ETSI's Bug Tracker - eCall HLAP
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0006808eCall HLAPTTCN-3public05-11-2014 13:3213-11-2014 15:29
Sebastian Muellers 
Cosmin Mogos 
normalminorhave not tried
0006808: Usage of timers
For the present ATS there is no need for PIXIT values these are fixed.
Timers incl. values are specified in CEN EN 16062 Annex A. There are no value ranges.
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Issue History
05-11-2014 13:32Sebastian MuellersNew Issue
05-11-2014 13:32Sebastian MuellersNote Added: 0012429
05-11-2014 13:33Sebastian MuellersNote Added: 0012430
12-11-2014 10:17Sebastian MuellersNote Added: 0012501
12-11-2014 16:41Sebastian MuellersAssigned To => Cosmin Mogos
12-11-2014 16:41Sebastian MuellersStatusnew => assigned
13-11-2014 15:29Cosmin MogosStatusassigned => resolved
13-11-2014 15:29Cosmin MogosResolutionopen => fixed

Sebastian Muellers   
05-11-2014 13:32   
The default value of the PIXIT timer parameters are in line with the document. For conformance these values shall not be changed but for some other test it is very useful to have the possibility to change these values.
Sebastian Muellers   
05-11-2014 13:33   
other purposes are out of scope ! We have no budget for oos. If you would allow for oos where would you draw the line ?
Sebastian Muellers   
12-11-2014 10:17   
please delete pixits and add constanst instead.