ETSI's Bug Tracker - Part-4 Test objectives
View Issue Details
0008077Part-4 Test objectives[TDL] Technicalpublic17-01-2022 12:0117-01-2022 12:01
Philip Makedonski 
Philip Makedonski 
normalminorhave not tried
[TDL] Part-4 V1.4.1 
[TDL] Part-4 V1.5.1[TDL] Part-4 V1.5.1 
0008077: ArgumentSpecification does not exist anymore, shall be updated to ParameterBinding
The ArgumentSpecification element does not exist anymore, it shall be updated to ParameterBinding.
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Issue History
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiNew Issue
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiStatusnew => assigned
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiAssigned To => Philip Makedonski
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiNote Added: 0016151
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiStatusassigned => resolved
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiFixed in Version => [TDL] Part-4 V1.5.1
17-01-2022 12:01Philip MakedonskiResolutionopen => fixed

Philip Makedonski   
17-01-2022 12:01   
Updated accordingly.