ETSI's Bug Tracker - Part-4 Test objectives
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0007810Part-4 Test objectives[TDL] New Featurepublic11-10-2018 15:4611-03-2020 22:37
Alexander Kaiser 
Finn Kristoffersen 
normalminorhave not tried
0007810: TP grouping
During the specification of Test Purposes for the IoT-Testware we experienced the lack of the possibility to group Test Purposes. Although in ES 203 119-4 a keyword "Group" is specified, the semantic behind does not fit our needs (please find attached sample).

Due to that, we are missing the possibility to reflect the specified TSS properly within the TPs. Especially in combination with the "Word document export feature", the generated TP tables are in a flat structure. Though, we intend to reflect the TSS within TPs section in the final document (e.g. TS 103 192-2 chapter 7.2)

Using the approach of defining Test Purposes in TDL-TO and publishing them as Technical Specifications afterwards, adds a tedious manual and error-prone step (and probably a second one on reviewing before publishing).

Btw. in the next step of our process (implementation in TTCN-3) a group feature already exists.
The attached mqtt_samples.tplan2 was used to check the Group-Keyword.
This one might help to illustrate our need for Grouping.
No tags attached.
? mqtt_samples.tplan2 (2,206) 11-10-2018 15:46
Issue History
11-10-2018 15:46Alexander KaiserNew Issue
11-10-2018 15:46Alexander KaiserFile Added: mqtt_samples.tplan2
05-12-2019 10:38Philip MakedonskiAssigned To => Finn Kristoffersen
05-12-2019 10:38Philip MakedonskiStatusnew => assigned
31-01-2020 15:08Philip MakedonskiNote Added: 0015611
11-03-2020 22:37Finn KristoffersenNote Added: 0015615
11-03-2020 22:37Finn KristoffersenStatusassigned => resolved

Philip Makedonski   
31-01-2020 15:08   
We need some further information regarding the desired change:

"During the specification of Test Purposes for the IoT-Testware we experienced the lack of the possibility to group Test Purposes. Although in ES 203 119-4 a keyword "Group" is specified, the semantic behind does not fit our needs (please find attached sample)."

The semantic behind it is that of grouping related elements in a package ("Group" is a concrete syntax representation for "Package"). In which way does it not fit the needs? What other semantics is required for groups?

"Due to that, we are missing the possibility to reflect the specified TSS properly within the TPs. Especially in combination with the "Word document export feature", the generated TP tables are in a flat structure. Though, we intend to reflect the TSS within TPs section in the final document (e.g. TS 103 192-2 chapter 7.2)"

This seems like a tooling issue. From what I understand, the group / package structure shall be translated to headings structure in the output document. This can be arranged within the tool implementation, not sure there is a need for a language change based on the description above.

"Using the approach of defining Test Purposes in TDL-TO and publishing them as Technical Specifications afterwards, adds a tedious manual and error-prone step (and probably a second one on reviewing before publishing)."

Looking at TS 103 192-2 chapter 7.2, there seems to be a lot of content beyond what is provided by TDL-TO so manual steps are probably necessary in any case. Could you provide more detail of what your desired input should look like and what your desired output shall be? That would be very helpful for the team to determine the exact features that need to be added to both the language and the tooling in order to streamline your work.
Finn Kristoffersen   
11-03-2020 22:37   
After consultation with the reporter the issue is solved by adding
support for collapse and expand "Group" blocks in the TDL textual
editor and add translation of the group concept to headings in the
generated output Word document from TDL-TO specifications.