ETSI's Bug Tracker - IFA005 - Or-Vi interface and IM
View Issue Details
0007691IFA005 - Or-Vi interface and IM[NFV Specifications] Bugpublic04-07-2017 16:1604-03-2022 05:04
Gergely Csatari 
normalminorhave not tried
v2.1.1 (published) 
0007691: 7.7.5 Subscribe operation table headers are not correct
The table heades in 7.7.5 Subscribe operation are talking about "Delete PM Job operation".
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Issue History
04-07-2017 16:16Gergely CsatariNew Issue
04-03-2022 05:04xiahaNote Added: 0016187
04-03-2022 05:04xiahaAssigned To => xiaha
04-03-2022 05:04xiahaStatusnew => resolved
04-03-2022 05:04xiahaResolutionopen => fixed

04-03-2022 05:04   
Error corrected by IFA005ed371 CR NFVIFA(22)000095.