priority" type="tns:qvalue"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="note">
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="qvalue">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
+ <xs:pattern value="0(.[0-9]{0,3})?"/>
+ <xs:pattern value="1(.0{0,3})?"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!-- Global Attributes -->
+ <xs:attribute name="mustUnderstand" type="xs:boolean" default="0">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation>
+ This attribute may be used on any element within an optional
+ PIDF extension to indicate that the corresponding element must
+ be understood by the PIDF processor if the enclosing optional
+ element is to be handled.
+ </xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ </xs:schema>
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/pidf_lo.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/pidf_lo.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/pidf_lo.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ <xs:schema
+ targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10"
+ xmlns:tns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10"
+ xmlns:gbp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:basicPolicy"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <xs:import namespace=
+ "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:geopriv10:basicPolicy"
+ schemaLocation="geopriv10basic.xsd"/>
+ <!-- This import brings in the XML language attribute xml:lang-->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
+ <xs:element name="geopriv" type="tns:geopriv"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="geopriv">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="location-info" type="tns:locInfoType"
+ minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="usage-rules" type="gbp:locPolicyType"
+ minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="method" type="tns:locMethod"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:element name="provided-by" type="tns:locProvidedBy"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="locInfoType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="locMethod">
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" />
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="locProvidedBy">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"
+ minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:schema>
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/regInfo.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/regInfo.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/regInfo.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo"
+elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ RFC 3680 clause 5.4
+ <!-- This import brings in the XML language attribute xml:lang-->
+ <xs:import namespace=""
+ <xs:element name="reginfo">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element ref="tns:registration" minOccurs="0"
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"
+ <xs:attribute name="state" use="required">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="full"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="partial"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="registration">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element ref="tns:contact" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="aor" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" use="required">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="init"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="active"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="terminated"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="contact">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="uri" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ <xs:element name="display-name" minOccurs="0">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="unknown-param" minOccurs="0"
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="state" use="required">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="active"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="terminated"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="event" use="required">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value="registered"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="created"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="refreshed"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="shortened"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="expired"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="deactivated"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="probation"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="unregistered"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="rejected"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="duration-registered" type="xs:unsignedLong"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="expires" type="xs:unsignedLong"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="retry-after" type="xs:unsignedLong"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="q" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="callid" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="cseq" type="xs:unsignedLong"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/NoTargetNamespace.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/NoTargetNamespace.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/NoTargetNamespace.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+module NoTargetNamespace {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record Initial_registration {
+ }
+ type record Emergency {
+ }
+ type TAction Action;
+ type record Emergency_registration {
+ }
+ type record TType {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type TIMS3GPP Ims_3gpp;
+ type record TAction {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record TAlternativeService {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ TType type_,
+ XSDAUX.string reason,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Restoration {
+ }
+ type record TIMS3GPP {
+ XSDAUX.decimal version,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ union {
+ TAlternativeService alternative_service,
+ XSDAUX.string service_info
+ } choice,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "Ims3gpp";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record of Diversion_reason_info_type Diversion_reason_info_types;
+ type record Comm_div_ntfy_info_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ User_info_type originating_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI diverting_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI diverted_to_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime diversion_time_info optional,
+ Diversion_reason_info_type diversion_reason_info optional,
+ Diversion_rule_info_type diversion_rule_info optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record User_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of User_info_type user_info_list optional
+ }
+ type record Presence_status_info_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string presence_status
+ }
+ type enumerated Diversion_reason_info_type {
+ int302(302),
+ int404(404),
+ int408(408),
+ int480(480),
+ int486(486),
+ int487(487),
+ int503(503)
+ }
+ type record Comm_div_subs_info_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Comm_div_selection_criteria_type comm_div_selection_criteria optional,
+ Comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria_type comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria optional,
+ Comm_div_info_selection_criteria_type comm_div_info_selection_criteria optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Diversion_rule_info_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string diversion_rule
+ }
+ type record User_info_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string user_name optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI user_URI
+ }
+ type record Time_range_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of Time_range_type time_range_list optional
+ }
+ type Comm_div_info_type Comm_div_info;
+ type record Comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Time_range_selection_criteria_type notification_time_selection_criteria optional,
+ Presence_status_selection_criteria_type presence_status_selection_criteria optional,
+ XSDAUX.integerXSD notification_buffer_interval optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Comm_div_info_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_originating_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diverting_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diverted_to_user_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_time_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_reason_info optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_rule_info optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Time_range_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime start_time,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime end_time
+ }
+ type record Presence_status_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of Presence_status_info_type presence_status_info_list optional
+ }
+ type record Diversion_reason_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Diversion_reason_info_types diversion_reason_info
+ }
+ type record Comm_div_info_type {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
+ Comm_div_subs_info_type comm_div_subs_info optional,
+ Comm_div_ntfy_info_type comm_div_ntfy_info optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Comm_div_selection_criteria_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ User_selection_criteria_type originating_user_selection_criteria optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI diverting_user_selection_criteria optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI diverted_to_user_selection_criteria optional,
+ Time_range_selection_criteria_type diversion_time_selection_criteria optional,
+ Diversion_reason_selection_criteria_type diversion_reason_selection_criteria optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "CDIVN";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record ResponseType {
+ BitType mcidResponseIndicator,
+ BitType holdingProvidedIndicator
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string BitType;
+ type record Mcid {
+ union {
+ RequestType request,
+ ResponseType response
+ } choice
+ }
+ type record RequestType {
+ BitType mcidRequestIndicator,
+ BitType holdingIndicator
+ }
+with {
+ encode "MCID";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record PSTN_transit {
+ record length (1 .. 2) of BearerCapabilityType bearerInfomationElement_list,
+ record length (0 .. 2) of HighLayerCompatibilityType highLayerCompatibility_list optional,
+ LowLayerCompatibilityType lowLayerCompatibility optional,
+ record of ProgressIndicatorType progressIndicator_list optional,
+ record of DisplayType display__list optional
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string SevenBitType;
+ type record LLOctet5aType {
+ OneBitType synchronousAsynchronous,
+ OneBitType negotiation,
+ FiveBitType userRate
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7aTR9577Type {
+ FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
+ }
+ type record LLOctet4Type {
+ TwoBitType transferMode,
+ FiveBitType informationTransferRate
+ }
+ type record LLOctet6aUserSpecificType {
+ SevenBitType userSpecificLayer2Information
+ }
+ type record LLOctet3aType {
+ OneBitType negotiationIndicator
+ }
+ type record BCOctet5Type {
+ TwoBitType layer1Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer1Protocol
+ }
+ type record BCOctet4Type {
+ TwoBitType transferMode,
+ FiveBitType informationTransferRate
+ }
+ type record BCOctet7Type {
+ TwoBitType layer3Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer3Protocol
+ }
+ type record BCOctet5bV120Type {
+ OneBitType rateAdaptionHeader,
+ OneBitType multipleFrameEstablishmentSupport,
+ OneBitType modeOfOperation,
+ OneBitType logicalLinkIdentifier,
+ OneBitType assignor,
+ OneBitType inbandOutbandNegotiation
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string ThreeBitType;
+ type record LLOctet6aHDLCType {
+ TwoBitType mode
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7bTR9577Type {
+ FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
+ }
+ type record DisplayType {
+ DispOctet3Type dispOctet3
+ }
+ type record HLOctet3Type {
+ TwoBitType codingStandard,
+ ThreeBitType interpretation,
+ TwoBitType presentationMethod
+ }
+ type record LowLayerCompatibilityType {
+ LLOctet3Type lLOctet3,
+ LLOctet3aType lLOctet3a optional,
+ LLOctet4Type lLOctet4,
+ LLOctet4_1Type lLOctet4_1 optional,
+ LLOctet5Type lLOctet5 optional,
+ LLOctet5aType lLOctet5a optional,
+ LLOctet5bV110Type lLOctet5bV110 optional,
+ LLOctet5bV120Type lLOctet5bV120 optional,
+ LLOctet5cType lLOctet5c optional,
+ LLOctet5dType lLOctet5d optional,
+ LLOctet6Type lLOctet6 optional,
+ LLOctet6aHDLCType lLOctet6aHDLC optional,
+ LLOctet6aUserSpecificType lLOctet6aUserSpecific optional,
+ LLOctet6bType lLOctet6b optional,
+ LLOctet7Type lLOctet7,
+ LLOctet7aUserSpecificType lLOctet7aUserSpecific optional,
+ LLOctet7aX25Type lLOctet7aX25 optional,
+ LLOctet7bX25Type lLOctet7bX25 optional,
+ LLOctet7cType lLOctet7c optional,
+ LLOctet7aTR9577Type lLOctet7aTR9577 optional,
+ LLOctet7bTR9577Type lLOctet7bTR9577 optional
+ }
+ type record BCOctet5dType {
+ OneBitType duplexMode,
+ SixBitType modemType
+ }
+ type record BCOctet3Type {
+ TwoBitType codingStandard,
+ FiveBitType informationTransferCabability
+ }
+ type record LLOctet5bV120Type {
+ OneBitType rateAdaptionHeader,
+ OneBitType multipleFrameEstablishmentSupport,
+ OneBitType modeOfOperation,
+ OneBitType logicalLinkIdentifier,
+ OneBitType assignor,
+ OneBitType inbandOutbandNegotiation
+ }
+ type record LLOctet4_1Type {
+ SevenBitType rateMultiplier
+ }
+ type record LLOctet5dType {
+ OneBitType duplexMode,
+ SixBitType modemType
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string FourBitType;
+ type record BCOctet5bV110Type {
+ TwoBitType intermediateRate,
+ OneBitType nIConTX,
+ OneBitType nIConRX,
+ OneBitType flowControlOnTX,
+ OneBitType flowControlOnRX
+ }
+ type record LLOctet3Type {
+ TwoBitType codingStandard,
+ FiveBitType informationTransferCapability
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7cType {
+ SevenBitType packetWindowSize
+ }
+ type record BCOctet5cType {
+ TwoBitType numberOfStopBits,
+ TwoBitType numberOfDataBits,
+ ThreeBitType parity
+ }
+ type record LLOctet6Type {
+ TwoBitType layer2Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer2Protocol
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7aX25Type {
+ TwoBitType mode
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7bX25Type {
+ FourBitType defaultPacketSize
+ }
+ type record HLOctet4aMaintenanceType {
+ SevenBitType highLayerCharacteristics
+ }
+ type record DispOctet3Type {
+ SevenBitType displayInformation
+ }
+ type record LLOctet6bType {
+ SevenBitType windowSize
+ }
+ type record BCOctet7bType {
+ FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
+ }
+ type record LLOctet5cType {
+ TwoBitType numberOfStopBits,
+ TwoBitType numberOfDataBits,
+ ThreeBitType parity
+ }
+ type record ProgressIndicatorType {
+ ProgressOctet3Type progressOctet3,
+ ProgressOctet4Type progressOctet4
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string OneBitType;
+ type record LLOctet5Type {
+ TwoBitType layer1Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer1Protocol
+ }
+ type record ProgressOctet3Type {
+ TwoBitType codingStandard,
+ FourBitType location
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string SixBitType;
+ type record LLOctet7Type {
+ TwoBitType layer3Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer3Protocol
+ }
+ type record LLOctet5bV110Type {
+ TwoBitType intermediateRate,
+ OneBitType nIConTX,
+ OneBitType nIConRX,
+ OneBitType flowControlOnTX,
+ OneBitType flowControlOnRX
+ }
+ type record BCOctet6Type {
+ TwoBitType layer2Identification,
+ FiveBitType userInfoLayer2Protocol
+ }
+ type record HLOctet4Type {
+ SevenBitType highLayerCharacteristics
+ }
+ type record BCOctet5aType {
+ OneBitType synchronousAsynchronous,
+ OneBitType negotiation,
+ FiveBitType userRate
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string FiveBitType;
+ type XSDAUX.string TwoBitType;
+ type record HighLayerCompatibilityType {
+ HLOctet3Type hLOctet3,
+ HLOctet4Type hLOctet4,
+ HLOctet4aMaintenanceType hLOctet4aMaintenance optional,
+ HLOctet4aAudioType hLOctet4Audio optional
+ }
+ type record BearerCapabilityType {
+ BCOctet3Type bCoctet3,
+ BCOctet4Type bCoctet4,
+ BCOctet4_1Type bCoctet4_1 optional,
+ BCOctet5Type bCoctet5 optional,
+ BCOctet5aType bCoctet5a optional,
+ BCOctet5bV110Type bCoctet5bV110 optional,
+ BCOctet5bV120Type bCoctet5bV120 optional,
+ BCOctet5cType bCoctet5c optional,
+ BCOctet5dType bCoctet5d optional,
+ BCOctet6Type bCoctet6 optional,
+ BCOctet7Type bCoctet7 optional,
+ BCOctet7aType bCoctet7a optional,
+ BCOctet7bType bCoctet7b optional
+ }
+ type record HLOctet4aAudioType {
+ SevenBitType videoTelephonyCharacteristics
+ }
+ type record BCOctet7aType {
+ FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
+ }
+ type record ProgressOctet4Type {
+ SevenBitType progressDescription
+ }
+ type record BCOctet4_1Type {
+ SevenBitType rateMultiplier
+ }
+ type record LLOctet7aUserSpecificType {
+ SevenBitType optionalLayer3Information
+ }
+with {
+ encode "PSTN";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy language "XSD" all;
+ type Empty_element_type Roaming;
+ type XSDAUX.string TwobitType;
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * This is the communication diversion configuration
+ */
+ type record Communication_diversion {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
+ }
+ type Empty_element_type Rule_deactivated;
+ type record SimservType {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.hexBinary SixteenbitType;
+ type XSDAUX.string Presence_status_activity_type;
+ type SimservType AbsService;
+ type Empty_element_type Anonymous;
+ type Empty_element_type Busy;
+ type Allow_action_type Allow;
+ type enumerated Reveal_URIoptions_type {
+ false_,
+ not_reveal_GRUU,
+ true_
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * XML Schema for data manipulation of ETSI
+ NGN PSTN/ISDN Simulation Services
+ */
+ type record Simservs {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of union {
+ SimservType absService,
+ Terminating_identity_presentation_restriction terminating_identity_presentation_restriction,
+ SimservType terminating_identity_presentation,
+ Originating_identity_presentation_restriction originating_identity_presentation_restriction,
+ SimservType originating_identity_presentation,
+ Communication_diversion communication_diversion,
+ Incoming_communication_barring incoming_communication_barring,
+ Outgoing_communication_barring outgoing_communication_barring
+ } choice optional,
+ record {
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ } extensions optional
+ }
+ type SimservType Originating_identity_presentation;
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * This is the outgoing communication barring configuration
+ */
+ type record Outgoing_communication_barring {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
+ }
+ type Media_type1 Media;
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * Terminating Identity presentation Restriction
+ */
+ type record Terminating_identity_presentation_restriction {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ enumerated {
+ presentation_not_restricted,
+ presentation_restricted
+ } default_behaviour optional
+ }
+ type record Empty_element_type {
+ }
+ type Empty_element_type Not_reachable;
+ type Empty_element_type Communication_diverted;
+ type XSDAUX.integerXSD CugIndexType;
+ type XSDAUX.hexBinary NetworkIdentityType;
+ type record CugRequestType {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD outgoingAccessRequest,
+ CugIndexType cugIndex
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.string Media_type1;
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * Originating Identity presentation Restriction
+ */
+ type record Originating_identity_presentation_restriction {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ enumerated {
+ presentation_not_restricted,
+ presentation_restricted
+ } default_behaviour optional
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.positiveInteger NoReplyTimer;
+ /**
+ * @desc
+ * This is the incoming communication barring configuration
+ */
+ type record Incoming_communication_barring {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.booleanXSD Allow_action_type;
+ type Presence_status_activity_type Presence_status;
+ type record Cug {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ CugRequestType cugCallOperation optional,
+ NetworkIdentityType networkIndicator optional,
+ SixteenbitType cugInterlockBinaryCode optional,
+ TwobitType cugCommunicationIndicator optional
+ }
+ type Empty_element_type No_answer;
+ type SimservType Terminating_identity_presentation;
+ type Forward_to_type Forward_to;
+ type Empty_element_type Not_registered;
+ type record Forward_to_type {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI target,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_caller optional,
+ Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_identity_to_caller optional,
+ Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_served_user_identity_to_caller optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_served_user optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_served_user_on_outbound_call optional,
+ Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_identity_to_target optional,
+ NoReplyTimer noReplyTimer optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "SupplementaryServices";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+module http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type union Lang {
+ XSDAUX.languageXSD alt_0,
+ enumerated {
+ x
+ } alt_1
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.anyURI Base;
+ type XSDAUX.ID Id;
+ type record SpecialAttrs {
+ Base base optional,
+ Lang lang optional,
+ Space space optional,
+ Id id optional
+ }
+ type enumerated Space {
+ default_,
+ preserve
+ }
+with {
+ encode "xml";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+module urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0 {
+ type TCWtype Ims_cw;
+ type record TCWtype {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ TEmptyType communication_waiting_indication optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record TEmptyType {
+ }
+with {
+ encode "cw";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record SphereType {
+ XSDAUX.string value_
+ }
+ type record ExtensibleType {
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Ruleset {
+ record of RuleType rule_list optional
+ }
+ type record RuleType {
+ ConditionsType conditions optional,
+ ExtensibleType actions optional,
+ ExtensibleType transformations optional
+ }
+ type record ConditionsType {
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of union {
+ IdentityType identity,
+ SphereType sphere,
+ ValidityType validity,
+ record of anytype elem_list
+ } content optional
+ }
+ type record ManyType {
+ XSDAUX.string domain optional,
+ record of union {
+ ExceptType except_,
+ anytype elem
+ } content optional
+ }
+ type record ValidityType {
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of record {
+ XSDAUX.dateTime from_,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime until
+ } content
+ }
+ type record IdentityType {
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of union {
+ OneType one,
+ ManyType many,
+ anytype elem
+ } content
+ }
+ type record OneType {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI id,
+ anytype elem optional
+ }
+ type record ExceptType {
+ XSDAUX.string domain optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI id optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "common_policy";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type enumerated Endpoint_status_type {
+ alerting,
+ connected,
+ dialing_in,
+ dialing_out,
+ disconnected,
+ disconnecting,
+ muted_via_focus,
+ on_hold,
+ pending
+ }
+ type record Users_type {
+ State_type state optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of User_type user_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record of XSDAUX.string Keywords_type;
+ type enumerated State_type {
+ deleted,
+ full,
+ partial
+ }
+ type record Conference_media_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of Conference_medium_type entry_list
+ }
+ type record Endpoint_type {
+ XSDAUX.string entity optional,
+ State_type state optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ Execution_type referred optional,
+ Endpoint_status_type status optional,
+ Joining_type joining_method optional,
+ Execution_type joining_info optional,
+ Disconnection_type disconnection_method optional,
+ Execution_type disconnection_info optional,
+ record of Media_type media_list optional,
+ Call_type call_info optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Sip_dialog_id_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.string call_id,
+ XSDAUX.string from_tag,
+ XSDAUX.string to_tag,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Conference_description_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.string subject optional,
+ XSDAUX.string free_text optional,
+ Keywords_type keywords optional,
+ Uris_type conf_uris optional,
+ Uris_type service_uris optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedInt maximum_user_count optional,
+ Conference_media_type available_media optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type Conference_type Conference_info;
+ type record Conference_state_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedInt user_count optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD locked optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Conference_type {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
+ State_type state optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedInt version optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Conference_description_type conference_description optional,
+ Host_type host_info optional,
+ Conference_state_type conference_state optional,
+ Users_type users optional,
+ Uris_type sidebars_by_ref optional,
+ Sidebars_by_val_type sidebars_by_val optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Uri_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.string purpose optional,
+ Execution_type modified optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Host_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI web_page optional,
+ Uris_type uris optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record of XSDAUX.languageXSD User_languages_type;
+ type record Uris_type {
+ State_type state optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of Uri_type entry_list
+ }
+ type record Execution_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime when optional,
+ XSDAUX.string reason optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI by optional
+ }
+ type enumerated Media_status_type {
+ inactive,
+ recvonly,
+ sendonly,
+ sendrecv
+ }
+ type record User_type {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI entity optional,
+ State_type state optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ Uris_type associated_aors optional,
+ User_roles_type roles optional,
+ User_languages_type languages optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI cascaded_focus optional,
+ record of Endpoint_type endpoint_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Media_type {
+ XSDAUX.string id,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.string type_ optional,
+ XSDAUX.string label_ optional,
+ XSDAUX.string src_id optional,
+ Media_status_type status optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Call_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ union {
+ Sip_dialog_id_type sip,
+ record of anytype elem_list
+ } choice optional
+ }
+ type record Conference_medium_type {
+ XSDAUX.string label_,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
+ XSDAUX.string type_,
+ Media_status_type status optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Sidebars_by_val_type {
+ State_type state optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record of Conference_type entry_list optional
+ }
+ type enumerated Disconnection_type {
+ booted,
+ busy,
+ departed,
+ failed
+ }
+ type enumerated Joining_type {
+ dialed_in,
+ dialed_out,
+ focus_owner
+ }
+ type record User_roles_type {
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of XSDAUX.string entry_list
+ }
+with {
+ encode "CONF";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
+ type record Tuple {
+ Status status,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional,
+ Contact contact optional,
+ record of Note note_list optional,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime timestamp optional
+ }
+ type record Status {
+ Basic basic optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type enumerated Basic {
+ closed,
+ open
+ }
+ type XSDAUX.booleanXSD MustUnderstand;
+ type record Presence_1 {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
+ record of Tuple tuple_list optional,
+ record of Note note_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Contact {
+ Qvalue priority optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI content
+ }
+ type record Note {
+ http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ }
+ type Presence_1 Presence;
+ type XSDAUX.decimal Qvalue;
+with {
+ encode "pidf";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10 {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy language "XSD" all;
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
+ type record Geopriv_1 {
+ LocInfoType location_info,
+ urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy.LocPolicyType usage_rules,
+ LocMethod method optional,
+ LocProvidedBy provided_by optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record LocInfoType {
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record LocProvidedBy {
+ record length (1 .. infinity) of anytype elem_list
+ }
+ type Geopriv_1 Geopriv;
+ type record LocMethod {
+ http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ }
+with {
+ encode "pidf_lo";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
+ type record LocPolicyType {
+ XSDAUX.booleanXSD retransmission_allowed optional,
+ XSDAUX.dateTime retention_expiry optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI external_ruleset optional,
+ Notewell note_well optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Notewell {
+ http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ }
+with {
+ encode "geopriv10basic";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
+ type record Reginfo {
+ XSDAUX.nonNegativeInteger version,
+ enumerated {
+ full,
+ partial
+ } state,
+ record of Registration registration_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Registration {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI aor,
+ XSDAUX.string id,
+ enumerated {
+ active,
+ init,
+ terminated
+ } state,
+ record of Contact contact_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Contact {
+ enumerated {
+ active,
+ terminated
+ } state,
+ enumerated {
+ created,
+ deactivated,
+ expired,
+ probation,
+ refreshed,
+ registered,
+ rejected,
+ shortened,
+ unregistered
+ } event,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedLong duration_registered optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedLong expires optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedLong retry_after optional,
+ XSDAUX.string id,
+ XSDAUX.string q optional,
+ XSDAUX.string callid optional,
+ XSDAUX.unsignedLong cseq optional,
+ XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
+ record {
+ http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ } display_name optional,
+ record of record {
+ XSDAUX.string name,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ } unknown_param_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "regInfo";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
+ type record Entry_refType {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI ref,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Display_nameType display_name optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record EntryType {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ record {
+ Display_nameType content
+ } display_name optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record ListType {
+ XSDAUX.string name optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Display_nameType display_name optional,
+ record of record {
+ union {
+ record {
+ XSDAUX.string name optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Display_nameType display_name optional,
+ record of record {
+ union {
+ ListType.sequence_list[0].choice.list list,
+ ExternalType external_,
+ EntryType entry,
+ Entry_refType entry_ref
+ } choice
+ } sequence_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ } list,
+ ExternalType external_,
+ EntryType entry,
+ Entry_refType entry_ref
+ } choice
+ } sequence_list optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record ExternalType {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI anchor optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional,
+ Display_nameType display_name optional,
+ record of anytype elem_list optional
+ }
+ type record Resource_lists {
+ record of record {
+ ListType list
+ } sequence_list optional
+ }
+ type record Display_nameType {
+ http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
+ XSDAUX.string content
+ }
+with {
+ encode "ResourceList";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy.ttcn3view
--- v2.0.0/xsd/urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy.ttcn3view (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy.ttcn3view (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy {
+ import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
+ type record External_list {
+ record of AnchorType entry_list optional
+ }
+ type EmptyType Anonymous_request;
+ type EmptyType Other_identity;
+ type record EmptyType {
+ }
+ type record AnchorType {
+ XSDAUX.anyURI anc optional,
+ record of record {
+ charstring name,
+ anytype value_
+ } anyAttributes optional
+ }
+with {
+ encode "xdm_commonPolicy_v1_0";
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/CDIV.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/CDIV.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/CDIV.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
+<!-- import common policy definitions -->
+<xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy" schemaLocation="common-policy.xsd"/>
+<!-- import OMA common policy extensions -->
+<xs:import namespace="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy" schemaLocation="xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd"/>
+<!-- communication diversion specific extensions to IETF common policy conditions. The
+cp:conditionsType is expanded with the elements: ss:not-registered, ss:busy, ss:no-answer, ss:notreachable,
+ss:media as optional elements -->
+<!-- communication diversion rule set based on the common policy rule set.-->
+<xs:element name="communication-diversion" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">
+<xs:documentation>This is the communication diversion configuration
+<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+<!-- add service specific elements here-->
+<xs:element ref="cp:ruleset" minOccurs="0"/>
+<!-- service specific attributes can be defined here -->
+<!-- communication diversion specific extensions to IETF common policy actions-->
+<xs:element name="forward-to" type="ss:forward-to-type"/> <xs:simpleType name="reveal-URIoptions-type">
+<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+<xs:enumeration value="false"/>
+<xs:enumeration value="not-reveal-GRUU"/>
+<xs:enumeration value="true"/>
+<!-- communication diversion specific type declarations -->
+<xs:complexType name="forward-to-type">
+<xs:element name="target" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
+<xs:element name="notify-caller" type="xs:boolean" default="true" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element name="reveal-identity-to-caller" type="ss:reveal-URIoptions-type"
+default="true" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element name="reveal-served-user-identity-to-caller" type="ss:reveal-URIoptions-type"
+default="true" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element name="notify-served-user" type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element name="notify-served-user-on-outbound-call" type="xs:boolean" default="false"
+<xs:element name="reveal-identity-to-target" type="ss:reveal-URIoptions-type"
+default="true" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element ref="ss:NoReplyTimer" minOccurs="0"/>
+<xs:element name="NoReplyTimer">
+<xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger">
+<xs:minInclusive value="5"/>
+<xs:maxInclusive value="180"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/cug.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/cug.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/cug.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ss="" xmlns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation>XML Schema Definition for the closed user group
+ parameter</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ <!--Definition of simple types-->
+ <xs:simpleType name="twobitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="networkIdentityType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">
+ <xs:length value="1"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="sixteenbitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">
+ <xs:length value="2"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="cugIndexType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
+ <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
+ <xs:maxInclusive value="32767"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--Definition of complex types-->
+ <xs:complexType name="cugRequestType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="outgoingAccessRequest" type="xs:boolean"/>
+ <xs:element name="cugIndex" type="cugIndexType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of document structure-->
+ <xs:element name="cug" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="cugCallOperation" type="cugRequestType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="networkIndicator" type="networkIdentityType"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="cugInterlockBinaryCode" type="sixteenbitType"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="cugCommunicationIndicator" type="twobitType"
+ minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/simservs.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/simservs.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/simservs.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<!-- TS 27.173 / 183 023 -->
+<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:ss=""
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified"
+ attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+<!-- The element "simservs" maps to the Common Parts of an NGN PSTN/ISDN Simulation services document -->
+ <xs:element name="simservs">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation>XML Schema for data manipulation of ETSI
+ NGN PSTN/ISDN Simulation Services
+ </xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:group ref="ss:absServiceGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+ <xs:element name="extensions" minOccurs="0">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="absService" abstract="true" type="ss:simservType"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="simservType">
+ <xs:attribute name="active" type="xs:boolean"
+ use="optional" default="true" />
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- service specific IETF common policy condition elements-->
+ <xs:element name="anonymous" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="presence-status" type="ss:presence-status-activity-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="media" type="ss:media-type1"/>
+ <xs:element name="communication-diverted" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="rule-deactivated" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="not-registered" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="busy" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="no-answer" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="not-reachable" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <xs:element name="roaming" type="ss:empty-element-type"/>
+ <!-- service specific type declarations -->
+ <xs:simpleType name="media-type1">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="presence-status-activity-type">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:complexType name="empty-element-type"/>
+ <!-- ETSI substitutionGroup workaround, because TTCN-3 does not support mapping of substitutionGroup -->
+ <xs:group name="absServiceGroup">
+ <xs:choice>
+ <!-- default -->
+ <xs:element ref="ss:absService"/>
+ <!-- TIP-TRI -->
+ <xs:element ref="ss:terminating-identity-presentation-restriction"/>
+ <xs:element ref="ss:terminating-identity-presentation"/>
+ <!-- OIP-OIR -->
+ <xs:element ref="ss:originating--identity--presentation--restriction"/>
+ <xs:element ref="ss:originating--identity--presentation"/>
+ <!-- CDIV -->
+ <xs:element ref="ss:communication-diversion"/>
+ <!-- ACR-CB -->
+ <xs:element ref="ss:incoming-communication-barring"/>
+ <xs:element ref="ss:outgoing-communication-barring"/>
+ <!-- CUG -->
+ <!-- <xs:element ref="cug"/> -->
+ </xs:choice>
+ </xs:group>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/cw.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/cw.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/cw.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:3gpp:ns:cw:1.0"
+ xmlns:cw10="urn:3gpp:ns:cw:1.0"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <xs:complexType name="tEmptyType"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="tCWtype">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="communication-waiting-indication" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"
+ type="cw10:tEmptyType"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:element name="ims-cw" type="cw10:tCWtype"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/xml.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/xml.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/xml.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ xml:lang="en">
+ <xs:attribute name="lang">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:union memberTypes="xs:language">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:enumeration value=""/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:union>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="space">
+ <xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
+ <xs:enumeration value="default"/>
+ <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:anyURI">
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attributeGroup name="specialAttrs">
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:base"/>
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
+ <xs:attribute ref="xml:id"/>
+ </xs:attributeGroup>
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/Ims3gpp.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1">
+ <xs:complexType name="tIMS3GPP">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:choice>
+ <xs:element name="alternative-service" type="tAlternativeService"/>
+ <xs:element name="service-info" type="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:decimal" use="required"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="tAlternativeService">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="type" type="tType"/>
+ <xs:element name="reason" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="tType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="tAction">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:anyAttribute/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- root element -->
+ <xs:element name="ims-3gpp" type="tIMS3GPP"/>
+ <!-- emergency element for //ims-3gpp//alternative-service//type -->
+ <xs:element name="emergency">
+ <xs:complexType/>
+ </xs:element>
+ <!-- restoration element for //ims-3gpp//alternative-service//type -->
+ <xs:element name="restoration">
+ <xs:complexType/>
+ </xs:element>
+ <!-- action element for //ims-3gpp//alternative-service -->
+ <xs:element name="action" type="tAction"/>
+ <!-- emergency-registration element for //ims-3gpp//alternative-service//action -->
+ <xs:element name="emergency-registration">
+ <xs:complexType/>
+ </xs:element>
+ <!-- initial-registration element for //ims-3gpp//alternative-service//action -->
+ <xs:element name="initial-registration">
+ <xs:complexType/>
+ </xs:element>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/ACR_CB.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/ACR_CB.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/ACR_CB.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
+xmlns:ss="" xmlns:cp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"
+targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
+<!-- import common policy definitions -->
+<xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy" schemaLocation="common-policy.xsd"/>
+<!-- import OMA common policy extensions -->
+<xs:import namespace="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy" schemaLocation="xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd"/>
+<!-- incoming communication barring rule set based on the common policy rule set.-->
+<xs:element name="incoming-communication-barring" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">
+<xs:documentation>This is the incoming communication barring configuration
+<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+<!-- add service specific elements here-->
+<xs:element ref="cp:ruleset" minOccurs="0"/>
+<!-- service specific attributes can be defined here -->
+<!-- outgoing communication barring rule set based on the common policy rule set.-->
+<xs:element name="outgoing-communication-barring" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">
+<xs:documentation>This is the outgoing communication barring configuration
+<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+<!-- add service specific elements here-->
+<xs:element ref="cp:ruleset" minOccurs="0"/>
+<!-- service specific attributes can be defined here -->
+<!-- communication barring specific extensions to IETF common policy actions-->
+<xs:element name="allow" type="ss:allow-action-type"/>
+<!-- communication barring specific type declarations -->
+<!-- <xs:simpleType name="allow-action-type" final="list restriction"> -->
+<xs:simpleType name="allow-action-type">
+<xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/MCID.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/MCID.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/MCID.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
+targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
+<xs:documentation>XML Schema Definition to the mcid request-response to the Malicious Communication
+Identification simulation service</xs:documentation>
+<!--Definition of simple types-->
+<xs:simpleType name="bitType">
+<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+<xs:pattern value="[0-1]"/>
+<!--Definition of complex types-->
+<xs:complexType name="requestType">
+<xs:element name="McidRequestIndicator" type="bitType"/>
+<xs:element name="HoldingIndicator" type="bitType"/>
+<xs:complexType name="responseType">
+<xs:element name="McidResponseIndicator" type="bitType"/>
+<xs:element name="HoldingProvidedIndicator" type="bitType"/>
+<!--Definition of document structure-->
+<xs:element name="mcid">
+<xs:element name="request" type="requestType"/>
+<xs:element name="response" type="responseType"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/OIP-OIR.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/OIP-OIR.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/OIP-OIR.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<xs:schema xmlns:ss=""
+targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
+<xs:element name="originating--identity--presentation--restriction"
+<xs:documentation>Originating Identity presentation Restriction
+<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+<xs:element name="default--behaviour" default="presentation--restricted"
+<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+<xs:enumeration value="presentation--restricted"/>
+<xs:enumeration value="presentation--not--restricted"/>
+<xs:element name="originating--identity--presentation" type="ss:simservType"
+<xs:documentation>Originating Identity Presentation
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/PSTN.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/PSTN.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/PSTN.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:ns1="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation>XML Schema definition for mapping of some PSTN into SIP MIME Bodies</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ <!--Definition of simple types-->
+ <xs:simpleType name="OneBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="TwoBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="ThreeBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="FourBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="FiveBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="SixBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <xs:simpleType name="SevenBitType">
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+ <xs:pattern value="[0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1][0-1]"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:simpleType>
+ <!--Definition of complex types-->
+ <!--Definition of BearerCapability Octets-->
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet3Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="CodingStandard" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InformationTransferCabability" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet4Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="TransferMode" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InformationTransferRate" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet4-1Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="RateMultiplier" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer1Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer1Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5aType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="SynchronousAsynchronous" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Negotiation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserRate" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5bV110Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="IntermediateRate" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NIConTX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NIConRX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="FlowControlOnTX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="FlowControlOnRX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5bV120Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="RateAdaptionHeader" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="MultipleFrameEstablishmentSupport" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="ModeOfOperation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="LogicalLinkIdentifier" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Assignor" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InbandOutbandNegotiation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5cType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="NumberOfStopBits" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NumberOfDataBits" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Parity" type="ThreeBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet5dType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="DuplexMode" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="ModemType" type="SixBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet6Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer2Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer2Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet7Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer3Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer3Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet7aType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="AdditionalLayer3Info" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="BCOctet7bType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="AdditionalLayer3Info" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of High Layer Compatibility Octets-->
+ <xs:complexType name="HLOctet3Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="CodingStandard" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Interpretation" type="ThreeBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="PresentationMethod" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="HLOctet4Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="HighLayerCharacteristics" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="HLOctet4aMaintenanceType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="HighLayerCharacteristics" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="HLOctet4aAudioType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="VideoTelephonyCharacteristics" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of Low Layer Compatibility Octets-->
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet3Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="CodingStandard" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InformationTransferCapability" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet3aType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="NegotiationIndicator" type="OneBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet4Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="TransferMode" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InformationTransferRate" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet4-1Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="RateMultiplier" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer1Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer1Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5aType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="SynchronousAsynchronous" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Negotiation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserRate" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5bV110Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="IntermediateRate" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NIConTX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NIConRX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="FlowControlOnTX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="FlowControlOnRX" type="OneBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5bV120Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="RateAdaptionHeader" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="MultipleFrameEstablishmentSupport" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="ModeOfOperation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="LogicalLinkIdentifier" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Assignor" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="InbandOutbandNegotiation" type="OneBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5cType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="NumberOfStopBits" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="NumberOfDataBits" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Parity" type="ThreeBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet5dType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="DuplexMode" type="OneBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="ModemType" type="SixBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet6Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer2Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer2Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet6aHDLCType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Mode" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet6aUserSpecificType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="UserSpecificLayer2Information" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet6bType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="WindowSize" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Layer3Identification" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="UserInfoLayer3Protocol" type="FiveBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7aUserSpecificType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="OptionalLayer3Information" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7aX25Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Mode" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7bX25Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="DefaultPacketSize" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7cType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="PacketWindowSize" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7aTR9577Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="AdditionalLayer3Info" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LLOctet7bTR9577Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="AdditionalLayer3Info" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="DispOctet3Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="DisplayInformation" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of the information elements-->
+ <xs:complexType name="BearerCapabilityType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet3" type="BCOctet3Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet4" type="BCOctet4Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet4-1" type="BCOctet4-1Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5" type="BCOctet5Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5a" type="BCOctet5aType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5bV110" type="BCOctet5bV110Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5bV120" type="BCOctet5bV120Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5c" type="BCOctet5cType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet5d" type="BCOctet5dType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet6" type="BCOctet6Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet7" type="BCOctet7Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet7a" type="BCOctet7aType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="BCoctet7b" type="BCOctet7bType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="HighLayerCompatibilityType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="HLOctet3" type="HLOctet3Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="HLOctet4" type="HLOctet4Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="HLOctet4aMaintenance" type="HLOctet4aMaintenanceType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="HLOctet4Audio" type="HLOctet4aAudioType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="LowLayerCompatibilityType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet3" type="LLOctet3Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet3a" type="LLOctet3aType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet4" type="LLOctet4Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet4-1" type="LLOctet4-1Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5" type="LLOctet5Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5a" type="LLOctet5aType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5bV110" type="LLOctet5bV110Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5bV120" type="LLOctet5bV120Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5c" type="LLOctet5cType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet5d" type="LLOctet5dType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet6" type="LLOctet6Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet6aHDLC" type="LLOctet6aHDLCType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet6aUserSpecific" type="LLOctet6aUserSpecificType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet6b" type="LLOctet6bType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7" type="LLOctet7Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7aUserSpecific" type="LLOctet7aUserSpecificType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7aX25" type="LLOctet7aX25Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7bX25" type="LLOctet7bX25Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7c" type="LLOctet7cType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7aTR9577" type="LLOctet7aTR9577Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="LLOctet7bTR9577" type="LLOctet7bTR9577Type" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="DisplayType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="DispOctet3" type="DispOctet3Type"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of progress indicator-->
+ <xs:complexType name="ProgressOctet3Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="CodingStandard" type="TwoBitType"/>
+ <xs:element name="Location" type="FourBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="ProgressOctet4Type">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="ProgressDescription" type="SevenBitType"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="ProgressIndicatorType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="ProgressOctet3" type="ProgressOctet3Type"/>
+ <xs:element name="ProgressOctet4" type="ProgressOctet4Type"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!--Definition of document structure-->
+ <xs:element name="PSTN-transit">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="BearerInfomationElement" type="BearerCapabilityType" maxOccurs="2"/>
+ <xs:element name="HighLayerCompatibility" type="HighLayerCompatibilityType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2"/>
+ <xs:element name="LowLayerCompatibility" type="LowLayerCompatibilityType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="ProgressIndicator" type="ProgressIndicatorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ <xs:element name="Display" type="DisplayType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/SupplementaryServices.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
+ xmlns:ss=""
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified"
+ attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="simservs.xsd"/>
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="TIP-TIR.xsd"/>
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="OIP-OIR.xsd"/>
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="CDIV.xsd"/>
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="ACR_CB.xsd"/>
+ <xs:include schemaLocation="cug.xsd"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/TIP-TIR.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/TIP-TIR.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/TIP-TIR.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<xs:schema xmlns:ss=""
+targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
+<xs:element name="terminating-identity-presentation-restriction"
+<xs:documentation>Terminating Identity presentation Restriction
+<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">
+<xs:element name="default-behaviour" default="presentation-restricted"
+<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+<xs:enumeration value="presentation-restricted"/>
+<xs:enumeration value="presentation-not-restricted"/>
+<xs:element name="terminating-identity-presentation" type="ss:simservType"
+<xs:documentation>Terminating Identity Presentation
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/common-policy.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/common-policy.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/common-policy.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"
+ xmlns:cp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+ <!-- /ruleset -->
+ <xs:element name="ruleset">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="rule" type="cp:ruleType"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <!-- /ruleset/rule -->
+ <xs:complexType name="ruleType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="conditions"
+ type="cp:conditionsType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="actions"
+ type="cp:extensibleType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="transformations"
+ type="cp:extensibleType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //rule/conditions -->
+ <xs:complexType name="conditionsType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="identity"
+ type="cp:identityType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="sphere"
+ type="cp:sphereType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:element name="validity"
+ type="cp:validityType" minOccurs="0"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //conditions/identity -->
+ <xs:complexType name="identityType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="one" type="cp:oneType"/>
+ <xs:element name="many" type="cp:manyType"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //identity/one -->
+ <xs:complexType name="oneType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other"
+ minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="id"
+ type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //identity/many -->
+ <xs:complexType name="manyType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="except" type="cp:exceptType"/>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other"
+ minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:choice>
+ <xs:attribute name="domain"
+ use="optional" type="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //many/except -->
+<xs:complexType name="exceptType">
+ <xs:attribute name="domain" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //conditions/sphere -->
+ <xs:complexType name="sphereType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:attribute name="value"
+ type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //conditions/validity -->
+ <xs:complexType name="validityType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="from" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ <xs:element name="until" type="xs:dateTime"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <!-- //rule/actions or //rule/transformations -->
+ <xs:complexType name="extensibleType">
+ <xs:complexContent>
+ <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:restriction>
+ </xs:complexContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: v2.0.0/xsd/xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd
--- v2.0.0/xsd/xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd (nonexistent)
+++ v2.0.0/xsd/xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd (revision 552)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ XDM - Common Policy
+ version - 1.0
+ date - 27 Jun 2008
+ OMA Permanent Document
+ File: OMA-SUP-XSD_xdm_commonPolicy-V1_0_2-20080627-A
+ Type: Text - Schema Description
+ Public Reachable Information
+ Path:
+ Name: xdm_commonPolicy-v1_0.xsd
+ Information about this file can be found in the specification
+ OMA-TS-XDM_Core-V1_1
+ available at
+ Send comments to
+ Use of this document is subject to all of the terms and conditions
+ of the Use Agreement located at
+ You may use this document or any part of the document for internal
+ or educational purposes only, provided you do not modify, edit or
+ take out of context the information in this document in any manner.
+ Information contained in this document may be used, at your sole
+ risk, for any purposes.
+ You may not use this document in any other manner without the prior
+ written permission of the Open Mobile Alliance. The Open Mobile
+ Alliance authorizes you to copy this document, provided that you
+ retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the
+ original materials on any copies of the materials and that you
+ comply strictly with these terms. This copyright permission does
+ not constitute an endorsement of the products or services. The
+ Open Mobile Alliance assumes no responsibility for errors or
+ omissions in this document.
+ Each Open Mobile Alliance member has agreed to use reasonable
+ endeavors to inform the Open Mobile Alliance in a timely manner of
+ Essential IPR as it becomes aware that the Essential IPR is related
+ to the prepared or published specification. However, the members
+ do not have an obligation to conduct IPR searches. The declared
+ Essential IPR is publicly available to members and non-members of
+ the Open Mobile Alliance and may be found on the "OMA IPR
+ Declarations" list at
+ The Open Mobile Alliance has not conducted an independent IPR review
+ of this document and the information contained herein, and makes no
+ representations or warranties regarding third party IPR, including
+ without limitation patents, copyrights or trade secret rights. This
+ document may contain inventions for which you must obtain licenses
+ from third parties before making, using or selling the inventions.
+ Defined terms above are set forth in the schedule to the Open Mobile
+ Alliance Application Form.
+ Copyright 2008 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
+ Used with the permission of the Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. under the
+ terms set forth above.
+<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy"
+ xmlns="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy"
+ xmlns:xs=""
+ elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
+<!-- OMA specific "conditions" child elements -->
+<xs:element name="other-identity" type="emptyType"/>
+ <xs:element name="external-list">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="entry" type="anchorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="anonymous-request" type="emptyType"/>
+ <xs:complexType name="anchorType">
+ <xs:attribute name="anc" type="xs:anyURI"/>
+ <xs:anyAttribute processContents="lax"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+<xs:complexType name="emptyType"/>
Property changes:
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property