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View Revisions: Issue #8118 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0008118: [MCIOP] [Section 6.8.14] Does not specify if the Helm chart maps to a multitude of OSContainers
Revision 01-11-2022 01:09 by lishi
Description Section [OsContainer]

One OsContainerDeployableUnit (VDU) links to only one OsContainer, which in turn can specify only one artifact of type 'tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage'

Section 6.8.14 [MCIOP]
'tosca.artifacts.nfv.HelmChart' may point to an archive of helm-chart. 'associatedVdu' may point to 1 or more VDUs associated to the helm-chart.

CLARIFICAITON-1: The Helm chart has its own set of declarative intents which a Kubernetes can interpret and deploy. Then why does the VNFD need to specify the associated VDUs again. How is MANO supposed to control the behavior of Helm-Chart deployment on Kubernetes (which is scripted in the helm-charts), based on the VNDF.VDU definitions?

CLARIFICAITON-2: What if the helm archive (artifact) internally specifies more Containers/Pods than what is defined in the VNFD (VDUs)? How does one define 'dependencies' and 'affinity / anti-affinity' in the VNFD in those cases?

Revision 12-09-2022 09:25 by Sujeet Banerjee
Section [OsContainer]

One OsContainerDeployableUnit (VDU) links to only one OsContainer, which in turn can specify only one artifact of type 'tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage'

Section 6.8.14 [MCIOP]
'tosca.artifacts.nfv.HelmChart' may point to an archive of helm-chart. 'associatedVdu' may point to 1 or more VDUs associated to the helm-chart.

CLARIFICAITON-1: The Helm chart has its own set of declarative intents which a Kubernetes can interpret and deploy. Then why does the VNFD need to specify the associated VDUs again. How is MANO supposed to control the behavior of Helm-Chart deployment on Kubernetes (which is scripted in the helm-charts), based on the VNDF.VDU definitions?

CLARIFICAITON-2: What if the helm archive (artifact) internally specifies more Containers/Pods than what is defined in the VNFD (VDUs)? How does one define 'dependencies' and 'affinity / anti-affinity' in the VNFD in those cases?

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