From: Dieter Hogrefe [] Sent: lundi 2 juin 2008 10:37 To: Laurent Vreck; Ina Schieferdecker_Internet; György Réthy_Internet; Anthony Wiles Subject: [Fwd: RE: [ref9281E] ITU-T Recommendation Z.165 (13.11.2007) editorial problems] ... can someone please look at it and anser this? BR, Dieter -------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: RE: [ref9281E] ITU-T Recommendation Z.165 (13.11.2007) editorial problems Datum: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:31:09 +0200 Von: An: CC: , , , , , Referenzen: <> Hello Dieter, As editor of Z.165, please find below some questions about Z.165 identified by the TSB editing team. I'll appreciate very much your help to answer them ASAP. With my best regards, Xiaoya _____________________________________________ *From: * Gachet, Christelle *Sent: * Monday, June 02, 2008 7:29 *To: * Yang, Xiaoya; Sebek, Boguslaw Georges *Cc: * TSBSG17, ITU; PEPedit, ITU; Trabulsi, Sami; Ratta, Greg *Subject: * [ref9281E] ITU-T Recommendation Z.165 (13.11.2007) editorial problems *Importance: * High Hello Xiaoya, Please find below my questions: 1) Clause, in the definitions of "Return Value" and "Effect", should the term "triRaise" be replaced by "triRaiseBC" ? 2) Clause, in the definitions of "Return Value" and "Effect", should the term "triRaise" be replaced by "triRaiseMC" ? 3) Clause 5.6.1, is the following edit correct: "The triResetSA_ triPAReset_ operation returns/ TRI_OK/ in case the operation has been performed successfully,/ TRI_Error/ otherwise." 4) Clause, is the following edit correct: // TRI IDL TriComponentIdType package org.etsi.ttcn.tri; public interface TriComponentId { public String getComponentId(); public String getComponentName(); public String getComponentTypeName(); public TriPortIdList getPortList(); public boolean equals(TriComponentId port___component_); } 5) Clause, is the following edit correct: "Compares message with this TriMessage for equality. Returns true if and only if_ both messages_ have the same encoded representation, false otherwise." 6) Clause, is the following edit correct: "Compares address with this TriAddress for equality. Returns true if and only if_ both addresses_ have the same encoded representation, false otherwise. 7) Clause, is the following edit correct: setEncodedMessage___Exception_(byte[] exc) Sets the encoded exception representation of this TriException to exc. 8) Clause, is the following edit correct: // Message based communication operations // Ref: TRI­Definition public TriStatus triSend(TriComponentId componentId, TriPortId tsiPortId, TriAddress_ SUT_address, TriMessage sendMessage); // Ref: TRI­Definition public TriStatus triSendBC(TriComponentId componentId, TriPortId tsiPortId, TriMessage sendMessage); // Ref: TRI­Definition public TriStatus triSendMC(TriComponentId componentId, TriPortId tsiPortId, TriAddressList_ SUT_addresses, TriMessage sendMessage); 9) Clause, is the following edit correct: // Ref: TRI­Definition public void triEnqueueReply(TriPortId tsiPortId, TriAddress_ SUT_address, TriComponentId componentId, TriSignatureId signatureId, TriParameterList parameterList, TriParameter returnValue); Thanks