ETSI's Bug Tracker - Part 05: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface
View Issue Details
0000829Part 05: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface New Featurepublic12-03-2007 16:0312-12-2008 12:03
Mateusz Pusz 
v3.2.1 (published 2007-02) 
v4.1.1 (published 2009-06) 
Mateusz Pusz, Intel
0000829: C++ language mapping
C++ language mapping will be welcomed
In general current Java and ANSI C language looks like this:

         JAVA | ANSI C
good object oriented design | object oriented design simulation
slow solution | very fast solution

Java is very strong language for development. Its inteface is object oriented and well defined. The weakest point of Java solution is its performance.

ANSI C solution should be very fast but it does not support object oriented design. Because of that there are many problems with memory management (it is not defined who allocates and who frees memory - it may be performance problem too), lack of constants (i.e. 'String' defined as 'char *' - library users can overwrite string and cause library to segfault; event when 'const' is used with TRI structs like 'BinaryString' all pointed values can be modified) and lack of abstract data typing (i.e. TciValue, TciType).

It would be great to provide C++ language mapping. It will be strong solution that will contain best from existing definitions: it will be object oriented, safe in 'const' meaning, address all memory management problems and will be very fast.
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related to 0003796closed Ina Schieferdecker Part 05: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface  C++ Mapping for TRI 
related to 0004253closed Ina Schieferdecker Part 06: TTCN-3 Control Interface C++ Mapping for TCI 
Issue History
12-03-2007 16:03Mateusz PuszNew Issue
12-03-2007 16:03Mateusz PuszClause Reference(s) => TCI, TRI
12-03-2007 16:03Mateusz PuszSource (company - Author) => Mateusz Pusz, Intel
15-06-2007 19:12Stephan SchulzStatusnew => assigned
15-06-2007 19:12Stephan SchulzAssigned To => Ina Schieferdecker
13-10-2007 18:47Ina SchieferdeckerAssigned ToIna Schieferdecker =>
13-10-2007 18:52Ina SchieferdeckerStatusassigned => new
18-10-2007 13:30Ina SchieferdeckerStatusnew => feedback
18-10-2007 13:32Ina SchieferdeckerNote Added: 0003693
13-08-2008 10:24Ina SchieferdeckerNote Added: 0006508
13-08-2008 10:24Ina SchieferdeckerStatusfeedback => closed
13-08-2008 10:24Ina SchieferdeckerResolutionopen => won't fix
12-12-2008 12:01Ina SchieferdeckerProjectTTCN-3 Change Requests => Part 05: TTCN-3 Runtime Interface
12-12-2008 12:02Ina SchieferdeckerResolutionwon't fix => suspended
12-12-2008 12:02Ina SchieferdeckerProduct Version => Edition 3.2.1
12-12-2008 12:02Ina SchieferdeckerTarget Version => Edition 4.1.1 (not yet published)
12-12-2008 12:02Ina SchieferdeckerRelationship addedrelated to 0003796
12-12-2008 12:03Ina SchieferdeckerRelationship addedrelated to 0004253

Ina Schieferdecker   
18-10-2007 13:32   
This would definitely be a useful extension, but it would only be included along a rather complete CR solution proposal by the submitter.
Ina Schieferdecker   
13-08-2008 10:24   
No feedback being received.