ETSI's Bug Tracker - IPv6 Testing RQ Catalogue
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0002722IPv6 Testing RQ CatalogueRequirementpublic16-01-2008 10:2016-01-2008 10:54
Alexandre Berge 
Alexandre Berge 
0002722: RQ_002_2009 and RQ_002_2010 have nothing to do with multicast.
RQ_002_2009_01 has nothing to do with multicast, and is quite easy: discard AH packets not matching any SA.
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related to 0000488resolved Cesar Olvera IPv6 Testing Conformance (TTCN3 + TPs) TP_SEC_2009_01 is not validated because the TP description 
Issue History
16-01-2008 10:20Alexandre BergeNew Issue
16-01-2008 10:21Alexandre BergeRelationship addedrelated to 0000488
16-01-2008 10:21Alexandre BergeStatusnew => assigned
16-01-2008 10:21Alexandre BergeAssigned To => Alexandre Berge
16-01-2008 10:22Alexandre BergeProjectIPv6 Testing => IPv6 Testing RQ Catalogue
16-01-2008 10:54Alexandre BergeStatusassigned => resolved
16-01-2008 10:54Alexandre BergeResolutionopen => fixed
16-01-2008 10:54Alexandre BergeNote Added: 0004675

Alexandre Berge   
16-01-2008 10:54   
RQs fixed