ETSI's Bug Tracker - IFA008 - Ve-Vnfm ref point Spec
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0008124IFA008 - Ve-Vnfm ref point Spec[NFV Specifications] Bugpublic15-09-2022 09:4310-11-2022 02:02
Sujeet Banerjee 
normalminorhave not tried
0008124: [V4.3.1] [Section] SupportedIndicatorInformation Info Element does not provide the 'subscription' information
There is no way for the subscriber to know which 'subscription' is causing the Event notifications from the source. This would be a handicap in scenarios where the subscription.filter needs to be changed for optimizations or to temporarily halt the flooding of notifications to the subscriber. The fallback might be to fetch all the "subscriptions" and do joins based on the indicatorId - which could hamper the performance of the client.
Suggestion: Include an optional property 'subscriptionId' in the "SupportedIndicatorInformation" Information Element.
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Issue History
15-09-2022 09:43Sujeet BanerjeeNew Issue
11-10-2022 18:44kalyanNote Added: 0016256
10-11-2022 02:02lishiNote Added: 0016283
10-11-2022 02:02lishiAssigned To => lishi
10-11-2022 02:02lishiStatusnew => resolved
10-11-2022 02:02lishiResolutionopen => fixed
15-12-2022 09:18Sujeet BanerjeeIssue cloned: 0008167

11-10-2022 18:44   
SubscriptionID is captured in the corresponding Stage 3 specifications (SOL002) in section in Type: SupportedIndicatorsChangeNotification
So its not intended to be present in IFA008.(Stage 2)
10-11-2022 02:02   
should refer to SOL002