ETSI's Bug Tracker - DENM
View Issue Details
0006912DENMATSpublic05-03-2015 11:3928-04-2015 09:56
Alexandre Berge 
normalminorhave not tried
0006912: TC_DEN_EVTR_BO_06: own station id is not used directly
TP saying own stationID, however it is not used directly.
No tags attached.
Issue History
05-03-2015 11:39tepelmannNew Issue
05-03-2015 11:40tepelmannNote Added: 0012819
05-03-2015 11:40tepelmannAssigned To => tepelmann
05-03-2015 11:40tepelmannStatusnew => feedback
05-03-2015 11:40tepelmannAssigned Totepelmann => Alexandre Berge
05-03-2015 11:40tepelmannStatusfeedback => assigned
28-04-2015 09:56Alexandre BergeStatusassigned => resolved
28-04-2015 09:56Alexandre BergeResolutionopen => fixed

05-03-2015 11:40   
Fixed and using now the own station id.

Need to be reviewed.