ETSI's Bug Tracker - Part-1 Metamodel
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0007944Part-1 Metamodel[TDL] Editorialpublic10-05-2020 20:5110-05-2020 20:51
Philip Makedonski 
Philip Makedonski 
normalminorhave not tried
[TDL] Part-1 V1.4.1 
0007944: Update Figure 4.2 in part 1 and TR
Figure 4.2 in part 1 and the corresponding related figure in the TR are not aligned and a bit outdated.
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Issue History
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiNew Issue
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiStatusnew => assigned
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiAssigned To => Philip Makedonski
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiNote Added: 0015639
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiStatusassigned => resolved
10-05-2020 20:51Philip MakedonskiResolutionopen => fixed

Philip Makedonski   
10-05-2020 20:51   
Figures are updated.