ETSI's Bug Tracker - SOL001 - TOSCA-based NFV descriptors spec
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0008129SOL001 - TOSCA-based NFV descriptors spec[NFV Specifications] Feature Gappublic16-09-2022 07:5721-05-2024 15:32
Sujeet Banerjee 
normalminorhave not tried
0008129: [V4.3.1] [Table] "NOTE2" Discrepancy: does not support all use cases for HelmCharts
Current state of the note2 in the document:

NOTE 2: The "container"namespace" is only applicable when the targets of the policy are exclusively nodes of type

This is a problem because, some Helm-Charts may have the intent to create OS-containers that would be deployed in more than one Kubernetes namespace. So, "container_namespace" must be allowed at VDU level as well.
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Issue History
16-09-2022 07:57Sujeet BanerjeeNew Issue
15-12-2022 09:18Sujeet BanerjeeIssue cloned: 0008178
15-05-2024 14:23lishiNote Added: 0016655
21-05-2024 15:32Sujeet BanerjeeNote Added: 0016660

15-05-2024 14:23   
My understanding is that the namespace related to VDU is defined inside MCIOP (e.g. Helm chart), it is not applicable for MANO to manage something inside MCIOP.
Sujeet Banerjee   
21-05-2024 15:32   
@lishi, Did you mean MANO would have no control over the namespaces that would be deployed by the Helm-charts?

If that were true, then how would the orchestrator control VDUs that have affinity or/and anti-affinity rules over namespaces defined in the VNFD??