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Ignore whitespace Rev 506 → Rev 507

1842,7 → 1842,7
type record MIME_Message {
charstring boundary, // len:
MimeEncapsulatedList mimeEncapsulatedList
} with { encode "MimeBodyCodec" }
type record of MIME_Encapsulated_Part MimeEncapsulatedList;
0,0 → 1,157
module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_comm_div_info {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type record of Diversion_reason_info_type Diversion_reason_info_types;
type record Comm_div_ntfy_info_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
User_info_type originating_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI diverting_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI diverted_to_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.dateTime diversion_time_info optional,
Diversion_reason_info_type diversion_reason_info optional,
Diversion_rule_info_type diversion_rule_info optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record User_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of User_info_type user_info_list optional
type record Presence_status_info_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string presence_status
type enumerated Diversion_reason_info_type {
type record Comm_div_subs_info_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Comm_div_selection_criteria_type comm_div_selection_criteria optional,
Comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria_type comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria optional,
Comm_div_info_selection_criteria_type comm_div_info_selection_criteria optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Diversion_rule_info_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string diversion_rule
type record User_info_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string user_name optional,
type record Time_range_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of Time_range_type time_range_list optional
type Comm_div_info_type Comm_div_info;
type record Comm_div_ntfy_trigger_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Time_range_selection_criteria_type notification_time_selection_criteria optional,
Presence_status_selection_criteria_type presence_status_selection_criteria optional,
XSDAUX.integerXSD notification_buffer_interval optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Comm_div_info_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_originating_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diverting_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diverted_to_user_info optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_time_info optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_reason_info optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD disable_diversion_rule_info optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Time_range_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.dateTime start_time,
XSDAUX.dateTime end_time
type record Presence_status_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of Presence_status_info_type presence_status_info_list optional
type record Diversion_reason_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Diversion_reason_info_types diversion_reason_info
type record Comm_div_info_type {
XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
Comm_div_subs_info_type comm_div_subs_info optional,
Comm_div_ntfy_info_type comm_div_ntfy_info optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Comm_div_selection_criteria_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
User_selection_criteria_type originating_user_selection_criteria optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI diverting_user_selection_criteria optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI diverted_to_user_selection_criteria optional,
Time_range_selection_criteria_type diversion_time_selection_criteria optional,
Diversion_reason_selection_criteria_type diversion_reason_selection_criteria optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
with {
encode "CDIVN";
0,0 → 1,26
module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_mcid {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type record ResponseType {
BitType mcidResponseIndicator,
BitType holdingProvidedIndicator
type XSDAUX.string BitType;
type record Mcid {
union {
RequestType request,
ResponseType response
} choice
type record RequestType {
BitType mcidRequestIndicator,
BitType holdingIndicator
with {
encode "MCID";
0,0 → 1,290
module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_pstn {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type record PSTN_transit {
record length (1 .. 2) of BearerCapabilityType bearerInfomationElement_list,
record length (0 .. 2) of HighLayerCompatibilityType highLayerCompatibility_list optional,
LowLayerCompatibilityType lowLayerCompatibility optional,
record of ProgressIndicatorType progressIndicator_list optional,
record of DisplayType display__list optional
type XSDAUX.string SevenBitType;
type record LLOctet5aType {
OneBitType synchronousAsynchronous,
OneBitType negotiation,
FiveBitType userRate
type record LLOctet7aTR9577Type {
FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
type record LLOctet4Type {
TwoBitType transferMode,
FiveBitType informationTransferRate
type record LLOctet6aUserSpecificType {
SevenBitType userSpecificLayer2Information
type record LLOctet3aType {
OneBitType negotiationIndicator
type record BCOctet5Type {
TwoBitType layer1Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer1Protocol
type record BCOctet4Type {
TwoBitType transferMode,
FiveBitType informationTransferRate
type record BCOctet7Type {
TwoBitType layer3Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer3Protocol
type record BCOctet5bV120Type {
OneBitType rateAdaptionHeader,
OneBitType multipleFrameEstablishmentSupport,
OneBitType modeOfOperation,
OneBitType logicalLinkIdentifier,
OneBitType assignor,
OneBitType inbandOutbandNegotiation
type XSDAUX.string ThreeBitType;
type record LLOctet6aHDLCType {
TwoBitType mode
type record LLOctet7bTR9577Type {
FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
type record DisplayType {
DispOctet3Type dispOctet3
type record HLOctet3Type {
TwoBitType codingStandard,
ThreeBitType interpretation,
TwoBitType presentationMethod
type record LowLayerCompatibilityType {
LLOctet3Type lLOctet3,
LLOctet3aType lLOctet3a optional,
LLOctet4Type lLOctet4,
LLOctet4_1Type lLOctet4_1 optional,
LLOctet5Type lLOctet5 optional,
LLOctet5aType lLOctet5a optional,
LLOctet5bV110Type lLOctet5bV110 optional,
LLOctet5bV120Type lLOctet5bV120 optional,
LLOctet5cType lLOctet5c optional,
LLOctet5dType lLOctet5d optional,
LLOctet6Type lLOctet6 optional,
LLOctet6aHDLCType lLOctet6aHDLC optional,
LLOctet6aUserSpecificType lLOctet6aUserSpecific optional,
LLOctet6bType lLOctet6b optional,
LLOctet7Type lLOctet7,
LLOctet7aUserSpecificType lLOctet7aUserSpecific optional,
LLOctet7aX25Type lLOctet7aX25 optional,
LLOctet7bX25Type lLOctet7bX25 optional,
LLOctet7cType lLOctet7c optional,
LLOctet7aTR9577Type lLOctet7aTR9577 optional,
LLOctet7bTR9577Type lLOctet7bTR9577 optional
type record BCOctet5dType {
OneBitType duplexMode,
SixBitType modemType
type record BCOctet3Type {
TwoBitType codingStandard,
FiveBitType informationTransferCabability
type record LLOctet5bV120Type {
OneBitType rateAdaptionHeader,
OneBitType multipleFrameEstablishmentSupport,
OneBitType modeOfOperation,
OneBitType logicalLinkIdentifier,
OneBitType assignor,
OneBitType inbandOutbandNegotiation
type record LLOctet4_1Type {
SevenBitType rateMultiplier
type record LLOctet5dType {
OneBitType duplexMode,
SixBitType modemType
type XSDAUX.string FourBitType;
type record BCOctet5bV110Type {
TwoBitType intermediateRate,
OneBitType nIConTX,
OneBitType nIConRX,
OneBitType flowControlOnTX,
OneBitType flowControlOnRX
type record LLOctet3Type {
TwoBitType codingStandard,
FiveBitType informationTransferCapability
type record LLOctet7cType {
SevenBitType packetWindowSize
type record BCOctet5cType {
TwoBitType numberOfStopBits,
TwoBitType numberOfDataBits,
ThreeBitType parity
type record LLOctet6Type {
TwoBitType layer2Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer2Protocol
type record LLOctet7aX25Type {
TwoBitType mode
type record LLOctet7bX25Type {
FourBitType defaultPacketSize
type record HLOctet4aMaintenanceType {
SevenBitType highLayerCharacteristics
type record DispOctet3Type {
SevenBitType displayInformation
type record LLOctet6bType {
SevenBitType windowSize
type record BCOctet7bType {
FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
type record LLOctet5cType {
TwoBitType numberOfStopBits,
TwoBitType numberOfDataBits,
ThreeBitType parity
type record ProgressIndicatorType {
ProgressOctet3Type progressOctet3,
ProgressOctet4Type progressOctet4
type XSDAUX.string OneBitType;
type record LLOctet5Type {
TwoBitType layer1Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer1Protocol
type record ProgressOctet3Type {
TwoBitType codingStandard,
FourBitType location
type XSDAUX.string SixBitType;
type record LLOctet7Type {
TwoBitType layer3Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer3Protocol
type record LLOctet5bV110Type {
TwoBitType intermediateRate,
OneBitType nIConTX,
OneBitType nIConRX,
OneBitType flowControlOnTX,
OneBitType flowControlOnRX
type record BCOctet6Type {
TwoBitType layer2Identification,
FiveBitType userInfoLayer2Protocol
type record HLOctet4Type {
SevenBitType highLayerCharacteristics
type record BCOctet5aType {
OneBitType synchronousAsynchronous,
OneBitType negotiation,
FiveBitType userRate
type XSDAUX.string FiveBitType;
type XSDAUX.string TwoBitType;
type record HighLayerCompatibilityType {
HLOctet3Type hLOctet3,
HLOctet4Type hLOctet4,
HLOctet4aMaintenanceType hLOctet4aMaintenance optional,
HLOctet4aAudioType hLOctet4Audio optional
type record BearerCapabilityType {
BCOctet3Type bCoctet3,
BCOctet4Type bCoctet4,
BCOctet4_1Type bCoctet4_1 optional,
BCOctet5Type bCoctet5 optional,
BCOctet5aType bCoctet5a optional,
BCOctet5bV110Type bCoctet5bV110 optional,
BCOctet5bV120Type bCoctet5bV120 optional,
BCOctet5cType bCoctet5c optional,
BCOctet5dType bCoctet5d optional,
BCOctet6Type bCoctet6 optional,
BCOctet7Type bCoctet7 optional,
BCOctet7aType bCoctet7a optional,
BCOctet7bType bCoctet7b optional
type record HLOctet4aAudioType {
SevenBitType videoTelephonyCharacteristics
type record BCOctet7aType {
FourBitType additionalLayer3Info
type record ProgressOctet4Type {
SevenBitType progressDescription
type record BCOctet4_1Type {
SevenBitType rateMultiplier
type record LLOctet7aUserSpecificType {
SevenBitType optionalLayer3Information
with {
encode "PSTN";
0,0 → 1,202
module http_uri_etsi_org_ngn_params_xml_simservs_xcap {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy language "XSD" all;
type Empty_element_type Roaming;
type XSDAUX.string TwobitType;
* @desc
* This is the communication diversion configuration
type record Communication_diversion {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
type Empty_element_type Rule_deactivated;
type record SimservType {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional
type XSDAUX.hexBinary SixteenbitType;
type XSDAUX.string Presence_status_activity_type;
type SimservType AbsService;
type Empty_element_type Anonymous;
type Empty_element_type Busy;
type Allow_action_type Allow;
type enumerated Reveal_URIoptions_type {
* @desc
* XML Schema for data manipulation of ETSI
NGN PSTN/ISDN Simulation Services
type record Simservs {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of union {
SimservType absService,
Terminating_identity_presentation_restriction terminating_identity_presentation_restriction,
SimservType terminating_identity_presentation,
Originating_identity_presentation_restriction originating_identity_presentation_restriction,
SimservType originating_identity_presentation,
Communication_diversion communication_diversion,
Incoming_communication_barring incoming_communication_barring,
Outgoing_communication_barring outgoing_communication_barring
} choice optional,
record {
record of anytype elem_list optional
} extensions optional
type SimservType Originating_identity_presentation;
* @desc
* This is the outgoing communication barring configuration
type record Outgoing_communication_barring {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
type Media_type1 Media;
* @desc
* Terminating Identity presentation Restriction
type record Terminating_identity_presentation_restriction {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
enumerated {
} default_behaviour optional
type record Empty_element_type {
type Empty_element_type Not_reachable;
type Empty_element_type Communication_diverted;
type XSDAUX.integerXSD CugIndexType;
type XSDAUX.hexBinary NetworkIdentityType;
type record CugRequestType {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD outgoingAccessRequest,
CugIndexType cugIndex
type XSDAUX.string Media_type1;
* @desc
* Originating Identity presentation Restriction
type record Originating_identity_presentation_restriction {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
enumerated {
} default_behaviour optional
type XSDAUX.positiveInteger NoReplyTimer;
* @desc
* This is the incoming communication barring configuration
type record Incoming_communication_barring {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy.Ruleset ruleset optional
type XSDAUX.booleanXSD Allow_action_type;
type Presence_status_activity_type Presence_status;
type record Cug {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
CugRequestType cugCallOperation optional,
NetworkIdentityType networkIndicator optional,
SixteenbitType cugInterlockBinaryCode optional,
TwobitType cugCommunicationIndicator optional
type Empty_element_type No_answer;
type SimservType Terminating_identity_presentation;
type Forward_to_type Forward_to;
type Empty_element_type Not_registered;
type record Forward_to_type {
XSDAUX.anyURI target,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_caller optional,
Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_identity_to_caller optional,
Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_served_user_identity_to_caller optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_served_user optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD notify_served_user_on_outbound_call optional,
Reveal_URIoptions_type reveal_identity_to_target optional,
NoReplyTimer noReplyTimer optional
with {
encode "SupplementaryServices";
0,0 → 1,30
module http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type union Lang {
XSDAUX.languageXSD alt_0,
enumerated {
} alt_1
type XSDAUX.anyURI Base;
type XSDAUX.ID Id;
type record SpecialAttrs {
Base base optional,
Lang lang optional,
Space space optional,
Id id optional
type enumerated Space {
with {
encode "xml";
0,0 → 1,19
module urn_3gpp_ns_cw_1_0 {
type TCWtype Ims_cw;
type record TCWtype {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
TEmptyType communication_waiting_indication optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record TEmptyType {
with {
encode "cw";
0,0 → 1,68
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_common_policy {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type record SphereType {
XSDAUX.string value_
type record ExtensibleType {
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Ruleset {
record of RuleType rule_list optional
type record RuleType {
ConditionsType conditions optional,
ExtensibleType actions optional,
ExtensibleType transformations optional
type record ConditionsType {
record length (1 .. infinity) of union {
IdentityType identity,
SphereType sphere,
ValidityType validity,
record of anytype elem_list
} content optional
type record ManyType {
XSDAUX.string domain optional,
record of union {
ExceptType except_,
anytype elem
} content optional
type record ValidityType {
record length (1 .. infinity) of record {
XSDAUX.dateTime from_,
XSDAUX.dateTime until
} content
type record IdentityType {
record length (1 .. infinity) of union {
OneType one,
ManyType many,
anytype elem
} content
type record OneType {
anytype elem optional
type record ExceptType {
XSDAUX.string domain optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI id optional
with {
encode "common_policy";
0,0 → 1,256
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_conference_info {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type enumerated Endpoint_status_type {
type record Users_type {
State_type state optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of User_type user_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record of XSDAUX.string Keywords_type;
type enumerated State_type {
type record Conference_media_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record length (1 .. infinity) of Conference_medium_type entry_list
type record Endpoint_type {
XSDAUX.string entity optional,
State_type state optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
Execution_type referred optional,
Endpoint_status_type status optional,
Joining_type joining_method optional,
Execution_type joining_info optional,
Disconnection_type disconnection_method optional,
Execution_type disconnection_info optional,
record of Media_type media_list optional,
Call_type call_info optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Sip_dialog_id_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.string call_id,
XSDAUX.string from_tag,
XSDAUX.string to_tag,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Conference_description_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.string subject optional,
XSDAUX.string free_text optional,
Keywords_type keywords optional,
Uris_type conf_uris optional,
Uris_type service_uris optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedInt maximum_user_count optional,
Conference_media_type available_media optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type Conference_type Conference_info;
type record Conference_state_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedInt user_count optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD active optional,
XSDAUX.booleanXSD locked optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Conference_type {
XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
State_type state optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedInt version optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Conference_description_type conference_description optional,
Host_type host_info optional,
Conference_state_type conference_state optional,
Users_type users optional,
Uris_type sidebars_by_ref optional,
Sidebars_by_val_type sidebars_by_val optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Uri_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.string purpose optional,
Execution_type modified optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Host_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI web_page optional,
Uris_type uris optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record of XSDAUX.languageXSD User_languages_type;
type record Uris_type {
State_type state optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record length (1 .. infinity) of Uri_type entry_list
type record Execution_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.dateTime when optional,
XSDAUX.string reason optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI by optional
type enumerated Media_status_type {
type record User_type {
XSDAUX.anyURI entity optional,
State_type state optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
Uris_type associated_aors optional,
User_roles_type roles optional,
User_languages_type languages optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI cascaded_focus optional,
record of Endpoint_type endpoint_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Media_type {
XSDAUX.string id,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.string type_ optional,
XSDAUX.string label_ optional,
XSDAUX.string src_id optional,
Media_status_type status optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Call_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
union {
Sip_dialog_id_type sip,
record of anytype elem_list
} choice optional
type record Conference_medium_type {
XSDAUX.string label_,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
XSDAUX.string display_text optional,
XSDAUX.string type_,
Media_status_type status optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Sidebars_by_val_type {
State_type state optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record of Conference_type entry_list optional
type enumerated Disconnection_type {
type enumerated Joining_type {
type record User_roles_type {
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record length (1 .. infinity) of XSDAUX.string entry_list
with {
encode "CONF";
0,0 → 1,50
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
type record Tuple {
Status status,
record of anytype elem_list optional,
Contact contact optional,
record of Note note_list optional,
XSDAUX.dateTime timestamp optional
type record Status {
Basic basic optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type enumerated Basic {
type XSDAUX.booleanXSD MustUnderstand;
type record Presence_1 {
XSDAUX.anyURI entity,
record of Tuple tuple_list optional,
record of Note note_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Contact {
Qvalue priority optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI content
type record Note {
http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
XSDAUX.string content
type Presence_1 Presence;
type XSDAUX.decimal Qvalue;
with {
encode "pidf";
0,0 → 1,34
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10 {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy language "XSD" all;
import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
type record Geopriv_1 {
LocInfoType location_info,
urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy.LocPolicyType usage_rules,
LocMethod method optional,
LocProvidedBy provided_by optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record LocInfoType {
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record LocProvidedBy {
record length (1 .. infinity) of anytype elem_list
type Geopriv_1 Geopriv;
type record LocMethod {
http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
XSDAUX.string content
with {
encode "pidf_lo";
0,0 → 1,22
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_pidf_geopriv10_basicPolicy {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
type record LocPolicyType {
XSDAUX.booleanXSD retransmission_allowed optional,
XSDAUX.dateTime retention_expiry optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI external_ruleset optional,
Notewell note_well optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Notewell {
http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
XSDAUX.string content
with {
encode "geopriv10basic";
0,0 → 1,66
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_reginfo {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
type record Reginfo {
XSDAUX.nonNegativeInteger version,
enumerated {
} state,
record of Registration registration_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Registration {
XSDAUX.anyURI aor,
XSDAUX.string id,
enumerated {
} state,
record of Contact contact_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Contact {
enumerated {
} state,
enumerated {
} event,
XSDAUX.unsignedLong duration_registered optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedLong expires optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedLong retry_after optional,
XSDAUX.string id,
XSDAUX.string q optional,
XSDAUX.string callid optional,
XSDAUX.unsignedLong cseq optional,
XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
record {
http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
XSDAUX.string content
} display_name optional,
record of record {
XSDAUX.string name,
XSDAUX.string content
} unknown_param_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
with {
encode "regInfo";
0,0 → 1,86
module urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_resource_lists {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
import from http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace language "XSD" all;
type record Entry_refType {
XSDAUX.anyURI ref,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Display_nameType display_name optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record EntryType {
XSDAUX.anyURI uri,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
record {
Display_nameType content
} display_name optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record ListType {
XSDAUX.string name optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Display_nameType display_name optional,
record of record {
union {
record {
XSDAUX.string name optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Display_nameType display_name optional,
record of record {
union {
ListType.sequence_list[0].choice.list list,
ExternalType external_,
EntryType entry,
Entry_refType entry_ref
} choice
} sequence_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
} list,
ExternalType external_,
EntryType entry,
Entry_refType entry_ref
} choice
} sequence_list optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record ExternalType {
XSDAUX.anyURI anchor optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional,
Display_nameType display_name optional,
record of anytype elem_list optional
type record Resource_lists {
record of record {
ListType list
} sequence_list optional
type record Display_nameType {
http_www_w3_org_XML_1998_namespace.Lang lang optional,
XSDAUX.string content
with {
encode "ResourceList";
0,0 → 1,26
module urn_oma_xml_xdm_common_policy {
import from XSDAUX language "TTCN-3:2010" all;
type record External_list {
record of AnchorType entry_list optional
type EmptyType Anonymous_request;
type EmptyType Other_identity;
type record EmptyType {
type record AnchorType {
XSDAUX.anyURI anc optional,
record of record {
charstring name,
anytype value_
} anyAttributes optional
with {
encode "xdm_commonPolicy_v1_0";