ETSI's Bug Tracker - eCall HLAP
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0007759eCall HLAPTTCN-3public16-04-2018 16:0416-04-2018 16:09
Jemy Jacob 
highmajorhave not tried
0007759: Compilation Errors for AtsECall_IVS_Testcases.ttcn
Message type `@LibItsECall_TypesAndValues.CallAcceptCmd' is not present on the outgoing list of port type `@LibItsECall_TestSystem.CallControlPort'
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Issue History
16-04-2018 16:04Jemy JacobNew Issue
16-04-2018 16:08Jemy JacobNote Added: 0015084

Jemy Jacob   
16-04-2018 16:08   
I am using the latest version of the test suites