ETSI's Bug Tracker - TST001 - Pre-deployment Validation report
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0007284TST001 - Pre-deployment Validation report[NFV Specifications] Clarificationpublic05-01-2016 17:4316-01-2016 15:59
Silvia Almagia 
Rajesh Rajamani 
normalminorhave not tried
0007284: Review Scope
Is the current Scope up-to-date and complete?
Scope should be brief and concise, but still describe the final scope of the document.
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Issue History
05-01-2016 17:43Silvia AlmagiaNew Issue
07-01-2016 11:24Silvia AlmagiaAssigned To => Rajesh Rajamani
07-01-2016 11:24Silvia AlmagiaStatusnew => assigned
07-01-2016 11:24Silvia AlmagiaNote Added: 0013669
16-01-2016 15:59Rajesh RajamaniNote Added: 0013715
16-01-2016 15:59Rajesh RajamaniStatusassigned => resolved
16-01-2016 15:59Rajesh RajamaniResolutionopen => fixed
16-01-2016 15:59Rajesh RajamaniFixed in Version => V0.1.4
16-01-2016 15:59Rajesh RajamaniTarget Version => V0.1.4

Silvia Almagia   
07-01-2016 11:24   
Consider comments in NFVTST(16)000001r2.
Rajesh Rajamani   
16-01-2016 15:59   
Current scope has been clarified to reflect the contents of the document and the current consensus among TST WG members