ETSI's Bug Tracker - SOL003 - Or-Vnfm protocols spec
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0008204SOL003 - Or-Vnfm protocols spec[NFV Specifications] Editorialpublic08-05-2023 14:4210-05-2024 07:27
Sujeet Banerjee 
Yinan Liu 
normalminorhave not tried
0008204: [4.3.1] [Section] Conflicting definition of the attribute "vimConnectionId" in VimComputeResourceFlavor definition
The section reads, "If the VIM requires the use of virtual compute resource flavours during compute resource instantiation, it is assumed that such flavours are selected or created by the NFVO based on the information in the virtual compute descriptor defined in the VNFD".

Which means, this is a structure that could be used even in a state where there is no VNF-instance present. However, the table "Table" defines the attribute of the data type VimComputeResourceFlavour, as:

vimConnectionId Identifier --> 0..1 -->

"Identifier of the VIM connection to access the flavour referenced in this structure.

The applicable "VimConnectionInfo" structure, which is
referenced by vimConnectionId, can be obtained from the
"vimConnectionInfo" attribute of the "VnfInstance" structure.
... "

The above description infers the attribute "vimConnectionInfo" can be fetched from a "VnfInstance" which may not exist in the system yet.
Need clear examples and description of where/how can one fetch the value of "vimConnectionId" for VIMs (or CISM) where the Vnf Instance may not exist yet.
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Issue History
08-05-2023 14:42Sujeet BanerjeeNew Issue
08-05-2023 14:46Sujeet BanerjeeNote Added: 0016475
06-06-2023 10:47Yinan LiuFile Added: NFVSOL(23)000194_SOL003ed451_Bug008203_statement_correction_in_clause_5_4_3_3.docx
06-06-2023 10:48Yinan LiuNote Added: 0016479
06-06-2023 10:49Yinan LiuFile Deleted: NFVSOL(23)000194_SOL003ed451_Bug008203_statement_correction_in_clause_5_4_3_3.docx
06-06-2023 10:49Yinan LiuNote Deleted: 0016479
11-09-2023 02:30Yinan LiuNote Added: 0016526
11-09-2023 02:58Yinan LiuNote Edited: 0016526bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=16526#r619
11-09-2023 06:21Sujeet BanerjeeNote Added: 0016527
19-09-2023 11:09Yinan LiuNote Added: 0016528
19-09-2023 11:10Yinan LiuAssigned To => Yinan Liu
19-09-2023 11:10Yinan LiuStatusnew => resolved
19-09-2023 11:10Yinan LiuResolutionopen => fixed
10-05-2024 07:27Yuya KunoNote Added: 0016646
10-05-2024 07:27Yuya KunoStatusresolved => closed

Sujeet Banerjee   
08-05-2023 14:46   
Same issue for the section " Type: VimSoftwareImage"
Yinan Liu   
11-09-2023 02:30   
(edited on: 11-09-2023 02:58)
I have created NFVSOL(23)000296r1 assingd to SOL#260(NFV#43) to resolve this issue.

In this contribution, I add a condition "when VimConnectionInfo is available" for the case that VnfInstance exists and vimConnectionId is obtained from VnfInstance->VimConnectionInfo.

Could you check whether you have additional comments? I plan to make this issue resolved after this contribution is approved by NFVSOL.

Sujeet Banerjee   
11-09-2023 06:21   
Looks good. Thanks.
Yinan Liu   
19-09-2023 11:09   
NFVSOL(23)000296r1 has been approved on SOL#260(NFV#43) day1 AM2. The SOL#260 report also marks issue ID8204 as CLOSED. Therefore, I change the stutas to RESOLVED.
Yuya Kuno   
10-05-2024 07:27   
No issue for long time after resolved.