ETSI's Bug Tracker - TTCN-3 Change Requests
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0008195TTCN-3 Change RequestsEditorialpublic20-01-2023 13:3819-03-2024 09:40
Matthias Simon 
Jens Grabowski 
normalminorhave not tried
Nokia - Matthias Simon
0008195: Make specification updates easier to find
The TTCN-3 specification is a constantly evolving standard, making it sometimes difficult for users to find and understand the changes made.

To solve this problem, I propose making the diffs of changes easier to find and providing release notes that summarize the changes, new features and any other important information.

This will make it easier for users to familiarize themselves with the updated standard, and for vendors to implement the changes.
No tags attached.
docx CR8195-release-notes.docx (14,292) 19-03-2024 09:38
Issue History
20-01-2023 13:38Matthias SimonNew Issue
05-09-2023 09:57Jens GrabowskiAssigned To => Axel Rennoch
05-09-2023 09:57Jens GrabowskiStatusnew => assigned
05-09-2023 10:01Jens GrabowskiNote Added: 0016517
19-03-2024 09:38Axel RennochFile Added: CR8195-release-notes.docx
19-03-2024 09:39Axel RennochNote Added: 0016621
19-03-2024 09:40Axel RennochAssigned ToAxel Rennoch => Jens Grabowski
19-03-2024 09:40Axel RennochStatusassigned => acknowledged

Jens Grabowski   
05-09-2023 10:01   
TTF discussion: Axel will provide release notes on the TTCN-3 Web page based on latest draft before editing/voting/publication.
Axel Rennoch   
19-03-2024 09:39   
Release notes for upcoming TTCN-3 core notation (part 1) have been uploaded.